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Philip Morris fumes at Thailand cigarette pack rules


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FWIW a general move to grow your own for personal consumption would be both far cheaper, and less harmful . The grower can decide what fertilizer/chemicals they use, if any. I notice seeds for golden virginia tobacco are easily available online. A couple of pots on the windowsill should be ample space.

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Interesting that big tobacco is worried and that the government is concerned about the people of and in Thailand.

Cigarette Price (2012)
Most popular local brand is Krongthip costs 2.16USD per pack
Most popular foreign brand is Marlboro costs 2.66USD per pack

Increasing tax would be a better incentive to deter smokers and keep big tobacco happy. Doubling the end user cost with added tax and big tobacco could also increase their sell price before tax to maintain their bottom line would be a win-win. Smokers that can still afford to, and that would be likley >95% because they are addicted, and they could pick up some new smokers with snob appeal.

This could also take pressure off of the customs department with regard to another recent high profile problem they have with luxury car tax evasion! Who cares about 10,000 cars that got in without paying tax when we have offset it by Bht 2 billion more in the next year from smoke? (See attached tobacco tax revenue generated for the Thai govt.)


Edited by jmccarty
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Free advertising for PM.

As an aside, and if this trick works, perhaps Thailand's Health Ministry should consider incorporating images of road traffic accidents into the paintwork of new vehicles.

Better still leave the bodies at the roadside accident to rot! That will stop people driving!! Now, what can we do about alcohol, fast foods (how about a big fat forieng printed on every Big Mac?
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"smoking rates among those 15 years and older remained roughly unchanged from 27.2 percent in 2009 to 26.9 in 2011."

and the smoking rates for those 15y and younger increased from 73% to 74%

Does this mean that the horror pics on the packet are having little effect?

I have smoked for over 60 years. I wish that I had never started, but I can't deny I love a ciggy especially after a meal and when downing a jar or two. Smoking is a heart versus brain conflict. Money might well be considered No. 1 but sanook comes a close second and many Thais (and farangs) will ignore more Government regulations. .

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It's a difficult question.. one the one hand it's a disgusting habit and hazardous to one's health, on the other hand so are lots of products on the shelf in the supermarket and they don't need to display images of dying people.

Perhaps it would be better to allow a small (but obvious) notice on the pack, but perhaps also to force the tobacco companies to pay for a campaign of public information adverts telling young people the dangers of smoking.

If a handful of celebrities come forward and say that smoking is not cool I guess the young smokers would not get started.

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"Everyone already knows that smoking is dangerous... Thailand has some of the biggest health warnings in the world, I can't see why the new requirement is necessary," said Varaporn Namatra of the TTTA.

Falling from high buildings, road accidents, committing suicide after winning the lottery, Jet ski scams, where people are, trying to kill you, Tuk Tuk drivers who only want your best (your money), jealous bar girls who became foreigners' wives and then want to get rid off them after having all his money, houses, Lamborghinis, Russkies trying to kill you, etc.. is indeed a reason for health warnings.-w00t.gif

Edited by sirchai
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Going to court over a 35% increase in warning on the packaging, when even 100% isn't going to stop anyone from smoking? laugh.png

Maybe it's not about stopping, but more about starting.

Give that man a cigar, you nailed it.smile.png

Edited by chooka
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Unfortunately, I am a smoker myself, I can afford it in Thailand, back home I would be forced to stop, just would not be able to afford it.

Here, I used to smoke L&M, now I smoke iScore (same as L&M, also from Philippines) and half the price, 36 baht. Back home the same pack would cost, I heard 5-6 Euro

The whole images on the cig-packs is all about recognizing the brand logo and with 85% dead people images, not much room for a logo.

In the beginning years ago the images did get some people to stop around the world, but MONEY talks and the best way to have people stop smoking is raise the prices (taxes, to pay for cancer meds), so young people (teens) can not afford it anymore. Small problem in Thailand, here the Thai family shops, sell cigarettes per cigarette to any kid/teen who walks in and has a few baht.

We all know smoking is bad. Years ago I opted a suggestion:

Make selling tobacco illegal, have existing smokers register and they will have access to tobacco (and/or give them real help stopping).

But let's be honest, the amount of taxes governments get from tobacco (and alcohol) is too much to just ban it.

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"We decided to enlarge the warning and picture because the number of new smokers is high and the age is younger,"

or give reading lessons and or glasses to the youth , making the text bigger and the picture does not make it more effective

its a pity they dont print a warning about discarding tod ends,saw a news clipp yesterday of a car accident where one of the workers was just about finnishing his fag only for him to chuck it in the grass.w00t.gif

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hyocritical behaviour from the governments, if they are so concerned about our health then why not ban cigs altogether, its more about the health costs and tax money, while they are at it why not ban alcohol, that has to be the biggest killer

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These ad people game like wizards, or, if a microcosmic analysis would serve better,

like witch doctors tasked with cultivating belief systems that promote product consumption.

The product here is a leaf that we shred, set on fire and whose toxic fumes we inhale.

Lifestyle fantasy is a huge part of consumer motivation.

Thai cigarette pack warnings are portals to reality.

Of course, reality is the enemy here.

There's way more to this deal but y'all get the picture.

These outfits don't give a rat's sphincter about everyday, garden variety, life as we know it.

Maybe you shouldn't post when you are heavily intoxicated.

It is entertaining enough, but totally unfathomable to sober folk.

Or maybe I'll get drunk before I read it... sick.gif

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We have films assessed for graphic content and given a rating certificate. The national curricculum is tutored to what a child can be shown and taught at a certain age. Yet here we are giving idiots the licence to terrorise children with thousands upon thousands of hammer house of horror pictures littering the streets. Hey daddy what is that, Oh it is just the inside of a chest cavity infested with cancer darling. Daddy what is that, Oh it is just a man whos face is hanging of with a large puss filled boil about to explode of the packet at any given moment. I have never endorsed or would have never thought people can possibly endorse X rated pictures to be available to young vunerable eyes. It is pathetic and shows zero due thought process. Which i may add does not work!!!!

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hyocritical behaviour from the governments, if they are so concerned about our health then why not ban cigs altogether, its more about the health costs and tax money, while they are at it why not ban alcohol, that has to be the biggest killer

You can't ban alcohol. Just put warning signs on urinals stating that if you drink 2nd hand alcohol it can kill you.smile.png

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Yes Prime Minister episode "the Smoke Screen" produced in a time when many more people smoked is the ultimate laugh at this unfortunate addiction.

Sir Humphrey's claim that cigarette taxation exceeded the extra medical cost, and dying young reduces pension costs, so smokers were heroes, laying down their lives for their country was the perfect example of PS hypocrisy.

The first two parts of Sir Humphrey's claim were true though!

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Yea and they took the Australian Government to court on the same issue and lost. Then again they couldn't pay off the legal system in Aust so they might just have a chance in Thailand.

With a little help from the man i Dubai, they might win in court bah.gif

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"Thailand has some of the biggest health warnings in the world, I can't see why the new requirement is necessary," said Varaporn Namatra of the TTTA".

They don't get it do they?

Smoking should be illegal - period.

Its as addictive as heroin and kills millions of people, it stinks and make me want to puke apart from giving me a headache from the second hand smoke. Yuck Yuck. Ban it completely.

Anyone who works or supports the industry must have a real bad karma, wont go to heaven and will rot in hell for ever, with the deaths of the fools who consumed their product on their hands.

The government goes nuts about other mind changing and dangerous drugs so now go after tobacco,

Philip Morris - "go to hell"


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Just ban over the counter sales of tobacco products, make them hospital prescription only. Ban advertising and duty-free sales at airports. Fine smokers, Singapore style, on the spot for dropping ash.

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I see one positive aspect to this whole scenario.

Governments often coddle the rich corporations, don't even hold them accountable

for killing people (Google: Bophal disaster). Especially big corporations that line the

pockets of politicians.

In many cases, governments go after the individuals who can't afford high-priced

lawyers. The IRS is notorious for this, allowing big corporations to pay little or no

taxes while prosecuting middle-income folks to the full extent of the law and beyond.

In the case of cigarettes -- it's a bit surprising that governments are not going after

individual smokers and charging them with consuming a dangerous substances.

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Im not encouraging smoking. I actually wish I could get enough strength to quite. I hope sometime soon.

But as far as the packaging of a companies product. Many name brand items have a trademark and design on their product. If the government reduces the area on the product to only a small percentage for them to use how can they put their logo for consumers to know they are getting a genuine product.

I would be upset if I was told I can only use a portion of the packaging for my own label.

Off topic it would feel like renting a house and the landlord uses 3/4 of the space for their personal storage. You pay full price for 2 bedroom home but can only use kitchen and bathroom.

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I have to agree with Philip - it's really annoying having a photo of a dead man's foot or pair of lungs exposed on the mortician's table while trying to enjoy a night out. I have to keep putting my wallet on top of the cigarttes packet to hide it.

Now, I actually quit again over a week ago but I still think this anti-smoking thing has gone too far.

Smoking is part of our cultural heritage - OK, it may be bad for you but so is standing by the roadside breathing in car fumes - why not insist those photos are printed onto the side of every vehicle?

I always like the one with the man and the baby though - "smoking will make you a handsome young Asian man with a friendly baby" - doesn't seem so bad!

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If it is dangerous, it should be forbidden like other illegal drugs. Health departements are finaced through tax income of the tobacco industry, consumers and producers. Advertising companies, distributors, salesmen living on this. I want to see the government to abdicate these incomes but for sure not in the coming centuries. they tell you it is dangerous to wash their hands and keep the money coming!wai2.gif

Agreed, tobacco and alcohol should be strictly illegal with anyone found possessing it or selling it subject to long, long prison sentences and/or the death penalty.

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Agreed, tobacco and alcohol should be strictly illegal with anyone found possessing it or selling it subject to long, long prison sentences and/or the death penalty.

I'm "liking" this because I'm giving the benefit of the doubt and asuming it's a joke! It is, isn't it? (you can never tell on TV!)

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The companies know it destroys brand recognition, and smokers are extremely brand concious, but can be switched within a few packs or so. Once you start smoking and are associated with a brand, it is very rare that you will change.

This is about destroying the attachment that new smokers feel to a brand. That all said, if it all eventually petered out to zero sales, where would the government's replace the tax revenue? More taxes on everyone.

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