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Just curious as I had some fork springs sent via

USPS Priority Air Mail.

Not expensive so even it it gets taxed wont be too bad.

But I am wondering how long does it take to clear Customs?

I have seen it via online tracking sitting in Thailand Customs for 4 days now

I am assuming if I need to do/pay somthing they will notify me correct?



Correct, A card should be in your letter box by now with the amount of tax payable to be paid at your local post office ,before handing over your ordered parts, Timing is bad for you because possible post offices will be closed next monday and maybe tuesday also.

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Sorry but using on line tracking is not going to speed up any process. Does it say where they are? If you have to go to the post office customs dept. it will take as long as it takes you to go there and collect them. As they will want to look inside and see what they are.

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It depends- I've had stuff clear customs in a day, and I've had it hang around for a week (I know this through the tracking numbers)- if you're waiting for something now, it's going to be a while as Monday and Tuesday are holidays.

If your package reaches Thailand on a Thursday or Friday, it's almost guaranteed to sit around until after the weekend before anything is done about it.

Also, usually the longer it takes, the higher the tax is going to be- at least that's my experience.

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But I am wondering how long does it take to clear Customs?

I have seen it via online tracking sitting in Thailand Customs for 4 days now

I am assuming if I need to do/pay somthing they will notify me correct?

About the same for me when my last parts came in USPS...then the mail lady turned up with a piece of paper for me sign telling me my stuff was in the post office and how much the tax was. Went there next day and paid up and collected the parts.

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Ok thanks for the replies

That is kind of what I expected, meaning I would get a note or something

Then again I live in a condo so it is slow at times.

Also no problem about the holidays I will check with them next week if I don't get a note

with a tax charge etc.


PS: Online tracking reads Bangkok Customs on July 16th

I am in Chiang Mai so I guess it still needs another transfer.

No problem


You should be able to find out through your tracking number- I've found the info to be surprisingly detailed and helpful- you can plug your number in here (even if it's a USPS number):


Yes thanks that is what I use & also USPS.com shows the same

I was mainly curious about it sitting in Bangkok Customs for 4 days already & wondered

how long does it take to clear little things


You should be able to find out through your tracking number- I've found the info to be surprisingly detailed and helpful- you can plug your number in here (even if it's a USPS number):


Yes thanks that is what I use & also USPS.com shows the same

I was mainly curious about it sitting in Bangkok Customs for 4 days already & wondered

how long does it take to clear little things

Mine sat in Bangkok for quite a few days before finding it's way down to Samui Mania

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Yes I have seen some stuff even from Bangkok take awhile yet other times 1 day etc.

But this being my 1st US purchase I was just watching more out of interest of how it is all handled/scrutinized etc.


You should be able to find out through your tracking number- I've found the info to be surprisingly detailed and helpful- you can plug your number in here (even if it's a USPS number):


Yes thanks that is what I use & also USPS.com shows the same

I was mainly curious about it sitting in Bangkok Customs for 4 days already & wondered

how long does it take to clear little things

I picked up a jacket on Wednesday that had sat in the customs office for a full week- I picked up a bike stand last week that waited around for eight days- I guess it's about when they get around to it...

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These arrived today but they were sent to my PO Box. If to my house i am sure an extra day or two...

tracking cw629073853us

shipped from florida july 9

fyi no tax


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I'm guessing you ordered directly from a company? I have only done that once and had to pay duty. Commercial logos and packaging are a red flag to the customs. My mail carrier collected it. I have had dozens of other packages of parts sent, but by friends or relatives with used packaging and hand written labels. With those (thousands of dollars worth) there have never been delays or assessed duty?

As somebody mentioned, everything government is now stopped until Wednesday morning.


You should be able to find out through your tracking number- I've found the info to be surprisingly detailed and helpful- you can plug your number in here (even if it's a USPS number):


Yes thanks that is what I use & also USPS.com shows the same

I was mainly curious about it sitting in Bangkok Customs for 4 days already & wondered

how long does it take to clear little things

I picked up a jacket on Wednesday that had sat in the customs office for a full week- I picked up a bike stand last week that waited around for eight days- I guess it's about when they get around to it...

You picked up a bike stand? Is that THE bike stand? The one that was subject of a thread a while back? If so, just curious how much customs slammed you for? Do you have a picture?


Yes I have seen some stuff even from Bangkok take awhile yet other times 1 day etc.

But this being my 1st US purchase I was just watching more out of interest of how it is all handled/scrutinized etc.

I often order DVDs and small items from the US - under 1000 Baht = no conflict and they arrive with the mail. However, I did order some used DVDs at $1 apiece - 20 DVDs for a cost of $20 - they were stopped at customs for a fee of 1500 Baht. I refused and they were returned to sender - and my payment was refunded.

NOTE: Customs personnel are not well trained and are underpaid. anything refused, without a return guarantee is sold with proceeds going to the customs officer who held the shipment. Meaning, there is incentive for them to hold any shipment.


I'm guessing you ordered directly from a company? I have only done that once and had to pay duty. Commercial logos and packaging are a red flag to the customs. My mail carrier collected it. I have had dozens of other packages of parts sent, but by friends or relatives with used packaging and hand written labels. With those (thousands of dollars worth) there have never been delays or assessed duty?

I've had a lot of packages shipped here over the years, and I can't say I've ever noticed any connection between whether the external box had any company labeling on it vs. plain box and whether or not the item drew any duties.

My sense is it depends moreso on the general nature of what's being shipped along with how expensive the declared item is.

I shipped a $50 pair of tennis shoes in a mostly plain brown box recently that cost about $40 to send, and then drew a $30 duty even though they were coming via Thai Post.

On the other hand, I just received a $30 box of various hand lotions and bath products that also was delivered via ThaiPost but in a box strongly marked with the company's logo, and that box drew no duty.


I'm guessing you ordered directly from a company? I have only done that once and had to pay duty. Commercial logos and packaging are a red flag to the customs. My mail carrier collected it. I have had dozens of other packages of parts sent, but by friends or relatives with used packaging and hand written labels. With those (thousands of dollars worth) there have never been delays or assessed duty?

I've had a lot of packages shipped here over the years, and I can't say I've ever noticed any connection between whether the external box had any company labeling on it vs. plain box and whether or not the item drew any duties.

My sense is it depends moreso on the general nature of what's being shipped along with how expensive the declared item is.

I shipped a $50 pair of tennis shoes in a mostly plain brown box recently that cost about $40 to send, and then drew a $30 duty even though they were coming via Thai Post.

On the other hand, I just received a $30 box of various hand lotions and bath products that also was delivered via ThaiPost but in a box strongly marked with the company's logo, and that box drew no duty.

As I said, dozens and dozens of plain used boxes with handwritten labels and NEVER any duty. Only one "commercial" box from a company with logos and computer generated paperwork, value around $30, and it got hit with duty -- not much, maybe 30 baht, but it got hit.

I always have my friend or relative enclosed a used paperback book, a couple of pictures, two cookies in a plastic bag, and son hard candy in a plastic bag. The customs declaration will then say, "Used books, pictures, cookies, candy and gifts." Value always less than $100.

My theory is this. There is a conveyor belt full of packages rolling along in front of the inspectors. They can't inspect them all, so they cherry pick, hoping to high grade. Now, if you had this job and had been doing it for awhile, and you had a choice of a commercial looking package or one that looked like a care package from mom, which one would YOU choose? It's worked for me 100% of the time. The ONLY time I paid duty was when the package did not comply with my formula.

I have brought in motorcycle parts and accessories, boots, vitamins, electronics, tools, etc.,and, oh yeah, used books, pictures, cookies and candy.

Of course if you use FedEx or UPS, there is no formula. Just bend over and prepare to take it.


That's a bit more involved approach that just having a plain vs a sender/company labeled box...or a computer generated vs handwritten shippng label.

If someone has friends or relatives doing the shipping, then all those kind of end runs by cluttering up the customs declaration with a bunch of misc, no value stuff can be accomplished. And I must say, it's a nice idea, and also wouldn't add much weight/cost.

But not everyone has relatives or friends back home who will get involved in sending international packages. So if you're ordering things online and then having them reshipped by a mail forwarding company, you can't do all those things. No one's there to add cookies, used book, etc etc.

It may be that hand addressed packages have a better duty result on average compared to commercially prepared ones...

But in my case, 95% of everything I've send via a commercial reshipping service using Airmail and then ThaiPost have arrived here with no duties or taxes. And none of those items have been hand addressed. Sometimes they have a plain exterior box. Sometimes a box with the sender's labeling. But no discernable difference between the different types of boxing vs duty assessed.

It's usually just the clothing and shoes items that seem to get dinged.

The customs declaration may have a big determining factor in the result. But my experience pretty clearly shows having commercial addressing or even commercial logos on the shipping box doesn't automatically or even most of the time draw duties.

Most of your packages, using one method, don't get dutied. Most of my packages, using an entirely different method, don't get dutied.... That still leaves open the question of why those that get dutied do get dutied.

So I guess my simple point is... try sending your plain box, hand labeled shipment without cluttering up the customs declaration, and see if you still get the same results. That would begin to pinpoint why no duty. Otherwise, it's just guessing among a range of potentially different factors.

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For the info of others here, I use Shipito.com and pretty much only use their own Airmail services...which get delivered here by ThaiPost and usually cost half or less to send of what sending the same item via FedEx or DHL would cost just based on shipping cost alone.

The delivery times are slower, usually two or three weeks. But the cost saving on the shipping itself is substantial, in addition to usually avoiding duties and taxes here. My experience with this involves most of my boxes having customs values in the $20 to $50 range, and weights in the 2 to 5 pounds range. The normal cost of their Airmail shipping, with everything included, works out to about $11 per pound to Bangkok.

The few things of higher value I've shipped ($100 to $300) mostly have been legitimately refurbished things like mobile phones or computer tablets or laptops, and have either arrived duty free or at most a 7-8% duty at the Post Office.

That's why when I get a surprise like the $30 duty on my $50 tennis shoes, it comes as a shock, because getting a duty bill like that is so out of the ordinary for my experience. The normal situation is no duty at all, or sometimes, just a flat 7 baht "small package" fee collected at the door by the ThaiPost delivery guy.


You should be able to find out through your tracking number- I've found the info to be surprisingly detailed and helpful- you can plug your number in here (even if it's a USPS number):


Yes thanks that is what I use & also USPS.com shows the same

I was mainly curious about it sitting in Bangkok Customs for 4 days already & wondered

how long does it take to clear little things

I picked up a jacket on Wednesday that had sat in the customs office for a full week- I picked up a bike stand last week that waited around for eight days- I guess it's about when they get around to it...

You picked up a bike stand? Is that THE bike stand? The one that was subject of a thread a while back? If so, just curious how much customs slammed you for? Do you have a picture?

I posted in the original thread- they hit me up for 1710 baht,which wasn't bad considering it came through DHL- I don't have a pic with the bike on it yet- you can see it in the corner of this pic, though;):


I posted in the original thread- they hit me up for 1710 baht,which wasn't bad considering it came through DHL- I don't have a pic with the bike on it yet- you can see it in the corner of this pic, though;):

What makes it bad or not bad is how much your 1710 baht duty represented relative to the declared purchase price/value of the item you shipped...


when i use to import electronics, registered mail always got hit...regular USPS never did.

declared value should also not be suspicious, if it cost like $100 to ship something but the declared value is only $40, it seems that it throws up a red flag.

Fedex will rape you every chance they get.

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I posted in the original thread- they hit me up for 1710 baht,which wasn't bad considering it came through DHL- I don't have a pic with the bike on it yet- you can see it in the corner of this pic, though;):

What makes it bad or not bad is how much your 1710 baht duty represented relative to the declared purchase price/value of the item you shipped...

Obviously- the person I was responding to knows the deal on this particular item, though- it was about half what I expected- I've had a lot of gear shipped to LOS over the last few years and have a good understanding of the workings of the customs office.


I posted in the original thread- they hit me up for 1710 baht,which wasn't bad considering it came through DHL- I don't have a pic with the bike on it yet- you can see it in the corner of this pic, though;):

What makes it bad or not bad is how much your 1710 baht duty represented relative to the declared purchase price/value of the item you shipped...

Obviously- the person I was responding to knows the deal on this particular item, though- it was about half what I expected- I've had a lot of gear shipped to LOS over the last few years and have a good understanding of the workings of the customs office.

Nice bike and nice stand. But plastic on the seat, clean tires? You still haven't ridden it? How can you stand it? Doesn't it pull at you, whisper in your dreams, etc.?


I posted in the original thread- they hit me up for 1710 baht,which wasn't bad considering it came through DHL- I don't have a pic with the bike on it yet- you can see it in the corner of this pic, though;):

What makes it bad or not bad is how much your 1710 baht duty represented relative to the declared purchase price/value of the item you shipped...

Obviously- the person I was responding to knows the deal on this particular item, though- it was about half what I expected- I've had a lot of gear shipped to LOS over the last few years and have a good understanding of the workings of the customs office.

Nice bike and nice stand. But plastic on the seat, clean tires? You still haven't ridden it? How can you stand it? Doesn't it pull at you, whisper in your dreams, etc.?

It's been raining since it arrived- I took it for a short ride yesterday when it cleared up a bit- I'll get on it more later today weather-permitting.;)


Well I got my Sonic Springs for my fork today

Not too bad I guess as the charged me roughly 27% Customs fee.

Left US on July 11th & with the holiday here not too bad time wise I guess.

The hard part was getting it at all smile.png

The last 2 days the online tracking in the US & Thailand said attempted

delivery & card left but no such card.

So I went to the closest post office today with the number after a bit of explaining they sent

me to a bigger branch in town.

That one took about 45 minutes there to sort but finally got it smile.png

Hopefully if I do any more imports it is a bit easier

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