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Plodprasop: 3 months to complete public hearings on water scheme


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3 months to complete public hearings on water scheme

The Nation


BANGKOK: -- Deputy Prime Minister Plodprasop Suraswadi, as chairman of the Water and Natural Disaster Management Committee, announced that the public hearings on the Bt350 billion water-management project will be kicked off in August for completion three months after that.

The Central Administration Court required the government to complete public hearings before proceeding with the investment, to comply with the Constitution.

Plodprasop said today that the committee will host public hearings in every province, where 5,000 participants are expected. Then, three regional public hearings, which each will be attended by 10,000 participants, will be hosted. This will be followed by a national hearing.

He said he would show up at all venues, if not tied up with other urgent businesses.

He added that the hearings would be financed by the Bt350 billion budget.

-- The Nation 2013-07-09

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Abduct, certain people behind closed doors, force them with a weapon on their heads to say what the authority mafias want to hear, and then spill it to the public,...

Ploddi don't listen to trash...

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What is all the fuss about EIS and HIS, they are not needed. We are the government and we know what is best for you. What is all this about government accountability and following the constitution. If you keep this up we will send someone around to talk to you. and if that does not work we have a way of taking care of people like you. ph34r.pngph34r.png

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The Central Administration Court required the government to complete public hearings before proceeding with the investment, to comply with the Constitution.

That pesky Constitution keeps getting in way of the PTP's plans, don't it.

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Plodprasop said today that the committee will host public hearings in every province, where 5,000 participants are expected. Then, three regional public hearings, which each will be attended by 10,000 participants, will be hosted. This will be followed by a national hearing.

Wonder how much the "supporters" will be paid to attend these meetings? whistling.gif

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Is that all you have to do, get a very small proportion of the population together (probably invited) to meetings?

Should you not be doing actual on the ground investigation to determine the environmental and social impacts of these things?

Looks like he is trying to do the minimum he thinks he can get away with.

But someone is watching and this time it isn't big brother.

Leaving himself open for more legal challenges and action from the people who will be affected.

Spot on!

It's no coincidence this guy was chosen to head this controversial THB 350,000,000,000 project. He has a track record of being corrupt. He can do big corruption deals and Thaksin knows that, in fact many know that.


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Imagine how much For many many centuries, at the top of Thailand There ARE corrupt activity that this government could gets away with if and the people of Thailand just shrugged their shoulders and sayid "whatever"!

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Another farce and pretence at following the constitution. Hasn't some of this money already been spent, and suppliers selected? Like those nice people at K-Water who were even happy to allow a visit from a convicted criminal fugitve fraudster.

I bet the CSR page in their annual report makes interesting reading - if Korean companies file annual reports, with CSR, that is.

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Another farce and pretence at following the constitution. Hasn't some of this money already been spent, and suppliers selected? Like those nice people at K-Water who were even happy to allow a visit from a convicted criminal fugitve fraudster.

I bet the CSR page in their annual report makes interesting reading - if Korean companies file annual reports, with CSR, that is.

this one does, they created massive poisonous algal bloom in newly damned areas in Korea due to agriculture run off, and were massively unpopular for buying up dams in Philippines in accused contravention of the constitution.

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I don't understand much of what goes on here in Thailand, but is the 1000Boat propeller guy and is now a Deputy PM?

He used to head the forestry department so look around to see what happened there. I think many of those illegal resorts were built under his watch.

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