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Well, what a week this last one has been for me.....Thailand related...

As some already know, I went to Bangkok last Thursday with wife to Karsetsart Uni for her daughter's Master Degree ceremony.

Great day, and went to dinner to celebrate the event at.."About Hip" ( but spelt "Abot Hip" on the sign outside) a restaurant, which we had visited a few years ago.

For the first time, I let my guard down and didn't take my drinks with me, ....bad move !

Went to the Bar for a JD.....no hab!

Jim Beam hab....ok I ordered one...the bloke behind the bar mixed it in a shaker (Strange)...well the top flew off the shaker and it went all over him..

I got the giggles... and he stared at me....as I noticed no other thai seen the funny side of the situation...After the drink, I felt a little strange, but put it down to being a bit tired. I had a total of 3 drinks for the night, and we proceeded to go back to the Hotel...I really felt not right by this and the following happened....

I went into massive panic attacks, my heart was nearly coming out my chest plate...(which is already wired from quad bypass).

Don't remember anything until next afternoon...in which time I had managed to grind 2 of my back teeth half away, and scratched myself around the front and back of my neck, until I had bled quite adequately. Freezing cold all the time.....and on it went

Friday (longest day) was bedridden, couldn't think, or walk even....could not feel my legs....more panic attacks.

Saturday through Saturday night, weird dreams....and I mean weird.

Sunday....I could walk enough to get to the Airport (by car) and get a flight home....Heart rate was still racing...

Tuesday....skyped my Heart specialist in Aust. wouldn't trust anyone here after the previous days...I was like this until Tuesday evening, and have been slowly feeling back to normal.....for me anyway.

TODAY....thanks to advice from Dr in Aus, I came good....walking around, not like a 50yr old, more like a 70yr old. But at least alive and walking

POINT:- Watch every drink you have made, or don't drink it.....better still take your drink with you from home so you know what it is, and pour your own.

I believe I have been VERY lucky, and if this helps educate any newcomer to Thailand....I have helped someone....HAD my turn.

P.S....to the bloke I was supposed to meet while in Bangkok...my apologies....but the above is why I didn't show.

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yes right....an Aussi we are drinking with got it once....bad experience, they also wanted to rob him, but he had a wife big as a horse who protected him.

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So what do you think happened ?

He did this to spite you because you laughed at him ?

He was already doing this already ?

Dodgy fake alcohol ?

All the university girls in uniform was too much for you ?

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Holy mother of God. That's very bloody scary. It could have killed you - probably would have killed me. Did you notice anything else strange? Like him reaching for something that didn't seem right? Or do you think whatever the substance was was in the shaker? When he gave you the drink, what was his attitude like? Shifty? P*ssed off? And why this particular place? Is it frequented by tourists or mostly locals?

Glad you've recovered mate. Wouldn't want you to miss the Wobblies getting creamed by the ABs.


The bit that is confusing for me is, does the OP usually take his own drinks

with him when going to a restaurant for dinner?

As he wrote:

For the first time, I let my guard down and didn't take my drinks with me, ....bad move !

NOW I understand why so many people take their own booze with them.

I thought they were just being tight or had an obsessive craving for Regency (or at least that is what it said on the bottle wink.png ) - now I can see that is to safeguard against some crazed bar tender who is intent on spiking your drinks.


The bit that is confusing for me is, does the OP usually take his own drinks

with him when going to a restaurant for dinner?

As he wrote:

For the first time, I let my guard down and didn't take my drinks with me, ....bad move !

It's not that unusual for people to take their own bottle to a bar or restaurant with them in Thailand especially if they drink something which isn't standard in Thai bars / restaurants or they have a special bottle that they want to share with friends. A lot of places charge a corkage fee so it works out about the same to take a bottle but other places don't so you can drink the same bottle much cheaper if you buy from supermarket depends on the place.


The bit that is confusing for me is, does the OP usually take his own drinks

with him when going to a restaurant for dinner?

As he wrote:

For the first time, I let my guard down and didn't take my drinks with me, ....bad move !

yes I do....as usually the drink I have is not available at most places...and having heard of this kind of antics going on, I try to protect what's left of the old body

It's not because I am a miser....

13yrs of being here in Asia, and finally got my turn....oh well, lesson well learned.

Today feeling like my old self....what a ride thoughthumbsup.gif

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The bit that is confusing for me is, does the OP usually take his own drinks

with him when going to a restaurant for dinner?

As he wrote:

For the first time, I let my guard down and didn't take my drinks with me, ....bad move !

yes I do....as usually the drink I have is not available at most places...and having heard of this kind of antics going on, I try to protect what's left of the old body

It's not because I am a miser....

13yrs of being here in Asia, and finally got my turn....oh well, lesson well learned.

Today feeling like my old self....what a ride thoughthumbsup.gif

Sorry to hear about your misfortunes, but if you came into my hotel with your own drink, you'd either pay corkage or would be politely asked to leave;-)


I've been drinking all over Thailand and Asia for that matter for the last 20 years, averaging a night on the wazz, at least once a week. I have had a group of 200+ friends during that time that live all over Thailand and Asia and I have never heard of symptoms such as these.

Then again none of my mates are into hallucinogenic drugs.


you were bedridden, having uncontrollable panic attacks, scratching yourself bloody, heart beating like mad...for several days.

why on earth didn't you go to a hospital?

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I went out last week and had about 15 pints. Next day I was dying sick all day long. I'm never ever ever going to buy a burger and chip on the way home again.

It's only ever the last pint that causes it.

Weegee, hope you have recovered from the ordeal mate.

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I went out last week and had about 15 pints. Next day I was dying sick all day long. I'm never ever ever going to buy a burger and chip on the way home again.

It's only ever the last pint that causes it.

Weegee, hope you have recovered from the ordeal mate.

You drink 15 pints, what do you get, wake up in the morning, your bed is wet...

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I know the place. It's in Pak Kret, a big place with mostly mid-so / hi-so Thai customers. Life music. Not many farangs, decent food and beers.

I'm surprised you got drugged there. I will avoid it from now. But this story makes me think again in what kind of country I stay.....

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