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Caught with cannabis


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Though I am not a smoker, it seems if you do not have 100k baht to pay as a "fine", probably better to refrain from smoking here. Like most laws here, it depends on how much cash you have, whether or not you will walk Scot free.

Had a mouthy lad that was annoying me last week who was well coke'd out of his head I mentioned he should pull his neck in a bit and the laws in Thailand and his reply was "Xxxx'em, they try to do me I'll toss em Bt5000 and they will leave me alone"........... I suggested he was not too far off a jail term with an attitude like that.

He got all pissy and wanted to sort it with fists.................. anyone guess the nationality !!

Pom chav?

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This topic is full of negativity and describing forboding outcomes.

Thailand isn't like america or europe. its corrupt. Be glad. get a thai girl to translate and go to the police station and ask to talk to the officer. Tell him your really worried it will mess up your educatonal oppurtunities and if their is a way to avoid it happening. Bring a big wad of cash with you and put it in your pocket, don't show it or display it - trust me a cop can recognise the shape of a stack of bills in your pocket. The name of the person at the police station will be on the paperwork.

p.s. why were you carrying it in public? you should have been in a taxi.

walking anywhere with - half closed red eyes, a swaying gait and a smell so strong it fills a bus isn't smart.

Edited by DIMENSIO
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At the stage at which the OP is at, it becomes a lot harder to pay yourself out (actually more expensive). I had a friend of mine who was going through the system and I helped him out at the time. It seems that you are at a stage where your file is already floating around between the court and prosecutor. I would recommend contacting a good local lawyer who will most definitely have contact with prosecutors and judges.

I had a Thai friend on one of the islands who was in jail for a rather serious offense. His family finally got involved and they were able to buy him out of a 10 year jail sentence. So anything is possible in Thailand. Just all depends on if you can afford it.

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A hefty fine and deportation.

The fine could be any amount and not able to pay or buy himself out, will result in a long stay at a Thai stink hole prison, where even the rats and flies avoid due to the extreme foul hygiene conditions.

Whatever, the OP`s days are numbered in Thailand or maybe turned into a living hell.

Hope he has a bottomless pit of cash at hand and a darned good lawyer who won`t be cheap?

well this isn't the first time like this with weed and getting busted, we were in the same situation in BKK and then we were all in a mess but we didn't worry too much 'cause the guy with the stash, I forget his name, 'cause we'd just met him earlier in the bar and he said he knew someone that would sort everything out but he couldn't remember his name but it was something like Rob, it rhymed with job or gob, I can't remember but we laughed about it at the time...,we laughed a lot that day actually cause it was a really good day but I'm going off topic here, so anyway, after the girl said she'd pay the man to sort out the whole thing we said, Yeah, that'll work and she sorted everything out and we didn't get deported or stuff and we are still here now...so's no worries really, it'll all come out okay in the end...blink.png

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Though I am not a smoker, it seems if you do not have 100k baht to pay as a "fine", probably better to refrain from smoking here. Like most laws here, it depends on how much cash you have, whether or not you will walk Scot free.

Had a mouthy lad that was annoying me last week who was well coke'd out of his head I mentioned he should pull his neck in a bit and the laws in Thailand and his reply was "Xxxx'em, they try to do me I'll toss em Bt5000 and they will leave me alone"........... I suggested he was not too far off a jail term with an attitude like that.

He got all pissy and wanted to sort it with fists.................. anyone guess the nationality !!

Pom chav?

Nah...probably an Aussie....

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Its a pity the OP is not in Korat, I could have got him off quickly and lightly via connections, although it would cost. Alas, I don't think their influence stretches all the way to your location.

All posts telling you to get a lawyer are totally correct. Don't hang about either, do it as soon as you read this if you haven't already done so.

Do not be a cheap Charlie either, you may need to pay what they tell you, but you can negotiate (a little) Don't expect more than a10 to 20% discount. That's if it is still in the stages where everything can be made to go away.

Also try contacting your local tourist police if there are any in your area, if there is a western volunteer officer, they may know how you can 'connect' with someone who could help you along.

But get access to a decent stash of cash.... Money can always be replaced later. Your liberty is worth much more than money.

Good Luck.

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Though I am not a smoker, it seems if you do not have 100k baht to pay as a "fine", probably better to refrain from smoking here. Like most laws here, it depends on how much cash you have, whether or not you will walk Scot free.

Had a mouthy lad that was annoying me last week who was well coke'd out of his head I mentioned he should pull his neck in a bit and the laws in Thailand and his reply was "Xxxx'em, they try to do me I'll toss em Bt5000 and they will leave me alone"........... I suggested he was not too far off a jail term with an attitude like that.

He got all pissy and wanted to sort it with fists.................. anyone guess the nationality !!

Pom chav?

ding ding ding, we have a winner !!!

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Though I am not a smoker, it seems if you do not have 100k baht to pay as a "fine", probably better to refrain from smoking here. Like most laws here, it depends on how much cash you have, whether or not you will walk Scot free.

Had a mouthy lad that was annoying me last week who was well coke'd out of his head I mentioned he should pull his neck in a bit and the laws in Thailand and his reply was "Xxxx'em, they try to do me I'll toss em Bt5000 and they will leave me alone"........... I suggested he was not too far off a jail term with an attitude like that.

He got all pissy and wanted to sort it with fists.................. anyone guess the nationality !!

Pom chav?

ding ding ding, we have a winner !!!

Not a hard guess, i met that certain "class" of English they seem to love to fight and sort things out fighting. I think every country has a subclass like that in Holland we got those too "kampers are known for it" In general people with a bit more education are not prone to violence like that.

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Do we really need the nauseating moralising on the subject. Most people know drugs in Asia is a problem but the guy is asking for practical help.

Have a background in law and will give you some free advice. If I am around that area I will assist practically if I can. Least I can do as I enjoy my vacation in N.Thailand over the next month or so.

Edited by Mario2008
email removed per forum rules. Use PM
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Its a pity the OP is not in Korat, I could have got him off quickly and lightly via connections, although it would cost. Alas, I don't think their influence stretches all the way to your location.

All posts telling you to get a lawyer are totally correct. Don't hang about either, do it as soon as you read this if you haven't already done so.

Do not be a cheap Charlie either, you may need to pay what they tell you, but you can negotiate (a little) Don't expect more than a10 to 20% discount. That's if it is still in the stages where everything can be made to go away.

Also try contacting your local tourist police if there are any in your area, if there is a western volunteer officer, they may know how you can 'connect' with someone who could help you along.

But get access to a decent stash of cash.... Money can always be replaced later. Your liberty is worth much more than money.

Good Luck.

Unlikely suggestion: we need posts like this from every corner of the country.

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perhaps one of the most notable moments in thailand:

i used to stay at a cop hang out

there are a few local hotels i have seen like this

one night

there was a small group of them

hanging out in a standing circle passing a j around

and as soon as they noticed me

they tried to hard/disguise the fact

this was a CLASSIC moment probably never to be repeated or to come close

but i will NEVER forget it nor bore of telling it

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Was on a visa run a few years ago to Cambodia and the Cambodian motorbike taxi man wanted to sell me 1kg for $100!! This was ten minutes after entering the kingdom.

Me - I won't do the crime because i don't want the time!

Easy for the unsuspecting tourist to get lured in though, then complacency, then the Hilton etc


My friend was offered some by a tuk tuk driver in Bangkok. He decided to buy some, after much encouragement by the driver, saying not to worry, etc. Police were just down the block. He spent the night in jail until his friends could come up with some 30-40k Baht.

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Can't understand fools who take a chance with drugs in SEA. If you want to mess about with that stuff go to Amsterdam.

Now there's an original sentiment.

Perhaps not original - but still the smartest advice found on this entire thread.

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In koh phangan, at every full moon party, several people end up getting busted. Many times they are set up with dealers friendly with the police. I am told it is 100k baht even for one joint. So, it is not about the law, nor prevention. It is simply about more cash, to buy another villa.

Many people like to claim that police corruption is OK because it merely serves as a fine for the wrongdoer and much needed supplementary income for law enforcement doing a good job - and there are a lot of people who make that ridiculous and so very fallacious claim.

I won't go off on rant about how and why that thinking is objectively wrong, ill informed, and offensive but your post reminds me of one of the MANY illustrations of how inaccurate that idea is:

I know of more than one case where people have been arrested for possession of illegal substances, paid the "on the spot fine" and were then offered their drugs back.

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This is one area I would not rely on the Tourist Police Voulunteer at all. Though I am not against many of of the TVP (A few are there for the wrong reasons) many of them will have joined because of their strong views of upholding the law. These may not be too sympathetic.

In regard to the OP. He is in a serious situation if he does not have money. He needs someone on the outside who has imediate access to his money. He will need 20000 baht for the overstay fine that he will almost certainly have to pay as his visa is sure to expire during the process. He will need the funds to buy a ticket on short notice (preferably refundible to account for any delays) He will need the ticket to be to his own country. He will certainly be fined or possibly(unlikely )jailed by the court. He will then be handed to immigraqtion who as his visa has expired will send him to Banglok immigration jail. He will then have to buy a ticket. He will probably be banned for about years as it was a small amount.

Any under the counter money will reflect this. My guess is 20000 minimum 50000 more likely and you will still need the 20000 overstay days.

Edited by harrry
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Been ten years in Thailand, out and about all the time, and never ever ever has a cop even intimated that he might search me.

Same goes for all my friends, mostly 20 years here.

Can we see a photo so we know why the cop chose you?

I have never seen elephants having sex in my decades of living in SE Asia. Therefore I conclude it simply does not occur. Logical is it not?


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Been ten years in Thailand, out and about all the time, and never ever ever has a cop even intimated that he might search me.

Same goes for all my friends, mostly 20 years here.

Can we see a photo so we know why the cop chose you?

I have never seen elephants having sex in my decades of living in SE Asia.There I conclude it simply does not occur. Logical is it not?

Well put.

Over 20 years here. Searched twice. In neither instance was I visibly intoxicated, hanging out on KSR, dressed in any way other than respectably, and was well groomed (I had short hair, no piercings , and nothing that would signify hippie drug user).

It happens.

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I cannot speak of the penalties of marijuana use. Let me tell you this, Every month I fly with my wife down to Bangkok (Women's Prison). Her daughter (Thai by previous marriage) is 23 and received 10 years for 3 tablets of yaba (personal use). My wife said she received a cal fst before they sentenced her daughter. The person on the phone (anonymous) said it would cost 1 million baht to avoid prison. At that time (2 years ago) she did not have the money..so guess what? Yep 10 years. 2 Completed...and we are hoping for amnesty in 3 more years. Once sentenced, it was not possible to avoid prison. Do what you can before sentencing.

I used to go to CM women's prison for massages.....they were very well trained on the tail end of their sentences.

So as most of them were in for yaba I heard a lot of stories.

I can tell you....you probably already know.....that 10 years for 3 pills is way out of line.

Sentences are pretty stiff.

Roughly I was told:

a few pills (like 3) maybe 3 years.

low distribution (like 50) maybe 5 years.

I agree with stiff sentencing for yaba.....it can make a real mess of people very quickly, it genuinely is a ruiner of lives.

However as I say 10 years for 3 pills is way out of line.

I know this family personally and what Slipper says is a fact. So...yes way out of line, but factual.
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Was on a visa run a few years ago to Cambodia and the Cambodian motorbike taxi man wanted to sell me 1kg for $100!! This was ten minutes after entering the kingdom.

Me - I won't do the crime because i don't want the time!

Easy for the unsuspecting tourist to get lured in though, then complacency, then the Hilton etc


My friend was offered some by a tuk tuk driver in Bangkok. He decided to buy some, after much encouragement by the driver, saying not to worry, etc. Police were just down the block. He spent the night in jail until his friends could come up with some 30-40k Baht.

If you buy dope off a Tuk-tuk driver, either in Cambodia or Thailand, you deserve to go to jail for utter stupidity.

Before coming to Thailand i heard of these 'set ups' as well as the the 'drug you and rob you' stories.

The drug you and rob you stories turn out to be actual events, this is the first i have heard of the other actually happening.

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....this is the first i have heard of the other actually happening.

They are common, particularity in areas where there is a high flux of drug seeking tourists that want to play but avoid and serious/significant police involvement.

After you score your drug, you are pointed out to the "authorities" by the dealer and busted, if it's a real cop, Tourist Police Volunteer or just a complete fake playing dress up is pretty irrelevant. The drug is confirmed and your option to pay an on the spot fine might look attractive to avoid spending your remaining holiday in jail.

I've read of many cases in the Pattaya press over the years of people pretending to be police of one sort or another, or TPVs earning their tea money when off-duty and setting up totally unofficial roadblock/check points to shake down people for drugs.

If you think about it it's an easy con to play as by the nature of the drug-buy the person has indicated that they are happy to act illegally so when pressured to pay a fine/bribe compared to jail time they will pay up. If they smell a rat and want to do it officially down at the station, all the con-artists have to do is drop you off with a sample of the drug and clam they are doing a good deed.

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Was on a visa run a few years ago to Cambodia and the Cambodian motorbike taxi man wanted to sell me 1kg for $100!! This was ten minutes after entering the kingdom.

Me - I won't do the crime because i don't want the time!

Easy for the unsuspecting tourist to get lured in though, then complacency, then the Hilton etc


My friend was offered some by a tuk tuk driver in Bangkok. He decided to buy some, after much encouragement by the driver, saying not to worry, etc. Police were just down the block. He spent the night in jail until his friends could come up with some 30-40k Baht.

If you buy dope off a Tuk-tuk driver, either in Cambodia or Thailand, you deserve to go to jail for utter stupidity.

Before coming to Thailand i heard of these 'set ups' as well as the the 'drug you and rob you' stories.

The drug you and rob you stories turn out to be actual events, this is the first i have heard of the other actually happening.

Can't argue this guy was stupid. For sure. But it did happen.

I know a Thai guy who bought yaba from somebody only to be "arrested" just down the street. And let go later for some 10k Baht. It's not an uncommon thing. And it happens by the "real" police.

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