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What's your fav 7-11 meal

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@2am in the morning there's not much offering around me.

You shouldn't be eating/wanting food at this time of the morning!! Having said that, if you consume something from 7/11 then you aren't eating food, so no worries then!!

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I get a toasted sandwich from them every morning Mon - Fri, along with a yoghurt. That's my breakfast sorted.

I used to buy the chilled ready meals (not the frozen ones) and have found them excellent for lunch at work. Just having an apple now for lunch for dietary reasons.

I use the 7 Card and find it very handy, I just load it up once a fortnight or so. If I lose the card then all I've lost is a couple of hundred baht. If I go into a 7-11 I don't normally use the staff often find it amusing to see a non-thai using the 7 card.

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7-11 has food?

Only for Asians and Americans. For edible food you'd better pass it, they have really nothing fresh there, even all 'fresh milk' is made from Chinese milkpowder, disgusting! bah.gif


Edited by rubberduck
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7-11 has food?

No it doesn't!!! All it has is highly processed and junk food with so many chemical additives that it should be re-labelled as a chemical supplier rather than a food outlet!!

The only consumable item it has is the bottled water and even that would be better if it was in glass bottles rather than plastic with all of those oestrogenic plasticisers like BPA contained in the plastic.

People should make their own food from scratch and not be so darned lazy and swallow these heart attack, stroke, liver and kidney destroying portions of crap otherwise you will end up like Americans, or worse than that, like Mexicans!!

Have you ever eaten Mexican food? Pretty much "food from scratch" including the Mezcal biggrin.png

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7-11 has food?

No it doesn't!!! All it has is highly processed and junk food with so many chemical additives that it should be re-labelled as a chemical supplier rather than a food outlet!!

The only consumable item it has is the bottled water and even that would be better if it was in glass bottles rather than plastic with all of those oestrogenic plasticisers like BPA contained in the plastic.

People should make their own food from scratch and not be so darned lazy and swallow these heart attack, stroke, liver and kidney destroying portions of crap otherwise you will end up like Americans, or worse than that, like Mexicans!!

Have you ever eaten Mexican food? Pretty much "food from scratch" including the Mezcal biggrin.png

or worse yet...those horrible stinking meat pies......flubberize me

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"Hot Dogs w/Bun and all the fixings"

I always get the shits when I eat them (havent had a hotdog for quite a while now).... Must have something to do with all the bacteria that is allowed to fester on them during the day (or day before) ... coffee1.gif

Girlfriend I had a year ago used to buy meals there...for herself.

Same reaction she had.

And she would go buy again...

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7-11 has food?

Chang Classic. Beer is food.smile.png

That is the only reason I go to a 7-11. I do not think I have ever bought anything edible there. Nothing against 7-11, they serve a purpose, but I would not dream of buying food there. Or at a gas station, fast food joint, or airport. Life is too short......

But you drink Chang? Also known as tramp juice.

I only eat 7/11 food if it's really late at night / early morning and there's not much else on offer.

Cheese & ham toastie is not bad. Occassionally eat the spicy Northern Thai pork burger that has stick rice instead of the bun. Have had minced pork, chilli and thai basil leaf recently and was surprised how spicy it was.

Won't drink Chang "tramp juice" but eats at 7 11 late night......words are inadequate.

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I think my favorite thing would be the red curry pork. I recently tried the Japanese curry which is pretty standard fast food curry style...basically mush. Not recommended unless you just need a quick J-curry fix. I'm also a fan of the ham and cheese toastie as well as the duo chicken pizza toastie which in no way resembles pizza flavor to me but is a light snack.

I also find it odd that I'd feel the need to defend my dining choices on a thread where the question at hand is clearly represented in the subject (okay, I don't really find it odd. This is TV so it's par for the course) but for those that just enjoy being argumentative I work at night and yes, 7-11 is the only thing open around me so if there is no food at home that's dinner. Although admittedly during the day when there are other options I don't ever eat it. Not that I buy into the idea that street food is any way healthier. The ingredients are questionable and the cleanliness is certainly not to a level I'd prefer but the portions and flavor as well as overall value obviously exceed that of what I'd expect from a convenience store. It is what it is. The only guilt I experience is having wasted containers leftover after a meal not that takeaway on the street is much better since they'll find away to involve as much styrofoam and plastic with a single meal as humanly possible. And I've definitely got more cases of the runs from the oh so fresh meals provided footsteps away from exhaust belching vehicles, mangy animals and foot traffic than I've ever had after eating from 7-11.

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Won't drink Chang "tramp juice" but eats at 7 11 late night......words are inadequate.

There's not much choice for food after midnight especially if you want something quick. Street food stalls have gone. I don't fancy scouting out a restaurant and waiting for ages to get fed. I don't have a kitchen at home just a fridge.

7/11 is the only option.

There's never an excuse for drinking Chang.

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at (a few of) mine... they do a delicious orange 'swiss roll' type cake, perfect with a cup of tea. licklips.gif.pagespeed.ce.v-hsVd-Wpu.gif

yep, agree.. that's probably just a local thing...

but when out & about nationwide? the cheese & ham toastie i suppose would be my fave' food they do.

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Those frozen meals in 7/11 are rank rottenbah.gif They have a terrible taste about them and don't even come close to tasting as good as the food you can buy in small Thai restaurants.

The fact it's a franchise has a lot to do with the poor quality. Too many fingers in the pie to expect good food at the low price they charge to make the meals saleable

what are you talking about? you have no effen clue.

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Those frozen meals in 7/11 are rank rottenbah.gif They have a terrible taste about them and don't even come close to tasting as good as the food you can buy in small Thai restaurants.

The fact it's a franchise has a lot to do with the poor quality. Too many fingers in the pie to expect good food at the low price they charge to make the meals saleable

There's 7,220 7-Eleven's in Thailand, the majority owned by CP All whose sister companies in the CP Group grow and process a large percentage of the food products sold by 7-Eleven's 120,000 staff who serve more than 9 million customers a day.

I think keeping a lot of it in-house allows for greater QC than buying in so I don't see the to many fingers in the pie you allude to.

By 2016 there will be 10,000 stores throughout Thailand. obviously someone likes them.

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6000 Baht a month (long days, no days off) for shop assistants, who work like dogs while the bosses loiter around. ...

I would love to know where you get your facts from. My wife worked at 7-11 and she made more than that and had set hours with OT available. Remember that many of these staff are younglings and starting their work career with some of them having very poor education, so a wage is a wage.

As for working like dogs... I never see any of them sweating from overwork. Sometimes I have to wait at the checkout till they finish their chit chat. Sometimes you can see them sitting on the counters while the new staff do some physical work, like stacking shelves...Stacking shelves is part of any retail shop, whether in Thailand or other country.

Bosses have the right to loiter around... They are the wage payers, they got to that position, I would expect from hard work themselves....

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Lays and a bottle of Sangsom consumed outside on the conxrete bench along with ten Marlboro.

Breakfast of champions!

Note: This only applies before 8am.

Only applies before 8am?

I considered the shop name as an instruction, compulsory between 7 and 11am................

Have I been doing it wrong for all these years?................sad.png

Why so complicated???

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What concerns me the most about 7-11, is what exactly constitutes a "meat product" here in Thailand. For example, did you know that in Australia, only 25 percent of the "meat" inside a Meat Pie needs to be flesh. Thats the minimum. The rest can be eyes, ears, balls, tendons and blood vessels (from Any animal!). I am not sure the quality of English Meat Pies are any better. But here in Thailand.....anybody know what exact combination of meat particles are actually flesh? So I often bypass the processed meats in the white tray, the hotdogs and especially .. those pinkish looking steamed rice buns in the 7-11

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Why would anyone go past all the food vendors to get into a 7-11 to buy frozen food that gets nuked?

Cravings for high sodium, high sugar, MSG loaded artificially flavored and preserved factory processed food!

You know you can't trust that street vendor food! Some of them veggies, meats and seafood items were maybe purchased fresh the day before.

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Lays and a bottle of Sangsom consumed outside on the conxrete bench along with ten Marlboro.

Breakfast of champions!

Note: This only applies before 8am.

Only applies before 8am?

I considered the shop name as an instruction, compulsory between 7 and 11am................

Have I been doing it wrong for all these years?................sad.png

Why so complicated???

My gf might walk past after that time.....oh boy.....that would be baaaaaad.....rolleyes.gif

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Only for Asians and Americans. For edible food you'd better pass it, they have really nothing fresh there, even all 'fresh milk' is made from Chinese milkpowder, disgusting!

Not heard about the milk powder before. Got any more details?

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