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Thailand has a new popular sensation - Hitler

Lite Beer

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Hitler was not really a white supremacist. He was a German nationalist.

Anyways, I don't think Thais expect foreigners to see this sort of stuff. I'm sure they don' mean to offend Jews or anybody else the Nazis killed. To them he's some kind of cool superhero farang dictator.

Oh...they MEAN to offend Jews, if the white Farang tell the Thai Nazis what to think and do, Thais will do it. Obviously they mean to offend Jews. Obviously Thai people are not stupid, even though they seem vacant. I would not call them innovative, but they are not stupid, or more so than anyone from Europe. However you measure intelligence, Thai people are just not filled with facts as Westerners are, but they know exactly what Hitler is, they know what they are doing. Stop making excuses for their hateful racism, they are racist towards Burmese they are not empty and stupid, they are part of a very poor area of SE Asia trying to attract investors. This is like a neon sign begging wealthy racist Westerners to come to Thailand, "we serve you" is probably more the slogan. People who can't see this are themselves lacking in basic insight (a euphemism for intelligence).

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Not many people know that 'Swastika' and 'Sawas Dee Ka' come from the same root. The Nazi's had a strange obsession with Hindu mythology. Contrary to popular belief, 'Aryans' are not blonde haired and blue eyed people, but are in fact the natives of Iran and Afghanistan. 'Iran' is even derived from 'Aryan'.

Of course the average Thai doesn't know any of this. They just see a guy with a funny moustache sticking his arm up.

Could not positively verify the above. I checked some historical sites such as this one...


para 5 and 6....

A difference however can be noticed: the orientation of the arms is clockwise in the Buddhist swastika and anti-clockwise in the one adapted by the Nazis. Unfortunately I don't know how this change occurred or its significance.

-The swastika... has nothing to do with the swastika used as the symbol in Nazi Germany. That symbol is from Nordic runes and was used in Nordic tribes' pagan culture. Later it was also used by the Teutonic Knights formed in the 12th century. From this source the Nazis got a lot of their symbols, like the SS rune.


From Wiki : "The word "Swastika" comes from the Sanskrit svastika - "su" meaning "good" or "auspicious", "asti" meaning "to be" and "ka" as a suffix." Goebbels was the one with the Hindu/Tibet/Aryan fixation. Since they chose to call their symbol by the Sanskrit name you can be fairly sure that they adopted it from Hindu culture and not from some similar looking early Germanic symbol.

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What would have happened if Germany and Japan had won the war?

Japanese are not white.

The Japanese would have become the master race of all of Asia, treating all other Asian people as their slaves. That was the model they were beginning in the war.

As most people know Asian people are quite often extremely racist BETWEEN different ethnicities of Asian people.

You are still missing the point. Would Germany not rearm and then wage war with the Japanese as they are not White people and Germans were white supremest. Germany wanted world domination. It wasn't until after the states had entered the war for a while that they started retreating. If they had not been beaten back in Russia they would have been right next door to Japan.

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Is there a world outside of Thailand for Thais?

Ever meet a Jew in Thailand?

Yes, I am from the Jewish race living in Thailand. I get overt discrimination from police, and literally almost every Thai person who has a white Farang "master" standing behind them, hands on hips, ordering them to attack me while they stand back and sneer. Thais get paid to do this, the objective is money and the Thais I am referring to want to be a Nazi satellites/slaves for the future of their investments and prosperity. It all boils down to money. Which country in the EU controls much of the money? Germany. The Nazi trend is a type of advertisement to wealthier investors from the EU (many are Nazi, not just from Germany), saying "we are here for you, will do your bidding just give us your money" and that's all it's really about. Stop making excuses about how Thais are stupid or lack education. Anyone saying that is making excuses for the reality, and whoever says something like that is trying to cover up the truth, they are probably in favor of Nazi colonizing Thailand and little slaves serving them.

That's a pretty bizarre post but it reminds me of what Robert Amsterdam, the famous Jewish lawyer who worked for Thaksin PR, said about the deep seated anti-semitism of the Thai elite.


In Thailand, I have totally unexpectedly encountered this massive wave of anti-Semitism – very public, very weird references that you would have seen in a German paper in the 1930s, but really out there in the modern press. It is really quite shocking.

That's a foggy response to a brilliant post! How difficult truth is to express and how people try to cover it up all the time. As for Thai "elite", or anti-semitism, it's called a "race war" where Thai people strive to attack other so-called minorities so they are higher on the food chain than those on the bottom. This is a well-constructed form of "divide and conquer" the minorities so they are constantly at battle with each other instead of forming an alliance against the racist bigots who have colonized their countries, put them into slavery, destroyed cultures, or created genocide. Coming from America a very public trial of a Latino who shot a black man (The Zimmerman Trial) has brought to the surface this type of racial antipathy where one race struggles to oppress another with the same racism they get from the people they, in fact, will do anything to serve. Thus, it's not really Thai people doing this sort of mimicking the oppressor, but many races worldwide following the same pattern. It's made public and it's open in the US, but in Thailand the people making comments are either masking the truth and really supporting this racist trend, or they are blatently ignorant themselves of the real issues. I suggest people reading this forum to read Malcom X's biography, he was one of the truly brilliant analysts of racism, it's origins, and how it operates.

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I just don't get it. Do Thai's not know he was a very extreme white supremest. He would not think of Thai's a human.

I laughed so hard when I read this!! Hitler would have loved to see any Thai or person of non-white blood wiped off the face of the earth.

Also this alleged "holocaust" only happened to the Jews, for the rest of the world it was a war!! And 12 million..... It's funny that numbers jump around when trying to gain sympathy for oneself, I thought the number was 6 million and that was never proven....

As far as Hitler being someone to admire and mimic, it goes to show just how stupid Thai people really are!!

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I just don't get it. Do Thai's not know he was a very extreme white supremest. He would not think of Thai's a human.

I laughed so hard when I read this!! Hitler would have loved to see any Thai or person of non-white blood wiped off the face of the earth.

Also this alleged "holocaust" only happened to the Jews, for the rest of the world it was a war!! And 12 million..... It's funny that numbers jump around when trying to gain sympathy for oneself, I thought the number was 6 million and that was never proven....

As far as Hitler being someone to admire and mimic, it goes to show just how stupid Thai people really are!!

The mainstream numbers are 6 million Jews killed in the genocidal holocaust, 5 million others killed in similar ways to Jews (Roma people, homosexuals, disabled, etc singled out for extermination) but MANY more millions killed in the war in more "normal" ways of being killed in modern wars, such as getting bombed. Recent research however is indicating that the 11 million holocaust portion was actually much larger.

Edited by Jingthing
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Let this be a lesson to the world, about the true mentality and the lack of respect many Thais have for foreigners, countries and cultures. However, this is an excellent opportunity for business investment as one can see, simple minds can easily be manipulated.

Add to that: Thai people, albeit not evil, are ignorant, self centered and xenophobic.

as are most nationals of every other country in the world.

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Let this be a lesson to the world, about the true mentality and the lack of respect many Thais have for foreigners, countries and cultures. However, this is an excellent opportunity for business investment as one can see, simple minds can easily be manipulated.

Add to that: Thai people, albeit not evil, are ignorant, self centered and xenophobic.

as are most nationals of every other country in the world.

Yeah but this is thaivisa, eh?

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I'm beginning to form a hypothesis that this may be a case of "let's jerk the farangs around just for grins [smiles?]" and a lot of us have fallen for it.

Maybe it's time for farangs to go chic with the jet-setting monk with the aviator sunglasses and high cash flow. Any volunteers for a shaved head, orange robes with aviator sunglasses and sandals with diamonds on their soles (optional)?

How about starting a business selling jet setting monk tee-shirts, cups, pens, posters and other types of jet setting monk novelty items in Thailand?

Try doing that in Thailand and see how far you`re get. I`m sure they have a law against this practice somewhere in the legal books.

Try doing the same abroad and see how long it would be before the righteous and the do gooders begin crying racism and bigotry and then prosecuting under the race acts.

It`s amazing how attitudes change when the boots on the other foot and the situation affects people personally, especially those on the receiving end of being ridiculed and when the jokes on them.

Thailand is suffering from an acute case of having double standards, they should practice what they preach, otherwise the whole Kingdom is at risk of losing credibility as a civilized, democratic nation within the International eyes of the world.

Not the LOS, but the LDS, the land of double standards, and although I have always defended Thailand up to the hilt over the years, these incidents are quickly making me lose respect for this country. Never thought I see the day when I felt that this.


I dont know if criticizing TL for the existence of a double standard in TL is fair.

In every country I've visited, there has been some sort of a double standard.

But the glorification of Hitler is not a common thing.

I haven't heard of that except a rare post coming out of the middle east

or the growth of neo-nazis in the new independent soviet republics.

Even more rare are businesses glorifying Hitler.

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We can debate this topic until the ends of time and debate is good but unfortunately it all boils down to "simple minds can easily be manipulated"

and we the farangs until the end of time are not Thai and never will be,, therefore live and let live.

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Thailand has a new popular sensation - Hitler[

“Hitler Chic,” as it was dubbed in the media last year, has quickly snowballed in Thailand, revealing a lack of historical education and awareness in a country that was left largely untouched by World War II.

As a teacher here, I can attest to the poor education in general, not just world history.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I hope you have a better CVcheesy.gif

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Im not condoning hitler in any way at all, but he wasnt happy with how jews controlled everything in germany, zionism, the same zionism that currently controls the world through banks, companies and goverments and wars, all controlled by these people, how can what is happening in palestine be fair, look at a map of palestine before israel came along, and look now, how would you feel if that happened to your country, yes it was bad what happened in ww2 but it is bad what israel are doing to palestine, kind of like their own holacaust on a smaller scale, like i said i dont condone what hitler did but just sick of hearing about the poor jews

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Im not condoning hitler in any way at all, but he wasnt happy with how jews controlled everything in germany, zionism, the same zionism that currently controls the world through banks, companies and goverments and wars, all controlled by these people, how can what is happening in palestine be fair, look at a map of palestine before israel came along, and look now, how would you feel if that happened to your country, yes it was bad what happened in ww2 but it is bad what israel are doing to palestine, kind of like their own holacaust on a smaller scale, like i said i dont condone what hitler did but just sick of hearing about the poor jews

There is no equivalency of the holocaust to the Israeli - Palestinian conflict. The latter is a long standing and serious problem but it can't be described as a genocide similar to the holocaust. There have been other mass genocides since WW2, including Cambodia, Rwanda, and others. People can educate themselves about these matters of genocide, minus the hatred inspiring Jewish global control propaganda, at the website of the Holocaust Museum in Washington D.C.

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Wow - 5 pages with only a handful of relevant or sensible replies. What a pity that the moderators of ThaiVisa don't have the power to say: "This correspondence is now terminated." If they do have that authority, please exercise it NOW.

they did yesterday

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Im not condoning hitler in any way at all, but he wasnt happy with how jews controlled everything in germany, zionism, the same zionism that currently controls the world through banks, companies and goverments and wars, all controlled by these people, how can what is happening in palestine be fair, look at a map of palestine before israel came along, and look now, how would you feel if that happened to your country, yes it was bad what happened in ww2 but it is bad what israel are doing to palestine, kind of like their own holacaust on a smaller scale, like i said i dont condone what hitler did but just sick of hearing about the poor jews

There is a lot more behind who's controlling the "world" than Zionism...maybe, just maybe the Jews or Zionist are the front men and the real culprits are hiding behind a curtain..ever hear of the Committee of 300??...do some research instead of singeling out Zionists

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Let this be a lesson to the world, about the true mentality and the lack of respect many Thais have for foreigners, countries and cultures. However, this is an excellent opportunity for business investment as one can see, simple minds can easily be manipulated.

Agreed. In Thailand, we foreigners are expected to respect things that are sensitive to Thais....such as the Monarchy, Temples, dress codes and behavior. When it comes to marriage, we dump tons of money on the family of the bride for the honor. In return we should expect similar courtesies/respect for issues that are sensitive to us. Hitler was a dog, no doubt about that. Nothing was ever funny or fashionable about his sadistic methods. As for Che, although an enemy to capitalism, he had a certain aura to him that might seem fashionable to some people (not to me!) But please stop with the Hitler/Nazi Fad.

nonsense. No one in the West would care about offending thais.

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Is there a world outside of Thailand for Thais?

Ever meet a Jew in Thailand?

Met many

How many Jewish Thai citizens though? I think two people.

2 1/2....(I'm) 50% tribe

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If I want to out up a picture of Hitler...where would I go, in search of the "best " one?

The internet!

So: as long as people are able to download anything from porn to travel- offers, the point "they could not possibly have known, bcause they are just uneducated" doesn't do it.

You google "Hitler" and you are able to READ...so it is YOUR fault!

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Is there a world outside of Thailand for Thais?

Ever meet a Jew in Thailand?

There's a few synagogue's in Bangkok so there must be a few.The stunt they pulled with that mural is already on israeli newswebsite's and i smell a international row in the making all because of thailands finest uni students.

Even my ex who hails from isaan doesn't find the hitler adoration in Thailand funny .

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Simple just DO NOT USE THIS BUSINESS.no matter how good or bad their food is. I will tell all my Thai family and their friends NOT to use this because of the total lack of respect in glorifying such a name synonymous with evil and cruelty and mass killing of human beings just because of their culture and religion. Hitler would have been no friend of Thai people either so lets be sure of that fact. Something I thought Thais were against as they rightly preach tolerance in the Buddhist faith. BOYCOTT HITLER RESTAURANTS, as quite revolting and disrespectful to all decent people to use such a name. Heck even the German people are understandably so against what he stood for and embarrassed by his name too,

Why are the Thai's so uneducated about the world and it's relatively recent history and events that saw Thailand abused and mistreated too back in the 1940s. TIme they educated their children much better, and if they cannot do it then stop being so dogmatic and employ many farang teachers who would love such teaching jobs to the huge benefit of the Thai children too. I say this not because I am anti Thai as I am most certainly not, but because I do actually care about Thailand and it's people and so against the Thai elite ruling class who suppress them so blatantly for their own ends.

Che was a different story as all he was against was Capitalism, which I have to say I am too in it's current greedy selfish extreme form, lacking all the Lasez Faire it should respect and practice. Mind you I feel that Socialism is also not the answer either, as sensibly there is a progressive intelligent centre way forward without any need for destructive extremes. I care about people and happiness not greedy "money no matter what" attitude so rife in this sick world and the cause of destroying millions of ordinary folks lives !!!..

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The ONE Hitler Fried Chicken is now H-ler Fried chicken but I would boycott them anyway only because they have a BORING fast food menu. Much better places to eat in Thailand!

As this Hitler mania is likely to get worse, may I propose a goldmine of a business concept?

A gay go go bar called Hitler's Boys? Leather, lederhosen, nude Heiling, dancing to fascist anthems, what's not to like?

Mel Brooks, have I got a job for you!

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Hitler was not really a white supremacist. He was a German nationalist.

Anyways, I don't think Thais expect foreigners to see this sort of stuff. I'm sure they don' mean to offend Jews or anybody else the Nazis killed. To them he's some kind of cool superhero farang dictator.

Oh...they MEAN to offend Jews, if the white Farang tell the Thai Nazis what to think and do, Thais will do it. Obviously they mean to offend Jews. Obviously Thai people are not stupid, even though they seem vacant. I would not call them innovative, but they are not stupid, or more so than anyone from Europe. However you measure intelligence, Thai people are just not filled with facts as Westerners are, but they know exactly what Hitler is, they know what they are doing. Stop making excuses for their hateful racism, they are racist towards Burmese they are not empty and stupid, they are part of a very poor area of SE Asia trying to attract investors. This is like a neon sign begging wealthy racist Westerners to come to Thailand, "we serve you" is probably more the slogan. People who can't see this are themselves lacking in basic insight (a euphemism for intelligence).

This is another type of manipulation of the masses by the far right.

Their aim is make the Jews appear as different from the populations of whichever countries they live in as possible, to alienate giving the semblance that the Jews are complete foreigners, not as part of their birth countries.

They work on the belief that if you tell something and publicise something as being fact long enough, people will soon begin to take it in as fact, such as Europeans being described as whites and the Jews being described only as Jews, as if they are some sort of unique alien race. This is how they try to segregate the Jews from their countrymen.

The Jews of Europe and those with a status of having a long European history are white. (Hopefully this will not open up a can of worms for those with their so-called expert race analysis). The so-called white supremacists consider themselves as being the elite of all the white races, pure and pedigree, which was also the philosophy of Hitler and the Nazis. They considered the Slavs, many Eastern Europeans and the Jews who were placed at the bottom of the heap as Untermensch (German for under man, sub-man, sub-human). Read your history books.

According to the some Thais and other non-European nations, especially those who have a certain contempt for all white people, consider the WW2 European war as only white people, of perhaps different tribes, killing other white people. It literally means nothing to them. This is why so little is taught at the schools and Universities here in Thailand regarding the two European parts of the world wars.

There could be a lot of truth in the saying; East is east, and west is west, and never the twain shall meet and one thing I am certain of for sure, if they decided to single us out in Thailand, there would be no need to impose us to wear yellow star badges, this time everyone would all be in this together, considered one of the same by the Thais.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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Is there a world outside of Thailand for Thais?

Ever meet a Jew in Thailand?

Yes, but they weren't Thai nationals. What else would you expect in a country that is about 95% Buddhist? Most other religions are not followed by Thais. Btw, I have also met some really stupid farang.

I'd say that the proportion of the Thai pop that isn't Buddhist is a LOT bigger than officials would have you believe - makes it so much easier to legislate like that.

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Thailand has a new popular sensation - Hitler

“Hitler Chic,” as it was dubbed in the media last year, has quickly snowballed in Thailand

Great... the kids are really gonna dig The Sparks then.... smile.png

Ron Mael on future tour of Thailand...? yes please.... thumbsup.gif

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