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sri racha tiger zoo


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I remember when you started up about the tiger temple.

If you have a passion for their cause (and I'm not saying that's a good or bad thing), but work your magic other ways and don't come here trying to garnish support form the members.

BTW ... it's not us you have to convince.

And, no, I never been, nor have interest in going ... much better things to do with my time.


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Am amazed they were able to dodge a bullet when they got

caught red handed exporting a bunch of tigers to China to be turned

into tiger penis soup....

A simple "misunderstanding"

The Chinese were asking for "Tiger Pens" to keep their Tigers in.

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Already there is some rather borderline advice offered on this thread -
I fear it shows the lack of concern for the environment by those giving the advice...or a fear of what might actually be happening on their door-step.

THailand is becoming the world leader in tiger extinction. and organisations like the Sri Racha Zoo which appear to be allowed to operate with impunity contribute significantly to the demise of the species in the wild.

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Sure, the zoo comes across as a morally bankrupt tiger factory. But it's interesting where people draw the line. Isn't this just another case of breeding animals for human consumption? Hopefully it's meeting a demand and preventing poaching of wild tigers.

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Sure, the zoo comes across as a morally bankrupt tiger factory. But it's interesting where people draw the line. Isn't this just another case of breeding animals for human consumption? Hopefully it's meeting a demand and preventing poaching of wild tigers.

Unfortunately breeding tigers in captivity does nothing to protect the wild tiger population. The S/R zoo has mainly Bengal Tiger subspecies anyway, which are not the same as the local subspecies, Corbetti.
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There isn't much in Thailand involving animals that isn't exploitative, tawdry and cruel from a Western perspective. Unfortunately, the hordes of Chinese and Russians visiting here seem to disagree.

I don't think they actually disagree, I think it is more the case that they simply don't know. The S/R zoo has no educational value whatsoever so they will encounter nothing to change their mindset.

It also occurs to me that none bold the web people actually visit the place voluntarily. It is offered as part of a package tour (or an option) and so those going really don't make a big decision about whether to go or not.

Apart from being a "sausage factory" for tigers, it is all so one for the visitors who cannot move move than a few metres without being urged to buy a snack or souvenir etc.

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  • 6 months later...

The theory behind a tiger farm.....notice anything familiar???

"Tiger cubs suckling on pigs. Sounds bizarre, but that is how tiger farms in Thailand and China are turning tigresses into a baby-making machines to supply the ever-hungry market for tiger parts.

Wean a tigress’ cubs off her prematurely and she will quickly come back in to oestrus. A successful tigress in the wild may raise a litter of up to four cubs to adulthood every two and half to three years. At a tiger farm in Thailand, a tigress can have at least one litter a year. 


- The Ecologist

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