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Any alternative to Amazon to order english books?


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What type of books?

I assume as you have posted in the computers and Internet forum you are referring to eBooks. There are many sites listed by Google. Some free, some paid.

It all depends on the type of books you want (Genre).

Google or even a search on this forum where the subject has been discussed many times will help you.

Edited by thaimite
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Thanks for your answer.

I am speaking about real paper books.

I did a search on google but found only websites such as se-ed.com or www.chulabook.com , only thai, no english version.

About the genre, it is financial / forex books.


Edited by khman
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Yes Chulabooks is in Thai language but if you visit their bookstore in Bkk you will usually find several staff with good English and quite helpful.

They try to get most books which are not in their stock from Singapore book warehouses which reduces shipping costs a lot and if the books can be classified as educational then quite often the publishers classify the books as being sold in developing economies and much cheaper. And quite prompt delivery.

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Hi all,
Thank you very much for your answer....

I checked all websites...

In my current research, http://www.bookdepository.com/ was the best !!! Cheap and free shipping...

I am astonished I never heard of it !
Thank you very much. I do keep the full list you gave me for my next purchases... I am very happy I asked this question !

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Bookdepository is great indeed, thank you for sharing.

Too bad they won't accept internet banking, or bank transfer, only cards,

which i don't use, that's why I use leurabooks and abebooks!

They link too abebooks, for what i see..


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