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Does TVF ever affect your mood?

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What's with the negative waves, man...?

In the absence of any political satire in Thailand (although it can occasionally be found in a column of the other paper) the TV forum often provides some amusement, albeit unintended, courtesy of politicians, officials and journos alike and for that we should be truly grateful.

But if only some posters would remember not to take it all so seriously!

Not sure who is taking what seriously...

On one side there are the ones who read the posts and might feel depressed by constant negative comments. I can understand them.

On the other side there are the depressed posters who, like if it was their mission, a duty that they seem to take very seriously, jump on any occasion, any thread, any subject, to rant again and again about the usual things (the present government being their prime target, follow by anything else that is "Thai").

And if we succeed in bringing some positiveness and (genuine) humor in the thread, which they have a hard time to join in because there is no sarcasm,... then they quickly move away to another thread where they can go on with their negativity.

To me, the second group seems to take their "role" very seriously.

I am sure you see what I mean Posted Image

Or maybe you don't...

Sent from my iPhone...

That all sounds very depressing... so I'll move on!

Have a nice day!

Did you recognize yourself in one of the two groups?

Or maybe both :)

Sent from my iPhone...

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About three months ago, a poster answered one of my posts making filthy comments about me of a very sexual nature. That poster is still being allowed to post, surely he should have been suspended sine die. How does anyone think I feel every time I see this posters name on TV? I have made over 2000 posts, and only two have upset me. The other one is a regular and he called me an ignoramus. I do not mind posters disagreeing with me, and everyone is entitled to their opinion, and I always respect that. But there is just no need for that sort of behaviour.

Saying what I have said, I believe 99,9% of posters give honest opinions and I am glad to debate with them, but only two have put me in a bad mood, so maybe that's not too bad after over 2000 posts.

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Have to agree with the OP,it's one of the most depressing forums I've ever seen in my life!

I would not go that far, there has been a lot of entertaining posts, and I have learned a lot about Thailand on this forum, and also had a lot of help regarding computers,cars, and motorbikes etc. There are a lot of posters like The Blether, Transam and Jingthing to name only a few, I bet no one thinks any of them are depressing.

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This TVF here makes my mood positive.

I feel happy whilst posting my comments in the Pub.

Sometimes, rarely, a reader here will say my topics suck.

But this member seems to be in the minority, so far.

He/She may be correct, however.

I will try to do better.

So that my topics more match the way TVF makes me feel.

Which is very happy that I have a computer and know how to use it,

So that I can post comments on interesting topics.

When I get my new computer, then I will be able to post better comments.

If I did not have TVF, then I would need to watch real TV (television), and that would really suck.

So, anyway I look at it, I always win by either reading TVF, or commenting on TVF, or starting a topic on TVF that does not suck.

Someday, if I am fortunate, I will be able to advertise on TVF, and then this will be a happy day and raise my mood level ever further.

If you want to know how you feel, and what happens to your mood when you are near TVF, then you should do what I do,

Get a Lava Lamp, or a mood stone that changes colors when you are happy.

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About three months ago, a poster answered one of my posts making filthy comments about me of a very sexual nature. That poster is still being allowed to post, surely he should have been suspended sine die. How does anyone think I feel every time I see this posters name on TV? I have made over 2000 posts, and only two have upset me. The other one is a regular and he called me an ignoramus. I do not mind posters disagreeing with me, and everyone is entitled to their opinion, and I always respect that. But there is just no need for that sort of behaviour.

Saying what I have said, I believe 99,9% of posters give honest opinions and I am glad to debate with them, but only two have put me in a bad mood, so maybe that's not too bad after over 2000 posts.

Did you press the Report button on this nasty Poster?

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About three months ago, a poster answered one of my posts making filthy comments about me of a very sexual nature. That poster is still being allowed to post, surely he should have been suspended sine die. How does anyone think I feel every time I see this posters name on TV? I have made over 2000 posts, and only two have upset me. The other one is a regular and he called me an ignoramus. I do not mind posters disagreeing with me, and everyone is entitled to their opinion, and I always respect that. But there is just no need for that sort of behaviour.

Saying what I have said, I believe 99,9% of posters give honest opinions and I am glad to debate with them, but only two have put me in a bad mood, so maybe that's not too bad after over 2000 posts.

Did you press the Report button on this nasty Poster?

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About three months ago, a poster answered one of my posts making filthy comments about me of a very sexual nature. That poster is still being allowed to post, surely he should have been suspended sine die. How does anyone think I feel every time I see this posters name on TV? I have made over 2000 posts, and only two have upset me. The other one is a regular and he called me an ignoramus. I do not mind posters disagreeing with me, and everyone is entitled to their opinion, and I always respect that. But there is just no need for that sort of behaviour.

Saying what I have said, I believe 99,9% of posters give honest opinions and I am glad to debate with them, but only two have put me in a bad mood, so maybe that's not too bad after over 2000 posts.

Did you press the Report button on this nasty Poster?

I tried to but I could not find it as I had not used it before, what I did do was report it in an e-mail to TV and was told it had been attended to, or words to that effect, I never saw the posters name again for about three months, then recently it has appeared again.

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Have to agree with the OP,it's one of the most depressing forums I've ever seen in my life!

If you believe that, then why do you read it? I liken it to alcohol addiction. If it affects you too much & you have the fortitude to give up, then switch it off for a while. If you cannot do that then you are addicted and need help.

Sometimes I like it (but just skim the comments) some times I get mad at myself for wasting time & switch off.

The voice of experience two week member with 20 posts.


Edited by rijb
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About three months ago, a poster answered one of my posts making filthy comments about me of a very sexual nature. That poster is still being allowed to post, surely he should have been suspended sine die. How does anyone think I feel every time I see this posters name on TV? I have made over 2000 posts, and only two have upset me. The other one is a regular and he called me an ignoramus. I do not mind posters disagreeing with me, and everyone is entitled to their opinion, and I always respect that. But there is just no need for that sort of behaviour.

Saying what I have said, I believe 99,9% of posters give honest opinions and I am glad to debate with them, but only two have put me in a bad mood, so maybe that's not too bad after over 2000 posts.

Did you press the Report button on this nasty Poster?

I tried to but I could not find it as I had not used it before, what I did do was report it in an e-mail to TV and was told it had been attended to, or words to that effect, I never saw the posters name again for about three months, then recently it has appeared again.

It would also be good if you would try not to take things personally in this virtual world we are in.

Easier said than done.

But if you learn to laugh it off, then you will be the one to benefit.

Easier said than done.

But with a little practice, it is possible.

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Read this topic's title and felt incredibly compelled to reply:


I will not respond and / or read any more of this topic's posts.

For those who do, make sure a Chang is in close proximity. Everything will be okay.

Edited by ivan96822
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