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Why are TV members so anti Hi-So Thais?


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"flaunt your wealth which can be a little "annoying" to a lot of westerners"

Is the flaunting of wealth an unheard of practice in the West?

Does it happen ONLY in these "undeveloped, 3rd world, Asian countries?"

An inferiority complex also causes a whole lot of complications, I've heard.


Who defined Developed, developing, underdeveloped countries? I really want to know. Since I have been working with people from the so-called developed countries for long long time but there have been very few people who deserve to be called the developed.

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Who defined Developed, developing, underdeveloped countries? I really want to know. Since I have been working with people from the so-called developed countries for long long time but there have been very few people who deserve to be called the developed.


There's the culprit...

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who have inherited wealth previously gathered through nepotistic means or corruption. However; that's the way it works in Asia.

Which was for hundreds of years in europe the norm as well....how do you think the ruling classes in the UK got to be the ruling classes ?....granted things have changed in the UK...but do you think in the 1960, the ruling classes would have granted a knighthood to some scouse commoner who could play the guitar ?....not on your life...

This class thing, although it does have something to do with the amount of money, there are other factors...family history, connections in the right places etc etc...

Do you really think the ruling classes in the UK see someone like Donald Trump as their equal ?....no way...he is colonial pleb who got lucky in their eyes, yes he has lots of money but still a lower class pleb...Harvard or not..

I had this funny flash of some English lord sitting in his castle, and being so poor he cannot afford to heat it and must give tours to raise money, looking upon billionaire Trump as a colonial plebe.... :-)

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This thread shows there is no clear cut definition of what a "hi-so" is or what qualifies as such.

Judging from what I've seen and heard, Thais qualify hi-so as anyone "rich and showing it (clothes, cars and accessoires) with a certain attitude".

Maybe what another poster posted about how there is an upper class versus a hi-so class, is most correct.

Now I don't care much about how much one has, it's the attitude that I don't like.

They are easily spotted and carry themselves with arrogance.

This is of course not only reserved to Thais. There are also arrogant farangs.

But the hi-so Thai is the one in brand clothes with sunglasses on in an elevator.

Needless to say, if you want to see them, go visit Siam Paragon and Emporium.

One of the reasons I avoid going there (well actually because I cannot afford it anyway biggrin.png )

I have yet to encounter one that carries a down to earth and inviting demeanor.

In fact, their whole expression says "I'm somebody, don't talk to me".

That's why there is no interaction.

(I have to admit, I go on first impressions which is actually an unfortunate characterstic moving about in Thailand, or any place for that matter - I'm working on it lol)

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Siam paragon shoppers arent hi so.

Just thais with good salaries on the most part with a few fakers thrown in the mix.

Does shopping at harrods in the uk make you upper class brit?

High society conjures images of charity dinners and other uninteresting stuff. To me, anyway.

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I've been to Harrods once, its similar to MBK.

I didn't say people with lots of money are hi-so, I said people that especially also have that arrogant or high-horse attitude. If just rich I would call it upper class.

And before anyone starts, no I'm not envious.

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I think the wealthy Thai parents have lot to answer or when it comes to arrogant attitudes of the children. There appears be very little discipline applied to the children and a lot of indulging their every whim. I see this a lot with rich Thai kids at my daughters school (international). I know this is not uniquely Thai but appears worse here. The flawed and corrupt justice system doesn't help as the kids know they will, more than likely, never have to answer for any wrongdoings due to daddy's connections.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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What's a "rockn rolla"?

Apart from the name of a Guy Ritchie film starring the delcious Thandie Newton..

To be fair to the "haves", a lot don't drive, they have a driver.

As for your "research" care to share your results?

yes.. at the time 1no. range rover sport in the UK was about £40000 (bottom range).. they are now about 50K....

thats 40000 x 50baht (which was the rate at the time) = 2million baht

a range rover sport in thailand cost 8million baht at the time

8m divided by 2m = 4no. range rover sports

PS... a hi sol rokkin rolla is just a fake hi sol person that has been mugged by the thai government for tax

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yes.. at the time 1no. range rover sport in the UK was about £40000 (bottom range).. they are now about 50K....

thats 40000 x 50baht (which was the rate at the time) = 2million baht

a range rover sport in thailand cost 8million baht at the time

8m divided by 2m = 4no. range rover sports

PS... a hi sol rokkin rolla is just a fake hi sol person that has been mugged by the thai government for tax

So it was based on a base model land rover, no mention of BMW or Mercedes?

Sorry for all the questions, but what is a hi sol?

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yes.. at the time 1no. range rover sport in the UK was about £40000 (bottom range).. they are now about 50K....

thats 40000 x 50baht (which was the rate at the time) = 2million baht

a range rover sport in thailand cost 8million baht at the time

8m divided by 2m = 4no. range rover sports

PS... a hi sol rokkin rolla is just a fake hi sol person that has been mugged by the thai government for tax

So it was based on a base model land rover, no mention of BMW or Mercedes?

Sorry for all the questions, but what is a hi sol?

same equation applies to mercs and bmws... which is unfortunately why i can never have one here

hi sol... is basically slang for a rich/posh maybe even middle class local...

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I doubt anyone posting on Thai Visa has ever met or talked with a hi-so person.

Most posters here seem to be confused by greedy money grubbing peasants.

Most hi-sos wouldn't even talk to a white foreigner.

The idea any obese romance travellers could mix with them is just laughable.

That is an odd thing to post, at least in my opinion.

I have a number of hi-so friends, and I socialize with them. I also have "mid-so" friends, and I socialize with them, too. And I have western friends who married women who some here would consider lo-so, and I socialize with them. Lastly, I have friends who are extremely wealthy, but new to wealth, so they don't have the key to the hi-so toilet yet.

On the other hand, I have known Thais in each of those "categories" to whom I wouldn't give the time of day. While I might enjoy the benefits of a night out on the town with some of my wealthier friends or trips to Hong Kong to go over portfolios, it is not the wealth or status of the person but rather if I like them and enjoy their company.


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yes.. at the time 1no. range rover sport in the UK was about £40000 (bottom range).. they are now about 50K....

thats 40000 x 50baht (which was the rate at the time) = 2million baht

a range rover sport in thailand cost 8million baht at the time

8m divided by 2m = 4no. range rover sports

PS... a hi sol rokkin rolla is just a fake hi sol person that has been mugged by the thai government for tax

So it was based on a base model land rover, no mention of BMW or Mercedes?

Sorry for all the questions, but what is a hi sol?

same equation applies to mercs and bmws... which is unfortunately why i can never have one here

hi sol... is basically slang for a rich/posh maybe even middle class local...

So, you'd be generally surprised by the current list prices of BMW and Mercedes? (see attached pics)

As for your "hi sol", I do believe you're getting confused with the term "hi so" (sans "l") which appears to mean the same thing, or I guess, society in general agrees with this definition...



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yes.. at the time 1no. range rover sport in the UK was about £40000 (bottom range).. they are now about 50K....

thats 40000 x 50baht (which was the rate at the time) = 2million baht

a range rover sport in thailand cost 8million baht at the time

8m divided by 2m = 4no. range rover sports

PS... a hi sol rokkin rolla is just a fake hi sol person that has been mugged by the thai government for tax

So it was based on a base model land rover, no mention of BMW or Mercedes?

Sorry for all the questions, but what is a hi sol?

same equation applies to mercs and bmws... which is unfortunately why i can never have one here

hi sol... is basically slang for a rich/posh maybe even middle class local...

So, you'd be generally surprised by the current list prices of BMW and Mercedes? (see attached pics)

As for your "hi sol", I do believe you're getting confused with the term "hi so" (sans "l") which appears to mean the same thing, or I guess, society in general agrees with this definition...

same same ever so slightly different

yes thanks for that information. I`m always interested to see what the current prices are... truth is, if I didn`t feel like I was getting ripped off, I`d have one... (well, my favourite would be the range rover sport deisel, just trying to check the prices. Last time I looked it wroked out about 4 ranges rovers in the UK for the price of 1 in Thailand). Lets see if its any different now. I will report back soon.

yes it does appear that prices may have come down slightly or at least stayed the same since I last checked (which was a good few years back)

i think prices in the UK will have gone up since then so the rip off factor is not quite as bad as before but still it is a complete rip off.

it does seem that the lower class models are your best bet if you want to keep the rip off factor to a minimum (but personally I`m not interested in the base models anyway)

but you are not going to get a new BMW or a new Merc for anything less than the cost of 2 of them in the UK

a few selected models listed with the rip off factor alongside (my personal favourite highlighted in red, unfortunately these have the biggist rip-off factor)

Merc A class (bottom of the range) - 2.2x

Merc SLK 200 - 2.5x

Merc CLS - 2.3x

Merc SL 350 - 3.3x

BMW 320 sport - 2.1x

BMW 528 sport - 2.5x

BMW 640 - 3.1x

BMW 730LD - 2.7x

If you have the money and plenty to spare.. fair doos.. have... but I`m buggered if I`m going to be ripped off for me hard earned wonga...

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Farang point of view:

Thailand is a third world county, but with a few " hi-so" families that have managed to loot their own country in order to buy mansions and exotic cars. And every piece of technology Thais use , from mobile phones to high rise buildings to Ferrari cars, was brought here by farangs. A lot of generational wealth, so no need to worry too much about paying respect to some idiot kid who inherited everything he has. The Red Bull heir springs to mind.. :-)

Hi-so point of view:

We are the ruling elites of Thailand, and always have been. How amusing to see these farangs come here on their cheapie holidays , and form relationships with dirt poor farm girls. Good thing the farangs are supporting them so we don't have to......

Eyes Wide Open point of view:

Most of us come here from egalitarian societies. Meaning we are all exactly the same on a social basis, it is just that some people have more zeros in their bank books. This fact does NOT make them a superior person !!!!!

So it is always a bit amazing to come here, and in essence see a feudal society where the peasants bow and scrape in front of the liege lords.

Feels sometime like we are in the 16 century.....

yes... it is all very amusing... for me marrying my farm girl was kinda my ticket here. to be fair to her i never would have done what i have done if had just been me on myself. i understand it for farang wanting to make a life in thailand.. but for gods sake don`t take em home with you!!!...

basically what I`m saying is, marry a dirt poor farm girl for the right reasons... not for any notions of love, sentiment or for someone to have great conversation with....

at least if you marry a thai in thailand, and buy property, OK, it might be in her name but believe it or not, you have rights as the husband in thailand. if you have problems (which you will Inevitably will) the bloke is always the one taken to the cleaners in the UK, especially if their are kids involved.

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many so called hi so thais are schooled in england and us at the elite boarding schools etc they have a very good grounding in different cultures and quite a few have married with partners who are non-thai

mostly its the middle class thais that most foreigners would be in contact with in bangkok and because the middle class try to copy the rich classes they sometimes act or play the class system game trying to make others look beneath them

the elite bloodlines of thailand go back 1000 years which roughly coincides with the introduction of the thai language and class system brought to these shores by aryan bloodlines that are still around today like the bunnag family

the white skinned chinese immigrants who came over in greater numbers during chairman mao s murderess ways has led to a more whitter skinned middle class of today and also upper class but still alot of the hi so thais arent as white skinned as the new middle classes some of who have become fabously wealthy but dont have the historic important bloodlines as the more pronounced so called hi so s

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Farang point of view:

Thailand is a third world county, but with a few " hi-so" families that have managed to loot their own country in order to buy mansions and exotic cars. And every piece of technology Thais use , from mobile phones to high rise buildings to Ferrari cars, was brought here by farangs. A lot of generational wealth, so no need to worry too much about paying respect to some idiot kid who inherited everything he has. The Red Bull heir springs to mind.. :-)

Hi-so point of view:

We are the ruling elites of Thailand, and always have been. How amusing to see these farangs come here on their cheapie holidays , and form relationships with dirt poor farm girls. Good thing the farangs are supporting them so we don't have to......

Eyes Wide Open point of view:

Most of us come here from egalitarian societies. Meaning we are all exactly the same on a social basis, it is just that some people have more zeros in their bank books. This fact does NOT make them a superior person !!!!!

So it is always a bit amazing to come here, and in essence see a feudal society where the peasants bow and scrape in front of the liege lords.

Feels sometime like we are in the 16 century.....

Very accurate IMO.

Whenever someone talks about the Thai society (either the social hierarchy, the education system/level of education of the people, the role of women in society, the rule of law, whatever), I always think "was Europe/US so different let's say 100 or 150 years ago?" it was probably quite similar, with some differences based on culture.

I am sure if I was time traveling to France or England in 1870, many of the above mentioned phenomenons would resemble what we see here (of course technology has changed, they have cars and mobile phones now, but in essence).

Don't forget that the industrial revolution started in Europe around 1800 (or even earlier), while in Thailand it maybe begun around 1930.

Democracy - same thing.

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