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I don't think I would be that direct. The people I have asked have been kind of vague. I don't know if they just don't want to talk about it to a farang. Rather, might say, what do you think about all the protests and the political crisis?


My wife has just had a baby, so she was laid up. But she wanted to do her best to get down to the polling booth to "Help Thaksin"...

I have found that I haven't had to ask anyone. Everyone seems willing enough to tell me that they support Thaksin without having to ask. Just bringing it up in conversation seems to the way to start.


I have a Thai friend who speaks VERY good English. I didn't ask him who he voted for. I asked him IF he voted and he volunteered that he did vote for NONE of the above.

I wouldn't ask a Thai who they voted for. :o


I asked one of my maids this morning if she voted, she replied yes and not for Taksin. "I put cross for no vote" Which surprised me greatly as she comes from Sangkampaeng :o


Ive asked all of my adult students and most, I would say 99%, were anti Taksin. Yesterday, election day, a few refused to tell who they voted for. They said it was their personal business and I told them I respected them for saying that. It's the same in the west, some say, some dont, some care, some couldnt careless.


I would never ever ask a Thai about how he/she voted.

I even avoid to discuss this matter at my work, it's not my business as a farang here.

And I don't tell them my personal opinion, it could be used against me-who knows.

I am living in Phuket and what I "hear" so far nearly 100% of them are against Thaksin.

let's see what happens next.......



I'd be very cautious asking Thais who they voted for if, as is being predicted, Toxin gets the boot.

His political platform has been nationalist, and by definition 'Anti Foreigner'. You only need ask the wrong Thai (an agreaved supporter of Toxin who falls into the Anti Foreigner camp) and you've got a recepie of trouble.

It bit like back in Scotland, where an outsider might not understand the undercurrents of sectarianism in Scottish society.... Ask the wrong question of the wrong person and the results are not pretty.


We all trooped down to the local polling station yesterday here is Sam Prat and my 4 all voted for Mr T.

Spoke to some K.W s friends who had done the same....

The local Policeman guarding the place even asked me if I was gonna have a go (jockingly...och aye the noo..etc)...interesting thought....WHO? :o



It bit like back in Scotland, where an outsider might not understand the undercurrents of sectarianism in Scottish society.... Ask the wrong question of the wrong person and the results are not pretty.

Yes and is nice to have got away...escaped even from all those ignorant dum* sh...hawks that plague what other wise could represent a most civilised society...... :o

Sunni-Shites-*illies and Tims....Religous nutters everywhere..........so Sad........

I would never ever ask a Thai about how he/she voted.

I even avoid to discuss this matter at my work, it's not my business as a farang here.

And I don't tell them my personal opinion, it could be used against me-who knows.

I would have done the same years ago but times have changed in Thailand and it seems to me Thais are more open to express their feelings hence all the demonstartions.

Anyhow you dont have to ask such a direct question as in, who did you vote for? More like, what do you think of the demonstartions at the Paragon Shopping Mall. You will get their views indirectly.

All the discussions I have had in the classroom have been really revealing and I would never have expected Thai students to be so open about politics. Normally you cant get an opinion or view on anything. It's been very refreshing to see.

As a rule , it's none of anybody's business .

Precisely. I wouldn't ask someone from my home country who they voted for, why would I ask them here? A person's vote is their own personal choice and really has nothing to do with you or me.


As a rule , it's none of anybody's business .

Precisely. I wouldn't ask someone from my home country who they voted for, why would I ask them here? A person's vote is their own personal choice and really has nothing to do with you or me.

555 I've got a pretty fair idea who you voted for in the last US election tho, sbk! :o


I have nothing to hide and will happily admit to voting for my local MP in the last UK General Election......then we had a pzz-up.... :o


As a rule , it's none of anybody's business .

Precisely. I wouldn't ask someone from my home country who they voted for, why would I ask them here? A person's vote is their own personal choice and really has nothing to do with you or me.

555 I've got a pretty fair idea who you voted for in the last US election tho, sbk! :o

:D You got me on that one!

Anyway, volunteering the information is a far cry from actually asking someone. If that person wishes to share then they certainly will, but I think it is just wrong to outright ask someone how they voted.


hi all

last week my gf called me and asked who I thought she should vote for as all her family were voting for Mr T...seeing as he has done so much good for the country...they were saying

I told her my view and she said she might have to go for the No Vote

spoke to her yesturday...she tells me she voted for Mr T...she admitted she was the sheep...Bless her

some light intimidation went on I think as she's very head strong and generally does and speaks what she thinks

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