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Bangkok: Chula students celebrate graduation with Hitler


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Posted Image Oh come on, they are just having you on.

Faring think to much.

No they're not. Whoever did that and whoever didn't realize it was objectionable was IGNORANT. They have shamed their school in the eyes of the world, and also shamed Thailand as that is an elite school of the country ... except for Nazi lovers.

Seriously, how are Nazis and Hitler covered in the TEACHING there?

Ignorant like the American Jews who staged The Producers and the BBC who put on 'Allo, 'Allo and of course, the fun loving Nazis in Hogan's Heroes?

Ah, never fails. Suradit will ALWAYS defend Thais against ANY criticism no matter how measured or warranted and no matter how ridiculous the lengths he has to go to do it.

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If you google images for America+hitler, you'll see dozens of images of Captain America, and hitler together.

You'll also see some interesting images that compare other real life people to Hitler.

Are you suggesting that Thai students did that in preparation for their graduation mural? Why would they?

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I don't think there is an actual Neo-Nazi movement in Thailand. For that, we should be happy. This kind of thing simply reflects IGNORANCE.

Ignorance is the lack of schooling.

Stupidity is having 16 years of schooling, and putting Hitler in your graduation ceremony, along side heroes.

No, ignorance is the lack of knowledge. And this goes beyond semantics - that one can have 16 years of schooling and still be ignorant is not small thing.

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Zero Mostel was born Samuel Joel Mostel on February 28, 1915 in Brooklyn, New York, one of eight children of an Orthodox Jewish family.

(Mel Brooks) Melvin James Kaminsky was born on June 28th, 1926 in Brooklyn, New York, his father died when he was a child of 2 years, and he claims that all of his angry humor comes from that.He was of Jewish descent

(Gene Wilder) Born Jerome Silberman in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on June 11, 1933, Gene Wilder is the son of William J. and Jeanne (Baer) Silberman. He adopted "Gene Wilder" for his professional name at the age of 26

Suradit figured it out! The artist(s) who created the mural are obviously Jews who merely want to parody Hitler...

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Zero Mostel was born Samuel Joel Mostel on February 28, 1915 in Brooklyn, New York, one of eight children of an Orthodox Jewish family.

(Mel Brooks) Melvin James Kaminsky was born on June 28th, 1926 in Brooklyn, New York, his father died when he was a child of 2 years, and he claims that all of his angry humor comes from that.He was of Jewish descent

(Gene Wilder) Born Jerome Silberman in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on June 11, 1933, Gene Wilder is the son of William J. and Jeanne (Baer) Silberman. He adopted "Gene Wilder" for his professional name at the age of 26

Suradit figured it out! The artist(s) who created the mural are obviously Jews who merely want to parody Hitler...
luckily for the comic world they weren't born Thai and Jewish because they would have been locked up for defamation 1000 times over.
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Ignorance leads to repetition of historical errors. To ignore indicates acceptance.

To say Stalin, Mao, and Hitler are just historical figures and their are no lessons to

be learned from their existence, is to accept that mental mutants should dictate the

rules of civilization to the average person. You are either part of the answer or part

of the problem.

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Ignorance leads to repetition of historical errors. To ignore indicates acceptance.

To say Stalin, Mao, and Hitler are just historical figures and their are no lessons to

be learned from their existence, is to accept that mental mutants should dictate the

rules of civilization to the average person. You are either part of the answer or part

of the problem.

Indeed, the ignorance is bliss argument is nonsense. It also on a more minor issue than genocide to for example politicians copying failed policies from the rest of the world.

The world is there to be learnt from, good or bad, and to believe that something that happens in Thailand, is somehow magically different from the rest of the world or unique or above analysis or criticism is ludicrous.

Is it somehow a good thing to celebrate Hitler? Not that I can see. Well he built autobahns. Maybe Thailand can take something from that.

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As Winston Churchill stated - "the victors write the history"

And it's always been that way - who knows what really happened - history is rarely correct.

Example - grand daddy Bush funded Hitler through the Union Bank - I did not read that at school...

Look it up.

If you are referring to hitlers genocide when you say "who knows what really happened" the answer is simple. Everyone.

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what Thai kids know about their kingdom's history:

- Thailand has never been colonized

- they're better than their neighbors in the Mekong region

- world = Thailand + other countries

what would've made that mural offensive to Thais is a tiny image of "the politician formerly know as Takki Shinegra". images of hitler, stalin, pol pot, etc. won't strike a neuron or two around this corner of the world. amazing!

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. I raised my right arm aloft and in front of me and placed my left index finger under my nose and parallel to my lips. Then I goosestepped about 10 yards, just as we kids did so long ago. He burst into laughter. He, in my view, knew who Hitler was,

Just as likely, he knew who Basil Fawlty was...

Indeed. But then he might consider who Basil was impersonating.

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As Winston Churchill stated - "the victors write the history"

And it's always been that way - who knows what really happened - history is rarely correct.

Example - grand daddy Bush funded Hitler through the Union Bank - I did not read that at school...

Look it up.

The Pope supported and rode along with Hitler in parades.

Catholic priests organised the escape route for Nazi war criminals (Operation Odessa?) through the Brenner Pass to Genoa where they were shipped out to South America. The US, unknown to their allies, smuggled Nazi war criminals to the States, Wernher von Braun being one of them. A perfectly normal and moral action in the eyes of the crooks that infest Washington.

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Stop bringing your western values to Thailand... they don't work here.

Hitler is just a historical figure, no worse than Chairman Mao.. so get over it.

Hitler was a genocidal maniac and should not be so casually included in a graduation mural.

Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Why not? Is anyone really offended?

Perhaps the students are bit smarter than you give them credit for and included it so they could get some free publicity and marvel at everyone getting upset about it.


At the market they are selling Ronald Macdonald T shirts, with hitler's face replacing the clown's!

Face it, whether any farangs dislike it or not, Thais don't give a rat's bottom for our opinions.

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If ignorance is bliss, these students must be extremely happy. <deleted>. Why doesn't the Thai educational system teach anything about the history of other parts of the world. You know, the real world where real money is made, real people suffer, and real things matter. Disgusting.

I am amazed at how few Thais know their own country's history . . . or any of their neighbors histories . . . let alone any world history.

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Ok, so this is pretty rediculous by any standards...a congratulatory banner that depicts hitler hailing right next to captain America. Sounds like a bad joke Does anyone know who the other characters are?

I know the main superheroes, but who are the others towards the right of the picture? Are there other "villains" on here?

I'm asking because the main thing I find offensive about this is that they've used hitlers image amongst the images of superheroes....something Hitler should never have been easily confused with. Mabey if I knew he wasn't the only "villain" on there I wouldn't feel as offended.


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goes to show just how dumbed down kids in Thailand are, they have no idea about hitler at all, really have to wonder at how the govt is going to improve the kids knowledge when they are this stupid.

Don't forget where the "government" was educated . . . "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree"

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Hitler is Hitler.

Mao is Mao.

Stalin is Stalin.

Pol Pot is Pol Pot.

It's not a dead bodies competition.

Each case has it's own specific history.

I would submit the average college educated Thai (who didn't study foreign affairs or similar) would not know any of those people. Maybe Pol Pot.

"Maybe" says it all

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Hitler is Hitler.

Mao is Mao.

Stalin is Stalin.

Pol Pot is Pol Pot.

It's not a dead bodies competition.

Each case has it's own specific history.

This is true.

But despite the differences, each of those persons was a socialist. Each wanted to reeducate their people to a new, never-existed-before, level of human culture. Each was eredicating those people they believed don't belong to the new age. Jews, capitalists, class enemies and more.

And now look at Western students, who "fight capitalism", "occupy wallstreet" and all the PC nonsense.

Ask yourself, why those well-educated people never learn anything from history?

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Hitler's party branding was national socialist but his IDEOLOGY was pure fascism.

The extreme right and the extreme left have a lot in common.

When either gets in power, there will be lots of blood, guaranteed.

Edited by Jingthing
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As Winston Churchill stated - "the victors write the history"

And it's always been that way - who knows what really happened - history is rarely correct.

Example - grand daddy Bush funded Hitler through the Union Bank - I did not read that at school...

Look it up.

The Pope supported and rode along with Hitler in parades.
Catholic priests organised the escape route for Nazi war criminals (Operation Odessa?) through the Brenner Pass to Genoa where they were shipped out to South America. The US, unknown to their allies, smuggled Nazi war criminals to the States, Wernher von Braun being one of them. A perfectly normal and moral action in the eyes of the crooks that infest Washington.

Von Braun was a war criminal? Debatable but perhaps. US allies - who were doing the same thing - were unaware? I think not.

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It would be nice to hear from the students or whoever made this backdrop - I guess it was a joint effort. Perhaps someone could explain their choice of images on the design and how and why they were chosen....it would make a loy=t more sense that the baseless surmises one is getting on this thread.

I think the work speaks for itself actually.

It would be nice to hear from the students or whoever made this backdrop - I guess it was a joint effort. Perhaps someone could explain their choice of images on the design and how and why they were chosen....it would make a loy=t more sense that the baseless surmises one is getting on this thread.

I think the work speaks for itself actually.

I'd say that given the amount of interpretations on this thread it patently doesn't

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Hitler is Hitler.

Mao is Mao.

Stalin is Stalin.

Pol Pot is Pol Pot.

It's not a dead bodies competition.

Each case has it's own specific history.

This is true.

But despite the differences, each of those persons was a socialist. Each wanted to reeducate their people to a new, never-existed-before, level of human culture. Each was eredicating those people they believed don't belong to the new age. Jews, capitalists, class enemies and more.

And now look at Western students, who "fight capitalism", "occupy wallstreet" and all the PC nonsense.

Ask yourself, why those well-educated people never learn anything from history?

Hitler was not a socialist. He was a fascist. Pol Pot joined both communist and democratic groups in an attempt to take them over, the north Vietnamese govt of the time refused to help his Khmer Rouge group because of its agrarian utopian ideology which was not socialist enough for them. They later did help but only because of the ongoing war with americans. Tactical, not political. In no way was the genocidal loon a socialist despite his groups initial name. Socialism as a philosophy had nothing to do with the insane thinking and delusional concepts that lay behind pol pot's ideology. Mao in many ways influenced pol pots ideology as he also mostly believed an agrarian revolutionary movement was the way to achieve power, not socialism, power. Stalin like hitler was responsible for genocide, many of his victims were apparently socialists ( many more were not but many were). Does socialism as a philosophy work in bringing about a better world, sometimes it does, sometimes not, like all forms of govt it seems to just muddle along in the face of reality, however does it promote genocide, no. The common thread among these 4 men is nationalism and a hatred of other ethnic and religious groups. In other words hate.

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This evening I was waiting by the roadside for the boss to be deposited at my feet by a fellow worker who gives her a lift home. Acros the soi was a motor cycle taxi stand. One of the riders looked across at me and raised his right arm in the air indicating that he wanted to know if I wanted to hire his services. I shook my head and then his raised arm brought back memories. I raised my right arm aloft and in front of me and placed my left index finger under my nose and parallel to my lips. Then I goosestepped about 10 yards, just as we kids did so long ago. He burst into laughter. He, in my view, knew who Hitler was, so why not some of Thailand's brightest? As bright as a Toc H lamp maybe?

This should bring a smile.


British humour in adversity. I understand that Adolf and his mates were totally pissed that coded messages passed to resistance groups in Ocupied Europe were preceeded by the first few bars of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony, Ludwig of course being German. Those who know their classical music will realise the significance. Dot dot dot dash in Morse code is V V for Victory V is of course by coincidence is in Roman numbers, five.

Interesting that the Americans used a British song - The Lambeth Walk - in this parody. Made me laugh out loud a couple of times. biggrin.png

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Stop bringing your western values to Thailand... they don't work here.

Hitler is just a historical figure, no worse than Chairman Mao.. so get over it.

Nothing to do with values; all to do with ignorance and hubris

And trust me....when western universities with links to chula put up a stink western values and western money WILL work herewink.png

Note to Thailand Tourism: send out a directive telling all Thai students and teachers that they are causing loss of face to Thailand which, from other reading can cause them to be taken to court. Additionally, they cause loss of Thailand earning income from tourists who are aware of the negative history of Hitler, the Nazi movement and the genocide.

Again, why is what Hitler did more important than what dozens of other genocidal dictators did?

Hitler did what all leaders do, kill innocent nobodies instead of the enemy's leaders. Hitler saw Germany's enemy the international bankers that were crippling Germany with repayments after WW1. Unfortunately most of the bankers were Jewish.

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I started going through this thread and replying but while there are some well stated and accurate comments, there a so many, ignorant at best and ugly and twisted at worst, that make me despair...

I think I should never have started reading it.

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Again, why is what Hitler did more important than what dozens of other genocidal dictators did?

Hitler did what all leaders do, kill innocent nobodies instead of the enemy's leaders. Hitler saw Germany's enemy the international bankers that were crippling Germany with repayments after WW1. Unfortunately most of the bankers were Jewish.

Bankers, was it?

Do you see a lot of bankers in this crowd?

Edited by Jingthing
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Stop bringing your western values to Thailand... they don't work here.

Hitler is just a historical figure, no worse than Chairman Mao.. so get over it.

Nothing to do with values; all to do with ignorance and hubris

And trust me....when western universities with links to chula put up a stink western values and western money WILL work herewink.png

Note to Thailand Tourism: send out a directive telling all Thai students and teachers that they are causing loss of face to Thailand which, from other reading can cause them to be taken to court. Additionally, they cause loss of Thailand earning income from tourists who are aware of the negative history of Hitler, the Nazi movement and the genocide.

Again, why is what Hitler did more important than what dozens of other genocidal dictators did?

Hitler did what all leaders do, kill innocent nobodies instead of the enemy's leaders. Hitler saw Germany's enemy the international bankers that were crippling Germany with repayments after WW1. Unfortunately most of the bankers were Jewish.

France was the main force behind the reparations payments being enforced. Nothing to do with religion or banks. It was revenge and a desire to keep Germany weak that drove this aspect of the Versailles treaty, not banking, not religion.

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