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Chiang Mai doctor for back that can write effective report to insurance


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Do the doctors in Thailand write long 'reports' to insurance companies like they do in America? A report being like a narrative of sorts: detailed history, symptoms, diagnosis, treatments, treatment time table, etc.

I ask because I asked a doctor at CM Ram and he absolutely refused to give me a detailed report. He said it would take too long to write. Regardless, my insurance company is demanding one from me.

Does anyone know a doctor in CM that will assist me with a thorough report for my insurance company? Surely, there is a back doctor here that is familiar with American Insurance companies. I hope.


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It is not usual in Thailand and in fact even the patient charts do not usually contain the level of detail a US insurance Co. would require. In particular very little gets written down as to history and physical exam findings are recorded only very sketchily.

Is there a form which makes clear what information is required? That would simplify matters. leaving it free form will confuse docs.

While you can probably find a doctor there who trained/worked in the US and thus is more used to the idea of reports to insurance companies (Sripat being the best place to look), I don't think a doctor who did not treat you will be able to write this, so if you are seeking reimbursement for treatment already provided I think you have no choice but to appeal to the Administrator at CM Ram.

Part of the problem may be that the doctor is unsure of his ability to write what is required due to limitations of English and uncertaintly as to exactly what is expected. Please try to get a form for this purpose.

If you have not yet had much in the way of treatment -- i.e. if you are seeking pre-approval then it might be worth a trip to Bkk to see Dr. Wichian at the BNH Hospital Spine Center, he would be able to write what is needed (again though he will need a form or some guidance as to what the Insurance Co requires) and would also be an excellent source of second opinion. He's the best spinal specialist in Thailand.

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