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German businessman found dead in Udon Thani flat, police believe it is a possible murder case


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Absolutely, not getting on the turps with Thai men is a great way to avoid those little cultural misunderstandings. It's also worth keeping in mind the class of men you drink with. If you don't make a habit of drinking with the local chavs and gypo's at home, why do it here? Generally the higher they rate on the international chav index, the less likely they are to understand simple concepts like reason, and the more dangerous they are likely to be. Throw in alcohol and a different language and it gets messy. Just coz it's a holiday island doesn't mean no sharks....generally it means more sharks.

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Mr. Hartwig liked to drink beer at local shops

I always said, drinking with local men is one of the seven deadly sins.

Wonder what the cause was.... from the sounds of it (ex-wife living in Denmark, so unlikely motive to be behind it, nothing major stolen) he likely made a local lose face and paid the price.

The article says he drank at local shops, it doesn't say he drank with local men

Please explain to me why it is bad to drink with local men. I'm sure it's just my ignorance, but I have been in bars with local men, although I knew them. I never was worried.

Seriously for the help of everyone, where is the danger? Thank you.

You'll find out soon enough, good luck drinking with locals coffee1.gif

I believe its longer All Right as long as you pay most of the bills of the buddies as you have more to pay with, at least so they think. rolleyes.gif

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I just want to translate this. A man who is in the habit of bringing hookers into his own home is found dead with the cause being a blow to the back of the head.

Own Home? He brought them in his rented room, that is what is normal in TH no? tongue.png

Many, thousand Falangs, do that everyday in TH. Nothing special. rolleyes.gif

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Ive lived in Bangkok since 1999 and there would of been thousands of farangs die during that period of about 5000 days.

How many Thais are serving time in prison for killing farangs ?

I can think of about six and they only got sent down due to western gov/embassy pressure.

This german guy possibly picked up the wrong girl who was desperate to pay off loan shark debts and the rest is history.

A Thai was murdered recently in bang kae market in front of dozens of witnesses for non payment of 7,000 baht debt. No arrests.

Everyone has to be careful here.

Yes, foreigners die same as any other country in the world. Are Thai's on the hunt to kill expats. I don't think so. Ok Sherlock where did you come up

with the conclusion a girl that owes money to a loan shark killed him. Dam I hate when you guys just make shit up!! All we know is he is dead, nothing about a girl going home with him or a girl seen with him.

Now you talk about a Thai being killed for 7000B really? Who told you that the person that was killed owed money to someone and that the person that was owed the money killed her. Now they have no chance at getting their money. Seems like something is wrong with that picture too. Most loan sharks give you a good beating cant get money from a dead person. I recall the killing at the market a week or two ago. If it's the same shooing from what I read she was shot by accident and the shooter was robbing someone else at the market. Don't recall reading anything about the old lady owing money to someone.

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"the officers said it could be murder and robbery as some properties of Mr. Hartwig were missing" see, there are geniuses at BIB. Regarding the bleeding elephant: does it have money, connections? If so, be allowed to leave the country or some other solution. I am sure this case is a suicide. We farangs are well know for suicides with a blunt whack to back of our own heads. Happens all the time.

Mr. Hartwig undressed all except his underwear, run as fast as he could backwards until he hit the wall with the back of his head and died from the injuries, typical falang suicide, case closed bah.gif

Note to ThaiVisa staff.

If I am ever found dead in my home, whether it be natural causes or suspicious circumstances. Please don't publish it on this discussion board. I would assume family and friends and especially my children back in the UK would do searches for any information and would surely stumble upon the thread.

It is bad enough to be grief stricken by the sudden death of a loved one, without having to go through some of the stupid and mindless comments such as the one quoted above. Talk about adding insult to injury.

I personally do not wish anyone to become more distressed than they already are.

Rest in Peace mate, and my sympathy are with your family and friends at this time.

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I don't know that there is any danger in drinking with Thai men. There is a danger when fighting with Thai men, but otherwise, I fail to see the problem.

One should always be careful about who you bring to your home. Even an ex-boyfriend of a lady friend would be capable of committing robbery and murder.

My condolences to the friends and family.

There is a real danger that they drive you home drunk and fast - happened to me many times I'm afraid - as ever your biggest danger and threat to your life and health is on Thailand's roads where even jai dee can change into jai rawn mahk mahk - multiplied manyfold once they've been at the loony juice.

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