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Even though the A/N has been banned, I know he has a lot

of friends and well-wishers on this forum who would appreciate

an update of his condition. As most of you who follow the forum

will know, he is battling stage 4 cancer.

So with his permission, I am posting his latest update.

Pain got to a stage last week where I was fighting the sheets on my bed trying to relieve what I can only express as hell on earth . I had to return to the hospital ASAP. On seeing the specialist my dosage of morphine has been increased to 60mg every 8 hours , compared to 60mg per day I was on before , a big difference. I can also use as much of the syrup morphine as a booster as I wast at 10mls per dose. Currently I am taking in total 240mg of morphine per day . The good news is that the majority of the pain has gone , other than the odd twinge here and there but as long as I keep to stricked timings of the medication as to miss taking the tablets results in instant severe pain. I was also told thatthe other test results had come through on the biopsy sample That they originally took. They tested to see where the cancer had started from . They determined that it started in the pancrease as we thought .Sadly they do not know what causes the cancer and its the most deadly of cancers to get as there is only a 20% chance of survival and only a 4% chance of living longer than an extended year if treatment is successful, such as radiation treatment etc. The other problem is when having pancreatic cancer it is not generally found until way after the cancer has spread to other parts of the body such as in my case, having it in the stomach , lungs, intestines liver etc etc . There is still no concrete time for me to die , its basically anytime I thin. The Dr wants to see me next week again and assured me that I would be around for that but who knows !

Other than that , I have lost more weight , down to 85kg with my clothes and shoes on but I feel ok . Im sleeping the same as before , sleep for 2 hours , up for an hour and then same same throughout the day and night . Intake of food is next to nothing but I do try to eat what I can . Urinating seems to take for ever to start and is very very slow when it eventually arrives . I am taking medication for constipation but I am not going at all , mainly as I dont think there is anything in my tubes waiting to come out , either that or I am completely blocked and need someone to help me work it out grin.gif

I have had the odd visitor but if I am sleeping my wife doesnt disturb me which is good so apologies if im not about if you come round. I have turned my phone volume to Zero as a couple of guys have phoned me at 2am drunk , wishing me well grin.gif I will get round to returning the calls .
Other than that im ok .
I will update again if I make it to my next hospital appointment .

Bye for now

  • Like 2

My thoughts and wishes are with you. I've known a number of people with cancer, both survivors and those that didn't. Not a pleasant thing to endure, but thank you for sharing your story. You have been a strong and courageous person.

  • Like 1

Thanks for the update. I am thinking good thoughts and hope your pain is subdued with medication. We are thinking of you and will walk with you through this difficult time in your life. Sincerely, Robert

  • 2 weeks later...

Here is the latest update as of today folks.


Hello All. Just to let you know I am still here and doing ok at the moment. Since my last hospital visit nearly 2 weeks ago , I have remained on a level , I am losing more weight but that is to be expected. I am mostly in bed due to the morphine keeping me sedated with all the sleep that comes with it . I feel ok , the medicines are working to the extent that I have reduced the amout I have been taking . If of course pain relief is needed I can take more . My urine is very very dark now , the smell isnt nice either , so I think the kidneys are possiby packing up as well. I get occassional sickness , which is just an acid bile also not nice . Its like throwing up pure lemon juice , it burns your throat .

I am managing to eat a little bit of food from time to time but I have to take food when my body tells me as to take food at any other time just results in sickness. I know it sounds as though its a mental issue , it maybe but its all I can do is eat when I can .

I am back to the hospital on Tuesday , I will find out more then and will update you on my return.

Thanks again for all your personal messages I do appreciate it .

I know several people have been asking to come and see me and even though I am grateful I dont feel comfortable , mainly because I look so ill and so thin. I dont want people to look at me and feel sorry for me , I want you to remember me as I was . Considering I was 105kg when I came here 9 years ago, my weight has basically been about 100 kg for years , so seeing me now at 75-80 kg is a big drop in such short time .

I hope all of you are well and thankyou for all the postings that you are making on the website, I keep a check to see what is writen all day every day .



  • Like 1

Latest update as of 18 July.

Update :
Hello everyone , firstly thankyou for your calls and emails etc , appreciated . I prefer to email if thats ok , it gives me something to do in bed . There are some ? who are still calling from Thailand at 2am in the morning and the reason why I am no longer taking calls.

Had my hospital appointment and all is generally the same . My weight has not dropped any further but the noticeable things are the colour of my eyes are now very yellow. The colour of my skin is what I call normal , slightly tanned , however the skin is very very dry and I am now being oiled daily to keep me moist . My urine is still hard to pass and is very dark and horrendous in smell , it makes me feel sick , which is also a daily occurrence . The smell of food makes me sick , sweet drinks or food , no chance , my body rejects it straight away. My pain is still being managed by me and no change to the dosage of morphine I am taking . Before , the dosage knocked out all pain but the tumour in my tummy is growing rather quickly and is visible with the swelling on the left side of my belly button . When they operated I thought it was just swelling from the OP, but the Dr must have not known the tumour was there when he operaterated ?? Anyway , its growing , visible and aches , so I think if anything the morphine dosage will be increased soon to combat that pain .I am very weak in general but my spirits are ok , I am fine . I am taking each day as it comes .

My next appointment to the hospital is in 3 weeks time if I last that long but I have instructed my wife that at no time will I be admitted to hospital . I have arranged when the time comes for a Dr to come to me and also provide any medical nursing care from his staff . Of course I have to pay for that but its a better deal to pay the Dr and nurses to come to me than for me to stay in a place I dont want to be in or die in .

So thats about it for no , I will of course add more to this as I deteriorate , just to give everyone an insight .

Best wishes , regards and thanks to you all .

  • 3 weeks later...

Latest update as of 7 Aug from Steve AKA sunholidaysun1:

Update :
Hi everyone, as always thank you for your emails etc , always appreciated.

Yesterday was hospital day and 3 weeks since my last visit . Over those past weeks there has not been any real changes, I am still taking the medication , resting as much as possible and continuing the battle , not that there is any as I know the end result - eventually but any extra time that I am here the better I think as long as there's a chance .

The Dr was pleased with my progress but I think what he wanted to say is I am surprised to see you . So after the examination , my meds have been kept the same and that was about it . I said about my time again but I think after seeing me today I knew he couldn't answer my question as to how long , considering I have passed my sell by date already . I have been eating tons of fruit , it seems to be doing me some good but my weight is now 75kg but hasn't really dropped for 3 weeks. The growth by my abdomen is still growing and is painful nearly all the time , maybe that's the reason my weight hasn't dropped further in the past 3 weeks.

My next appointment will be at the end of the month so hopefully I will be around for that . If of course anything comes up and I am well enough to write I will and let you all know.

Thanks again to everyone , your support is helping I am sure .

Best wishes


All Italian community in Chiang rai

feel very sad

pray and hope

to see again and soon

one of the best British guy

we know in town.

We miss your smile at night time

big S.

and i still hope

like happen already to one my uncle

that what the doctor says

was not true but completly wrong.

Ciao Luca

  • 1 month later...


It is with great sadness to inform you that sunholidaysun1

AKA Steve Forsyth passed away yesterday.

Funeral arrangements to be posted when available.

RIP Steve


Very sad to hear that he has finally passed. Thanks for keeping us updated.

My thoughts and condolences to his family. I'm sure he will be missed greatly.

RIP Mr Forsyth.


Steve has been moved to the Temple on Jetyod Rd. The temple name is Wat Jetyod.

Ceremony will be tonight and Saturday night. At 13:00 on Sunday, he will be moved to the crematorium in Den Ha for a 14:00 cremation.


My heart goes out to his wife and family. Steve will suffer no more and will live in Peace Forever. Rest in Peace my Friend......


I never had the good fortune to meet Steve personally, though I did have the occasional online conversation with him.
Rest In Peace mate and condolences to Steve's family and friends.

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