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Easily full?


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After i eat even just a small meal i feel very full.

On a scale of 1 - 10 for health i'd say i'm about a 7, don't smoke, drink very occasionally and not exessively, and diet is ok.

This is just recent, any one got any ideas, i'm middle aged.


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An ulcer would not usually cause this. And while periodic colonoscopies are recommended for people over 50, this is unlikely to shine any light (no pun intended) on symptoms pertaining to the upper GI tract.

A hiatus hernia might account for this. More serious, though less likely, would be a tumor in the stomach or adjacent structures. To be on the safe side, see a doctor. Doctor should do a thorough abdominal examination, pressing and palpating to see if there are any masses, and might also do an ultrasound, which is a simple and non-invasive tests, likewise to see if any masses are there. A stool test for occult blood and a blood count (to check for anemia) if you haven't had one recently would also be advisable.

Depending on findings, the doctor might recommend a gastroscopy (endoscopy of the upper GI tract, tube goes down the throat rather than u=p the other end).

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OP i know what you mean. easily bloated too, i think it comes with age?

What he describes sounds like quite a bit more than "easily bloated", and needs to be investigated to rule out a serious problem such as gastric cancer, which typically first presents with signs like this. Hopefully this is nothing of the sort, but there is only one way to be sure, and that is to have a proper medical work-up. As such problems are curable only if an when caught early, writing it off as a part of aging or otherwise delaying investigation is not really a good idea.

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OP i know what you mean. easily bloated too, i think it comes with age?

What he describes sounds like quite a bit more than "easily bloated", and needs to be investigated to rule out a serious problem such as gastric cancer, which typically first presents with signs like this. Hopefully this is nothing of the sort, but there is only one way to be sure, and that is to have a proper medical work-up. As such problems are curable only if an when caught early, writing it off as a part of aging or otherwise delaying investigation is not really a good idea.

Thanks for the replies.

Bit more info that may ( or may not ) help.

I'm just over 40, i have been gradually put on about 8-10kg over the past 2 years.

I will get checked out.

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You remind me of a close friend I had years ago,about your age. For a few weeks he kept on about a little food filled him,then within an hour or so he was starving. told him a few times to see a doc,within a few days of another employment contract being picked up,he did visit a doctor. Lasted about 6 weeks after the doctor visit,stomach cancer. I miss him terribly,but he was a smoker

Once you are in the above stage there is no chance of it being caught early,amazing how acceptance of imminent death changes a person,so swift it was more than brutal

Edited by pinfold
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'amazing how acceptance of imminent death changes a person,so swift it was more than brutal'

interesting thing(s) you said but unclear

maybe you are talking about two diff things

acceptance of death? and

and how cancer spreads quickly?

Soon as consultant advised him,few days after GPs visit,he was told there was nothing to be done,did not want photos taken,no reminder of any presence on earth,banished his friends and family from contact,died a few weeks later in hospice.

Heavy smoker

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