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Seems prety straight forward and simple what she is thinking.

A. She would prefer not to keep having sex with you.

B. She still wants you to look after her financialy and keep a roof over her head etc.

C. In order to keep this financial security she would like you to live with her and keep her in cash but have sex with someone else and make you think that it is her who is doing you a good turn.

Sounds like a cunning girl though not the first to have trapped farang this way.

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The Dude doesn't believe that any tg suggesting that her mate can have one of these noi mias is actually serious. They just don't dig the concept. can you dig it?

I don't think any Thai girl cares what mr. Dude thinks, believes or digs, they're far more intelligent than he digs....dig? :o


Seems prety straight forward and simple what she is thinking.

A. She would prefer not to keep having sex with you.

B. She still wants you to look after her financialy and keep a roof over her head etc.

C. In order to keep this financial security she would like you to live with her and keep her in cash but have sex with someone else and make you think that it is her who is doing you a good turn.

Sounds like a cunning girl though not the first to have trapped farang this way.

Doubt if she's looking to trap an farang without alot of money. It's not always "the money thing"!

IMO, i think shes just testing you. Once you start messing around I'm sure she'll turn into Lorraina Bobbit :o


Bbigman21: I have a feeling this MIA NOI-topic is going to be a long and interesting one with a LOT of different views and opinions, both from male and female members :o

At least Mr. and Mrs. Bbigman21 have a lot to discuss :D



Ive jokingly hinted that Ill get myself a mia-noi

And in turn my wife hinted that if i did, i would wake one day to find her gone and my genitals removed and left on the side... or she would simply slit my throat whilst i slept.

Now all joking aside, I wouldnt do it - but she doesnt know 100% i wouldnt get a mia noi - and i certainly wouldnt trust her, or any woman - particularly thai 100% not to cut off my bits if i did - and i aint a gambling man

Also I have 6 or 7 mates married to Thai ladies here in the UK - and Im fairly certain all of their wives would not accept their husband having a mia-noi....

And if they did accept it as the OP is suggesting, im sure that ultimately there would be a good reason for their apparent lack of concern - as they would be benefitting in another way... and only a fool would think otherwise.

Ive jokingly hinted that Ill get myself a mia-noi

And in turn my wife hinted that if i did, i would wake one day to find her gone and my genitals removed and left on the side... or she would simply slit my throat whilst i slept.

Hmmm....difference in culture?

I don't think there would be many Western women who would say (or do) something drastic like that :D

Joking about having a Mia Noi is something quite different than 'removing' genitals or 'slitting the throat', I would think :o

I wouldn't sleep comfortable anymore when my wife would make a remark like that....serious or not. :D

Anybody here sleeping with a MALE-chastity belt ? :D

US$ 259.--


"............... Why wife has told me many times that she wants to have many women love me. ..................

I love this thread. Play it disinterested. Laughingly tell her that " sure.....sure...surprise me sometime..." If she actually pulls it off like you (or I ) envision.....post another thread. :o


Ive jokingly hinted that Ill get myself a mia-noi

And in turn my wife hinted that if i did, i would wake one day to find her gone and my genitals removed and left on the side... or she would simply slit my throat whilst i slept.

Hmmm....difference in culture?

I don't think there would be many Western women who would say (or do) something drastic like that :D

Joking about having a Mia Noi is something quite different than 'removing' genitals or 'slitting the throat', I would think :o

I wouldn't sleep comfortable anymore when my wife would make a remark like that....serious or not. :D

Anybody here sleeping with a MALE-chastity belt ? :D

US$ 259.--


when its in jest then its all just a bit of fun - i feel safe enough to sleep easy - but thanks for your concern

if i do feel the need to live dangerously though ill be sure to get myself a male chastity belt :D

Seems prety straight forward and simple what she is thinking.

A. She would prefer not to keep having sex with you.

B. She still wants you to look after her financialy and keep a roof over her head etc.

C. In order to keep this financial security she would like you to live with her and keep her in cash but have sex with someone else and make you think that it is her who is doing you a good turn.

Sounds like a cunning girl though not the first to have trapped farang this way.


I can see where 'English Noodles' is coming from, although a tactful reply wouldve been more suitable. :o

I thought the same when I first read your OP but I bit my lip.

I hope Im wrong. :D


Seems prety straight forward and simple what she is thinking.

A. She would prefer not to keep having sex with you.

B. She still wants you to look after her financialy and keep a roof over her head etc.

C. In order to keep this financial security she would like you to live with her and keep her in cash but have sex with someone else and make you think that it is her who is doing you a good turn.

Sounds like a cunning girl though not the first to have trapped farang this way.


I can see where 'English Noodles' is coming from, although a tactful reply wouldve been more suitable. :o

I thought the same when I first read your OP but I bit my lip.

I hope Im wrong. :D

Im sure the OP will be ammused with how many posts his topic has attracted...

As game4shame says - english noodles seems to have it spot on here - from what ive heard from guys ive known in thailand, "C" seems a likely candidate in this sort of situation... despite what the guy thinks!

My wife tells me that no one uses the term "mia noi" around here any more as it's too old fashioned.You must use the term "gig". The thai guy living opposite my home told his wife on Sunday night that he had a gig. She asked him to finish with her. He said he loved his wife and 2 kids, but couldn't give up the sex with his gig. Next day the house is empty and she is living with her mother in Bangkok. My wife says I can only have one if she has more income than me. She doesn't care much about the faithfullness, she'd just be livid if I gave anyone else money :o

Mia noi is still used as is gig (which is pronounced gik if my ears are right) but gig has a negative connotation and is not long term at least as it was explained to me. It would be my guess that your wife was giving her impressions of Mia noi’s which may be that they are gigs.

She told me if I wanted her to find me a second wife she would, Of course I told her no. But she told me if I like a lady that is ok.
Are you serious? Does she have any sisters???

Why yes she does and she is a real looker too :o


Ive jokingly hinted that Ill get myself a mia-noi

And in turn my wife hinted that if i did, i would wake one day to find her gone and my genitals removed and left on the side... or she would simply slit my throat whilst i slept.

Hmmm....difference in culture?

I don't think there would be many Western women who would say (or do) something drastic like that :D

Joking about having a Mia Noi is something quite different than 'removing' genitals or 'slitting the throat', I would think :D

I wouldn't sleep comfortable anymore when my wife would make a remark like that....serious or not. :D

Anybody here sleeping with a MALE-chastity belt ? :D

US$ 259.--


Do they come in differn't sizes :o

Do they come in differn't sizes :o

For your size you need to have one custom-made I suppose :D XXXL ?

Talk to them and order 1 for your wife as well :D :



From their website:

""Throughout our existence we have had a lot of satisfied clients among which were also Arnold Schwarzenegger and David Hasselhoff."" :D



Even When we were dating my wife told me she just wanted me to be happy. She told me that If I wanted to have threesome I could. Know being the western man that I am I just thought it was a way to bag me. I did not fall in love with her for that or for the sex. When we first married she did not like sex that much. She has grown to like it more to the point were I do not have to intiate all the time :D Yes I have had some concern that she is thinking of going outside the marriage when she brings up the Mia Noi. And yes she knows What a gig is to. She says what ever I want is ok as long as I do not hurt the family. I love my wife very much this is not even a question in my mind right now. However I do not know what the future brings.

But thanks for all the replies.



the only problem with this product is it still leaves yer balls swinging in the breeze

- fine in most situations but not if youre trying to fend off a frenzied attack from yer mrs who's found out you've got a mia-noi

she'd have em off in the blink of an eye



I think one has to ask how many Thai men of middle age do you know of the same income as yourself and how many of them have mia nois.

I know ten and two of them have mia nois. The two guys didn’t tell me on purpose it came up when I was with them and we accidentally met the mia nois.

From this I would draw that probably three of the others out of the ten have mia nois also.

The other five gentlemen and I engaged in a discussion about it one night and they had drunk enough truth serum to be honest and vehemently denied they had mia nois. I even baited them with the masculine thing asking if they wanted to borrow some viagra.

So from the above I have concluded that about 50% of Thai males over the age of 50 who are well off have mia nois.

Most Thai women tell me that they stop having sex between 50 and 60. Which further makes me think that the 50% figure above is accurate.

I think one of the reasons that Thai women like Farang men so much is that Farang men don’t know or don’t believe the 50% figure. The Farang guy can be convinced by a little cultural manipulation that it is immoral and unusual to have a mia noi. While the Thai guy expects it if he can afford it.

Farang males in the West have been brainwashed into believing so many things that were OK for their fathers or grandfathers are now somehow immoral or not politically correct that not having a mia noi seems a small things.

Western men a hundred years ago drank a quart of whiskey a day, could legally smoke pot, buy opium at the pharmacy and bank tellers had ashtrays for their cigars in the teller window.

I don’t think Thai women like the mia noi concept any more than Western women but unless they are with a Western man they pretty much accept it.

Then prince charming comes along. He doesn’t drink a fifth of whiskey a day, he doesn’t smoke or do drugs and he is a faithful husband and he is rich. No wonder they like Farang.

I don’t want to imply that having a mia noi is such a great thing because I have spent a few sleepless nights consoling wives who’s husbands were out with the mia noi and they were very angry. And there was a time in Thailand and it was not too long ago that organs were regularly cut off.

One woman is hard enough and two are twice as hard.

To me mia nois are kind of like a cricket match. It lasts a long time and even though I watch it intently I still have no idea what is going on. But I do know what a wobbly is.

Somehow I am getting the feeling that she thinks she will have better status if I have a Mia Noi

Hmmm....you might be right here, in a way.

It depends what her roots are and if it's common or not in her family circles.

How can we, men, ever know what's in the mind of a woman :o




Hmm....I wonder how long have you been married, seem like you don't know your wife that well if she's joking or not?

I would have to guess - less than 5 yrs?....not a very good topic to be brought up during the first 5 yrs, if I may say so...something fishy is going on here.

My wife tells me that no one uses the term "mia noi" around here any more as it's too old fashioned.You must use the term "gig".

yeah, I agree ! although is it "gig"? I was told - "kick". whatever.

even old generation in province know this "new fashion" - my mother in law once asked me about it - do I have "side-kicks" ?

I think especially young generation prefer gig to mia nois, "fan" or even BGs (or their equivalent for Thais). coz it is much cheaper (or mostly free) and no other attachments, commitments and obligations.

as for farangs - well, not even gigs would change their habits and appetites ! :o


Somehow I am getting the feeling that she thinks she will have better status if I have a Mia Noi

:D I think you have already started looking



To funny but I am american!

My wife says she just wants me to be happy! I think she is serious but I also think if I did it she would be mad. Yes I do know my wife I just don't understand women :D



  • 4 weeks later...
Well that did not take long at all. My wife just asked me if I asked you guys about this and wanted to know whaty you said. She told me if I wanted her to find me a second wife she would, Of course I told her no. But she told me if I like a lady that is ok.

She sugested it because she doesn't give a stuff about you. A Thai woman in love would never approve, let alone sugest one.

If you fall for that one you're an idiot.


i don't think smart husband will post anything here . Keep everything low profile :o But it's nice to learn how you get caught .





If any member who gives his / her full profile for wifey / husband ect. ect to recognise them and exploit them to god only knows, they deserve all that comes to them. :D

In Thailand of all places one must be discreet and not advertise or be sucked into silly confessions that are flip flop prone.

All the people moving about with big smiles on their faces saying nothing know this survival tactic and continue to enjoyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Me i have nothing to hide, well not a lot honest wifey no.1, no.2, no.3, no.4, no.5, no.6 well this is TIT in it.......................................

marshbags :D:D:D


My girlfriends father has a Mia noi and I suspect he has had many over the years.

The latest is richer than him and he has a prosperous haulage business. She is in the same business,but has a fleet of trucks.

His wife found out recently when he left his mobile behind.Was a problem for a week or so, now its quiet again.

The girlfriend and I were party to the secret of the Mia noi.This because his wife is her step mother and her loyalty is to her father.

I also have a Thai friend on Koh Chang with a Mia noi.She is also much richer than him.Recently she bought him a new pickup.

Though I'm not married as yet,the subject of a Mia noi has been discussed due to the situation with her father.

'You can have a Mia noi when we have 100,000,000b in the bank.'

This being a safe bet,we will not reach this figure.

I'm happy with my lady as she is beautiful,sexy and 24 years younger than me and I hope she will see me out! No Mia noi required.


Anyone considered the merits of Islam, which allows for multiple LEGAL wives? I am not suggesting that this is a practical alternative for anyone here, but in my opinion it has its merits. I also had read somewher that multiple wives were legal in Thailand before 1925 and that one of the Kings decided to change the law. Anyone know the facts.

Oh and I am not german :o Or 50 or rich or living in Pattya :D

Hi bbigman! I have a few thoughts...

1. I think it's a loaded question. My wife asked me if I wanted a Mia Noi, I told her

emphatically "NO". I also told her that I was offended that she would ask. She cried and was so

happy, that was the answer that she wanted to hear, but was afraid that she wouldn't hear. We

Farangs don't have the best reps here.

2. I don't believe that Thai ladies like it anymore than we would, if the shoe was on the other foot.

At least not a lady that loves her husband. Who knows, she could be shopping too, in which


3. Aren't you the one that is looking for ways to work and afford to move to Thailand? I would

worry more about being able to take care of what you have before adding the expense of a Mia


4. I wouldn't become the kid in the candy store, at least not until you get the wife to take you to

the Mall first. Kind of sounds like she's trying to find out what you're going to be like once

you move to Thailand. You might just be talking her out of moving here.



please guys listen here

Thai wifes or any wife for that matter, do not want to shear you with another woman. If they for any reason would allow you to start or accept an ongoing outside realtionship with another woman, can only be of two reasons, she as an agenda with you or she is insane. You should consider to leave now.

If she asks you if you want a mia noi, then you say "no thanks, I love only one". Then she says" not for love, for sex only tirak" then you say, "tirak do you really think of me as an animal?"

Do not ever accept an offer of sheared love from your wife.


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