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Chang Draught


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Hey all.

Noticed in the local Top yesterday that "Chang draught" is available, bottle looks nearly identical but with silver foil. I thought it a little weird as I always thought of Chang as a draught beer.

Always eager to try out a new beer & with Chang as my preferred local drop, I bought half a dozen for sampling with my gf.

My verdict - strong full taste but a bit bitter in the aftertaste.

Gf's verdict - thumbs up.

No info as yet if the famous "Changover" effect applies, more research to do this weekend :o

What do others think?.

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Hey all.

Noticed in the local Top yesterday that "Chang draught" is available, bottle looks nearly identical but with silver foil. I thought it a little weird as I always thought of Chang as a draught beer.

Always eager to try out a new beer & with Chang as my preferred local drop, I bought half a dozen for sampling with my gf.

My verdict - strong full taste but a bit bitter in the aftertaste.

Gf's verdict - thumbs up.

No info as yet if the famous "Changover" effect applies, more research to do this weekend :o

What do others think?.

I think you should apply for a research grant from the government as the work you're doing is of such vital importance.

I'm sure beer drinkers everywhere will appreciate the sacrafices you make. Well done and be diligent!

Keep us posted...

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Hope it is OK with you guys if I stick to Leo and Hieneys

It's OK...but the same way Toyota, Nissan and Honda have unseated GM, Ford and others...Japanese Asahi might be on that route too.

Try it, they have cut the prices to penetrate the market.

For me, love it, can't believe I have ever drunk H or others.

Beer Chang? Leo? Not a bargain at any price.

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People need to realize but don't seem to that all mass consumed beers in thailand is brewed right within its borders. These thai brewed beers which make up 95% of the market are: Leo, Chang, Sing, Heineken and Tiger. How's that for variety folks? When a farang moves to Thailand, he gives up variety and choice of products and services (unless we're talking about 5 baht noodles or sauces). With respect to beer there is no choice and sadly, thai brewed beers as mentioned above are hopelessly retched. If people are satisfied with these beers, then clearly they have been here far too long or not long enough. Beer situation here is lame. Drink it down, puke it up. The poster above who mentioned Leo is onto the least retched of the Thai beers but that aint saying nada

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Asahi and Heine are not really Asahi and Heine; the use of Thai water and breweries here completely changes the product. This is not your home country's heine or asahi. Frankly, I dont know what in the world it is. I know this much though, it is rancid. You see, Budweiser would never license to brew here due to quality control issues. Obviously Heine hdqtrs has little concern for this nor does asahi's. Variety is the spice of life and the thai beer situation is the opposite of that. It's like being in a country with only hamburgers to eat or toyotas to drive. Why even put a label on beer here? just to charge different prices I guess. It's all rank.

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Asahi and Heine are not really Asahi and Heine; the use of Thai water and breweries here completely changes the product. This is not your home country's heine or asahi. Frankly, I dont know what in the world it is. I know this much though, it is rancid. You see, Budweiser would never license to brew here due to quality control issues. Obviously Heine hdqtrs has little concern for this nor does asahi's. Variety is the spice of life and the thai beer situation is the opposite of that. It's like being in a country with only hamburgers to eat or toyotas to drive. Why even put a label on beer here? just to charge different prices I guess. It's all rank.

Witness the passion of a man denied a hearty beer! I feel your pain, I do...

Asahi and San Miguel. All the rest is swill, offal I say! :o Chang?? Chang this!

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Asahi and Heine are not really Asahi and Heine; the use of Thai water and breweries here completely changes the product. This is not your home country's heine or asahi. Frankly, I dont know what in the world it is. I know this much though, it is rancid. You see, Budweiser would never license to brew here due to quality control issues. Obviously Heine hdqtrs has little concern for this nor does asahi's. Variety is the spice of life and the thai beer situation is the opposite of that. It's like being in a country with only hamburgers to eat or toyotas to drive. Why even put a label on beer here? just to charge different prices I guess. It's all rank.

My home country is Australia, we have some good but humble beers - like VB, Melbourne Bitter.

What do you mean, Asahi is indiferent to what water is used to make their beer? Wrong. They go into the guts of every ingredient and then vivisect it.

The piss called Heineken is just that - a piss. Japanese would never allow such a garbage.

Something like Japanese car manufacturer releasing a crap like Jeep Cherokee. They would be laughed out of the town.

What's left then for Chang and other concoctions?

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Hope it is OK with you guys if I stick to Leo and Hieneys

It's OK...but the same way Toyota, Nissan and Honda have unseated GM, Ford and others...Japanese Asahi might be on that route too.

Try it, they have cut the prices to penetrate the market.

For me, love it, can't believe I have ever drunk H or others.

Beer Chang? Leo? Not a bargain at any price.

I think Asahi is part of the Heineken crowd with ASia Pacific Breweries; problem with Japanese beers is they taste best really cold, and beer here is often served a bit on the warm side with ice instead; or warms up quickly. Plus it is priced higher than CHang or Leo, so no chance to penetrate rural markets....

That said, it be a well good beer; where I grew up it was super expensive...nice to be able to drink it for less than the cost of H which is IMHO a pretty lame beer.

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Hope it is OK with you guys if I stick to Leo and Hieneys

It's OK...but the same way Toyota, Nissan and Honda have unseated GM, Ford and others...Japanese Asahi might be on that route too.

Try it, they have cut the prices to penetrate the market.

For me, love it, can't believe I have ever drunk H or others.

Beer Chang? Leo? Not a bargain at any price.

I think Asahi is part of the Heineken crowd with ASia Pacific Breweries; problem with Japanese beers is they taste best really cold, and beer here is often served a bit on the warm side with ice instead; or warms up quickly. Plus it is priced higher than CHang or Leo, so no chance to penetrate rural markets....

That said, it be a well good beer; where I grew up it was super expensive...nice to be able to drink it for less than the cost of H which is IMHO a pretty lame beer.

Is that right? Asahi is being underpriced at 26B.

Stay tuned, you may see Heineken booted out of the market, same as Carlsberg.

If Asahi did that, quite deserved.

Gulp. Gulp

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The Asahi beer sold in Thailand is very good, Beer lao should also be sold in Thailand, it is an excellent beer.

At this precise moment I am drinking Sapporo Draft One, 990 Yen for 6 x 500ml Cans, also a good beer.

Japan may be a tad expensive, but what you get is usually first class quality. :o

Edited by Maigo6
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sure, sapporo brewed in japan is greatness as is asahi brewed in JAPAN. the asahi brewed here is garbage. beer lao will either be brewed here and taste like garbage or be priced outrageously like all imports and sit on shelves and be available stale as all imports are

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Hope it is OK with you guys if I stick to Leo and Hieneys

:D OMG! Leo? LEO?? Total gnat's piss! Chang's OK, Singha: hasip-hasip. But Leo? Oh dear, oh dear... :D

If people are satisfied with these beers, then clearly they have been here far too long

wrt. Chang, I've been long enough to appreciate it!

The piss called Heineken is just that - a piss.


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Asahi decided to reposition itself in the market recently. Originally it was aimed at J-pop fans. After two years of no results they did a survey and found that J-pops don't drink premium beer, and those who do drink premim beer coulnd't care less about Japan.

They might make a good beer, but their are shitty marketers.

And somehow I don't get the same WOW I had when I first tasted it.

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Of the *Chang* beers available, I personally rate them:

*Chang* - The brew with most taste but at 6.4% abv, a bit strong.

Archa - Less taste than *Chang* and at 5.4% abv, easier on the head.

*Chang* Draught (in bottles?) - hardly any taste at 5.0% abv.

*Chang* Light - As it's priced almost 50% more than the rest and only 4.2% abv, I haven't tried it.

The worst beer I've tasted here must be Cheers. The aftertaste is horrendous and very difficult to clear. :o:D

Notwithstanding the above, I would never touch any of them in the UK where real draught ales are available nationwide.

It's a case of each to their own.

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Here we go comparing 1 type of thai battery acid to the next. It's ALL crappola folks. Imports are needed here but feared b/c it is known they would wipe out the Thai brews (that includes tiger, heine and asahi non imports). so status quo is force the masses to drink the puke beers. IMPORTS NOT ALLOWED. That sucks big time! please stop comparing chang to sing to tiger to heine to archa to leo to cheers to san miguel. it's all garbage from the same swill

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Here we go comparing 1 type of thai battery acid to the next. It's ALL crappola folks. Imports are needed here but feared b/c it is known they would wipe out the Thai brews (that includes tiger, heine and asahi non imports). so status quo is force the masses to drink the puke beers. IMPORTS NOT ALLOWED. That sucks big time! please stop comparing chang to sing to tiger to heine to archa to leo to cheers to san miguel. it's all garbage from the same swill

Have you considered de-caf?

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Here we go comparing 1 type of thai battery acid to the next. It's ALL crappola folks. Imports are needed here but feared b/c it is known they would wipe out the Thai brews (that includes tiger, heine and asahi non imports). so status quo is force the masses to drink the puke beers. IMPORTS NOT ALLOWED. That sucks big time! please stop comparing chang to sing to tiger to heine to archa to leo to cheers to san miguel. it's all garbage from the same swill

''IMPORTS NOT ALLOWED''. You're wrong. Guinness (proper) in tins commonly available (Foodland and Villa, I think). Central (or one of the chains) had Dutch Heineken around xmas. I've seen (Dutch) Amstel, (Dutch) Grolsch, a couple of English beers (I seem to recall seeing some bottles of ESB Export a few years ago ... in Emporium I think) ... er ... some US beers. I've seen Japanese-brewed beers too. The problem with imported beer is the duty charged on it, which makes it very, very expensive (unfeasably so, really).

Given the heat, cold Chang (with ice) is very acceptable. All the rest are either tasteless or disgusting (like the aforementioned Cheers).

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reread what I've been saying dude. Imports totally allowed at minimum 5x the price due to the hefty import tax. On top of that all the imports are totally outdated and very stale. What a bargain, a 199 baht can of outdated Guinness at Foodland. LMAO my sorry ass off I should say

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reread what I've been saying dude. Imports totally allowed at minimum 5x the price due to the hefty import tax. On top of that all the imports are totally outdated and very stale. What a bargain, a 199 baht can of outdated Guinness at Foodland. LMAO my sorry ass off I should say
Here we go comparing 1 type of thai battery acid to the next. It's ALL crappola folks. Imports are needed here but feared b/c it is known they would wipe out the Thai brews (that includes tiger, heine and asahi non imports). so status quo is force the masses to drink the puke beers. IMPORTS NOT ALLOWED. That sucks big time! please stop comparing chang to sing to tiger to heine to archa to leo to cheers to san miguel. it's all garbage from the same swill

No. Read and reread several times. Seems to be saying ''Imports are needed here but feared b/c it is known they would wipe out the Thai brews (that includes tiger, heine and asahi non imports). so status quo is force the masses to drink the puke beers. IMPORTS NOT ALLOWED. That sucks big time!''

My understanding of the English language leads me to believe that what you're saying (said) is that imported beer would be a good thing (taste-wise and consumer demand-wise) but some Thais think that the demand for imported beer would be so great that it would harm or destroy the market for local beer. So to preserve the status quo, i.e. the Thai beer industry, imported beer is banned. Which is, of course, crap (i.e. untrue, wrong, etc.).

Sorry, ''dude'', which bit did I misunderstand? What you said, what you tried to say or what you're trying to say now? :o

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It's called tariffs, or tax the shit out the imports so that their prices are so high that no one will buy them. Thus they sit on store shelves way past expiration making it a double edged sword. So effectively imported beers do not exist

You silly boy ... :o ... is that what you were trying to say all along?

Sorry ''dude'', I read what you wrote. If that's what you meant you should have said so in the first place. :D

PS A tin of Guinness at 199 baht is only about three times typical S London prices (YMMV and at current exchange rates), not five times.

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