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Kernel Stack Inpage Error


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last week my sony vaio , xp pro, sp1 , had a heart attack.

i was opening some photos , when a funny noise started to come from inside the machine , it sounded very much like the fan , but going too fast.

the photo took too long to open , and the fan just sounded as if it was going faster , so i was about to shut down when it all went blue , no message , nothing.

i pressed a few keys , ctrl/alt/del etc , but nothing , the wordless screen just stayed there , until after about 30 seconds , whilst i was attempting unsuccessfully to shut the bugger off by pressing the on/ off switch , a message came up briefly, i didnt have time to read it all , the printing was quite small ,

"kernel stack inpage error , then some numbers with lots of noughts in , and something like memory dump will be ..." "please back up all your files"

then the on off button worked and the machine just shut off , no windows type shutdown , just straight off.

after a couple of minutes i tried to re boot , nothing , tried again , nothing , waited for 10 minutes , all ok , it booted up as normal.

i ran a virus check , nothing found,

i ran disc check , all perfect.

then i backed up all my photos and important files (something i've never done )

i looked in the system tools/event viewer/errors , and it recorded the red error flag and mentioned atapi error 9.

i should add that one week before this happened , i got hooked up to tot adsl and had an d-link router installed

since the heart attack , i have used the machine as normal , and it has been perfect.

can anybody tell me what happened , why it happened , will it happen again , and is the machine (3 years old now , and never crashed or given any problems before) about to expire , and what is the kernel stack ?

was it a warning of horrible events to come?

many thanks for any info received.

Edited by taxexile
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The sound you mentioned sounds like a sector seek, the drive trying to read a sector continuously but failed. The same regarding the atapi error (drive error). Maybe your hard drive overheated since you said you had to wait several minutes before it started back up.

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