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Why are some things so overpriced in Thailand and others not?


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I'm not American. And I'm not complaining...I'm asking why something that costs $2000 in the US is 140,000 baht in Thailand. Even taking into account bulk shipping rates (maybe $200 for the pool table) and VAT, why the disparity? If someone said it was because a pool table is a "luxury good" then why are some other luxury goods priced in line with US prices plus shipping and VAT?

I emailed the pool table dealer for an explanation. If in fact its just opportunity, then why would someone not set up a mail order import business to take advantage of these price differences? Are Thai people not motivated to make money when they see these types of opportunities?

Someone could set up weekly shipping from Oregon (being tax free) and just fill containers based on prepaid orders for everything from tools, hardware, hobby supplies or anything else not available at a fair price in Thailand.

Imports into Thailand are a general 60% can also include another state tax plus VAT. In general the customs value the item at their valuation not an invoice because they presume you have had it lowered, which is easy.

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Because you are American.

Nearly all, if not all Americans i know of complain about cost in LOSTD,

i dont know of any other nationality that complain,

on the contrary the rest think its cheap.

Most Americans complain about the prices in Europe and especially the UK where a pair of shoes cost a 100 GBP, the same pair of shoes in the US cost US $100. You must have money to burn in Europe.

I'm American and I never complain about ripoff Europe prices. May they charge 10 times the US price. I've never been to Europe and never will go. I'm fond of keeping money. No I don't think Euros have money to burn at all, I think they are getting robbed and have little money to buy few goods. Poor folks. Oh well.

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Because you are American.

Nearly all, if not all Americans i know of complain about cost in LOSTD,

i dont know of any other nationality that complain,

on the contrary the rest think its cheap.

Most Americans complain about the prices in Europe and especially the UK where a pair of shoes cost a 100 GBP, the same pair of shoes in the US cost US $100. You must have money to burn in Europe.

No as an American I never complain about the prices of Euro shoes or anything else in Europe. May they charge 10 times the amount and then Europeans can run to BKK and talk about how dirt cheap the low quality goods are here. I don't think Euros have money to burn at all. I think they are getting ripped off badly for everything they buy which means they can't buy very many goods. Poor folks

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All computers, cameras and phones are 25-40% less in the states than here. It makes no sense to buy any of that stuff here. And my question how can the Thais afford any of that stuff? I used to think everyone was so poor here but they all have new $50k cars and new cameras and the best phones.

Ever hear of getting a loan from a bank or using a credit card? Thai, like most other people in the world, are amassing a huge amount of consumer debt.

Thais are getting ripped off so badly. It's just insane. Posters here used cars as an example. Paying for a car what several houses would cost. What a rape job. Face it the day will come in short order when the bank will confiscate whatever security that was provided to get those loans. Thai banks are not stupid. "They don't hand out loans without collateral or hand out credit cards with huge limits. Day of reckoning around the corner. $100,000 for a $27,000 car. LOL. insanity folks. total

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Every country has things that are cheaper there...

i.e. Europeans are shocked at how much Americans are charged for internet and cell phones (and that's before they find out that you also pay for calls you receive...)

But food there is CHEAP.

Being from the UK, I was in Manhattan, eating out, thinking how cheap it was, only to hear out-of-state Americans complaining about the prices in New York.

In the UK, the only things that I can think of that are really cheap in international terms are Chocolate and second hand cars (and HP microservers when the cashback deal is on).

In Thailand, street food is cheaper than the US, although it's more noodles / rice / chillis, than hot dogs or sandwich carts, so might not be truly comparable. Other than that it's services that tend to be cheap. (getting a haircut for instance, where you're paying mainly staff costs, are really cheap here. That also tends to mean things like vehicle servicing, and repairs to electronics are a lot cheaper here.)

One advantage to not living in the US. You can't go bankrupt in the UK/Europe if you live there because you're unlucky and fall ill. (And before you say insurance, I've had issues in the past where American insurance wouldn't pay out even on things specifically listed in what they cover because they didn't like the bill from the hospital.)

Admittedly, you do pay a lot more tax in countries with universal cover.

Edited by bkk_mike
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Answering your question -

Yes, there is disparity in prices. This is found in any country. It looks like you have researched the issue enough. Besides there is your Thai wife to enlighten you.

You say you have shipped everything in her name. Hope you are a lucky guy. If not - your voyage home will be much cheaper.

BTW, $4,000 = 120,000 Bt. Most of your needs could be covered here. The other items are luxury, not needs. Try to get a simpler and happier life.

Possessions, especially not necessities, complicate our lives. Remember the camel and the eye of the needle.

Good luck.

Possesions are what Thias look at, we call it keeping up with the Jones's in the UK. Thais buy without thinking how they can pay in the future.

Thais live for today for today is real it is here, tomorrow may never come, but, it usually does but that is a lesson that they never learn.

I would love to be a fly on the wall when the debts are called in, without the Thai losing face, how does that happen?

Needs and necessaties is the key, electronics and motors are over the top, do your homework and enjoy life.

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to answer OP:

it works like this:

Businesses in USA have free competition and they are ridiculously low margin. I do mean ridiculously!

retail employees get paid minimum wage of 7.5 per hour and they would not survive without government subsidy.

there are very low import duties

these huge companies DICTATE to manufacturers what they are going to pay for everything because their volume is so high.

America is a consumer culture with very little savings and Americans live to consume and shop. Our job is to enjoy all the stuff the rest of the world makes! In exchange for consuming everything, we protect the world with our military and ease dropping NSA capabilities!

Thailand does everything to protect it's manufacturers. They don't want competition because nobody would buy the shit they make here because their manufacturers are less efficient than China.

However there is something very cheap in Thailand and that is human labor. That is probably why you are coming here. Because you are horny.

Low margins? Like Apple? They have HUGE margins and still the suckers buy their stuff.

And as for "nobody would buy the shit they make here because their manufacturers are less efficient than China." - explain that to the computer manufacturers who buy virtually all their hard drives from Thailand.

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Because you are American.

Nearly all, if not all Americans i know of complain about cost in LOSTD,

i dont know of any other nationality that complain,

on the contrary the rest think its cheap.

America is the cheapest country in the world for almost everything.

Prices are a huge shock for most of us when we go to Europe, Australia, etc.

usa is expensive...

A burrito at taco hell cost over 3$ plus tax and it was not even good.

For 100 bahts I can buy corn, chicken and rice, fish balls and maybe a drink.

Corn 12b

Chicken and rice 50b

Fish balls 20b

Drink 15b

For 60 bahts I can get a kebab

How much in USA?

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4

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I would love to be a fly on the wall when the debts are called in, without the Thai losing face, how does that happen?

The brief statement that you're broke.

The west has suffered the indignity in the last four years and parts of SE Asia will feel the same pain soon enough.

I don't blame the banks. If you can't afford to service your obligations then there's only one fool.

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