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I would like to thank the OP for starting this thread. The well mannered majority can often be drowned out by the awful din of the forum hooligans. It is necessary to have a little positive reinforcement from time to time, I think.
It lets people know they are not alone and may even encourage posters, who are scared off by the vocal minority, to contribute more knowing they are in the presence of likeminded individuals.smile.png.pagespeed.ce.CwSpBGGvqN.png

The original post looked like a paid effort to start a controversial subject like many posts on TV are. TV makes money from advertisements which proliferate in posts. Therefore it is economically rational for TV to pay employees to post.

A number of posts unrelated to news items are often just a revenue harvesting effort by TV.

Are you employed by TV?

Being a bit selective there harrry. He quoted me and then ask the question of me not of the OP. He said "you" not "he".

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I would like to thank the OP for starting this thread. The well mannered majority can often be drowned out by the awful din of the forum hooligans. It is necessary to have a little positive reinforcement from time to time, I think.
It lets people know they are not alone and may even encourage posters, who are scared off by the vocal minority, to contribute more knowing they are in the presence of likeminded individuals.smile.png.pagespeed.ce.CwSpBGGvqN.png

The original post looked like a paid effort to start a controversial subject like many posts on TV are. TV makes money from advertisements which proliferate in posts. Therefore it is economically rational for TV to pay employees to post.

A number of posts unrelated to news items are often just a revenue harvesting effort by TV.

Are you employed by TV?

Being a bit selective there harrry. He quoted me and then ask the question of me not of the OP. He said "you" not "he".

Just put it down to US and Australian english VF.

leep smiling.

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Make a post with no conflict and no resolution required and see how quick it slides down to oblivion. Same is true for books and blogs. The exception would be threads with helpful advice and information.

It's not the negativity we hate but the quality of the delivery.

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Make a post with no conflict and no resolution required and see how quick it slides down to oblivion. Same is true for books and blogs. The exception would be threads with helpful advice and information.

It's not the negativity we hate but the quality of the delivery.

At the moment there is a topic full of congratulatory messages on InvadeIt and its excellent service. Not one winge or complaint. It goes to show that posters here can respond with positive coments if they are deserved, They can hardly be criticised for pointing out things they are less happy with too.


I stand correctedsmile.png Good Reply !

Yep, I was about to join in by invitig the NAYSAYERS to P.O.Q (GO HOME!!) but Newbie is right on the money with his/her comments.

Used to have the same sort of thing in Australia, mainly with the POMS (English folk) who would start almost every conversation using the words,

"Back Home.....bla, bla, bla) Funny thing is, I had to stop myself doing exactly the same thing when I first lived in CNX. Sure, I had been a frequent visitor to LOS over some 30+ years but when I started to LIVE here, I also started to fall into the "Back home....bla, bla, bla" trap.

Take the advice offered by Newbie, I reckon in the majority of cases, you'll find it much more comfortable living here than "back home" wherever it was.

Of course, if you are still unhappy here, is there anyone holding a gun at your head and forcing you to stay?


Expats moan all over the world! Especially Brits. Don't mix with them easily fixed.

ps not attacking Brits ..just my opinion having been working overseas for over a decade now having first started as an expat 22 years ago. They will never change.

Maprao, if you make a derogatory comment, I suggest you cut out the cope out of "not attacking Brits", as you clearly are. Clearly you do not have the courage of you convictions - or as the Brits might say, "you have no balls". I could say I don't like Aussies because they lack manners, I don't like Germans because they are loud and selfish, I don't like Russians because they also are loud and aggressive, I don't like Italians because many are slime balls - but I won't (damn already did!) Personally I do not go in for these outlandish generalisations and have found many people from different Countries to be friendly, hospitable and fun to be with and I of course include my Thai Friends. I came to Thailand because I visualised a better quality of life from my personal perspective. And have achieved it 100%. As for moaning about the heat, it is one of the many reasons why I came here. At least I don't have to sit indoors most of the time in the UK, as one does because..................yes the weather. I love the food, the people, the diversity of Thailand and if I happen to drive along a rather bumpy road, I just remind myself that not only did I puncture a tyre, but completely wrecked the rim of the wheel on my car through hitting a pot hole in the UK. I know quite a few Brits in Thailand and by and large they are successful business people who have an optimistic outlook on life; perhaps it is as one other OP said, "it all depends on who you mix with".

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Valid topic, OP. However, and you may not be aware of this, there actually are people living in the US, UK, Australia, and the rest of the western world who are in good financial shape and are happy with their lives.

It's the guy's on low incomes that struggle all over the world; buget living in LOS can be just as depressing when you're skint. At least they don't have the inflated fuel bill!!!

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Thanks for all the reply,s it just makes me love Thailand more..

I did not mean to moan when I was having a rant about the moaners, I just wanted everyones thoughts on the subject. I know a few of you who have replied and agree with nearly all of the posts on this subject and from now I just hope I can let it be water of a ducks back as they say..

Thanks .

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Expats moan all over the world! Especially Brits. Don't mix with them easily fixed.

ps not attacking Brits ..just my opinion having been working overseas for over a decade now having first started as an expat 22 years ago. They will never change.

Maprao, if you make a derogatory comment, I suggest you cut out the cope out of "not attacking Brits", as you clearly are. Clearly you do not have the courage of you convictions - or as the Brits might say, "you have no balls". I could say I don't like Aussies because they lack manners, I don't like Germans because they are loud and selfish, I don't like Russians because they also are loud and aggressive, I don't like Italians because many are slime balls - but I won't (dam_n already did!) Personally I do not go in for these outlandish generalisations and have found many people from different Countries to be friendly, hospitable and fun to be with and I of course include my Thai Friends. I came to Thailand because I visualised a better quality of life from my personal perspective. And have achieved it 100%. As for moaning about the heat, it is one of the many reasons why I came here. At least I don't have to sit indoors most of the time in the UK, as one does because..................yes the weather. I love the food, the people, the diversity of Thailand and if I happen to drive along a rather bumpy road, I just remind myself that not only did I puncture a tyre, but completely wrecked the rim of the wheel on my car through hitting a pot hole in the UK. I know quite a few Brits in Thailand and by and large they are successful business people who have an optimistic outlook on life; perhaps it is as one other OP said, "it all depends on who you mix with".

He's attacking Brit's, sad man.

It's wrong to stereotype nations, the uk has 4; and they all have many diversities within each one.

Are they all to be tared with the same brush?


Maybe some people are moaners because they are stuck between cultures. They have been here quite long time but still not really accepting the Thai culture ways of doing things. At the same time their old country has changed too and it also feels "foreign". Old friends feel like strangers, not really the same as years before. They feel betrayed at both countries.

For British and Russians especially this might be even harder culture to fit in than for most because in a conflict situation they are quite eager to start a shouting match. That behavior really is seen by Thais as a bull in a china shop stuff. Especially if a foreigner start belittling the Thais involved on top of being very angry. Loss of face...huge red flag.

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Why don't people just enjoy their retirement as they're luckier than most.

Somebody said in another thread, "When a man has finally money to burn, the fire has usually gone out" :)

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Maybe some people are moaners because they are stuck between cultures. They have been here quite long time but still not really accepting the Thai culture ways of doing things. At the same time their old country has changed too and it also feels "foreign". Old friends feel like strangers, not really the same as years before. They feel betrayed at both countries.

For British and Russians especially this might be even harder culture to fit in than for most because in a conflict situation they are quite eager to start a shouting match. That behavior really is seen by Thais as a bull in a china shop stuff. Especially if a foreigner start belittling the Thais involved on top of being very angry. Loss of face...huge red flag.

How stupid to mention the Brits with the Russians.

Somehow coming from a hierarchical society with a monarchy , where manners still play apart in life..etc..we are closer to Thai society than most. Plus we have always been multi cultural in the uk given our colonial past..

You know very little about the Brits, start a shouting match are you kidding..who are you hanging out with.

Are u American..?

How stupid to mention the Brits with the Russians.

Somehow coming from a hierarchical society with a monarchy , where manners still play apart in life..etc..we are closer to Thai society than most. Plus we have always been multi cultural in the uk given our colonial past..

You know very little about the Brits, start a shouting match are you kidding..who are you hanging out with.

Are u American..?

HA HA! That is so funny..."we are closer to Thais than most". You are not, definitely not closer to Thais culturewise than other westerners! The Germans and the Scandinavians get along much better with Thais on average than the working class British.

Worst behaving tourists:

1. Americans

2. British

3. Russians

4. Chinese

5. Australians



So now you are saying its working class Brits.

Can you further specify whether we are talking English welsh scots Irish, age group!!

The swedes find there own areas and assimilate less than most. Come over in peak periods, have their own ghettos, nice people agreed.

Next you' ll be saying we are all drunks..

Well at least you have proved the topic..you must live in cm!!


Maybe Vilagefarang is correct and maybe it is the bar culture but that do,s account for all the moaning you here at the likes of Big C. Central Plazza. Local supermarkets. Saturday markets or even out there playing golf?..

Maybe they should just compare there life to for example a 60 year old person living back in the Western world with what amounts to as little as £10 to live on after paying all the weekly bills and just thank god for what they have and remember just how lucky they really are to live in such a beautiful place as Chiang Rai...

Cant imagine there are many people living in the UK with 10 pounds to last them a week---- whats that worth?--- About 480bt !!!!!!!


Louis Armstrong: What a wonderful World

I see trees of green........ red roses too
I see em bloom..... for me and for you
And I think to myself.... what a wonderful world.

I see skies of blue..... clouds of white
Bright blessed days....dark sacred nights
And I think to myself .....what a wonderful world.

The colors of a rainbow.....so pretty ..in the sky
Are also on the faces.....of people ..going by
I see friends shaking hands.....sayin.. how do you do
They're really sayin......i love you.

I hear babies cry...... I watch them grow
They'll learn much more.....than I'll never know
And I think to myself .....what a wonderful world

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Sorry, I didn't read every comment so maybe this has been covered. It's hard to express yourself negative in thai, so you pick someone who speaks your language. then, it's like therapy, once you listen the gates will open. don't get me wrong, we all have some life regrets and the heat, food, different bed and language barrier does take its toll. but if you are negative within the first five minutes, I will likely never like you. when you are negative, I usually joke and say 'oh, you really hate it here. why not go to japan.' I say japan because I am sure they have no money and it's my passive aggressive comedy. I then say something really positive about myself, further making them awkward. that is the game I play. then I back off and give them one more chance to be normal. let's talk football, hockey, women, traveling, language, whatever.....but if I hear some more whining and crying with nothing done about it....well, I get on my bike and say 'choke dii, laa gan.' they will not understand the fact I didn't say 'choke dii, phop gaan mai'. which means the same, but really it doesn't. smile.png ****Thai language removed**** (I hope this is right) smile.png


There are many things I love in this country including respect for old timers, my gf of four years is half my age, There are also many things so alien to Westrn culture that it is difficult to come to terms with. I have no intention of making a list as you all know them, We choose to live here because we prefer it over our place of birth, it takes a few years to understand what is ok in your home culture is not the same as here, mellow out accept the differance or go home to your fat old unavailable females , good luck on that score, I see so many guys living with chicks half the western World young men would die for, admit the truth ?????


I don`t think all the moaning and groaning actually means anything. I never take much it seriously on Thai visa.

Some people always enjoy a good moan, it`s just their way of relieving some of life`s pressures. I believe having a good gripe about things on occasions does you good, relieves high blood pressure and gets it all out of the system.

People will find somethings to complain about wherever they live, it`s only natures way and there is really no harm in it. When they moan, we can either agree or disagree, it`s nothing serious and I never take these comments to heart or as personal.


talk to optimistic people.

Whose glasses are half full, as opposed to half empty!xsmile.png.pagespeed.ic.CwSpBGGvqN.png Seriously there are always people who WANT to find fault - they will often be the ones who are never happy but also never prepared to change - you get them everywhere - even in Paradise!

To paraphrase Wilbur Smith "Avoid the company of losers, for their despair is contagious"

Thank you, you just reminded me of a quote of my mothers "Two men looked out through prison bars, one saw mud, the other saw stars..............


I agree. Having worked all over Asia the Brits tend to be the best to work with ( with some exceptions).

I have to disagree with that one. I would assume you are Brit by making that statement.

When working with Brits, all they can talk about is what is proper. Of course, proper is what is normal in the UK.

Similar to the Thais. What is proper is what Thais deem proper.


I believe a lot of complaining comes from your place in Thailand. If you are working with the Thais, it is far different than being retired and just living around them. Retirees are not exposed to what the Thais deal out to foreigners on a regular/daily basis.

In the workplace, Thais are automatically right and you are automatically wrong. Thais are given a pass on nearly everything in the workplace but foreigners are held to a different level of the expectation of perfection. Perfection as they define it and it changes constantly. Foreigners are generally disliked for multiple reasons; you are different, you make too much money, you are rude, etc. And they keep you guessing on what the rules are in the workplace.

So if you are in a position such as this, then yes you will complain.

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I agree. Having worked all over Asia the Brits tend to be the best to work with ( with some exceptions).

I have to disagree with that one. I would assume you are Brit by making that statement.

When working with Brits, all they can talk about is what is proper. Of course, proper is what is normal in the UK.

Similar to the Thais. What is proper is what Thais deem proper.

I'm not a Brit,but find Ozzies n Brits, the most Fun.They can laugh at their funny ways,but Americans dont have any,seems to me They are.Never Wrong,just like Germans.cheesy.gif . Sorry John from San Diego,not You.wub.png


I agree. Having worked all over Asia the Brits tend to be the best to work with ( with some exceptions).

I have to disagree with that one. I would assume you are Brit by making that statement.

When working with Brits, all they can talk about is what is proper. Of course, proper is what is normal in the UK.

Similar to the Thais. What is proper is what Thais deem proper.

I'm not a Brit,but find Ozzies n Brits, the most Fun.They can laugh at their funny ways,but Americans dont have any,seems to me They are.Never Wrong,just like Germans.cheesy.gif . Sorry John from San Diego,not You.wub.png

So then, you are Aussie, which would explain your comment.

If you are comparing me to a German, I'm ok with that.

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