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Sukhumvit dildos


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I always wonder why some people here not only dislike the stalls on sukhumvit selling dildos, Viagra and what not, but actually fear them and see it as something bad and evil for their kids.

I'm a Dutch guy (like most Dutchies very open minded) and don't care at all. I don't have kids, but if I had, I would mind my kids to see stuff like that as its normal. Apparently many people use it, so why try to hide it? Only make kids more curious, and in the end kids will eventually find out about everything before they are 8yo. from friends, school, Internet and tv.

Furthermore sex is a normal thing. I would prefer hardcore porn to be 16+ and action movies to be 21+.

I'm not saying sex related items is good to show to kids, or that I even enjoy myself or enjoy kids seeing it. Far from it, drugs is in many places in holland as sex is in thailand (not that much). Can't stand it? leave.

I'm more annoyed by Arabs watching those toys followed by 10 pinguin dressed women with 20 babies blocking the path on the sidewalk with stalls with more and more Thai speaking Indians selling by grabbing you and saying hello my friend (I'm not you f...... friend!).

Anyhow, who here is open minded as well and doesn't get bothered by them dildo stands on sukhumvit?

Or am I really the only one?


Ps. I'm not a racist, I'm half Dutch half Thai and love both of my countries' their culture and people :)

And yes I visit soi cowboy since I couldn't even walk with my parents every year for 30 years til I moved to thailand. I didn't turn out mentally ill, sexist or whatever.

Pss. Created thread because topic about walking asok to soi 11 thread went off topic..

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It's because of christian dogma ingrained at birth and reinforced until adulthood. Most westerners are taught that sex is bad and must be kept behind closed doors. To submit to you carnal desires is considered a sin. The church has a lot to answer for.

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Good point, I indeed was never raised religiously although my dad was a Catholic and my mom is a Buddhist . They put me on a public school on purpose to find my own way in life without trying to force me into religious activity. I'm glad they did :-)

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It's because of christian dogma ingrained at birth and reinforced until adulthood. Most westerners are taught that sex is bad and must be kept behind closed doors. To submit to you carnal desires is considered a sin. The church has a lot to answer for.

I agree. Churches (pick a religion) try to manipulate people and keep them subservient. What better way than to make up rules to curb their interests and desires outside of the churches narrow parameters.

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I am a Free Market Anarchist so I believe that for pretty much most things , call me crazy but 16 year olds doing child porn excluded , that if the market can sell it enough people must want to buy it and those that don't can shop someplace else for other things.

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Moving on ..... Why would people in the Army be banned under your rules from seeing action movies ? That's just as strange as the other thing I mentioned ?

You Sir are on the right track sort of, but have a long way to go to become a Free Market Anarchist !

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More annoyed with 30 religious people dressing funny than child porn ....... You sir should go to the head of the class ..... While wearing your Dunce cap ! blink.png

I'm not talking about childporn... Now don't exaggerate please. In talking dildos here...

Really ? Exactly what country in the entire world would 16 year old hardcore porn not be child porn ?

I think the op was saying that the legal age to view porn should be 16. Not defending or agreeing here just pointing out your misunderstanding

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I do all my Xmas shopping @ these stalls every year. For my friends and family back home in Australia.

Haha well they do say Thai rubber is the best smile.png

Could you reply to post 15 for me I'm curious about that ..... thankx in advance and sorry about the other mix up on my part .....

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More annoyed with 30 religious people dressing funny than child porn ....... You sir should go to the head of the class ..... While wearing your Dunce cap ! blink.png

I'm not talking about childporn... Now don't exaggerate please. In talking dildos here...

Really ? Exactly what country in the entire world would 16 year old hardcore porn not be child porn ?

I think the op was saying that the legal age to view porn should be 16. Not defending or agreeing here just pointing out your misunderstanding

Yeah thankx I get it .... but now I'm trying to figure out why you can participate in a real action movie\war , but not watch a fake one at the movies ?

I'm hoping to figure all this out before he runs for Mayor of Bangkok so I can decide to cast my vote for him or not !

Edited by MrRealDeal
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Lol, ok before we go too far off topic, lets make buying porn 16+ (kids are curious do they watch when younger anyway just like not allowed to buy alcohol but most still drink it at home) and army as well as action movies 18+

Btw sorry for my confusion. Unlike most countries, in holland porn is not 21+ but always 18+.

Anyhow, also kids will most likely watch action movies before 18+. 21+ is a bit too old lol :)

Just tried to say (in my opinion) porn-movies and action-movies age-restrictions should be swapped :)

Sorry but no intentions to go into politics, just expressing my thoughts and wondering out of curiosity what people think about the sukhumvit dildos :)

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I'm more annoyed by Arabs watching those toys followed by 10 pinguin dressed women with 20 babies blocking the path on the sidewalk with stalls with more and more Thai speaking Indians selling by grabbing you and saying

Ps. I'm not a racist, I'm half Dutch half Thai and love both of my countries' their culture and people :)

you are very racist.

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Lol, ok before we go too far off topic, lets make buying porn 16+ (kids are curious do they watch when younger anyway just like not allowed to buy alcohol but most still drink it at home) and army as well as action movies 18+

Btw sorry for my confusion. Unlike most countries, in holland porn is not 21+ but always 18+.

Anyhow, also kids will most likely watch action movies before 18+. 21+ is a bit too old lol smile.png

Just tried to say (in my opinion) porn-movies and action-movies age-restrictions should be swapped smile.png

Sorry but no intentions to go into politics, just expressing my thoughts and wondering out of curiosity what people think about the sukhumvit dildos smile.png

Sure I understand .... why don't you go ahead and ask the real burning question that everyone wants to know ...... How many people have actually used one from your favorite vendor !

But to your question my guess is that Sukhumvit dildos are pretty much the same as dildos from Soi 6 ...... So my personal opinion is they are probably not anything worth driving to Bangkok for !

The world has a lot more important things to solve before the Free Market Anarchist spends any money on the dildo police !

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I'm more annoyed by Arabs watching those toys followed by 10 pinguin dressed women with 20 babies blocking the path on the sidewalk with stalls with more and more Thai speaking Indians selling by grabbing you and saying

Ps. I'm not a racist, I'm half Dutch half Thai and love both of my countries' their culture and people smile.png

you are very racist.

Not to mention he seems to hate Penguins and Babies

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Lol, ok before we go too far off topic, lets make buying porn 16+ (kids are curious do they watch when younger anyway just like not allowed to buy alcohol but most still drink it at home) and army as well as action movies 18+

Btw sorry for my confusion. Unlike most countries, in holland porn is not 21+ but always 18+.

Anyhow, also kids will most likely watch action movies before 18+. 21+ is a bit too old lol smile.png

Just tried to say (in my opinion) porn-movies and action-movies age-restrictions should be swapped smile.png

Sorry but no intentions to go into politics, just expressing my thoughts and wondering out of curiosity what people think about the sukhumvit dildos smile.png

How old are you?

Dutch/Thai - your views on sex will be fr from normal.

I remember going to Holland when 16 and loving the sex shows and drugs. Do I want my 16 y/o daughters to do the same - of course not!

Sukhumvit road dildoes - that whole area is like a zoo with pathetic specimens in it, running it and visiting it. Go to Pattaya if you want that kind of thing.

Unfortunately, I've been forced to walk through there once with 2 young daughters. Do I like being with them in an area frequented by foreign sex-addicts, pedophiles and junkies and Thai criminals? Of course not.

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Why don't the .... if you don't like it leave Op and the not in my neighborhood guy compromise by allowing the not in my neighborhood guy to stick around, and allowing the if you don't like it leave guy to go to the same places the not in my neighborhood guy can go. Now if we can just find a place for those pesky lowlifes ..... O wait they have a place already it's just that they should move because the not in my neighborhood guy wants to push them on to someone else because he can't figure out how to avoid skid row. Well that's a simple solution now isn't it ..... Buy a GPS and have a nice day.

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It's because of christian dogma ingrained at birth and reinforced until adulthood. Most westerners are taught that sex is bad and must be kept behind closed doors. To submit to you carnal desires is considered a sin. The church has a lot to answer for.

I agree. Churches (pick a religion) try to manipulate people and keep them subservient. What better way than to make up rules to curb their interests and desires outside of the churches narrow parameters.

yes but what is your opinion on dildos?

And why are they always circumcised?

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