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Thai Police hunting for man who shot his fiance and her mother


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And whenever you think you've seen it all... What worries me more than that single psycho shooter is the amount of other brainless male Thai lowlifes out there who might become copycats because of this. I'm quite sure he will not do that jggy dance thing when he's standing in front of the creator after police has killed him...

My sincerest condolences to the family and RIP to the victims.

I wanted to write something about why that guy to the left did not go for the gun, but who are we to judge - let's face it: 99.9% of men simply aren't like Superman, Captain America or Bruce Lee, and most probaby 99.9% of us would be Pussies like that guy in a similar situation... sad, but true...

Man you beat me to it,

I've literally been in situations this dangerous,been shot at etc(former life as a Bouncer/Security business in both North and South Ireland and elsewhere)

and I'm well able to wrestle a gun away from someone if I have to,also there was a few seconds while he struggled to pull it and cock it,

but frankly not everyone can be switched on 100% of the time,

I'd love to say I would have disarmed him,but in all honesty I probably would wind up dead in a similar situation.

Yeah, I've been on the business end of a rifle once with a drunk on the "trigger" end. It was not a time to play hero, it was a time to just get distance and attempt to diffuse the situation. I lived to testify at the guy's trial, and he did go to prison. I wasn't particularly scared at the time, but thinking about it now just about makes me want to wet myself. For anyone with a "hero complex" -- best of luck.

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If if was legal would it be worth betting that this guy will be out on bail after they get hold of him?

Wife says he was recently released from prison from his third stay. I do not think they will get to the bond on this one. I see shootout with police in his near future. Hope he is the only one going down in that situation too. Bad news. RIP to the victims.

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I'm not sure that the 'shoot to kill' order (or the publicizing of it) is a good idea. He'll likely catch wind of it--murderers often track how they're being portrayed in the press--and it will only serve to make him more desperate. He might even decide to 'take others down with him' ... old acquaintances or family members he bears a grudge towards or even innocent people that are just 'in the way'. I hope it doesn't play out like this....

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Too late, I just watched it and I`m still shaking in horror. It turned my stomach.

There are some real psychos out there. I wonder how this tragic girl ever became involved with that creep in the first place?

This reminds of that horrific video shown about 2 years ago, of the guy who shot dead his girlfriend and a security guard who tried to save her in a car-park.

It appears that in Thailand they shoot first and worry about the consequences later.

As for the rest, what else is there to say? Except that this monster is now on borrowed time. Let us hope that no one else becomes his victim before he is taken down.

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Watch the video....THIS is what can happen to ANYONE.

* when driving a car and make way for a loose canon on the road to late!

* defending the honor of your family!

* in a public bar

* in or out of a cab

* making a remark to solve a problem

* looking at someones Thai wife

* getting on line (date's)

This is the world YOU and I are living in!!

No worries ?.........Hey Hey.......be careful out there.

I so much agree with that.

These days the same applies everywhere in the world.

Any of us could become a victim of crime, at any place, any time.

It`s now getting to a point where we are maybe scared to say boo to a goose. The best tactics in staying alive these days, is to never become involved with the wrong crowd, avoid disputes and confrontations wherever possible and keep a low profile in Thailand.

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Hot tempered Thai men who snap like a twig , and guns do not seem

to fit well together. Perhaps the police could give some thought

to cracking down on gun ownership....

This has to be the sort of impetus that is required to get the police actually doing their job. It's time that they realized that they need to get the guns out of the hands of such people, staring with an amnesty for anyone prepared to voluntarily hand in their guns, and a VERY long jail sentence for those found in possession after the amnesty is ended.

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Every one acts differently in every situation. In the video the shooter took about 10 seconds (no I didn't time it). After that time the shooter had one other option (which he didn't take) to shoot the two witnesses. The male witness had a choice to make too, do nothing, (which he did) or jump the gunman while the gunman had his back to him. And that was what he could have done not sooner not later. You may all scoff at it but your chances of survival in this case was better if you jumped the gunman than do nothing. Most people assume just because he had a gun you were in more danger, so they do nothing. If the gunman was facing you, absolutely do nothing. But the gunman was detracted facing away, he had his back to the witness and not focusing on anyone else. You jump him. Fact is, and whether not you agree it doesn't matter, by doing nothing you are in more danger than if you do nothing.

Second opportunity was when the shooter returned and opened the door. The witness can count his blessings the shooter didn't kill him at that moment. But like most people, self preservation kicks in and they run. They guy outside did just that and yet he did have a weapon (a tool) he could have used and he was only a few feet away from the shooter. But running away can get you just as killed too! All depends on how good of a shot the shooter is. Most are not very good.

This was a cold blooded killing which raised the stakes for everyone in the room and in his path.

And a few of you are right, my training is a lot different than yours so I react differently. Even being old and slow I still would have jumped the guy.

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According to Matichon, the mother and daughter had gone to the garage on the evening of the 8th to pay a visit to the owner because they were close friends.

Shortly afterwards, the boyfriend, 35 year old Thanet Haekan, came into the foyer and a loud argument began with him accusing his gf of chatting to another man on Facebook. The argument ended with him pulling out the gun and shooting the gf and mother-in-law dead.

Police revealed that he had a previous criminal history, having been in prison three times already and made a habit of carrying a gun around in public which he discharged regularly while drunk, much to the annoyance of his neighbours. He had a job as a truck driver delivering between BKK and Rayong.

The were due to be married on the 28th of this month.

The daughter, 28 year old Keolin Hongthorn, had recently graduated with a 1st class honours degree in marketing from Burapha University in Thailand's Chonburi province.

They seem mismatched in education etc and I guess he can't have been earning that much as a truck driver. Hard to see how they were a couple.


They were a couple because she was intelligent and good looking and young, and he was a nutter -violent- macho- and must have had something special she loved too much ??? your guess. If she wanted to marry this man with his record and inteligence, He must have pleased her in other ways too much.

She may have hooked up with him at some point and with her education outgrew him. Wanting to move on, he was jealous of new friends etc.

Couple that with "known" yaba abuse = desensitisation + heightened aggression with likely "other" drug and alcohol abuse?!

Result. Total horror for everyone. A long time to ponder his lifestyle would be in order.

Once again, I am in favour of the sentence set by the family of the victims.

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Exactly as you would see on any soap on TV on any channel on any night or on any time throughout the day, if you show that sort of thing day in day out it becomes acceptable and there's a blurred sense between reality and normality,, except that after being shot on TV they get up to do it again,, RIP to those innocent people.

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This is Thailand get used to it, I do like the way the woman throws her handbag at him though.

Like someone said if they were rich it would all go away, just remember where you live now and what its really like.

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Every one acts differently in every situation. In the video the shooter took about 10 seconds (no I didn't time it). After that time the shooter had one other option (which he didn't take) to shoot the two witnesses. The male witness had a choice to make too, do nothing, (which he did) or jump the gunman while the gunman had his back to him. And that was what he could have done not sooner not later. You may all scoff at it but your chances of survival in this case was better if you jumped the gunman than do nothing. Most people assume just because he had a gun you were in more danger, so they do nothing. If the gunman was facing you, absolutely do nothing. But the gunman was detracted facing away, he had his back to the witness and not focusing on anyone else. You jump him. Fact is, and whether not you agree it doesn't matter, by doing nothing you are in more danger than if you do nothing.

Second opportunity was when the shooter returned and opened the door. The witness can count his blessings the shooter didn't kill him at that moment. But like most people, self preservation kicks in and they run. They guy outside did just that and yet he did have a weapon (a tool) he could have used and he was only a few feet away from the shooter. But running away can get you just as killed too! All depends on how good of a shot the shooter is. Most are not very good.

This was a cold blooded killing which raised the stakes for everyone in the room and in his path.

And a few of you are right, my training is a lot different than yours so I react differently. Even being old and slow I still would have jumped the guy.

Your training would have got you killed. This guy is quick and a good shot.

Draw and shoot an automatic, and get her in the head first shot takes skill and training.

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That is one mad / bad man. A real nut job

Driven over the edge? Who knows but in a similar vein to what Walking Man says in an earlier post, it did look like he was so happy with that little jig after he had shot them both.

Guns and problems do not mix. It is too easy IMO to use the gun and not really even think about it (in some cases).

Yes, the sooner he is off the streets, the better. He could not have simply walked out of all this and got on with his life?

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Every one acts differently in every situation. In the video the shooter took about 10 seconds (no I didn't time it). After that time the shooter had one other option (which he didn't take) to shoot the two witnesses. The male witness had a choice to make too, do nothing, (which he did) or jump the gunman while the gunman had his back to him. And that was what he could have done not sooner not later. You may all scoff at it but your chances of survival in this case was better if you jumped the gunman than do nothing. Most people assume just because he had a gun you were in more danger, so they do nothing. If the gunman was facing you, absolutely do nothing. But the gunman was detracted facing away, he had his back to the witness and not focusing on anyone else. You jump him. Fact is, and whether not you agree it doesn't matter, by doing nothing you are in more danger than if you do nothing.

Second opportunity was when the shooter returned and opened the door. The witness can count his blessings the shooter didn't kill him at that moment. But like most people, self preservation kicks in and they run. They guy outside did just that and yet he did have a weapon (a tool) he could have used and he was only a few feet away from the shooter. But running away can get you just as killed too! All depends on how good of a shot the shooter is. Most are not very good.

This was a cold blooded killing which raised the stakes for everyone in the room and in his path.

And a few of you are right, my training is a lot different than yours so I react differently. Even being old and slow I still would have jumped the guy.

Your training would have got you killed. This guy is quick and a good shot.

Draw and shoot an automatic, and get her in the head first shot takes skill and training.

You don't have to be skilled at 2 metres. Sorry.

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Sometimes, i wonder if you people, i mean some of you are really living in this country.

If you watch news on thai television, everyday its always the same story about murder/rape/... YES everydayS!

Just this time it was caught on camera!

out of topic, one thought: Some of you should not worry anymore , how we, foreigner, are perceived by the thai people!

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You don't have to be skilled at 2 metres. Sorry.

You've used a 9mm semi-auto then?

I couldn't do it and I've shot thousands of rounds.

Chest shot, no problem.

So you have practiced at 2 metre. Don't think so. He might have just loost off and saw he got lucky, hence the dance. I also have used many types of side arms and 2 metres is a no no, any twonk can hit anything at 2 metres.

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Oops did watch the vdo blink.png,,,

everything seems so surealist...

the anothers witness who stand near the killer, and dont try to disarm himblink.png and just stand near him??? <deleted>?

you would soil yourself like alot of us...no dont tell me another laptop hero..........coffee1.gif

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Oops did watch the vdo blink.png,,,

everything seems so surealist...

the anothers witness who stand near the killer, and dont try to disarm himblink.png and just stand near him??? <deleted>?

you would soil yourself like alot of us...no dont tell me another laptop hero..........coffee1.gif

Sorry i beg to differ, if i was at the crime scene:

I will jump behind the desk when he started to shoot.

Then when the scum will left the place, i will check is nothing can be done for the victims

And then call the police.

But i will not certainly walk around a looney, or even stand near, as nothing happend.

For God'sake, if a girl just got shot in front of you, do you will stand near the killer???Do something, at least hide yourselfblink.png

Some people with more balls than you and me will certainly try to disarm him!

Few years ago, during song kran festival, i was near khao san road.

Waiting at the traffic light, i remember there are a dozen junk guy on motorbike.

One them, maybe the leader, pulled out a gun, and shoot 3 times in the air.

Yes just one meter from me. I runned away.

And realized, that the guy who shot in the air, was starring at some cops, standing 200 meters away.

The cops, they dont realize or maybe care about the situation....But i did something i run to hide!!!!!

I didnt start to walk around the junky on his motorbikeblink.png

Edited by Bender
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From the nutters body language I think he knew what he was probably going to do. Folk around knew who the nutter was and would not risk meeting their end in the future, whether from the shooter or perhaps his lo-life comrades.

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If it were in America, he'd get a book deal, and women would be writing him, proposing marriage. He might even get his photo on the cover of Rolling Stone. btw, I didn't watch the video.

Great life sitting on death row waiting for a book deal and letters from crazies.

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Every one acts differently in every situation. In the video the shooter took about 10 seconds (no I didn't time it). After that time the shooter had one other option (which he didn't take) to shoot the two witnesses. The male witness had a choice to make too, do nothing, (which he did) or jump the gunman while the gunman had his back to him. And that was what he could have done not sooner not later. You may all scoff at it but your chances of survival in this case was better if you jumped the gunman than do nothing. Most people assume just because he had a gun you were in more danger, so they do nothing. If the gunman was facing you, absolutely do nothing. But the gunman was detracted facing away, he had his back to the witness and not focusing on anyone else. You jump him. Fact is, and whether not you agree it doesn't matter, by doing nothing you are in more danger than if you do nothing.

Second opportunity was when the shooter returned and opened the door. The witness can count his blessings the shooter didn't kill him at that moment. But like most people, self preservation kicks in and they run. They guy outside did just that and yet he did have a weapon (a tool) he could have used and he was only a few feet away from the shooter. But running away can get you just as killed too! All depends on how good of a shot the shooter is. Most are not very good.

This was a cold blooded killing which raised the stakes for everyone in the room and in his path.

And a few of you are right, my training is a lot different than yours so I react differently. Even being old and slow I still would have jumped the guy.


And we would be reading about you too then...... old and slow farang killed by lithe and fit/crazy thai. Settle down pops. It was all a long time ago, just enjoy your old age and try not to get all excited..

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Every one acts differently in every situation. In the video the shooter took about 10 seconds (no I didn't time it). After that time the shooter had one other option (which he didn't take) to shoot the two witnesses. The male witness had a choice to make too, do nothing, (which he did) or jump the gunman while the gunman had his back to him. And that was what he could have done not sooner not later. You may all scoff at it but your chances of survival in this case was better if you jumped the gunman than do nothing. Most people assume just because he had a gun you were in more danger, so they do nothing. If the gunman was facing you, absolutely do nothing. But the gunman was detracted facing away, he had his back to the witness and not focusing on anyone else. You jump him. Fact is, and whether not you agree it doesn't matter, by doing nothing you are in more danger than if you do nothing.

Second opportunity was when the shooter returned and opened the door. The witness can count his blessings the shooter didn't kill him at that moment. But like most people, self preservation kicks in and they run. They guy outside did just that and yet he did have a weapon (a tool) he could have used and he was only a few feet away from the shooter. But running away can get you just as killed too! All depends on how good of a shot the shooter is. Most are not very good.

This was a cold blooded killing which raised the stakes for everyone in the room and in his path.

And a few of you are right, my training is a lot different than yours so I react differently. Even being old and slow I still would have jumped the guy.


And we would be reading about you too then...... old and slow farang killed by lithe and fit/crazy thai. Settle down pops. It was all a long time ago, just enjoy your old age and try not to get all excited..

I agree with Mrjlh; sometimes dynamic action is what's needed. Less than half the population think thoughts like that, and a much smaller % of them act on it. An example: in California, where wildfires are a fact of life every summer, I was driving a country road, no other traffic. I spotted some flames down a steep hill. I immediately jumped out of my truck, grabbed a shovel (I was a building contractor), and plunged down the hill, solo, and put out the fire. That same summer, wildfires consumed dozens of houses in that area - but not in the immediate region of the incident mentioned here.

Another example: At a meeting of seniors, at a housing tract, one of the members had built-up anger, because he couldn't afford the jacked-up maintenance/grounds fees. He pulled out a pistol, and pointed it toward the group. One of the seniors, who came in late, and wasn't seen by the gunman, tackled the gunman, and pummeled him to submission. Incidentally, the hero had received a heart transplant months earlier, so he attributed his action to the young man whose heart was beating in his chest.

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Every one acts differently in every situation. In the video the shooter took about 10 seconds (no I didn't time it). After that time the shooter had one other option (which he didn't take) to shoot the two witnesses. The male witness had a choice to make too, do nothing, (which he did) or jump the gunman while the gunman had his back to him. And that was what he could have done not sooner not later. You may all scoff at it but your chances of survival in this case was better if you jumped the gunman than do nothing. Most people assume just because he had a gun you were in more danger, so they do nothing. If the gunman was facing you, absolutely do nothing. But the gunman was detracted facing away, he had his back to the witness and not focusing on anyone else. You jump him. Fact is, and whether not you agree it doesn't matter, by doing nothing you are in more danger than if you do nothing.

Second opportunity was when the shooter returned and opened the door. The witness can count his blessings the shooter didn't kill him at that moment. But like most people, self preservation kicks in and they run. They guy outside did just that and yet he did have a weapon (a tool) he could have used and he was only a few feet away from the shooter. But running away can get you just as killed too! All depends on how good of a shot the shooter is. Most are not very good.

This was a cold blooded killing which raised the stakes for everyone in the room and in his path.

And a few of you are right, my training is a lot different than yours so I react differently. Even being old and slow I still would have jumped the guy.


And we would be reading about you too then...... old and slow farang killed by lithe and fit/crazy thai. Settle down pops. It was all a long time ago, just enjoy your old age and try not to get all excited..

I agree with Mrjlh; sometimes dynamic action is what's needed. Less than half the population think thoughts like that, and a much smaller % of them act on it. An example: in California, where wildfires are a fact of life every summer, I was driving a country road, no other traffic. I spotted some flames down a steep hill. I immediately jumped out of my truck, grabbed a shovel (I was a building contractor), and plunged down the hill, solo, and put out the fire. That same summer, wildfires consumed dozens of houses in that area - but not in the immediate region of the incident mentioned here.

Another example: At a meeting of seniors, at a housing tract, one of the members had built-up anger, because he couldn't afford the jacked-up maintenance/grounds fees. He pulled out a pistol, and pointed it toward the group. One of the seniors, who came in late, and wasn't seen by the gunman, tackled the gunman, and pummeled him to submission. Incidentally, the hero had received a heart transplant months earlier, so he attributed his action to the young man whose heart was beating in his chest.

would be easier to put out a fire than a gun dont you think,coffee1.gif

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