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How can foreigners report corruption?


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I totally sympathise with your frustration, particularly the monumental amount of corruption that goes on in Thailand. One estimate put it at about 30% of GDP is lost per annum. However, you need to look at the causes. The most criticised body of authority is the Police, but if they were paid a decent wage, they would not need to go down that road. Many in positions of authority supplement their income through "bribes" in various shapes and form. I know of one case where the parent's of a top student in the Amphor paid, wined and dined and holidayed The Principal, for her to get a place in one of the top Government Schools. The Girl had already passed the exam with flying colours and is so cerebrally endowed, she has now gone on to University to study as a Medical Doctor. It becomes even more frustrating when a Poll implied that 60%+ of Thais considered corruption "okay", prividing it benefited them. My advice, my Friend is to swallow what clearly is to you, a bitter pill and enjoy this lovely Country for all the other positives it brings. If it is too much, you might like to find a new "Paradise" to stay in. Oh, and remember that not long a go a very large percentage of UK Politicians got their fingers burnt over the expenses saga - so not only Thailand, I am sorry to say. It is largely human nature to gain as much benefit as one possibly can.

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Easy - the system is not actually designed to be active or respond in anyway, and certainly not for some cheeky farang.

Once you've grasped this point, you'll be fine.

Like the rest of us, grin and bare it. Learn to go with the flow, even if it's a little oderous sometimes.

Remember - you ain't got any rights here and it's simple to get rid of any pesky farang.

You can't buck the system in any country, and most certainly not here!

"Like the rest of us, grin and bare it."

I'm pretty sure if you "bare it" in public you'll get arrested. Or did you mean "self-righteously smirk and bear it?"

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I totally sympathise with your frustration, particularly the monumental amount of corruption that goes on in Thailand. One estimate put it at about 30% of GDP is lost per annum. However, you need to look at the causes. The most criticised body of authority is the Police, but if they were paid a decent wage, they would not need to go down that road. Many in positions of authority supplement their income through "bribes" in various shapes and form. I know of one case where the parent's of a top student in the Amphor paid, wined and dined and holidayed The Principal, for her to get a place in one of the top Government Schools. The Girl had already passed the exam with flying colours and is so cerebrally endowed, she has now gone on to University to study as a Medical Doctor. It becomes even more frustrating when a Poll implied that 60%+ of Thais considered corruption "okay", prividing it benefited them. My advice, my Friend is to swallow what clearly is to you, a bitter pill and enjoy this lovely Country for all the other positives it brings. If it is too much, you might like to find a new "Paradise" to stay in. Oh, and remember that not long a go a very large percentage of UK Politicians got their fingers burnt over the expenses saga - so not only Thailand, I am sorry to say. It is largely human nature to gain as much benefit as one possibly can.

Maybe that 30% of GDP is extorted, but it doesn't follow that 30% of GDP is lost.

After all the money will surely flow back into the economy in the form of Benz's, houses, luxury items, karaoke evenings, booze, parties, gambling etc....

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I totally sympathise with your frustration, particularly the monumental amount of corruption that goes on in Thailand. One estimate put it at about 30% of GDP is lost per annum. However, you need to look at the causes. The most criticised body of authority is the Police, but if they were paid a decent wage, they would not need to go down that road. Many in positions of authority supplement their income through "bribes" in various shapes and form. I know of one case where the parent's of a top student in the Amphor paid, wined and dined and holidayed The Principal, for her to get a place in one of the top Government Schools. The Girl had already passed the exam with flying colours and is so cerebrally endowed, she has now gone on to University to study as a Medical Doctor. It becomes even more frustrating when a Poll implied that 60%+ of Thais considered corruption "okay", prividing it benefited them. My advice, my Friend is to swallow what clearly is to you, a bitter pill and enjoy this lovely Country for all the other positives it brings. If it is too much, you might like to find a new "Paradise" to stay in. Oh, and remember that not long a go a very large percentage of UK Politicians got their fingers burnt over the expenses saga - so not only Thailand, I am sorry to say. It is largely human nature to gain as much benefit as one possibly can.

Maybe that 30% of GDP is extorted, but it doesn't follow that 30% of GDP is lost.

After all the money will surely flow back into the economy in the form of Benz's, houses, luxury items, karaoke evenings, booze, parties, gambling etc....

"Maybe that 30% of GDP is extorted, but it doesn't follow that 30% of GDP is lost."

Exactly. It's grass-roots investments. Everyone complains that the governments (of every country on earth) waste tax money. So the police who sold mobile phone numbers of murder victims and celebrities to the newspapers in England and the politicians who routinely accept bribes in the US and whoever in Thailand all probably do a better job of getting the money back into the economy than does the government paying for US $900 toilet seats in government facilities in Happy Farang Land.

The United Kingdom parliamentary expenses scandal was a major political scandal triggered by the leak[1] and subsequent publication by the Telegraph Group in 2009 of expense claims made by members of the United Kingdom Parliament over several years. Public outrage was caused by disclosure of widespread actual and alleged misuse of the permitted allowances and expenses claimed by Members of Parliament (MPs), following failed attempts by parliament to prevent disclosure under Freedom of Information legislation. The scandal aroused widespread anger among the UK public against MPs and a loss of confidence in politics. It resulted in a large number of resignations, sackings, de-selections and retirement announcements, together with public apologies and the repayment of expenses. Several members or former members of the House of Commons, and members of the House of Lords, were prosecuted and sentenced to terms of imprisonment. The scandal also created pressure for political reform extending well beyond the issue of expenses and led to the Parliament elected in 2005 being referred to as the 'Rotten Parliament'.[

Oddly there was no way for anyone in UK to report this corruption in the Thai language, although I'm sure the British Police would welcome with open arms any Thai speakers with complaints.

Edited by Suradit69
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Anybody you go to is part of the problem.

I wanted to report the gem scam but found out the tourist police run it.

Day after day, tourists fill out the 'gem scam form' and the tourist police pretend to be interested.....

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Yes, you can report, It depends what kind of corruption thou.

In some cases it will be worth something, but most cases you will just get laughed at.

"you will just get laughed at" ?????----------- You will be very lucky.You obviously have not learned the basic rules of living here yet------ The Three Monkeys

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I totally sympathise with your frustration, particularly the monumental amount of corruption that goes on in Thailand. One estimate put it at about 30% of GDP is lost per annum. However, you need to look at the causes. The most criticised body of authority is the Police, but if they were paid a decent wage, they would not need to go down that road. Many in positions of authority supplement their income through "bribes" in various shapes and form. I know of one case where the parent's of a top student in the Amphor paid, wined and dined and holidayed The Principal, for her to get a place in one of the top Government Schools. The Girl had already passed the exam with flying colours and is so cerebrally endowed, she has now gone on to University to study as a Medical Doctor. It becomes even more frustrating when a Poll implied that 60%+ of Thais considered corruption "okay", prividing it benefited them. My advice, my Friend is to swallow what clearly is to you, a bitter pill and enjoy this lovely Country for all the other positives it brings. If it is too much, you might like to find a new "Paradise" to stay in. Oh, and remember that not long a go a very large percentage of UK Politicians got their fingers burnt over the expenses saga - so not only Thailand, I am sorry to say. It is largely human nature to gain as much benefit as one possibly can.

I would contend that even if the Thai Police (I am omitting the "Royal" moniker) were paid a sufficient wage, their corruption and criminal activities would not diminish. They simply don't see anything wrong with it, same with Thai politicians of all colors. I am paraphrasing Deputy PM and Police Captain Chalerm Whatshislastname after police got caught on video and in front of a journalist blatantly extorting money from an Indian businessman with the pretext of Chinese New Year donation: "This behavior is ok, it is part of the Thai Cuture."

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Get it off your chest here.

Many will agree with your comments, some will not.

I created a post called "Saving Face" which explains a lot of the problems in Thailand....

SOI dogs have more rights than ex-pats..... Once you figure this out, you will stay in this unfair country or decide to live elsewhere.

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What did you allegedly do to have them take your passport off you? How did they score your passport anyway - you weren't carrying it with you were you? That's a definite no-no.

If it's a traffic fine/bribe, negotiate it down and walk away with your PP. If it's something more serious, negotiate it down and walk away with your PP. If it's REALLY serious, negotiate it down and walk away with your PP. Do you see a pattern emerging here?

You've probably annoyed them by delaying payment anyway - this is their sandpit and you have to play by the local playground rules, whether you like it or not.

You speak Thai also. That should have given you an advantage in being a baak-waan and getting off lightly in the first place. What's the point of learning Thai of you haven't got the common sense to minimise a bribe before it gets beyond the initial first stage. The more players involved the price of tea increases - the first chance to negotiate is usually the cheapest for the payer. (I was going to say pigs at the trough but concluded that might have been derogatory whistling.gif )

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Report it and you'll be out of this country before the procedures ends. What we call "corruption" is normality here. It is a part of their salary and well accepted in Thai culture, especially red shirts. Everybody can be bought for a certain amount of BAHT, even working at the NACC.

I don't know what happened but i'd rather let you know that if you don't know anybody big enough in this country, just pay and live with it.

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Why not the OP tells us what actually happened...wai2.gif

Because by doing so here on a public site I would be facing more charges. Let's just say that my passport is being held on a pending charge that is bogus. They only want money and will not give me my PP back until I pay

Pay, that is the only solution.

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The relevant points you are missing are countless. The primary issue, is that there is little to zero interest in fighting corruption here. Nearly every level of government, and law enforcement has given up the fight, or not bothered waging a fight in the first place. When they do, they are thwarted at every level, by nearly every official or person involved. Though Thailand has made alot of noise about integrating itself into the world community, and especially ASEAN, to date they have defied many, many charters they have signed, especially the 6th charter, which I believe was signed back in 2009. I am told there are about 20 different international government bodies that are going to monitor Thailand's participation, and conduct once the upcoming ASEAN integration takes place in 2015. Many are skeptical, for good reason. Thailand has a very long history of making promises to the international community, and breaking them, when it comes to integration, easing of customs restriction, the import market, etc. To date, they have remained fabulously insular, and in some respects resemble China, when it comes to keeping their own markets closed to outside competition. The term protectionism comes to mind.

Getting back to the corruption issue, it is incredibly frustrating for many of us to see the level with which it affects this nation. But, so far, there is no Anna Hazare, or other such heroes who have stood up, risked life and limb, and been willing to carry the torch. I have seen no fight. No game. No resistance. No battle. No courage. No fortitude. No conviction. No arrests. Nobody jailed. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. So, you are seeking something that is simply not there. There may be some talk from time to time, from goombahs like Chalerm, but no action, ever! Does the "anti-corruption" agency ever fight corruption? No. What do they do? They focus on election fraud. So, you are simply engaging in an act that, if it produces anything, will end in deportation, denial of a visa, scorn, violence, or bodily harm to you or your family. But, rest assured, it will not result in anybody being disciplined, losing their job, fined, or jailed. At the lowest to the highest level of government here, there is zero interest in that. SImply too much money being made, and no interest in upsetting the apple cart.

Well said, now get back to being a guest.

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The relevant points you are missing are countless. The primary issue, is that there is little to zero interest in fighting corruption here. Nearly every level of government, and law enforcement has given up the fight, or not bothered waging a fight in the first place. When they do, they are thwarted at every level, by nearly every official or person involved. Though Thailand has made alot of noise about integrating itself into the world community, and especially ASEAN, to date they have defied many, many charters they have signed, especially the 6th charter, which I believe was signed back in 2009. I am told there are about 20 different international government bodies that are going to monitor Thailand's participation, and conduct once the upcoming ASEAN integration takes place in 2015. Many are skeptical, for good reason. Thailand has a very long history of making promises to the international community, and breaking them, when it comes to integration, easing of customs restriction, the import market, etc. To date, they have remained fabulously insular, and in some respects resemble China, when it comes to keeping their own markets closed to outside competition. The term protectionism comes to mind.

Getting back to the corruption issue, it is incredibly frustrating for many of us to see the level with which it affects this nation. But, so far, there is no Anna Hazare, or other such heroes who have stood up, risked life and limb, and been willing to carry the torch. I have seen no fight. No game. No resistance. No battle. No courage. No fortitude. No conviction. No arrests. Nobody jailed. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. So, you are seeking something that is simply not there. There may be some talk from time to time, from goombahs like Chalerm, but no action, ever! Does the "anti-corruption" agency ever fight corruption? No. What do they do? They focus on election fraud. So, you are simply engaging in an act that, if it produces anything, will end in deportation, denial of a visa, scorn, violence, or bodily harm to you or your family. But, rest assured, it will not result in anybody being disciplined, losing their job, fined, or jailed. At the lowest to the highest level of government here, there is zero interest in that. SImply too much money being made, and no interest in upsetting the apple cart.


Just kidding, what a wonderfully insightful piece of writing. A pleasure to read in all respect.

The OP has a valid question though sure the chances of achieving anything are erm. er... Well, nothing will be achieved.

If I was told tomorrow that I only had three months to life I would immediately start legal proceedings against the Thai government. I'll be dead in three months so I wouldn't be engaging in such action for any hope of vindication. I'd do it just for the ride... what a way to go out.

You have to start at the bottom and work you way up because you have no evidence, not that that would matter (lol). Report a person you don't like for some spurious

infringement to the police and demand action in a very polite way. Get names, numbers etc. and get in contact twice daily for updates. If they refuse to answer your calls or emails for 48 hours (weekends not included) then just turn up on their doorstep. If at any stage you are unhappy then call the tourist police and report the police service. Get names etc. and use the same process as above with the tourist police. Within days they will stop answering your constant enquiries so call the police.. And so in continues.....

Hang on, I'll be dead in 2 1/2 months! Who's in charge of this local police station and tourist police. Find out who it is go to their office to complain and demand action. Names.. you know the drill. Any problems, phone the police. This is the point where it gets expensive as you need to live close to the office in order to attend twice a day to complain. Keep this going until I either die of my illness or have a bullet though my brain which will no doubt be put down to suicide. What a way to go out!

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Why not the OP tells us what actually happened...:wai2:

Because by doing so here on a public site I would be facing more charges. Let's just say that my passport is being held on a pending charge that is bogus. They only want money and will not give me my PP back until I pay
lol who gives a Thai cop their passport.. Next time photo copy it. Pay up and learn ya lesson. Edited by Sayonarax
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The relevant points you are missing are countless. The primary issue, is that there is little to zero interest in fighting corruption here. Nearly every level of government, and law enforcement has given up the fight, or not bothered waging a fight in the first place. When they do, they are thwarted at every level, by nearly every official or person involved. Though Thailand has made alot of noise about integrating itself into the world community, and especially ASEAN, to date they have defied many, many charters they have signed, especially the 6th charter, which I believe was signed back in 2009. I am told there are about 20 different international government bodies that are going to monitor Thailand's participation, and conduct once the upcoming ASEAN integration takes place in 2015. Many are skeptical, for good reason. Thailand has a very long history of making promises to the international community, and breaking them, when it comes to integration, easing of customs restriction, the import market, etc. To date, they have remained fabulously insular, and in some respects resemble China, when it comes to keeping their own markets closed to outside competition. The term protectionism comes to mind.

Getting back to the corruption issue, it is incredibly frustrating for many of us to see the level with which it affects this nation. But, so far, there is no Anna Hazare, or other such heroes who have stood up, risked life and limb, and been willing to carry the torch. I have seen no fight. No game. No resistance. No battle. No courage. No fortitude. No conviction. No arrests. Nobody jailed. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. So, you are seeking something that is simply not there. There may be some talk from time to time, from goombahs like Chalerm, but no action, ever! Does the "anti-corruption" agency ever fight corruption? No. What do they do? They focus on election fraud. So, you are simply engaging in an act that, if it produces anything, will end in deportation, denial of a visa, scorn, violence, or bodily harm to you or your family. But, rest assured, it will not result in anybody being disciplined, losing their job, fined, or jailed. At the lowest to the highest level of government here, there is zero interest in that. SImply too much money being made, and no interest in upsetting the apple cart.

Well said, now get back to being a guest.

Funny. I may be a guest, but I have lived here for many years, and have pumped an awful lot of money into the economy. And besides, this whole guest nonsense is just that. Where I come from, anyone who lives somewhere for 7 plus years is a resident. And is entitled certain honors, and rights. The whole guest/nationalistic/we are the overlords attitude is ridiculous. Of course I understand I will never be a Thai. But please, lighten up. I am living here, and am supporting the people and the nation, and am doing no harm to anyone in the process. So, allow me to live in peace, and allow me some rights. I am not here to take over the kingdom. And I am entitled to my opinions, right? Or are they not allowed?

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Report it stolen to your embassy / copy to your home passport office, with full details -

Request new passport.

Keep a copy of report to explain no passport for 90 day report.

ALSO, if you are in Pattaya, go to City Hall & report it to Consumer Protection Dept.

Heard they reversed a jet ski scam case quick smart -

Edited by DekDaeng
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