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Clip shows 3-year-old forced to drink toilet cleaner: Chonburi


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Extortion and torture by a 10 year old against a 3 year old is just plain and simply WRONG.

Any Psychiatrist could/would tell you that there are issues in that family for sure.

The family needs to be investigated and Child Welfare needs to take the girl away and get her into proper rehab etc.

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This sort of violent stuff is happening worldwide.

Most of this behavior can be attributed to the violent and all manner of sick material posted online, which is easily accessible to children.

It should be the responsibility of all parents to take an interest in the activities of their children and keep them in check. This is called parenting and what parents are suppose to do.

These days, too many parents are giving their children too much lee-way and are failing to understand that these kids are not mentally mature enough to deal with all the crap that is being influenced to them by the media.

One only has to view some of the facebook profiles and other social networking sites to see the sorts of exploits children are getting up to. It seems that parents have lost the plot, assuming that their kids will always act responsibly with a that`s alright, it`s only a bit of harmless fun attitudes.

My point is; that these extremes of bad behavior by children can be placed squarely onto the shoulders of the parents. And as regarding the said incident, it is the parents who should be in the dock and held responsible their children that committed this awful deed against a toddler who is really no more than just a baby.

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Is this really so hard to believe? Eons again when I was in primary school (kids under 11), bullying was rife. Not lunch money, as back then lunches were free (or paid by the parents each term), so it didn't exist; but there was still bullying. Girls were by far the worst too. I doubt the 10 year old realised the possibility of death - more that the kid might throw up or just hate the taste - if it was homemade how likely is it that there were clear warnings on the label (indeed why was it accessible to children at all?)

My girls started private school at 2. Kindergarten, then pre-prep and so on. Older girls often mentored the younger girls, helping with reading, taking to the toilet etc - it is seen as good, especially the reading help, as the toddlers see it more of a game than with adults. It builds community. The school may well not have been aware of anything untoward; it may be not unusual for older school children to take younger children to the toilet.

All this was in the UK - at private schools.

//Edit: Schools should keep chemicals locked away - and ban young children from bringing money to school (money can be lodged with teachers if needed or a ticket system for buying lunch and snacks - coloured by school year and name written on the back - all school kids have ID and/or school cards now)

I believe this was at a public school. all countries have different school systems. Depending on the era you were in. When I entered kindergarten in the states you had to be 5 by November. If you were to young for that you could go to a preschool. At no time was three year old's and ten year old's in the same school.

Also the schools did not have surveillance cameras. There was bullying going on then also but the kids were much more monitored at the school I went to at recess and lunch time there would always be teachers on the play grounds. That was many years ago at a private school.

The last cummunity I lived in before moving here 7 years ago from Canada had parents volunteering to monitor the school grounds during break times. Yes even at that there was still bulling going on but at a reduced rate.

There was definatly no schools with 3 year old's and 10 year old's in them.

Private schools (public in the UK - but that often confuses) in the UK are different - they run from 2 up to either 11 or 18 depending if they are primary only or primary and secondary. Kindergarten is from 2 to 3/4/5 (depending on ability to sit at a desk and partake/learn rather than age) - followed by pre-prep - then prep - then year 1 and so on .

Yes, teachers or employed (not parents) dinner ladies, kept check of the play grounds and kindergarten kids, primary and secondary all had their own play areas. However, just as some kids became prefects, some kids were chosen (volunteered and allowed) to help with the younger children. In my children's school bullying was hit on hard, but that was post 2000 - in my school it was ignored, considered part of school life unless it got out of hand. Often prefect or older kids would moderate it rather than teachers/masters, but we had different locations (upper and lower schools) so young and old were not mixed.

Primary school (pre 11's) was still pretty tough for some kids - bullying certainly was part of life for many. I was lucky - when someone attempted to bully me at 9 (a 10 year old) I kicked their shins in with my football boots, that got around and I was never a target again - many were not so lucky in varying degrees.

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It is a Thai issue.

This event is averse totally with Buddhist's tenets.

A country of roughly 64 million people and 37,500 plus wats constantly fostering the "making merit" routine. Buddhism taught in schools. Parents wearing amulets from their necks, endless hours in schools devoted to Buddhist rituals, etc.

The teachings of Sakhamuni (Gautam) are clear: be kind to others, help others, do not speak or think evil of others and so on.

Yet, those imparting that wisdom of forgiveness, compassion and kindness, (abbots and monks alike) amass millions in cash, property and other chattels. Impersonate officers of the law, drive cars, have sex with underage girls and boys and much more.

How can it make sense that all this is happening in the midst of such a religion driven country?

Thai teachers I know personally tell me that parents think and firmly believe that the teachers are the ones responsible for their children's moral values and societal principles. The death of personal responsibility.

On the other hand, schools carry on their tasks in a perfunctory manner.

Unbelievably, huge numbers of children fall through the cracks in this Buddhist country: is there anything more contradictory in this equation?

Add to that, as one poster wisely noted, we humans tend to imitate those we like or love; blindly.

Thais are self absorbed in their Thainess. They cannot conceive the notion that a Thai can do wrong. But Thais are not evil as a people. They are exceedingly gregarious and drone-like... and thoughtless to the core.

Children see that behavior in their parents and in others in life, and they copy it. Why? Because they are thoughtless children.

Edited by pisico
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Here's the clip on Thai channel 3 news. Khaosod newspaper yesterday also reported that in addition to being forced to drink cleaning fluid as reported in the OP, the girl was also made to eat faeces from the toilet by the 10 year old.

The 10 year old bully girl was reported as no longer attending the school.


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Ive a 3 year old in nursery (in England) and that is truly heartbreaking watching that, there is nothing so innocent as a toddler/baby.

I can honestly say i hope that 10 year old vile girl doesn't reach her 11th birthday.

As for blaming her parents, well i think some kids are just naturally evil no matter what their upbringing.

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Why do certain folks on here always respond with the 'it happens everywhere' line as if to absolve the good Buddhists in some way? It may do, but this stuff is happening here and this is a Thai forum, is it not?

I am afraid they learn this type of behaviour from Thai soaps. Nearly every soap has some form of actions of girls behaviour to other girls. And with the men it always ends with a gun.
There should be strict rules on the content. Guns should without discussion be banned from all soaps. And girls should have their actions against each other toned down. I am at the point of I don't know when one soap ends and another begins!

Thai soaps should be axed, period. Don't let your kids watch them lest they be brain damaged.

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Uhhhh ok guess there are all types on Thai Visa. Given the rash of bad news about Thai schools recently including two deaths, it would seem prudent to let the school know that if something bad happened to my daughter, the person would be held responsible. A wai, a sorry, and a mumbled " up to Buddha" will not cut it for me. I am also going to go way out on a limb here and also guess you do not have a child in a Thai school.....

Regarding your rash assumption of my being evil looking, you would be wrong. I simply said I would put on a mean look to make the point. In fact I have had many bar girls tell me I am a handsome man... :-)

I know where you're coming from, but you reckon speaking with them like that would make a difference? This stuff apparently happens back home, and bullying is rife there too, but would you also warn the head of a prospective school there in the same way? Not being funny, but have you considered home schooling? More people are doing it and you get to choose the curricula.

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Uhhhh ok guess there are all types on Thai Visa. Given the rash of bad news about Thai schools recently including two deaths, it would seem prudent to let the school know that if something bad happened to my daughter, the person would be held responsible. A wai, a sorry, and a mumbled " up to Buddha" will not cut it for me. I am also going to go way out on a limb here and also guess you do not have a child in a Thai school.....

Regarding your rash assumption of my being evil looking, you would be wrong. I simply said I would put on a mean look to make the point. In fact I have had many bar girls tell me I am a handsome man... :-)

I know where you're coming from, but you reckon speaking with them like that would make a difference? This stuff apparently happens back home, and bullying is rife there too, but would you also warn the head of a prospective school there in the same way? Not being funny, but have you considered home schooling? More people are doing it and you get to choose the curricula.

I have considered that now that you have mentioned it. Using an Ipad and the endless learning programs now available online, I am pretty sure I could do a better job than a backpacker teacher with English as their second language. However my daughter would be missing an important component of early year development, which is socialising with other children. So I think I will end up doing a sort of blend between the two.

If I am watching a movie and there is fighting, she looks at me with concerned eyes, and says " fighting no good. Change !! " I could not imagine her pain if she was bullied at school.......

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Uhhhh ok guess there are all types on Thai Visa. Given the rash of bad news about Thai schools recently including two deaths, it would seem prudent to let the school know that if something bad happened to my daughter, the person would be held responsible. A wai, a sorry, and a mumbled " up to Buddha" will not cut it for me. I am also going to go way out on a limb here and also guess you do not have a child in a Thai school.....

Regarding your rash assumption of my being evil looking, you would be wrong. I simply said I would put on a mean look to make the point. In fact I have had many bar girls tell me I am a handsome man... :-)

I know where you're coming from, but you reckon speaking with them like that would make a difference? This stuff apparently happens back home, and bullying is rife there too, but would you also warn the head of a prospective school there in the same way? Not being funny, but have you considered home schooling? More people are doing it and you get to choose the curricula.

I have considered that now that you have mentioned it. Using an Ipad and the endless learning programs now available online, I am pretty sure I could do a better job than a backpacker teacher with English as their second language. However my daughter would be missing an important component of early year development, which is socialising with other children. So I think I will end up doing a sort of blend between the two.

If I am watching a movie and there is fighting, she looks at me with concerned eyes, and says " fighting no good. Change !! " I could not imagine her pain if she was bullied at school.......

Both my neighbours are home schooling. Kids are doing well, although they started when the kids were about 9.

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Geez they start young, I wonder where she learnt her tradewhistling.gif They say that children study their parents and those close to them and imitate their behaviour.

The Jesuits used to boast that if you gave them the boy for his first seven years, he'd be their man for life. I'm led to believe modern mothers can do it in four.

What on earth are 10 yr olds doing mixing with the nursery (Kindergarten) kids? The 10 yr olds shouldn't even have access to the toddlers and very young. Shows a complete lack of duty of care by teachers and the school. You have this story and other stories of kindergarten children being beaten up by primary school kids who have access to them, one still fighting for his life in hospital and stories of toddlers being left in vans. The system is in urgent need of a review to protect the very young.

When you hire a combative dependant given to malicious deceit to raise your innocent little dependants; force, violence, power, bullying will be their mother tongue.

Chooka, the system is that there is no system. It broke long ago.

5-6000 years ago, I believe.

Regardless of where she learned it from, where is the discipline nowadays? If I found my child doing that, I'd spank her little ass until the cows came home.

In today's overly politically correct world, if the child complained, the parents would be thrown in jail for "abuse".

All in all, the child would have had way brighter of a future if the huge government would stay out of our lives and let us raise our children the way we know best, which has worked since the dawn of time.

Humans communicate with other humans in their mother tongue; invariably too violent to be effective communication. Humans aren't really coded to be slaves. I'm not sure it's entirely ironic that mothers need children to validate the marriages they need to validate youths largely wasted by investing in body > mind to gain edge in the competition to induce male desire. It's all a little too perfectly shameful to just be one of those things.

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3 Year Old student forced to eat Feces and toilet cleaner at School in Sattahip

Posted on August 4, 2013 at 4:58 am
A 3 year old Nursery School Student was forced to eat her own feces and drink toilet cleaner at a School in the Na-Jomtien area earlier in the week, by a 10 year old student who wanted the girl to hand over money given to her to purchase lunch at the school.

The child was later taken to Hospital suffering from severe abdominal pains and tests confirmed the presence of feces and toilet cleaner in her stomach, the contents of which were removed by medical staff.

The Girl’s Aunt who is responsible for her upbringing was first alerted to a problem when the girl, who normally looks forward to Nursery School, refused to go earlier in the week. The girl then made repeated claims she was being bullied by older students.

- See more at: http://www.pattayaone.net/pattaya-news/97875/3-year-student-forced-eat-feces-toilet-cleaner-school-sattahip/#sthash.0pYxe3hZ.dpuf

-- Pattaya One 2013-08-04

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Yeah, yeah..."it happens everywhere, not only in Thailand"...blah blah...

Do me a favor: give me your e-mail- adresses and keep me updated about your life.

The moment (and I hope it never comes) when your wife gets mowed down by a drunk motocy- driver or your daughter dies, from being forced to swallow acid or is left behind in a baking- oven- like van...let me be the first to tell you "Don't be so upset...it happens everywhere...not only in Thailand"!

What does that statement has to do with anything?

This just happened in Thailand...and nowhere else!

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I have to say, the failure of the media here in Thailand to name and shame this school astonishes me on an ongoing basis. Seems no responsibility is the keynote theme here..... I live in the Jomtien area and will be looking for a school soon. And I SURE AS HELL do not want to send my child to this school......

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I have to say, the failure of the media here in Thailand to name and shame this school astonishes me on an ongoing basis. Seems no responsibility is the keynote theme here..... I live in the Jomtien area and will be looking for a school soon. And I SURE AS HELL do not want to send my child to this school......

There is nothing subtle about Polite Society, come on. Respect Evil's right to be malicious. You see American media call out the Bush family often? You can't have limited liability with pesky do-gooders spreading offensive truth around.

"If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all."

How about this one?

"Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil."

Just leave Evil be! Evil would do the same for you.

Humans reflect their mother's value system. Men cannot dictate emotional values to children; much as they'd like to imagine otherwise. Society and Culture is almost exclusively the domain of the matriarchy.

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Humans reflect their mother's value system. Men cannot dictate emotional values to children; much as they'd like to imagine otherwise. Society and Culture is almost exclusively the domain of the matriarchy.

Must be tough for those "humans" whose mothers died or skipped off when they were very young. sad.png

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The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Some children are just plain nasty no matter what their parents are like, just as many adults are.

Kids have traits and its parents responsibility to spot those and address it.

My neighbor, thai(ex bar) married to a french, Kid from small age was taken through every single brothel i can think of, either by the father or the mother.

5 dogs have been killed by the little XXX, few cats, he steals from other people and damages cars- all just for fun.

The retarded mother just laughs and the more retarded father does the same.

Kid is about 5 years old now

I wonder where he would end up.

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A 10 year old was asking a 3 year old for protection- money and made her drink toilet- cleaner, when the 3 year old refused to pay?

...I have nothing on this! bah.gif

Yes you do; how about 'tout le gang' - "the alleged abuser is 10. Her friends helped keep watch after the victim was taken to the restroom area.'(^1).

Sad sad sad! The gods do weep!... but I suspect not sad.png

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The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Some children are just plain nasty no matter what their parents are like, just as many adults are.

Kids have traits and its parents responsibility to spot those and address it.

My neighbor, thai(ex bar) married to a french, Kid from small age was taken through every single brothel i can think of, either by the father or the mother.

5 dogs have been killed by the little XXX, few cats, he steals from other people and damages cars- all just for fun.

The retarded mother just laughs and the more retarded father does the same.

Kid is about 5 years old now

I wonder where he would end up.

Probably better for all concerned if the next doors move.

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Some children are just plain nasty no matter what their parents are like, just as many adults are.

I'm pretty sure no children are born "plain nasty" unless they have a chromosomal disorder or a genetic mutation. Newborns are a clean slate of purity this corrupted world lines up to write on; every human is a product of their environment. Nurture corrupts nature; nature had it all sussed out. Introduced non-biological need produces some messy writing across the pure minds of children. That need for dependants also prevents any humane corrections in the majority of instances.

Attitudes towards fragile X mutation carrier testing from women identified in a general population survey.

The most salient finding of this work is the apparent lack of relevance of carrier status to these women. Many expressed that although the information could be relevant in the future, it is not relevant at this stage of their lives in terms of family planning (either with respect to having unaffected offspring or to premature ovarian failure) and personal relationships. Although issues of abortion seemed prominent in the focus groups, we found that carrier status did not have an apparent effect on women's attitudes about termination.

Need makes people do desperate things.

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The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Some children are just plain nasty no matter what their parents are like, just as many adults are.

Kids have traits and its parents responsibility to spot those and address it.

My neighbor, thai(ex bar) married to a french, Kid from small age was taken through every single brothel i can think of, either by the father or the mother.

5 dogs have been killed by the little XXX, few cats, he steals from other people and damages cars- all just for fun.

The retarded mother just laughs and the more retarded father does the same.

Kid is about 5 years old now

I wonder where he would end up.

You are replying to something i didnt say.

I said some people no matter how wonderful their parents are, and how perfect a childhood they had are just nasty, we can only guess as to this kids upbringing. And kids behave differently with their parents then when theyre with their friends.

In England if this girl was to do this her homelife would be looked into, we all know for a fact nothing will be done about this in Thailand.

PS Im all for small govt. but incidents like this are so extreme in my view that there ought to be state intervention.

Edited by NeverToReturn
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Sickening !

Do you think there should be tougher legal punishments for juveniles ?

I am not saying this solely due to this incident. One keeps hearing of/reading an increasing no. of terrible things done by juveniles all around the world. And, in most cases, they get away with no punishment or with little of it.

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Some children are just plain nasty no matter what their parents are like, just as many adults are.

I'm pretty sure no children are born "plain nasty" unless they have a chromosomal disorder or a genetic mutation. Newborns are a clean slate of purity this corrupted world lines up to write on; every human is a product of their environment. Nurture corrupts nature; nature had it all sussed out. Introduced non-biological need produces some messy writing across the pure minds of children. That need for dependants also prevents any humane corrections in the majority of instances.

Attitudes towards fragile X mutation carrier testing from women identified in a general population survey.

The most salient finding of this work is the apparent lack of relevance of carrier status to these women. Many expressed that although the information could be relevant in the future, it is not relevant at this stage of their lives in terms of family planning (either with respect to having unaffected offspring or to premature ovarian failure) and personal relationships. Although issues of abortion seemed prominent in the focus groups, we found that carrier status did not have an apparent effect on women's attitudes about termination.

Need makes people do desperate things.

If people can be born with positive traits, then surely having negative ones from an early age isn't too far from the realms of possibility.

You must have known kids who had a good upbringing but were just nasty bastards.

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The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Some children are just plain nasty no matter what their parents are like, just as many adults are.

Kids have traits and its parents responsibility to spot those and address it.

My neighbor, thai(ex bar) married to a french, Kid from small age was taken through every single brothel i can think of, either by the father or the mother.

5 dogs have been killed by the little XXX, few cats, he steals from other people and damages cars- all just for fun.

The retarded mother just laughs and the more retarded father does the same.

Kid is about 5 years old now

I wonder where he would end up.

Maybe buy him a 3 year old Rottweiler for his birthday neus.gif

Parents are often blind to their children's failings - "My son's innocent" - "He wouldn't do that - he's a good boy"...etc.

There are both physical and psychological disorders that can cause lack of emotion and psychotic behaviour - these are not down to parenting. Also, peer group pressure and hormones often overrules upbringing in kids - especially as they reach puberty (as any parent of a teenage will tell you!). Sometimes it isn't the parent's fault - sometimes, like LemonCake suggested they are just little <deleted>.

//Edit - pear group pressure (beware of the fruit!)

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