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.... Nothing against Wash State but do you really want to live in a mini UK weather system? Rain, rain, rain.

I like rain….well let’s see why rain rain rain is good for Bambi..

Bambi can stay in and read all her text books

Bambi can have a Free car wash

Bambi won’t get tan – no need for skin whitening lotion here

Bambi can sleep-in

Bambi can stay in bed cuddling her tee-rak…..I bet she will like this!

Or…Bambi can be“singing in the rain” with the romantic sound of the rain provides charming backup!

What load (a loaf?) of silliness. This fellow (girl?) BKK9201 has managed to degrade the discussion to this juvenile level -- to Bambina, a lady who is one of our respected Thai female contributors and concerned about her professional development.

Forgod sake! having a bit of sense of humor wouldn't hurt you. I'm sure the poster didn't mean any harm.

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Bambi can stay in and read all her text books

Bambi can have a Free car wash

Bambi won’t get tan – no need for skin whitening lotion here

Bambi can sleep-in

Bambi can stay in bed cuddling her tee-rak…..I bet she will like this!

Or…Bambi can be“singing in the rain” with the romantic sound of the rain provides charming backup!

Let me get the hair gel, a mirror and a sense of humor...

If you think that's entertaining, watch Big Brother or whatever that reality show is .. they might even cuddle their tee-rak ...

Get the bucket, I want to puke...

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Is there really a demand for a pet doctor?

YES! there really really is! just ask Phangan Animal Care for one! Samui and Koh Tao also really need vets.

by the way I do believe the program at Colorado State focuses more on Agricultural vets...

I was born and raised in the great state of Colorado, graduated from Boulder, and can promise you that there are some very interesting and open-minded people there. It's very artistic and "retro" hippie.

I also went to school in Boulder and was just there a year and a half ago... it's no longer so retro or hippie... lots of rich yuppies moving in... but the underlying liberal feel is still there for now and it might just be the last few good years so get there while you can! It's a beautiful place like nowhere else!

Edited by girlx
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Bambi can stay in and read all her text books

Bambi can have a Free car wash

Bambi won’t get tan – no need for skin whitening lotion here

Bambi can sleep-in

Bambi can stay in bed cuddling her tee-rak…..I bet she will like this!

Or…Bambi can be“singing in the rain” with the romantic sound of the rain provides charming backup!

Let me get the hair gel, a mirror and a sense of humor...

If you think that's entertaining, watch Big Brother or whatever that reality show is .. they might even cuddle their tee-rak ...

Get the bucket, I want to puke...

You just reenforced what I said about "needing sense of humor". Good job :o

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Might I place the University of Georgia into the mix. Top ten in Vet schools, small town atmoshere, yet close enough to Atlanta, which has great shopping, restaurants, and nightlife. Cost of life much cheaper than on the left coast or in the northern states.

Athens the town where its located produces many great bands REM , B-52s etc has great restaurants and nightspots and Atlanta's the hip hop capital if your groove needs to get down.

Climate varies, but not so much as in the north or midwest. It snows, but only once or twice a season and generally has a most hospitable clime for the winter. The summers will remind you of Bangkok.

Only a few hours to the beach and less to the mountains (or what passes for such in the southeastrn US) larger than those found in Thailand yet much smaller than the western states.

Georgia has good sports programs, especially womens gymnastics golf swimming and tennis whom were at the top or number 1 in country and a decent mens football squad. No soccer played. :o

The Atlanta environs are home to many golf courses, lots of folks like to call Atlanta home, including Elton John. Bars are open late, strippers still strip, a real active nightclub scene for every taste

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If people would be so kind as to post links to the Veterinarian Medicine departments of their favourite universities, it would make life a little easier for Bambina to research the possible choices.

How nice your city looks at different times of the year might not be as important to her as things like:

Admission Requirements

Program Content

Program Costs (tuition)

Cost of Living

Also note the Bambina is looking for a Doctorate program (Masters Degree). Many institutes offer pre-vet medicine, batchelor and/or undergraduate programs, but that isn't what she is looking for.

Some people may prefer to put up with living in less desirable conditions, in order to get the quality schooling they want.

Others may be under financial constraints, and have to compromise between living costs and tuition fees.

Having the links will allow her to determine right away if that institute even offers what she is looking for. After that, she can determine if it is affordable (tuition/cost of living). The decision about where to study may already be determined by the previous two factors.

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KerryD ... your post about financial trade offs is pretty accurate ... good thoughts ... but for foriegn students the prices don't tend to swing too widely .... <I think>

<<a masters program is not a Doctorate program ...>>

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KerryD ... your post about financial trade offs is pretty accurate ... good thoughts ... but for foriegn students the prices don't tend to swing too widely .... <I think>

<<a masters program is not a Doctorate program ...>>

Yeah, I guess the Doctorate thing is the PhD ? (me not gud skuul lern. only no little more than politcians) :o

I do know that some schools expect foreign (even out-of-state) students to pay higher tuition fees than locals. That was on the news not too long ago (it was about illegal immigrants in California paying lower tuition fees than American citizens from outside of California).

At (some) Canadian Uni's, non-Canadians have to pay higher tuitions as well, and have fewer admission slots to compete for admission. (I think one story a few years ago mentioned that foreign students studying to be doctors or lawyers, were paying up to 4 times as much as Canadian students studying the same courses).

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Uni's in the UK and USA have in some cases reduced the number of local applicants they will accept so they can increase the number of foriegn applicants (and thus generate income)

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Why not try an australian university

Melbourne university AKA the university of melbourne has a vet science course is one of the top 15 universities in the world.

is located in the middle of a major city with a large asian community and is much safer to study at that most major US cities

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KerryD ... your post about financial trade offs is pretty accurate ... good thoughts ... but for foriegn students the prices don't tend to swing too widely .... <I think>

<<a masters program is not a Doctorate program ...>>

Yeah, I guess the Doctorate thing is the PhD ? (me not gud skuul lern. only no little more than politcians) :D

:o A Doctor of Veterinary Medicine program is not a PhD program.

You may think that is is a Doctorial Program because when you complete the program you can use the title Doctor or more specifically DVM (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine.)

:D However, if you want to complete a program that will give you the DVM and the PhD you will have to spend 7-8 years instead of the basic DVM program which is 3 years in classrooms and 1 year in clinical rotations.

With the PhD you can teach Veterinary classes and you can also go into research and use the title Veterinary Medical Scientist. Of course you can still be called Doctor because of you are a DVM and you are also a PhD.


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First Bambi whatever you do I wish you the best.

Bambi you want warmer climates look into the California area, the closer to San Diego the warmer.

The Cal Poly system is all about agriculture, so I'm sure you will find what you are looking for there. Everyone of these areas that are being spoken of, have some thing to good to offer. My guess is you will be much to busy with school, to take advantge of the local surroundings.

The one thing I don't understand why another country aren't there good schools here that would be less costly? Sorry just being selfish. You know with the reputation you have built for yourself here on the board you would probably have clients coming out of your ears, if you just studied here.

For those who are more knowledgeable then I, which in this area really doesn't take much, is it possible to get a vet license without studying large animals?

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thank you guys all .. for all info

i know my eng is not so good , and i need TOEFL 550 atleast , so i will take special eng course soon


i just try to do the exam "National Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners (NBVME). " i just know in the exam , there have large/farm animal also ( from my experience i always work with companion animal)

for small animal ,30 tests i got 21 (just ignore large ani..:o )

i scope on The Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges (AAVMC) , coz it make me get more change to work aboard .

well i dont know what 'd i do right now ..(yes i will read more vet text book , take special english course or i might use my degree D.V.M. to apply in faculty of dentistry or medicine(start all over again) .. but i have limit budget ..as you know thai baht money

( my cousin , she got greencard .. and studies in UCLA , collage of dentist .. she paid just only 25% -something like that ... but for me i have to paid 3-4 times , more than citizen there .. around few million per years ..:D )

i will talk with my family this afternoon

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i'm searching for master degree ,vet med ..in usa ...got interesting one at colorado

but alil confuse http://www.cvmbs.colostate.edu/clinsci/Graduateprograms.HTM

between Master of Science Program VS Combined Residency/Masters Program

i will leave from thailand pretty soon ..

need toefl 550 atleast ..

i have to study hard with it .. but for my furture .. maybe i have to do it

im really crazy now :o

but i need more spare for other Univ (that i cant find)

if anyone can find nice vet med (master degree) and board certi. please lemme know

grazie :D:D

It will be a shame to see you leave .But I am sure this will not mean that you will loose contact.

After all we are but a keyboard away.


Roscoe :D

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