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Controversial Thai monk appears on air purifier advertisement


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It's because of people like this 'Monk'-Charlatan, and the hypocrisy in this culture, that my time is up here. I see no legitimate reason to be another walking 'ATM' for these scammers to scam from. Totally disgusted with what is called 'Buddhism' here.

I see no reason to be a walking ATM either (and never have been over the last 3 decades here) - is that what you have been up to now?

The state of "what is called 'Buddhism' here" has no more direct impact on me than what is called "Christianity" (and the hypocrisy associated with it) did when I lived in my native country...

I have only been here for 7 years but I am with you on the rest of it. On the other hand I strongly suspect are friend is what is called a sexpat.

While I am here I was wondering what about Father Joe never heard of him. Does he not fit in with the profile a lot of the posters are trying to impose on Buddhism and Christianity.

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It is not the gift but the act of giving that counts here-making merit is to make you feel good.

In his case of being in contact with aliens if he has had sex of course not saying he has had or ever will but I think his retort could be "it was not my body but an alien who entered me and what happened I have no idea but by powers have increased a hundred fold"

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The guy straight out of prison for bank robbery or the heroin addict trying to reform are allowed into the Sanga. There are also many many dedicated long -term monks that practice the Buddha's teachings.

Did you know that actually every Thai male is encouraged to be a monk for a while. Maybe the guy you see smoking at Panthip plaza is only in for 3 days before getting married. The fact is you don't know so don't judge.

That is all true and pertinent. But if you don't think there are also many "long term" monks who adhere to Buddhist precepts only to the absolute minimum necessary and who consciously wallow in all sorts of corruption (spiritual and material), you are very much mistaken.

No sure your point.

I think it so ironic that some people criticize a monk that is not perfect. They are trying to better themselves spiritually, which the people criticizing are probably not.

I believe you are correct in most cases but this particular Monk I do not believe to fit that profile. As for the rest of the population I doubt that the idea of improving their spirituality enters into most of their minds. For sure yes it does. I know a few people who talk about it but they never seem to change as it would be inconvenient for them.

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Just look at http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Luang+Pu+Nen+Kam+Chattiko any one can see what a smooth operator he is, looks soooo authentic.

Then look at http://en.luangpunenkham.com/ its all "give money, donate, send offering, GIVE ME MONEY.

Problem is people "are" doing exactly what he wants they are giving and giving and giving like there's no tomorrow.

You can see a plastic model of his private jet on his table in one of the YouTube vids !!


Lost for words one of the teachers here just saw your site and raved how great he is to build an emerald buddha!

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Just look at http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Luang+Pu+Nen+Kam+Chattiko any one can see what a smooth operator he is, looks soooo authentic.

Then look at http://en.luangpunenkham.com/ its all "give money, donate, send offering, GIVE ME MONEY.

Problem is people "are" doing exactly what he wants they are giving and giving and giving like there's no tomorrow.

You can see a plastic model of his private jet on his table in one of the YouTube vids !!


You sound like an ardent follower of him. Watching his u tube videos. I suppose that is where he gets a lot of his fans.

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The topic is about this monk, not about other monks not about the teachings of Buddha or any other religion. Ignore those that do not concentrate on what the topic is about. The fact is without any stretch of the imagination this guy is conning people that do not mind being conned. To promote a make of a purifier implies payment of kind. He is promoting a product. He can promote his Rolls Royce or the jet but of course it is not his all of it belongs to the temple. What is suspect is the assets themselves how were they obtained? Hope that calms the anger that abounds,perhaps not... let's see

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You'd have to think this person is either very stupid and naive or supremely over confident because of who he is, what he is and the kind of connections he has which makes him " untouchable ".

How can fawning devotees actually believe in him and consider him to be all that's good about Buddhism ?

If what they do is seen as making merit they are completely corrupting Buddhism andIi mean it in all uses of the word.

Because people dont believe the F***ing obvious that when you die "that's it" they want to cling on to "eternal life" and always have done.

Edited by kannot
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The topic is about this monk, not about other monks not about the teachings of Buddha or any other religion. Ignore those that do not concentrate on what the topic is about. The fact is without any stretch of the imagination this guy is conning people that do not mind being conned. To promote a make of a purifier implies payment of kind. He is promoting a product. He can promote his Rolls Royce or the jet but of course it is not his all of it belongs to the temple. What is suspect is the assets themselves how were they obtained? Hope that calms the anger that abounds,perhaps not... let's see

Hah they are all conning you, you will come back to life.................show me the proof!

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This particular "monk" either thinks he is clever, or that he is untouchable because of his success. Many Thais see financial success as a heroic trait.

Maybe he is right or maybe his greed and overconfidence will actually bring him down. Not at all clear yet.

But there are many examples of Wats in Bangkok where the monks are so fat they can hardly walk across the temple grounds while playing with their iPads, let alone go out collecting. Their temples are a circus ground of thinly disguised games of chance and opportunities to donate money with a vague promise of good fortune or advantage over others.

In the end the people who patronise these Wats are publicly giving donations (making merit) as a way of absolving themselves from day-to-day responsibility for moral behaviour. The monks are simply providing a service by taking on this responsibility in return for donations. (A parallel with the Catholic rite of confession)

Yes of course many temple goers have good motives, but where in Buddhist teaching does it say that merit making must be publicly endorsed by others? Just another form of gaining "Face" by making a larger donation than other people. Rich Thais show their Face by giving gold and getting nameplates put on statues.

I feel that most Thais are quite content with their temple system, as it fulfils their needs.

You have brought out a lot of points. You have also left out some points that could have been substituted directly opposite to the ones you posted.

I stop in at two fairly large temples here in Chiang Mai. One because I enjoy the conversation with the monks. I find them to be very open on their lives and nonjudgmental on mine.

The other because it has an area where I feel peaceful.

At neither one do I see Monks so fat they can hardly walk across the Temple grounds and so far I have not seen one with an I pad. I have no doubt if that is what I wanted to see I could go looking for it and find some. But I don't look for any thing other than the peace3 I find at one and the conversation I find at the other.

How ever in my book you hit a home run with your last line,

"I feel that most Thais are quite content with their temple system, as it fulfils their needs."thumbsup.gif

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The joke here is that to many Thais he is successful because he is holy. Either he had good karma in a past life or Buddha just thinks he is awesome.

He's just doing what other religions have done for years. If you are stupid enough to give money to this guy--oh well.

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This particular "monk" either thinks he is clever, or that he is untouchable because of his success. Many Thais see financial success as a heroic trait.

Maybe he is right or maybe his greed and overconfidence will actually bring him down. Not at all clear yet.

But there are many examples of Wats in Bangkok where the monks are so fat they can hardly walk across the temple grounds while playing with their iPads, let alone go out collecting. Their temples are a circus ground of thinly disguised games of chance and opportunities to donate money with a vague promise of good fortune or advantage over others.

In the end the people who patronise these Wats are publicly giving donations (making merit) as a way of absolving themselves from day-to-day responsibility for moral behaviour. The monks are simply providing a service by taking on this responsibility in return for donations. (A parallel with the Catholic rite of confession)

Yes of course many temple goers have good motives, but where in Buddhist teaching does it say that merit making must be publicly endorsed by others? Just another form of gaining "Face" by making a larger donation than other people. Rich Thais show their Face by giving gold and getting nameplates put on statues.

I feel that most Thais are quite content with their temple system, as it fulfils their needs.

You have brought out a lot of points. You have also left out some points that could have been substituted directly opposite to the ones you posted.

I stop in at two fairly large temples here in Chiang Mai. One because I enjoy the conversation with the monks. I find them to be very open on their lives and nonjudgmental on mine.

The other because it has an area where I feel peaceful.

At neither one do I see Monks so fat they can hardly walk across the Temple grounds and so far I have not seen one with an I pad. I have no doubt if that is what I wanted to see I could go looking for it and find some. But I don't look for any thing other than the peace3 I find at one and the conversation I find at the other.

How ever in my book you hit a home run with your last line,

"I feel that most Thais are quite content with their temple system, as it fulfils their needs."thumbsup.gif

It must be obvious that for every "bad" temple there are several "good" temples which do great work for the people of Thailand. My point was temples fill a need in Thai society for Thais to demonstrate publicly their piety in making merit. It is simply a way of gaining face from others, and as such the temple system is well suited to Thai social Buddhism. And therefore the rich temples are servicing the needs of the rich, while the poor temples are servicing the needs of the poor. I would argue that most temple-going Thais like it this way. Those people who follow the true path to enlightenment do not need to gain face by donating to temples and images of Buddha. They can do good without this display of public "merit".

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Just look at http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Luang+Pu+Nen+Kam+Chattiko any one can see what a smooth operator he is, looks soooo authentic.

Then look at http://en.luangpunenkham.com/ its all "give money, donate, send offering, GIVE ME MONEY.

Problem is people "are" doing exactly what he wants they are giving and giving and giving like there's no tomorrow.

You can see a plastic model of his private jet on his table in one of the YouTube vids !!


You sound like an ardent follower of him. Watching his u tube videos. I suppose that is where he gets a lot of his fans.

I am not a follower of anyone. I looked it all up so I could expose some ugly truths about this phony.

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While we're on the subject of monks, I find it quite funny that they get special seating at airport waiting rooms. This goes against the fundamental spiritual idea of being small and humble and not getting special treatment. Anyone with even a basic understanding of spirituality understands this. If I were to see a monk sitting in the regular section with the common people, I would suspect he is on the true path.

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Though his behavior is abhorrent, he is doing nothing that the slick leaders of ALL religions are doing.You must first understand that religions are a farce - they were all formed as a means of social control in collusion with the political element and a way to bend the minds of the people to the will of the powerful. That he flaunts it with impunity and continues to gather more money just confirms who the leaders are and who are the sheep. It's been like this since the beginning of recorded history, and the good teachings of any real enlightened individuals are always turned toward fleecing them of their money and and feeding the perversions of "righteous". All this negative publicity will blow over, and he will be the richer for it. The politicians are afraid that if he is taken to task, they will be next - but it won't happen, here in Thailand or anywhere else in the world. It reminds me of one of the pioneer television evangelists who asked his followers to put their hands on the television set and pray, then send him all their money. He had quite a following.

I find it interesting that some of the critics of the monk in question are members of other religions, who no doubt believe fully in what their "leaders" tell them and will continue to follow their instructions. The Catholics are the worst, but the rest are not far behind.

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How is that the companies that hire him are not being chastised for there part in this. While we can point and criticize him, it s the ignorance of ( A ) The Marketing Team that found value in this. ( B ) The arrogance and ignorance of the company that seems not to respect his/ her own culture. That the would put profit through controversy of a sensitive subject over intelligence integrity. It seems to me they should be held equally accountable.coffee1.gif


Maybe he owns the company.

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as far as i can see the monk in question is himself trashing the nation-country. hes saying thailand stinks so bad that its a health hazard. i totally agree with him, going so far myself to carry at all times an industrial grade air-filter in my small back pack.

do i even need to start to list all the sources of this polluted air? it's disgusting. then the commercial aerosol air fresheners are probably more of a health hazard than the pre-existing environmental ones.

however one would of thought that someone with his influence could have tackled the problem from the source not from the other end, and because he is now promoting this air-purifier, this brings into question more so as to where the real source is!


my sincerest apologizes for the total lack of understanding and abject lapse in concentration.

i just don’t know how i could have got it so awfully wrong. (perhaps i was overcome by some wafting stench at the time. perhaps this one http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/649313-thailand-burns-big-narcotics-cache-to-mark-world-drugs-day/ one never knows for sure when one doesnt associate with these groups)

obviously anyone can see it was those evil "foreigners" who have so callously hypnotized this venerable and revered Buddha loving monk into believing that the country stinks to high heaven (sorry again, i don’t know the Buddhist equivalent of this phrase)

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Though his behavior is abhorrent, he is doing nothing that the slick leaders of ALL religions are doing.You must first understand that religions are a farce - they were all formed as a means of social control in collusion with the political element and a way to bend the minds of the people to the will of the powerful. That he flaunts it with impunity and continues to gather more money just confirms who the leaders are and who are the sheep. It's been like this since the beginning of recorded history, and the good teachings of any real enlightened individuals are always turned toward fleecing them of their money and and feeding the perversions of "righteous". All this negative publicity will blow over, and he will be the richer for it. The politicians are afraid that if he is taken to task, they will be next - but it won't happen, here in Thailand or anywhere else in the world. It reminds me of one of the pioneer television evangelists who asked his followers to put their hands on the television set and pray, then send him all their money. He had quite a following.

I find it interesting that some of the critics of the monk in question are members of other religions, who no doubt believe fully in what their "leaders" tell them and will continue to follow their instructions. The Catholics are the worst, but the rest are not far behind.

Sounds like you have made a very deep study of the subject. Did you start it with an open mind?

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as far as i can see the monk in question is himself trashing the nation-country. hes saying thailand stinks so bad that its a health hazard. i totally agree with him, going so far myself to carry at all times an industrial grade air-filter in my small back pack.

do i even need to start to list all the sources of this polluted air? it's disgusting. then the commercial aerosol air fresheners are probably more of a health hazard than the pre-existing environmental ones.

however one would of thought that someone with his influence could have tackled the problem from the source not from the other end, and because he is now promoting this air-purifier, this brings into question more so as to where the real source is!


my sincerest apologizes for the total lack of understanding and abject lapse in concentration.

i just don’t know how i could have got it so awfully wrong. (perhaps i was overcome by some wafting stench at the time. perhaps this one http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/649313-thailand-burns-big-narcotics-cache-to-mark-world-drugs-day/ one never knows for sure when one doesnt associate with these groups)

obviously anyone can see it was those evil "foreigners" who have so callously hypnotized this venerable and revered Buddha loving monk into believing that the country stinks to high heaven (sorry again, i don’t know the Buddhist equivalent of this phrase)

I find it interesting that all the things you call wrong were brought here in the name of civilization by westerners. Where did you get your air mask?

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Controversial Monk Appears On Air Purifier Advertisement

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BANGKOK: -- The controversial monk who had been much criticized by the public for his luxurious lifestyle and shady financial background has appeared on an advertisement endorsing a brand of air purifier, a revelation that would likely attract further scrutiny to the monk.

Scandals surrounding Luang Pu Nen Kam Chattiko surfaced when he was filmed riding on private jet plane and sporting brand name bag. Soon, it emerged that the monk has been cultivating a network of fervent and wealthy supporters who had donated hundreds of millions of baht to his monastery.

Few years ago, he also started gathering donations for construction of what he called the biggest Emerald Buddha in the world, an enormous statue made of jade. The project is said to cost over 150 million baht and is under final stage of decoration.

Recently it surfaced that he might also serve as a product endorser. In the 6 minute long video on Youtube titled "Experience of Luang Pu Nen Kam Chattiko", the monk could be seen recommending the air purifier manufactured by Thaiunovus company to his spiritual followers. He said the device made the air in his monk residence very fresh and helped keep him in good health.

At one point, Luang Pu Nen Kam even pointed out that the purifier comes with exquisite wooden controller panel "like the one in the Rolls Royce my followers have donated to me". He urged the faithful to donate the air purifiers made by the company to monks around the country because "donating clean air [processed by the machine] to monks is similar to donating medicine to monks". [more...]

Full story: http://www.khaosod.co.th/en/view_newsonline.php?newsid=TVRNM01qRTJOalk0TUE9PQ==

-- KHAOSOD English 2013-06-26

Something definitely stinks about that guy!

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as far as i can see the monk in question is himself trashing the nation-country. hes saying thailand stinks so bad that its a health hazard. i totally agree with him, going so far myself to carry at all times an industrial grade air-filter in my small back pack.

do i even need to start to list all the sources of this polluted air? it's disgusting. then the commercial aerosol air fresheners are probably more of a health hazard than the pre-existing environmental ones.

however one would of thought that someone with his influence could have tackled the problem from the source not from the other end, and because he is now promoting this air-purifier, this brings into question more so as to where the real source is!


my sincerest apologizes for the total lack of understanding and abject lapse in concentration.

i just don’t know how i could have got it so awfully wrong. (perhaps i was overcome by some wafting stench at the time. perhaps this one http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/649313-thailand-burns-big-narcotics-cache-to-mark-world-drugs-day/ one never knows for sure when one doesnt associate with these groups)

obviously anyone can see it was those evil "foreigners" who have so callously hypnotized this venerable and revered Buddha loving monk into believing that the country stinks to high heaven (sorry again, i don’t know the Buddhist equivalent of this phrase)

I find it interesting that all the things you call wrong were brought here in the name of civilization by westerners. Where did you get your air mask?

ahh got it now that would be "stinks to "high" nirvana"

mask: chiang mai, there is/was a thread on here long ago where to get em. not cheap either couple of thousand baht if i recall correctly. think it was in the chiang mai thread and something about cycling or haze. you search it. have to change the filters now i think about it.

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Another one of the so called "good people" of Thailand raping the naivety and superstition of his fellow contrymen for his own benefit.


Clearly the goal of the Thai government is to restrict access to real education for the masses. This is in keeping with their strategy to easily control the masses, and to loot the country at will. This monk is simply taking advantage of the same system......

Religions explained >>>>>>>>>>>

Catholicism: Give us money, and we will prevent you from going to hell.

Buddhism: Give us money, and we will shower you with good luck.

Catholicism: Big angry guy up in the sky who is in full charge

and keeps careful track of what everybody does.

Buddhism: A series of teachings, none of which the Thai seem to

follow except for perhaps a few forest monks.

For such a blind man you sure have a funny name. Or is it just a wish you have?

My position is crystal clear regarding charlatans like this man fleecing poor people out of their money with false hope. To amuse myself, what exactly is your position again ??? :-) Regarding my board name, it is my statement to see the world for what it is, rather than have other people tell me what they want me to see. Your board name is from a musical, I have no idea what is up with that......You see a musical theme in things ?? LOL.

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I find it interesting that some of the critics of the monk in question are members of other religions, who no doubt believe fully in what their "leaders" tell them and will continue to follow their instructions.

And you know this how?

Moreover, while I have little good to say about ANY religion (which is another topic and I won't go into it) just as there are Buddhists who disapprove of people like this monk and who make a sincere effort to adhere to the true teachings of the Buddha, there are Christians (or Muslims et al) who are equally devout and "authentic" and who have no time for charlatans and those who pervert their respective religions for personal gain and/or power etc.

In other words, just as a Buddhist should be free to criticize this monk, so should a Christian - unless that Christian is a follower of an equally fraudulent preacher; and there are no grounds to claim that all Christians are.

Your comparison is fallacious and the hypocrisy you imply is not a given.

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From everything I've read, he should face charges for being a con artist.

I think a fair punishment would for him to live an actual monastic lifestyle for the rest of his days.

He could spend the rest of his days being my financial adviser.

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