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PM won't meddle in military affairs

Lite Beer

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This is interesting.

Is there or has there been any other PM who appointed themselves Ministry of Defense? I dont recall ever hearing anything like that before.

Churchill? Or was it Minister for War?

Edited by Bagwan
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This gets better every day... she puts herself in charge of the Ministry of Defence and then states she won't meddle. Then she adds that the only reason she's doing it is so she can find out what they do.

Some might praise her enthusiasm to "get involved" but couldn't she have got some lackey to report to her and sit under a real Defence Minister? She's the PM for goodness sake. Or maybe get someone close with some military understanding to run the ministry?

It all stinks. The only reasons I can think of this "appointment" are either to have a say in spending or to exercise some sort of "control". Like saying which unspecified VIPs get to use the new unspecified VIP Boeing.

Agree, however, I think her appointment it is far more covert in order to determine which of the miltary leadership can be turned to support her deviant brother and which ones she needs to fear and annex. When you consider the gullibility of the Thai public and their apathy to the abysmal performance of this government then the military become the biggest threat to the PTP and the potential for a return of her weasel brother.

For a long time the Thai military has played a political role in this country and as detrimental as this may be in an open democracy it is they way things are done in Thailand for better or for worse. In a democratic country or in a communist regime, should the military turn on the government it would be seen as an act of treason, however, here it is seen as in defense of the monarcy on the surface, however, the real reasons are purely political and personal motivation.

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