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You can hate them all - I just dumped true because they intentionally cut my 2G unlimited after 3G use down to 40kbps. I said I should get 128k which is still a rip off to begin with as 2G is 385k normally, but this is locked solid at 40k. Not a traffic problem ether it was flat out locked down. Topping topping topping is all they wanted to talk about at 350 baht per 1GB. Screw them if they can't simply live up to the contracted service I already paid for. Where the hell is consumer protection around here anyway. So it is back to paying for a min. of dtac 3G I can't get from home in order to have a solid 215k of the 385 it should be but at least opens an email or a web page unlike anything I got from true at higher prices.

3G in Thailand is not a solution to anything it is a scam and waste of time and money. It is only of any use with a smart phone that does not need full internet or a person that has a connection at home or office to begin with or maybe a tourist for a short time. It is not the real internet and never will be with these limitations.

The main problem is ToT keeps cutting the price of adsl and increasing speed for those that have service rather then their job of providing some service with the money they have to connect millions of people that are still waiting as much as 15 years already - talk about the largest fail in this country and ToT is the top, they must be getting a 3G kickback from true.

Follow up I got an sms the other day and now dtac is limited to 128K (smell that - corruption) and it is locked down. That means I now pay 100% more for my internet and still don't get the 3G I pay for because they don't have it to begin with. If I pay true all the topping I need to keep that even able to open an email it will cost 15,000 a month and if I use dtac I pay for 3g and get dail up speed that takes 6 hours to do a simple windows update.

All this time ToT is paid by both of them a % of the money so they won't run a cable - why should they - they make money doing nothing - they cut the price of internet and doubled the speed four times in five years. That was our cable that paid for that - I hope you guys enjoy our money. They know the wireless non solution won't work but they also know it will pay them well for doing nothing so they have not provided the few KM of cable in order to take part in the screw job.

If AIS, True, and dtac can built towers and run a cable plus pay ToT a % then why the hell can't ToT bring us one stupit cable 5 years ago. I am sick of completely stupid excusses to what is obvouse to even a moron. That cable has been paid for for years and then some.

This has completely nothing to do with third world it has everything to do with CAT and ToT even more then it does the wireless clowns that think they are in the internet business - wireless is not and never will be internet. If it was why are so many of you still using real internet at home and why are we some how going to be able to do any differantly. This whole issue belongs in front of a judge - but where do you find one of those in Thailand. Been asking for cable for years and told True , dtac and AIS are coming - well they are here and it is a complete waste and fraud - a solution to nothing. If you don't have real internet at home to back it up then 3G is nothing but a complete waste of money. A worthless toy for facebook clowns on a smart phone that don't know what the F internet is even for in the first place.

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Trinet working really good for the wife and I also with our Samsung S4's. Switches between 2100/850/1800Mhz no problem now...although initially we had some issue in our S4's switching between 2100 and 850Mhz properly...but that is history now...got the phones configured properly. I'm "averaging" 3G download speeds north of 10Mb and have got speeds over 20Mb plenty of times...even over 25Mb a fair amount of times, over 26Mb a couple of times, with 26.06Mb being the fastest so far. Speed-wise, when the 2100Mhz and 850Mhz are pretty close in signal strength the speed of the two is basically the same. I live in western Bangkok, just ran a Speedtest.net test at 9:01pm to their Bangkok STS Group server, got a 14.67Mb down/3.63Mb up...was on 2100Mhz at the time.


Trinet working really good for the wife and I also with our Samsung S4's. Switches between 2100/850/1800Mhz no problem now...although initially we had some issue in our S4's switching between 2100 and 850Mhz properly...but that is history now...got the phones configured properly. I'm "averaging" 3G download speeds north of 10Mb and have got speeds over 20Mb plenty of times...even over 25Mb a fair amount of times, over 26Mb a couple of times, with 26.06Mb being the fastest so far. Speed-wise, when the 2100Mhz and 850Mhz are pretty close in signal strength the speed of the two is basically the same. I live in western Bangkok, just ran a Speedtest.net test at 9:01pm to their Bangkok STS Group server, got a 14.67Mb down/3.63Mb up...was on 2100Mhz at the time.

Correction....my fastest 3G DTAC speed has not been 26.06Mb.

Looking closer at my recent Speedtest.net results 27.28Mb has been the fastest, followed by 26.92Mb, and then the 26.06Mb. Can't say whether those speeds were on 850Mhz or 2100Mhz.


Trinet working really good for the wife and I also with our Samsung S4's. Switches between 2100/850/1800Mhz no problem now...although initially we had some issue in our S4's switching between 2100 and 850Mhz properly...but that is history now...got the phones configured properly. I'm "averaging" 3G download speeds north of 10Mb and have got speeds over 20Mb plenty of times...even over 25Mb a fair amount of times, over 26Mb a couple of times, with 26.06Mb being the fastest so far. Speed-wise, when the 2100Mhz and 850Mhz are pretty close in signal strength the speed of the two is basically the same. I live in western Bangkok, just ran a Speedtest.net test at 9:01pm to their Bangkok STS Group server, got a 14.67Mb down/3.63Mb up...was on 2100Mhz at the time.

Correction....my fastest 3G DTAC speed has not been 26.06Mb.

Looking closer at my recent Speedtest.net results 27.28Mb has been the fastest, followed by 26.92Mb, and then the 26.06Mb. Can't say whether those speeds were on 850Mhz or 2100Mhz.

And this is the only internet that you have to use - like us you are expected to do everything on the net for a month with a 3G account that limits 2G to promote topping. Your running it from your home PC as a primary?

I don't care if I only have 4mb that would work fine and 7.2 would be great.

I want it to still be working faster then a 128k after the first week or so. I used to get 210k but they just cut it doubling my internet cost by doing so. Not nice dtac.

Speeds like that are worthless to almost everyone if they stop working 3 weeks out of each month. Not that we get that speed here anyway - with the true card rated for 42mb the fastest I saw was 6mb just before the air time ran out and left me with 20-40k gprs, but they said I would be getting the limited for no real reason 128k with that package, but like all ISP's in Thailand they lied and don't even have it here.

So it is back to dtac with no 3G at all and only 128k internet now but still I have to buy 3GB of 3G to get That. 70+ to date. Where the hell is this trinet I am paying for but don't get any of. How can it even work if they don't have it. The dtac tower is across the street and blocks our view that is about all it is good for anyway - so maybe we should ask the government to have the pile of crap removed. It only povides 128k if you buy 3G - rip off.

I wouldn't really want this junk if it was free - I have no option - I need internet that is functional the whole month at a fair price like others have, this current set up is nothing to do with providing internet to anyone - it is about controlling spectrum and milking the public with the captives arranged by ToT in many areas to ensure they have to pay and pay and pay. Ever try internet banking at 128k - get coffee and relax - it is going to take awhile - then notice that the email you just got has an attechment and it means you won't be able to use the PC for the next 45-50 minuts while it downloads. Windows up-dates are 6-7 hours long and even updating AV everyday takes away expensive air time.

At least give us some 2g at 385k like it should be and don't give us the lie about the volume - the reason wireless is functional in many countries is the fact they have 2G that works in the first place. We still need to get email a week after the billing cycle starts without having to pay exstortion fees of 350 baht per GB, but wait dtac does not have 3G here and the other one is limited to 20-40k gprs - why! Now they want to start 4G - what the hell for - they have already proven they can't do the job they already started.

Many have real internet not this paper tiger crap - this is going to be it for us - it is completely worthless as a primary source of internet - selling it as a solution in TV ads is complete lie..(true) with the start of 4G like so many other things - any change here will be last and any more progress will end were we are.

4G must be stopped - don't even let them openly talk about it tell they can do what they started.

I wish I had the option of speedtesting my smart phone then going home and using the real internet, but we can't and according to ToT we never will - Ever.

15 years ago when they said the line will be here in a few months was put off by one new thing after another that we never got and now it is Well! you don't really need it anyway, but in fact we need it more now then ever did before.

I once had a worker run into my office with great news - he said: "We are 93% done with the project".

I said: "Great - we are complete failures then".

He says: "No- it is up to 93%! "

I said: " yes- but those 7% can see that we have completely failed to get anything done at all and they are the ones we will be hearing from".

I guess it is to much to ask to change the way they think about things, but it would be a great start.

All of them are complete failures - not just dtac. None of them serve the needs of the country - in many countries that would be enough to pull the lic. to even operate. I don't see why ToT is still even allowed to do any business at all. Maybe it takes acting like a rubber farmer to get them to understand that giving more service to those that already have the best service does not do a damn thing to help the millions that are still waiting for the year 2000 to even show up and we are not in the sticks. That is what makes it so maddening.


When it comes to having acceptable internet in Thailand, whether by fiber/copper line to your residence or via 3G, it usually comes down to Location, Location, Location.

Live in the wrong location (internet access-wise) and it can be very, very frustrating. I've been there and done that...got the tee shirt. Even when I arrived western Bangkok 5 years ago my choice of home internet were TOT, TOT, or TOT ADSL at a blazing 2Mb max speed plan which equated to about 500Kb speed on a good day which didn't occur that often...saw crappy 200Kb international speeds a lot. Quite often I had a hard time maintaining a connection with my home country internet banking (bank connection would time out) and watching a YouTube video was an absolute no-go. Then that domestic speed increased to 4Mb when TOT upgraded the ADSL equipment to my moobaan and about a year later to 6Mb...and a little over 2 years ago True installed DOCSIS/cable TV and internet in the moobaan and suddenly I could have a 100Mb plan (I think up 200Mb now) if willing to pay the price for such a high speed plan, but I opted for a True DOCSIS 20Mb plan at Bt1299/mo and later downgraded to their 14Mb plan for Bt699/mo....saw no difference in international speed between the 20Mb or 14Mb plans...so happy I downgraded as the downgraded paid my mobile phone bill per month.

And regarding mobile 3G service, I usually got around 5Mb "average" download speed with DTAC" before" Trinet; after Trinet my average speed is a little north of 10Mb...and quite frequenty pulls speeds getting closer and closer to 30Mb. Now wth the availability of DTAC "2100Mhz" 3G even when I'm on DTAC 850Mhz 3G my speed is approx. double what it use to be before Trinet...guess the 2100Mhz has basically doubled the amount of available bandwidth DTAC has....overloaded the heavy subscribed DTAC 850Mhz 3G.

Yeap, Location, Location, Location can make all the difference....and I don't mean different locations have to be very far apart...like living in the sticks compared to living in a city...can be as simple as being a few soi's apart in some cases (in the sticks or city) to have radically different level of internet speed availability/quality. Yeap, can be frustrating, very frustrating.


For me speed is not important anymore, as download don't come into play anyway with a 3GB limit. With Dtac which I have in an aircard I get a 1Mb download speed on a lucky day, but most of the time it's much less, and once my package is finished I'm at least guaranteed of a 384 Kb speed which is sufficient to surf the web.

AIS which I have on my smartphone gives me 10 Kb at best, not able to go into playstore or whatever ( see my post elsewhere ), so this isn't a valid option.

True move H gives me a similar speed as Dtac, but last time I tried I had an unlimited 3GB package called netplus 650 which was finished after 20 days or so and was not renewable before the 30 days had passed. And however the service desk representatives and the morons at the True shop, insisted that I would be reduced to 128 Kb, in reality they started charging my SIM at 2 Baht/Mb until all the balance was gone and the connection to the server was terminated. ( also see my posts elsewhere ). Maybe I had the wrong package, who knows, but anyway at 128Kb it isn't possible to surf the web reasonable.So that's also no option

The biggest problem with Dtac is that their accounting system sucks big time. Each and every month I have to make several calls because my package doesn't renew although they deduct the money and give me a new expiry date, or my data balance disappears overnight or I'm not able to connect to the server for an unknown reason.

And you know, this gets tiresome after 18 months of every month another issue, and getting replies from the service desk that there isn't anything wrong.Which of course they have to recall after the tenth call and refund or reconnect me.

I can only dream that one day I can get an ADSL or cable connection.


For me speed is not important anymore, as download don't come into play anyway with a 3GB limit. With Dtac which I have in an aircard I get a 1Mb download speed on a lucky day, but most of the time it's much less, and once my package is finished I'm at least guaranteed of a 384 Kb speed which is sufficient to surf the web.

AIS which I have on my smartphone gives me 10 Kb at best, not able to go into playstore or whatever ( see my post elsewhere ), so this isn't a valid option.

True move H gives me a similar speed as Dtac, but last time I tried I had an unlimited 3GB package called netplus 650 which was finished after 20 days or so and was not renewable before the 30 days had passed. And however the service desk representatives and the morons at the True shop, insisted that I would be reduced to 128 Kb, in reality they started charging my SIM at 2 Baht/Mb until all the balance was gone and the connection to the server was terminated. ( also see my posts elsewhere ). Maybe I had the wrong package, who knows, but anyway at 128Kb it isn't possible to surf the web reasonable.So that's also no option

The biggest problem with Dtac is that their accounting system sucks big time. Each and every month I have to make several calls because my package doesn't renew although they deduct the money and give me a new expiry date, or my data balance disappears overnight or I'm not able to connect to the server for an unknown reason.

And you know, this gets tiresome after 18 months of every month another issue, and getting replies from the service desk that there isn't anything wrong.Which of course they have to recall after the tenth call and refund or reconnect me.

I can only dream that one day I can get an ADSL or cable connect

You should not be getting 385k surprised if you ever did with dtac would have been nice - I have the 3GB unlimited and they sent a message that now they limit 2G to 128k like true does - only differance being true does not even have that here only gprs after 3G at 20-40k.

My dtac limit came up last week (even if only getting 2G they take the volume) and I only get solid 128k at best now. When before it was 210k on average which gave me email and banking anyway. I had to get an expensive true card to finish the month out and with it I get good Thai speed 5mb with a 42mb modem, but even singapore is only 300k like the west coast and that was tonite..still this late ..I still can't even view a simple news clip. They took the servers down all day now and I can't check remaining volume - just have to wait for the crash.

Sucks to pay like this for crap. If true fixes this 2g and gives me the same as dtac then why buy a dtac card if they don't even give me 3G. Problem with true is everything cost more - topping 350baht and smaller packages that run out sooner. Some price reduction they had - I pay twice what I did two months ago.

Web pages are coded assuming 1mb plus connection so pretty much the whole internet is worthless with less then that and they know that so they keep lowering the speed so you can fork out more. If I had 1mb to surf with it would last a while and I could still do banking without a pillow to take naps while pages load. It sucks to use adblock and every trick in the book and still see this site roll down the screen as it takes its time loading. They are hurting Goerges income to because I won't load those ads - I can't it looks more like screen freeze then loading. Maybe TV can recode the pages to some level that works properly inside Thailand.

"I can only dream that one day I can get an ADSL or cable connect"

Oh ya - been doing that for 15 years already and had hope a few times, but this wireless scam makes it less likely then before - now that is depressing. As I have told both providers I don't really want the damn thing in the first place so if your going to force people to use it at least fix it. Goes right over their heads. They want to stop everything where it is and do 4G for the people that already have every damn thing they ask for. I saw that one coming and told them they would do that and they are. That should be stopped - no one in Thailand even need 4G it is a toy anyway - just fix the infristructure - even the schools 200m down the road with hundreds of kids don't have a connection and they will put that off to sell more useless hardware and devices in Bangkok.

They all suck and you don't matter - Same rules apply to the girls in Pattaya - why should dtac or true be any differant.


The biggest problem with Dtac is that their accounting system sucks big time. Each and every month I have to make several calls because my package doesn't renew although they deduct the money and give me a new expiry date, or my data balance disappears overnight or I'm not able to connect to the server for an unknown reason.

When I first moved to Thailand around 5 years ago the Thai wife and started off with a TrueMove postpaid plan; that relationship ended after 6 months because after the first monthly bill arrived no problem the subsequent monthly bills never could find our mailbox again...True said they mailed them...please check with your local post office. But no other bills of any kind was having a problem finding our mailbox. We contacted True via calls to their Call Center and visited a major True Service Center several times. Our address in their system was correct, we were not on ebilling, TrueVisions bills with the exact same address never had a problem finding our mailbox, and no other bills like from the electric company, TOT, etc., ever had a problem finding our mailbox.

But TrueMove just couldn't get a bill to us; so we cancelled and switched to DTAC...been happy since but there have been two times I had problems paying my DTAC bill via Bangkok Bank ibanking....once about two years ago when for whatever reason the bank and DTAC systems were not communicating with each other...and right now. Tried to pay my DTAC bill three times last night via Bangkok Bank ibanking...got an error time...then went ahead and paid two TOT bills no problem....tried paying DTAC again around 11am this morning and still got the error. Called Bangkok Bank and they said other customers have been calling with the same problem and said right now their system is not communicating with the DTAC system...of course they made it sound like it's a DTAC-caused problem (and maybe it is)...problem should be fixed soon. Don't know if its a Bangkok Bank problem or it's a DTAC system problem...but I expect they'll get it fixed within a day or so; otherwise I'll go to 7-11 to pay the bill...hopefully 7-11 is communicating with the DTAC payment system. I've been on Bangkok Bank ibanking for around 5 years now and the only two times I had problems in paying any bill was the two DTAC instances mentioned above....and since I've never had a problem with any other ibanking payment to any other company if I had to bet money on where the problem lies I would bet the problem is on the DTAC end....but I'm guessing.


The biggest problem with Dtac is that their accounting system sucks big time. Each and every month I have to make several calls because my package doesn't renew although they deduct the money and give me a new expiry date, or my data balance disappears overnight or I'm not able to connect to the server for an unknown reason.

When I first moved to Thailand around 5 years ago the Thai wife and started off with a TrueMove postpaid plan; that relationship ended after 6 months because after the first monthly bill arrived no problem the subsequent monthly bills never could find our mailbox again...True said they mailed them...please check with your local post office. But no other bills of any kind was having a problem finding our mailbox. We contacted True via calls to their Call Center and visited a major True Service Center several times. Our address in their system was correct, we were not on ebilling, TrueVisions bills with the exact same address never had a problem finding our mailbox, and no other bills like from the electric company, TOT, etc., ever had a problem finding our mailbox.

But TrueMove just couldn't get a bill to us; so we cancelled and switched to DTAC...been happy since but there have been two times I had problems paying my DTAC bill via Bangkok Bank ibanking....once about two years ago when for whatever reason the bank and DTAC systems were not communicating with each other...and right now. Tried to pay my DTAC bill three times last night via Bangkok Bank ibanking...got an error time...then went ahead and paid two TOT bills no problem....tried paying DTAC again around 11am this morning and still got the error. Called Bangkok Bank and they said other customers have been calling with the same problem and said right now their system is not communicating with the DTAC system...of course they made it sound like it's a DTAC-caused problem (and maybe it is)...problem should be fixed soon. Don't know if its a Bangkok Bank problem or it's a DTAC system problem...but I expect they'll get it fixed within a day or so; otherwise I'll go to 7-11 to pay the bill...hopefully 7-11 is communicating with the DTAC payment system. I've been on Bangkok Bank ibanking for around 5 years now and the only two times I had problems in paying any bill was the two DTAC instances mentioned above....and since I've never had a problem with any other ibanking payment to any other company if I had to bet money on where the problem lies I would bet the problem is on the DTAC end....but I'm guessing.

Well, let me take back what I said above about the Bangkok Bank ibanking and DTAC systems not communicating. I just got my wife's DTAC bill in the mail, looked at it, but noticed the Service Code now said "Trinet" instead of "DTAC." Well, for those of you who pay via Thai bank ibanking you know the Service Code is a key part of the payment address along with the Ref 1 number and Ref 2 number. I had been trying to pay my bill using the old code of DTAC already setup in my payee list. I looked at my bill again and sure enough it no longer said the Service Code was DTAC but Trinet. All of our previous bills used the Service Code DTAC, but that was before we switch to DTAC Trinet. So, I updated my ibanking payee list to the Service Code "Trinet" as reflected on the bill and paid both my bill and the wife's bill via ibanking no problem...and about 10 seconds after paying the bills we both get the SMS from DTAC thanking us for the payment.

I bet if I called Bangkok Bank again today they have probably figured out the problem is not a communications problem and would nicely ask if I'm using the correct DTAC Service Code (i.e., look closely at your bill dumbie as the code may have changed since you are now on Trinet).


Dumbie (a.k.a., Pib)


Perhaps a bit offf topic, and i did not read the entire thread.

True for simple phone service sucks big time as well, impossible to get decent customer service IMHO.

Is dtac just as bad? Is Ais/Gsm the only decent one? True has one baht a minute pre pay, does AIS?


I've had no problems with DTAC customer service over the 4.5 years I've been with them. Fortunately over those years l've had little need to contact them.

Sent from my Onda V971 tablet

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And you know, this gets tiresome after 18 months of every month another issue, and getting replies from the service desk that there isn't anything wrong.Which of course they have to recall after the tenth call and refund or reconnect me.

Just because they are refunding or reactivating your account doesn't mean there was a problem on their end. They most likely reason is that they just want to resolve the issue, regardless of who is at fault. There are lots of assumptions on both sides of the issue.


And you know, this gets tiresome after 18 months of every month another issue, and getting replies from the service desk that there isn't anything wrong.Which of course they have to recall after the tenth call and refund or reconnect me.

Just because they are refunding or reactivating your account doesn't mean there was a problem on their end. They most likely reason is that they just want to resolve the issue, regardless of who is at fault. There are lots of assumptions on both sides of the issue.

Please explain how this can be faults from my end.

1. Money is on Sim and is taken by Dtac on the day the package is due to renewal.

Landing page says ; you have not subscribed to a 3G unlimited package and I get a speedtest of 400 Kb download, that means no 3G.

Call the service center and after 5 calls over 3 hours they finally admit that that they have an activating problem NATIONWIDE.

2 . When i close my computer a certain night my balance on the landingpage says . You have used 1.4Gb of your 3GB allowance - Balance 1.6 Gb

The next morning when I open my computer it says You have used 3 .4Gb of your alloance of 3GB. Call center can not find any data usage log during the past week.

3. They take the money from my SIM card and I'm not able to connect to the server anymore. I travel to the Dtac shop 15 Km away, who on their turn call the service center who reset my account at least 5 times, and still I'm not able to connect to the Dtac server. Not at my home or at the shop location.


The landing page went down almost two weeks ago for me - still down.

Well how do you log into dtac www.happy.co.th I used my number and pass but they say they don't know that number, but I am using it right now.

So then a new manual check and I see 2100hz 3g on the dtac tower right across the street - I paid 3GB but I can't connect to it - not allowed.

My air card is made for it they sold it to me - held in their hands and said it would work and it says so right on the box too. Seem to have the system locked out at this tower and a number of other problems too.

They seem to have forgot to make an account after giving me the password and have disfunctional access to the landing page too. That should simply tell me what is on the card right now.

The fault on the landing page says I must use 3g/edge with dtac to see it - OMG they can't even detact their own cards in use. Must be why they don't know my number for log in too.

Now I have to wait until I go all the way into the office because the call center is only going to really piss me off and they charge 3 baht for the pleasure of it.

Going from bad to worse in a hurry. I bet I go into the office and get nothing done - sounds like dtac is running completely amock. I may have to just cancel all service and come back in a few months if they seem to have got it sorted.

Better to not waste time and money on trash that fails at my expense - sorry no refund. Well - sorry no buy anymore ether.

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