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As a relative newbie but having reviewed posts for some time,, the information revealed in your last paragraph is not surprising at all.TV is clearly a blue collar forum.


here's where my idea of a w*nker emoticon would've came in handy.


I have been amazed by the hostile (even abusive as above) reaction to my suggestion the tone of TV was primarily blue collar, not least because no derogatary meaning was intended.Blue collar is entirely honourable, perhaps more so than the city slicker professions.I wasn't trying to be trollish or provocative either.It's just that I have known a large number over the years of guys in the offshore business with temporary bases in Bangkok, Manila etc with their main interests, how shall we put it, stereotypical.I recognised the tone immediately when looking at TV posts, not all obviously but enough of a presence to represent the predominant flavour.Very entertaining in many respects.Long may it continue.

bit of a tip for you mate - use emoticons :D. otherwise, some comments can be taken the wrong way. :D

Edited by game4shame
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I can’t comment on the posters Pattaya, sexual or firearm choices but the time spent away from home and work location is very possible.

You may be surprised how many TV members use Thailand as a homebase, work in various offshore and Middle East locations then end up retiring in Thailand.

As a relative newbie but having reviewed posts for some time,, the information revealed in your last paragraph is not surprising at all.TV is clearly a blue collar forum.

Cripes! :D

That's blown the cover of 'the gent'... :D

Noel, you're not by any toodle pip chance, trying to entice the esteemed gentleman from his sozzled hibernation to go into battle on behalf of the the dishonoured forum members, are you? :D

If so, watch out, Arse -nal (now there's a monicker that the gent could get his verbals into), Noel might have unleashed the snarling beast. :D

How dare you sir! I have never hibernated in my life.

Honestly, you two might as well be joined at the hip the amount of time you appear to spend in each other's cyber pockets. Perhaps this is a friendship which might be whispering its name ......?

Who can tell, anything is possible in the demi- monde that is evidently Pattaya. I suppose one must be thankful for the small mercy the dreary CherryB hasn't made an appearance spouting his banalities as if they were the greatest of profundities.

To Arsenal, I bid you welcome to the forum. Your observation may not be particularly astute given the manifestly apparent nature of its object but I have a feeling your wit will have plenty of opportunity to dazzle us all. It could scarcely be eclipsed by the mote beams filtering through the gloom of mediocrity currently prevailing.

Anyway, off to bed so I shall leave Noel and the Duck to their poolside dalliance at Chez Duck's.....

The Duck: Fancy a quick dip before retiring, Noel me lad?

Noel : Actually, old fruit, not really in the mood for it now. Tell you what, fancy a swim


Tits and Poodles or should that be Cupid Stunts :D

Hmmm, it seems that soft soaping or even ‘detergent’ will not be effective in taming you, ‘tg’.

An overnight steeping in Harpic might flush you out though, but care must be taken not to drive you round the bend.

That said, your polysyllabic prose, sesquipedalian syntax and lexical lambasting does seem to have been disturbingly diluted of late, but that could simply be down to a lower octane batch of Chang… :o

Add Noel spots it :D

"Add Noel spots it" = "Sad, old nepotist" ?

Ouch! :D

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