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Observation of Rains Retreat in Thailand

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I noticed several monks making their morning alms rounds this past week and have a quick question. I was under the impression that during the rains retreat (vassa?) monks were supposed to halt there alms collection, originally to protect the crops during the early part of the rainy season. I am rarely out and about when monks are making their rounds anyway but I had thought this to be the norm and I have seen my local temples halt alms rounds during the season.

I suppose my question is, why were these monks collecting alms? Have I misunderstood the way the rains retreat works or are there multiple interpretations? Is it something that is up to the local community to observe or not?


You are incorrect. Monks should do alms round every day. That is how they get food to eat. Even if lay people bring offerings into the temple they should still go out....amongst the people....being a visible reminder and field of merit...giving poeple the opportunity to make merit.

What changes during the Pansaa (rains retreat) is that they should elect to stay in one particular temple for the full three month period, and not go wandering, on tudong, without special reason.

In the time of the Buddha there were many ascetics of various beliefs who spent their time wandering and getting alms. During the monsoon season it was common to stop travelling...the roads are often too muddy and travel is difficult...the farmers are busy growing their crops and don't want them trampled....

The Buddha followed this and told his monks to keep the rains retreat.

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