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Thaksin: Lost 'face', After His Resignation ?...


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Not wanting to reply and fill the page ..... "Informed" means "informed" ... pretty simple!

Did I ever say more valuable in the democratic process? But yes an informed electorate IS important to the process. A man or woman making a choice based upon what they know or believe they know is far more valuable to the process than a man or woman that listens to a village headman or a couple of 100 baht.

This is a great leap forward in Thai Democracy! I am Sooooo! glad this happened and so far happened in a very non-violent way!

I would have to disagree with you.Far from being a great leap forward in Thai democracy, recent events represent a step backwards.I have little doubt that those opposing Thaksin were generally better educated and arguably better informed than those that supported him, but that is hardly the point.You may as well say the Conservative Party in the UK should always be in power because its members are almost certainly better educated and informed than those of the Labour Party.How would the Brits feel if an elected government was replaced by a London elite?

It is incidentally an absurd distortion to describe the support for Thaksin in the way you do.Is listening to the village headman any worse than slavishly agreeing every editorial from the Nation?

Above all politics is only about principle at the margin.It's primarily about division of the economic cake and in Thailand for decades the system has been skewed in favour of the Bangkok business/miltary elite, essentially ignoring the rural majority.For admittedly purely political reasons, Thaksin moved to redress that inequality but at this juncture it seems the selfish urban vested interests were too strong.

The reckoning will certainly be made some time in the future, and my guess is that Khun Abhisit -an intelligent and decent man -is thinking hard about how to unify the country and bring the rural majority fully into the system.This would involve a significant shift of wealth through taxation and other measures to the less well off

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