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"No Drinking Day" to be promoted in hopes to reduce accidents and crimes: Thailand


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You're going to LOVE or HATE this idea.

On top of endorsing banning alcohol on New Year's Eve as the most ridiculous suggestion anyone ever made, possibly ever,

in the history of politics.

Ever since I was very young say 50 years ago I was always the nominated driver when we went out at night. . . . no matter what was consumed. This went through periods where the consumables got pretty fancy. I found the more inebriated I was

and the exotic the consumable, I just drove more carefully. Every body noticed which is partly why I ended up a pro. Driver that is.

I have often thought that after 50 years of never having an accident no matter my state, to be appropriate for the

conditions, one could get a special license allowing someone more consumable than perhaps softer souls and there could be driving tests for those with that special ability.

When i was young, I would go down to he local airport Club with my dad, where he and another world war pilot would get through about 10 g & t's before we would go flying! I mean in the air, in a small plane. Really nice and tanked. Some things come more naturally to some people.


Us sort of folk become official nominatable drivers. Right?

Sadly I am kept in check by the squadrons of Breath Test Cops we have where I live in the white fellas country.

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Why not promote better education and Information !!!

Not possible

It is not in the PTP band of thiefs best interest to have an educated public

Not that it matters, but do you believe an educated public is what ANY of the rulers of Thailand want?

That is something they certainly DON"T want.

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And today's date is...........................? No, not 1 April, right? I understand a campaign to raise awareness of the dangers of excess drinking and dangerous driving, but to ban alcohol on ANY given day will not happen in Thailand. Most of the people do not respect the law and bringing in laws like this, just makes the law even more of an ass! Is this perhaps some PT diversionary tactic whilst they do something like bring the Party Founder back home, or divert the flak from the Rice Pledging Scheme or........ divert some other missile about to strike PT for their failures? Please Dear Lord make me less cynical and Thai Politicians less transparent.coffee1.gif

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How about enforcing traffic rules 365 days a year. Did that ever came up in their mind ?

Minds!? is that akin to a brain? do you, or have you ever heard of a brain being discovered here. The discoveries of medical science never cease to amaze me.

Than could be added as a jingle to promote the country. Tourism will increase several fold.....

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Maybe we should not be too hard on the Ministry of Health, they did say "In HOPES of a positive result" Just remind me not to ask their advice about meds, vaccine, etc to combat /protect from illness. I am not looking for hope until the logical, proven methods fail, when that happens I can try vodoo, magic, and hope they work, or kiss my arse goodby.

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How about enforcing traffic rules 365 days a year. Did that ever came up in their mind ?

Minds!? is that akin to a brain? do you, or have you ever heard of a brain being discovered here. The discoveries of medical science never cease to amaze me.

Than could be added as a jingle to promote the country. Tourism will increase several fold.....

Well I know what a brain looks like what does a mind look like have you ever seen a picture of one.tongue.png

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Maybe we should not be too hard on the Ministry of Health, they did say "In HOPES of a positive result" Just remind me not to ask their advice about meds, vaccine, etc to combat /protect from illness. I am not looking for hope until the logical, proven methods fail, when that happens I can try vodoo, magic, and hope they work, or kiss my arse goodby.


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What. New Years?

Must be some sort of miss print.

If not, how in the world do these guys get elected into office.

There isn't a living brain cell in there heads. What a dumb idea, for obvious reasons. Is there one politician that can stand up and say, that is a stupid idea. I guess they don't want to offend there peers. That's NOT a way to run a country. JEEZ.

If any legislator tried to do that in the US, he would not be re-elected because of his ignorance.

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