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Thai – Dutch Couple Arrested for Dealing Crystal Meth


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Ice head gets busted, tries to gain points by grassing the Farang saying he's dealing. They bust him and his Thai (Indian looking) BF with a whopping 0.5g. Doesn't look like they're dealing on this evidence, in fact in any fair court of law they could never prove someone was dealing finding only this amount....of course this is Thailand so we shall see.

However...how many LEO's to bust these two losers, how many involved in charging them, trying them etc. Cost to bust 2 people for 0.5g of very likely personal use only gear is going to be massively disproportionate to the amount seized, a complete waste of time and effort by the authorities.

Local drug dealers in many third worldish countries are in cohoots with the police and part of their modus operandi is to bust people they have just sold drugs too.

The primary purpose is of course to extort money from the hapless drug users using the draconian drug laws to leverage as much as possible out of their victims.

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Ice head gets busted, tries to gain points by grassing the Farang saying he's dealing. They bust him and his Thai (Indian looking) BF with a whopping 0.5g. Doesn't look like they're dealing on this evidence, in fact in any fair court of law they could never prove someone was dealing finding only this amount....of course this is Thailand so we shall see.

However...how many LEO's to bust these two losers, how many involved in charging them, trying them etc. Cost to bust 2 people for 0.5g of very likely personal use only gear is going to be massively disproportionate to the amount seized, a complete waste of time and effort by the authorities.

Local drug dealers in many third worldish countries are in cohoots with the police and part of their modus operandi is to bust people they have just sold drugs too.

The primary purpose is of course to extort money from the hapless drug users using the draconian drug laws to leverage as much as possible out of their victims.

For sure, and those busts don't make the news. The buestee's pay their bribe for whatever small amount they're found with and it's all done with. One's that make the news like this and that they parade the suspects in front of the media are the one's that get prosecuted in full. Obviously they can't take a bribe and make it all go away now. The fact they've done this with them only having 0.5g is what makes this weird.

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