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Obama 'schizophrenic' on al Qaeda - US Congressman


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Obama 'schizophrenic' on al Qaeda - US Congressman

WASHINGTON: -- President Barack Obama's statements on al-Qaida's abilities have become "schizophrenic," making it more difficult for him to build support in Congress to deal with the threat the terrorist organization still poses, Rep. Peter King claimed Tuesday.

During an interview today to the NBC television network, King added that despite that assertion, the president has increased like never before the resources and faculties assigned to the National Security Agency.

King said that there is a current serious, credible threat of a new terrorist attack in the next few weeks, either in the United States or in any other part of the world, which means that Al Qaeda has gained strength.

According to the legislator, this confused message about the capacity of the terrorist organization triggers suspicion among Washington's allies and makes difficult the consolidation of Congressional and people's support to the controversial NSA surveillance programs to counteract terrorist threats.

King said the “mixed message” on the capabilities of al Qaeda was causing concern among US allies and making it harder to build congressional and public support for NSA surveillance programs to counter terror threats.

Full story: http://voiceofrussia.com/news/2013_08_07/Obama-schizophrenic-on-al-Qaeda-US-Congressman-4131/

-- THE VOICE OF RUSSIA 2013-08-07

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If the US foreign policy would start to understand to work on decrease on contradictions (gaps rich-poor, arms trade, hunger) in the global society instead of pumping them up. Even in Europe the anti-Americanism is a growing fact. The hypocrisie is sometimes unmeasurable. I consider their foreign policy as creating more hate and as a result more conflicts. (Obama, did you get (illegal) Guantanamo closed now as you promised?)

I couldn't agree more. US govt hypocrisy is doing a great job of increasing hatred worldwide.

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Another Obama bashing thread by TVF, thank you. xWPFflags.gif.pagespeed.ic.52UL_9jJ74.pn


Brought to you by the friendly folks of Putin's Mother Russia and the republican party ...

The fine line in dealing with posts to this thread might be, is any criticism of the United States the same as or very different from criticisms of Prez Obama's supposed "schizophrenia" of terrorism policy?

And is any criticism of Obama or the United States in any respect off the topic of Obama's supposed "schizophrenia" in terrorism policy?

Is Guantanamo on topic? Bush opened Guantanamo and he presumably was not schizophrenic in terrorism policies at all in any way. Or wuz he? Not to mention Darth, er, Dick Cheney.

Will be interesting to see.

If you don't see this post any more maybe this post is off topic .After all, this post doesn't criticize or bash anything much, it just raises questions.

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The OP is about the current terrorist threat and the relative strength of AQ. It's not about US foreign policy and it is not about Guantanamo Bay. Discussion of Foreign policy as it relates to the current situation is on topic as is the assertion that the current administration is 'schizophrenic' on AQ.

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If the US foreign policy would start to understand to work on decrease on contradictions (gaps rich-poor, arms trade, hunger) in the global society instead of pumping them up. Even in Europe the anti-Americanism is a growing fact. The hypocrisie is sometimes unmeasurable. I consider their foreign policy as creating more hate and as a result more conflicts. (Obama, did you get (illegal) Guantanamo closed now as you promised?)

Ah, U.S. foreign policy, gaps between rich and poor, arms trade, hunger, hate.

Oh yes, and Guantanamo.

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If the US foreign policy would start to understand to work on decrease on contradictions (gaps rich-poor, arms trade, hunger) in the global society instead of pumping them up. Even in Europe the anti-Americanism is a growing fact. The hypocrisie is sometimes unmeasurable. I consider their foreign policy as creating more hate and as a result more conflicts. (Obama, did you get (illegal) Guantanamo closed now as you promised?)

I couldn't agree more. US govt hypocrisy is doing a great job of increasing hatred worldwide.

Izzat so?

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The GOP in USA are an anarchic loud rabble incapable of being led or being consistent in policy.

King is the worst of a bunch of GOP loud mouths with no evident intellect.

The rightful place for the GOP is the political wilderness where they are headed.

Obama is failing because the USA in its present state is governable only by a lunatic or a moron. Is George W Bush available?

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If the US foreign policy would start to understand to work on decrease on contradictions (gaps rich-poor, arms trade, hunger) in the global society instead of pumping them up. Even in Europe the anti-Americanism is a growing fact. The hypocrisie is sometimes unmeasurable. I consider their foreign policy as creating more hate and as a result more conflicts. (Obama, did you get (illegal) Guantanamo closed now as you promised?)

I couldn't agree more. US govt hypocrisy is doing a great job of increasing hatred worldwide.

Izzat so?

Yes, and it has been for the last 20 years.

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If the US foreign policy would start to understand to work on decrease on contradictions (gaps rich-poor, arms trade, hunger) in the global society instead of pumping them up. Even in Europe the anti-Americanism is a growing fact. The hypocrisie is sometimes unmeasurable. I consider their foreign policy as creating more hate and as a result more conflicts. (Obama, did you get (illegal) Guantanamo closed now as you promised?)

I couldn't agree more. US govt hypocrisy is doing a great job of increasing hatred worldwide.

Izzat so?

Yes, and it has been for the last 20 years.

Bitter people with their own personal struggles just being bitter. Based on my experience, happy successful people in other countries have little or no ill will toward the US.

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Since the last few posts have been off topic, let me try and get some subject matter before you.

This is what Rep. King actually said:

"A lot of what they do physically, carrying out attacks, I have great support for," King said. "They have taken out a lot of al-Qaeda leadership. On the other side, it’s almost schizophrenic. The president is saying the war against al-Qaeda is almost over, that we’re back to a pre-9/11 stage. What that does, it causes concern among our allies, it’s hard to generate support in Congress. On the one hand we’re back to pre-9/11 and it’s just going to be isolated attacks, on the other hand we find out that he’s extended the NSA more than ever before."

This is what Obama actually said ten months ago: Mixed signals???
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I see the messenger is being attacked but not the message.

you spotted it, cue the inevitable diversionary burning of straw men etc. On a practical level perhaps if president Obama dispensed with the cabal of Muslim brotherhood linked advisers within his administration it might help seeing as they are ideologically cut from the same cloth as AQ.

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I see the messenger is being attacked but not the message.

you spotted it, cue the inevitable diversionary burning of straw men etc. On a practical level perhaps if president Obama dispensed with the cabal of Muslim brotherhood linked advisers within his administration it might help seeing as they are ideologically cut from the same cloth as AQ.

Oh, I've heard that one before, the, as you put it, "cabal of Muslim brotherhood [sic] linked advisers within his administration." It's a claim I hear consistently from my friends on the evangelical Republican tea party right.

Some of the evangelicals are dear friends, but when it comes to Prez Obama, they are w00t.gif .

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I expect when the dawn breaks a large number of posts on this page will be deleted, which would be a welcome development.

These posts go round and round in circles.

So striking most if not all of these posts would be a service to just about everyone who uses the Forum.

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I see the messenger is being attacked but not the message.

you spotted it, cue the inevitable diversionary burning of straw men etc. On a practical level perhaps if president Obama dispensed with the cabal of Muslim brotherhood linked advisers within his administration it might help seeing as they are ideologically cut from the same cloth as AQ.

Behold the repetition of BS masquerading as an argument, there's an original approach.

So some evidence that POTUS has Muslim extremists under the proverbial bed.....?

Some evidence that the MB are synonymous with AQ in terms of ideology...?

Not sure why you are in support of PIRA King, his brand of terrorists "only" murdered Christians and the occasional atheist, rather than your preferred Muslim victims. But I suppose any port in a storm....If you were British you might see things differently.

What makes me laugh is that it seems the 3 trigger words for multiple posts are "Obama", " pizza" and "sex". Wonder if we will see a topic that manages to combine all three. Clinton, sex and pizza would be too easy...

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If the US foreign policy would start to understand to work on decrease on contradictions (gaps rich-poor, arms trade, hunger) in the global society instead of pumping them up. Even in Europe the anti-Americanism is a growing fact. The hypocrisie is sometimes unmeasurable. I consider their foreign policy as creating more hate and as a result more conflicts. (Obama, did you get (illegal) Guantanamo closed now as you promised?)

I couldn't agree more. US govt hypocrisy is doing a great job of increasing hatred worldwide.

Izzat so?

Sadly i think it is so, and i speak as one who was delighted when Obama was elected president. Whether you like it or not the rest of the educated world outside the USA can recognise hypocrisy when they see it. In the current climate a President that takes the view that Al Qaeda in Syria is good and should be supported and armed, and Al Qaeda everywhere else, ie, Yemen is bad, and should be destroyed, will be seen as a hypocrite. Schizophrenic is the only way to describe it. Sadly, Obama is seen by the rest of the world, including the USA's natural allies, as being totally out of his depth, Putin is running rings around him on the world stage. Obama has been exposed as a weak, dishonest President who has reneged on the promises he made to his natural constituents, constituents who voted for him because they believed that he was the 'new broom', "change we can believe in". Poor suckers! It was ever thus. It is coming to something when Putin is seen as the only adult in the room!

Nonsense comment that Obama’s administration is supporting Al Qaeda in Syria. The truth is al Nusra (Al Qaeda affiliate and most effective war fighting group within the rebels) has been listed as a terrorist organisation & one of the reasons that to date the US has not directly shipped arms to the so called rebels. US allies, the dictatorships of Saudi Arabia & Qatar, have shipped arms to the rebels, although they suppress Al Qaeda within their own countries in order to stay in power. I guess they are supporting the rebels due to the regional conflict between Sunni & Shiite dictatorships.

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