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My computer started to behave strange today.

I run Windows 7 and Microsoft Office.

But I can not open an Office document anymore.

If I try to open an Office document, I get an error message telling me that the file cannot be found,

But the file is there.

Any tips about this problem?



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Appears you have a powerpoint doc. Is your installed version of Office as new as the one which created the .ppsm?

Here's a link that may help http://pcsupport.about.com/od/fileextensions/f/ppsm-file.htm

Just in case your Office crashed. Try Rclick on doc., 'open with/as'... try rich text format, or wordpad.

If everything I suggest turns to <deleted>, install libreoffice (just google) - free open source program ~300Mb which handles most Office functions.

Good luck, AA

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it says it cannot find the file rather than cannot open it…...

The OP says the file is there, though. So the above suggestions are good.

I've had some difficulty opening similar files and often opening MS office and then opening the file from within often works.

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Assume you haven't changed the file's location (eg. shifted from a usb drive to hard disk).

If you can locate the file, but Office says the path to it won't work,

the prob may be confusion between .ppt and .ppsm.

Try changing the file extension (ie. change .ppt to .ppsm, or vice-versa).

If not successful, change back to what you started with.

Libreoffice should do the job, in any event... Office can be a temperamental dog's breakfast. AA

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Buy a Mac.

(Oh, I'm sure this is going to start a debate that will require an entirely new thread!)cheesy.gif

Yes of course, it is our rainy season now, so why not. facepalm.gif

Win w00t.gif

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