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Thai police shootout with drug dealer kills university student


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What are the reasons to flee... They are police officers doing their duty.

Was it a bungled job to take the loot for themselves?

Unless they knew full well, that they had shot and killed the passenger, there should have been no reason to flee. Did they check the body first, then flee?

If they are not shooting each other, they are shooting anyone that is in the way... Thats why people do not go to zoo's and give monkeys firearms, as there is no telling what can happen.

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Police fleeing the scene.... just when you thought you'd heard it all.

Hope they remembered to plant some empty shell's & dope in the car before they legged it, otherwise it's the full force of the law for these guy's(busted to cpl for a month no doubt)!

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It's like the old cowboys and Indians movies riding their horses and shooting at each other only in cars which makes it even more dangerous, just lucky other innocent bystanders didn't get shot or run over, the chase was probably high speed to which is another danger to the public, ok the plan failed so you get him later not act like imbeciles then run.

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Anyone in a car fleeing from police deserves what they get.

Yes, they should issue police with grenade launchers so that anyone who dares to defy the police gets their car blown to tiny bits - and if the public is informed of this, it is entirely their own fault because they knew beforehand what would happen.

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Anyone in a car fleeing from police deserves what they get.

Yes, they should issue police with grenade launchers so that anyone who dares to defy the police gets their car blown to tiny bits - and if the public is informed of this, it is entirely their own fault because they knew beforehand what would happen.

Yes possibly they should.

If you do the crime be prepared to do the time. If you try to evade that it is at your risk. And accomanying someone while engaged in crime means that applies to them to.

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Anyone in a car fleeing from police deserves what they get.

Yes, they should issue police with grenade launchers so that anyone who dares to defy the police gets their car blown to tiny bits - and if the public is informed of this, it is entirely their own fault because they knew beforehand what would happen.

Yes possibly they should.

If you do the crime be prepared to do the time. If you try to evade that it is at your risk. And accomanying someone while engaged in crime means that applies to them to.

The woman was in the car. She could have just been getting a lift somewhere. She had no control over the drivers actions or his criminality. She did not deserve to die for being in the car.

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What the hell is an "innocent" university student doing in the car of an alleged drug dealer and his accomplices (on the backseat) while they're supposedly on their rounds delivering illicit merchandise?

As the saying goes: "Caught together, hung together".

No sympathy from me, because I suspect she knew exactly who they were and what they were doing.

Oh, and now poor mom is up in arms and wants to sue for - probably - millions of baht. Perhaps she should have taught her daughter not to associate with drug dealers in the first place.

As per the fleeing police officers, it really doesn't get much more absurd than that.

Since we are relying on the wisdom of old old sayings for our moral guidance, there is another saying - by Shakespeare: "Suspicion always haunts the guilty mind".

And Oscar Wilde hoes in with: "If there was less sympathy in the world, there would be less trouble in the world."

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What the hell is an "innocent" university student doing in the car of an alleged drug dealer and his accomplices (on the backseat) while they're supposedly on their rounds delivering illicit merchandise?

As the saying goes: "Caught together, hung together".

No sympathy from me, because I suspect she knew exactly who they were and what they were doing.

Oh, and now poor mom is up in arms and wants to sue for - probably - millions of baht. Perhaps she should have taught her daughter not to associate with drug dealers in the first place.

As per the fleeing police officers, it really doesn't get much more absurd than that.

You do realise that is the same as the "well if the farang wasn't in Thailand this wouldn't have happened" excuse that "stupid Thais" are accused of saying?

Now you say "no it's not, because the farang wasn't doing anything wrong, and the young girl deserved to die at the hands of the people sworn to protect her because she was with a baddie and I "suspect" she deserved to die for that"

No sympathy from me because I "suspect" you are the greatest human on the planet.

Is this a TV first, a member talking to himself in a post? cheesy.gif

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I have to laugh at the people who always come out swinging when these cases make the news and make the same tired, old comments - "No sympathy from me".........."They deserved what they got"..........."It's their fault, teach them to hang around with crims"....................etc, etc, etc, blah, blah, blah.......................................

Right up until the moment it happens to a son, daughter, other family member, or good friend. Suddenly they change their tune.

Unfortunately I have too many friends who have lost their kids in similar circumstances. Am yet to see one of them say..."No sympathy from me"..........

I would hate to think what the world would be like if everyone thought like that.

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I have to laugh at the people who always come out swinging when these cases make the news and make the same tired, old comments - "No sympathy from me".........."They deserved what they got"..........."It's their fault, teach them to hang around with crims"....................etc, etc, etc, blah, blah, blah.......................................

Right up until the moment it happens to a son, daughter, other family member, or good friend. Suddenly they change their tune.

Unfortunately I have too many friends who have lost their kids in similar circumstances. Am yet to see one of them say..."No sympathy from me"..........

I would hate to think what the world would be like if everyone thought like that.

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I have to laugh at the people who always come out swinging when these cases make the news and make the same tired, old comments - "No sympathy from me".........."They deserved what they got"..........."It's their fault, teach them to hang around with crims"....................etc, etc, etc, blah, blah, blah.......................................

Right up until the moment it happens to a son, daughter, other family member, or good friend. Suddenly they change their tune.

Unfortunately I have too many friends who have lost their kids in similar circumstances. Am yet to see one of them say..."No sympathy from me"..........

I would hate to think what the world would be like if everyone thought like that.

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I have to laugh at the people who always come out swinging when these cases make the news and make the same tired, old comments - "No sympathy from me".........."They deserved what they got"..........."It's their fault, teach them to hang around with crims"....................etc, etc, etc, blah, blah, blah.......................................

Right up until the moment it happens to a son, daughter, other family member, or good friend. Suddenly they change their tune.

Unfortunately I have too many friends who have lost their kids in similar circumstances. Am yet to see one of them say..."No sympathy from me"..........

I would hate to think what the world would be like if everyone thought like that.

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Right up until the moment it happens to a son, daughter, other family member, or good friend. Suddenly they change their tune.

Unfortunately I have too many friends who have lost their kids in similar circumstances. Am yet to see one of them say..."No sympathy from me"..........

I would hate to think what the world would be like if everyone thought like that.

If you have many friends whose children hang out with drug dealers and gangsters, one begins to suspect you should be looking for a better class of friend. Decent people usually have children with decent values, although the odd 'bad apple' can appear. Many decent people in a friendship circle with druggie children, I think not.

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Right up until the moment it happens to a son, daughter, other family member, or good friend. Suddenly they change their tune.

Unfortunately I have too many friends who have lost their kids in similar circumstances. Am yet to see one of them say..."No sympathy from me"..........

I would hate to think what the world would be like if everyone thought like that.

If you have many friends whose children hang out with drug dealers and gangsters, one begins to suspect you should be looking for a better class of friend. Decent people usually have children with decent values, although the odd 'bad apple' can appear. Many decent people in a friendship circle with druggie children, I think not.

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Read my comment again, I said "too many friends"........if you have a fair understanding of the English language you will know it is not the same as "many friends".

As far as I am concerned even one friend going through something like that is too many.

When I wrote "similar circumstances" I did not actually mean they were with gangsters being chased by police and shot. Perhaps I did not word that well.

And I don't need you to judge the quality of my friends, never have, never will. whistling.gif

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According to the report, the police shot first. From behind. What did they think would happen? They would shoot any passengers in the back seats before touching the driver.

How irresponsible is that? That is murder, plain and simple. No wonder they ran away in panic, they just murdered a girl.

No responsible police force on the planet would train officers to behave like this. You give chase, radio for assistance, you don't shoot randomly at a car from behind.

Drug dealing is bad. Being a police officer without regard for human life is just beyond words. They shouldn't have guns if they can't use them at the right times.

And by the way, its not just Thais that ran away from accidents they cause. Yesterday a farang swerved into my gf on her motorbike, knocked her off, said "you ok", then jumped back onto his bike and sped off. We were both disgusted. I have seen lots of minor accidents like this. Thais wouldn't behave do that. They would stop, help you up, say sorry, call an ambulance, offer to help with doctor bils.

So no, "running away from things you cause" is not just a Thai disease. Does happen with Thais of course, but us "perfect" farangs do it as well.

As the 2 drunk Thais walked along the side of the highway facing me, one of them kicked over my motorcycle, I was driving slowly and my face was covered. They did not offer assistance, they did not call for help. I went to the police and then to the hospital with police assistance.

When I had the police report here in Kalasin translated into English, there is no mention of a Thai man kicking me over on the bike, it says only that I dropped the bike.

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Right up until the moment it happens to a son, daughter, other family member, or good friend. Suddenly they change their tune.

Unfortunately I have too many friends who have lost their kids in similar circumstances. Am yet to see one of them say..."No sympathy from me"..........

I would hate to think what the world would be like if everyone thought like that.

If you have many friends whose children hang out with drug dealers and gangsters, one begins to suspect you should be looking for a better class of friend. Decent people usually have children with decent values, although the odd 'bad apple' can appear. Many decent people in a friendship circle with druggie children, I think not.

And I have seen nice people lose their children through the activities of people who deal drugs.

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They ran away to give their patron, probably a police colonel or higher, time and space to negotiate the best deal possible on their behalf. Then they hand themselves in when the deal is arranged.

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