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Smart TV - too smart for me - how to watch web movies?


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I bought a Samsung 42" Smart TV about a year ago and just recently connected to the web via LAN cable. About 2 weeks ago I clicked to a variety of movies and recorded tv listings. It was a very poor selection with the movies either being Korean or old, even silent, BW American movies. I sampled a bit here and there but soon left it. A couple of days ago I went back and there was a whole new interface in the My Video category. Some recent movies that I would actually watch. It seems that all I can do with them is select them and see info on them, "Like" them if I wish too, but NOT watch them. Anybody know what's the secret?

I do see a very small link at the bottom of the screen to "Log In". Is that what this is about? Do I need to create an account with Samsung and then pay to view? That's my best guess.

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Riiiiiiiiiiight - I should have known that.

Well it seems that Google doesn't know what you mean EITHER.

Some people seem to enjoy being abstruse.

Edited by giddyup
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Riiiiiiiiiiight - I should have known that.

Well it seems that Google doesn't know what you mean EITHER.

Some people seem to enjoy being abstruse.

I suspect it means read the manual. Wish I could help, try google.

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Riiiiiiiiiiight - I should have known that.

Well it seems that Google doesn't know what you mean EITHER.

Some people seem to enjoy being abstruse.

I suspect it means read the manual. Wish I could help, try google.

Of course, TFM! That would be great if it was in TFM but it's all about the TV, Nothing about the smart ass pects. I was just hoping that with a group this large someone had already solved the question. I'll just add that before I bought the thing I asked in a couple of different shops what kind of video content i could expect when connected. I got the usual blank stare. I based that question on my web research which if on samsung.au or in the us, lists the content provider. That was a year ago - maybe Thailand DOES have some info now. Cheers.

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Jaysus, the f***ing Google generation, if it's not on Google they have no capability to think for themselves.

Google is turning the whole world dumb.

As an alternative to taking the instruction manual out of the wrapping, watch this video:



Of course this makes the assumption that you have connected your TV to your network.

Edited by Chicog
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Jaysus, the f***ing Google generation, if it's not on Google they have no capability to think for themselves.

Google is turning the whole world dumb.

As an alternative to taking the instruction manual out of the wrapping, watch this video:



Of course this makes the assumption that you have connected your TV to your network.

At 53, not sure if I qualify for the Google generation. I actually remember using the dewey decimal system to find information, much easier now to use google. Progress ehh!

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I also bought a Samsung "smart" TV. Turned out to be really DUMB. When I put in the air card and hooked it to my wireless network it decided to use the same IP address as my computer. Before I could use my computer again I had to take out the Samsung air-card and remove the Samsung software from my computer. Before I removed the Samsung air-card, I too looked at all the sites available for what I thought would allow me to watch movies, etc. Like you, what I found was sites that allow me to see what movies, etc. other people like/dislike. What a waste! These sites may be great for people who cannot form their own opinion, but I could care less what other people like/dislike. I will form my own opinion, thank you very much.

So, based on my experience, I would say that the Samsung "Smart" TV is pretty dumb. I have found it totally useless for doing anything except watching DVDs (smile.png ) and/or Thai TV (bah.gif ).

If any one has figured out how to watch English language movies on this "Smart" TV, I would be grateful to hear about it. wai2.gif

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I have the same tele so can give you a few tips.

- Don't bother unless you have a wireless mouse (which will do) and a wireless keyboard. You can stroll around the internet if you have a mouse and it's cooling seeing it on the big screen.

- There's a handing shortcut when you are watching. something on HDMI2 for example. You can click the mouse, think its left click or any, but this brings up the menu to go to smarthub. from there connect to the inteternet.

- Bookmark your favourites

I'm just getting to know it as the whole True losing the EPL has meant a rijig and think about communications in the house. I'm saving 500 baht, going with Thai expat TV for 15 UK channels through the net (600 baht) and CTH for the EPL where they are showing every single game, lordy.

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I don't have a Smart TV, but I think you need to connect to the various TV streaming sites such as Hulu or Netflix

(just as you would on your PC). You can also go direct to many of the TV internet sites and watch from there.

The trouble is that many of these sites are unavailable outside the USA unless you use a Proxy to bypass the region locking.

This article has a lot of info. http://lifehacker.com/5475091/how-can-i-ditch-cable-and-watch-my-tv-shows-and-movies-online

As mentioned, you will also need a keyboard and mouse.

Good luck.

Edited by jackflash
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Smart TVs make a lot more sense in countries where you've got things like iplayer and netflix to watch.

Or for Thais, a smart TV will let you watch mydootv using the web browser (I think Samsung / LG TVs only as the others have cut down web access - have definitely got it working on an LG TV - but doesn't work on an LG Blu-ray player) - also only outside Thailand.

If you have a PC with downloaded TV programmes or ripped movies, you can set things up to connect to it. i.e. install plex server or xbmc on the PC, tell it where the tv and movies are, and for xbmc, turn on upnp in the services menu, and you can connect your tv to it to watch that. You can do the same to watch stuff on your computer with a PS3 or Xbox 360 if your TV isn't smart (or an Ouya with a side-load of the android version of xbmc).

There are plugins for xbmc that will let you watch TV/movies from elsewhere in the world if your internet connection is fast enough...

Edited by bkk_mike
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I also bought a Samsung "smart" TV. Turned out to be really DUMB. When I put in the air card and hooked it to my wireless network it decided to use the same IP address as my computer. Before I could use my computer again I had to take out the Samsung air-card and remove the Samsung software from my computer. Before I removed the Samsung air-card, I too looked at all the sites available for what I thought would allow me to watch movies, etc. Like you, what I found was sites that allow me to see what movies, etc. other people like/dislike. What a waste! These sites may be great for people who cannot form their own opinion, but I could care less what other people like/dislike. I will form my own opinion, thank you very much.

So, based on my experience, I would say that the Samsung "Smart" TV is pretty dumb. I have found it totally useless for doing anything except watching DVDs (smile.png ) and/or Thai TV (bah.gif ).

If any one has figured out how to watch English language movies on this "Smart" TV, I would be grateful to hear about it. wai2.gif

Aircard? Mine has Wifi built straight in. You can login with your Samsung account if you have one on your phone.

It can see every media player and storage in the house and plays whatever I want (I have media players for other TVs that are older).

It has voice control, which works well, and gesture control, which I don't bother with.

I have a Bluray player, but I don't bother with that since I got the Mede8er and found a nice source for disk images which I can't mention on here because it's against the rules.

It's certainly better than a "dumb" TV, but even with one of those, as the poster above says you can use Navi-X or an Android Stick to smarten it up a bit.

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I also bought a Samsung "smart" TV. Turned out to be really DUMB. When I put in the air card and hooked it to my wireless network it decided to use the same IP address as my computer. Before I could use my computer again I had to take out the Samsung air-card and remove the Samsung software from my computer. Before I removed the Samsung air-card, I too looked at all the sites available for what I thought would allow me to watch movies, etc. Like you, what I found was sites that allow me to see what movies, etc. other people like/dislike. What a waste! These sites may be great for people who cannot form their own opinion, but I could care less what other people like/dislike. I will form my own opinion, thank you very much.

So, based on my experience, I would say that the Samsung "Smart" TV is pretty dumb. I have found it totally useless for doing anything except watching DVDs (smile.png ) and/or Thai TV (bah.gif ).

If any one has figured out how to watch English language movies on this "Smart" TV, I would be grateful to hear about it. wai2.gif

Aircard? Mine has Wifi built straight in. You can login with your Samsung account if you have one on your phone.

It can see every media player and storage in the house and plays whatever I want (I have media players for other TVs that are older).

It has voice control, which works well, and gesture control, which I don't bother with.

I have a Bluray player, but I don't bother with that since I got the Mede8er and found a nice source for disk images which I can't mention on here because it's against the rules.

It's certainly better than a "dumb" TV, but even with one of those, as the poster above says you can use Navi-X or an Android Stick to smarten it up a bit.

Thanks for the information. It tells me that there is a lot that I don't know. I have a Bluray player attached to the TV, but the terms 'Mede8er", Navi-X" and "Android Stick" are new to me. I have TOT ADSL with a wireless modem for my computer. I guess I am behind the times. sad.png

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I also bought a Samsung "smart" TV. Turned out to be really DUMB. When I put in the air card and hooked it to my wireless network it decided to use the same IP address as my computer. Before I could use my computer again I had to take out the Samsung air-card and remove the Samsung software from my computer. Before I removed the Samsung air-card, I too looked at all the sites available for what I thought would allow me to watch movies, etc. Like you, what I found was sites that allow me to see what movies, etc. other people like/dislike. What a waste! These sites may be great for people who cannot form their own opinion, but I could care less what other people like/dislike. I will form my own opinion, thank you very much.

So, based on my experience, I would say that the Samsung "Smart" TV is pretty dumb. I have found it totally useless for doing anything except watching DVDs (smile.png ) and/or Thai TV (bah.gif ).

If any one has figured out how to watch English language movies on this "Smart" TV, I would be grateful to hear about it. wai2.gif

Aircard? Mine has Wifi built straight in. You can login with your Samsung account if you have one on your phone.

It can see every media player and storage in the house and plays whatever I want (I have media players for other TVs that are older).

It has voice control, which works well, and gesture control, which I don't bother with.

I have a Bluray player, but I don't bother with that since I got the Mede8er and found a nice source for disk images which I can't mention on here because it's against the rules.

It's certainly better than a "dumb" TV, but even with one of those, as the poster above says you can use Navi-X or an Android Stick to smarten it up a bit.

Thanks for the information. It tells me that there is a lot that I don't know. I have a Bluray player attached to the TV, but the terms 'Mede8er", Navi-X" and "Android Stick" are new to me. I have TOT ADSL with a wireless modem for my computer. I guess I am behind the times. sad.png




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  • 2 months later...

Jaysus, the f***ing Google generation, if it's not on Google they have no capability to think for themselves.

Google is turning the whole world dumb.

As an alternative to taking the instruction manual out of the wrapping, watch this video:



Of course this makes the assumption that you have connected your TV to your network.

"Generally we admire the thing that we are not" http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/thinking-smart-understanding-intelligence.html

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Jaysus, the f***ing Google generation, if it's not on Google they have no capability to think for themselves.

Google is turning the whole world dumb.

As an alternative to taking the instruction manual out of the wrapping, watch this video:



Of course this makes the assumption that you have connected your TV to your network.

"Generally we admire the thing that we are not" http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/thinking-smart-understanding-intelligence.html

That's very edumacational.

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