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PM Yingluck Shinawatra takes after her brother, orders a plane


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....bringing The Royal Family into this....slander and 'lese majeste'......

...30 trips at 10 million a year only adds up to 300 million...even if she stays in power 4 more years....1.2 billion.....

....these people have shown themselves to be immoral....the country is broke.....imagine if they can come and go as they please...

...and transport anyone or anything they please....without any accountability or scrutiny......

...taking over where 'the monk' left off.....???

...you begin to see why the housewife became Defense Minister...this is sinister...

...I feel sorry for Thailand and the Thai people....

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It is not unreasonable for the PM of a country with 70million people and a relatively strong economy, and who as part of the job visits the regions on a regular basis, to have access to an airplane. For security reasons, the PM of Thailand should not be traveling on a general carrier. Think about it. Would you want to go through the extra security necessary to ensure the PM's security if she flew on a TG flight? There is a violent insurrection in Thailand and the PM is a target.

The PM doesn't fly on a general carrier now, so that reasoning is irrelevant.

There may be some argument for her needing her own plane as PM, but 4 of them?

Sent from my HTC Desire HD A9191 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

The PMO usually charters a plane. It isn't cost effective. Government ministers do need to go to places quickly. It doesn't matter whether it is a PTP or Democrat government. The former PM Abhisit's administration were frequent flyers too. It goes with the job. If you think, ministers love jetting around, then you are mistaken. It is tiring and takes people away from their homes and families. It loses its allure quickly. Anyone that travels for business will tell you that. I used to make many long haul trips. Even though I would fly in business or first, it stopped being fun after a few months.

In respect to 4, why don't we compare? Canada, with a population 1/2 that of Thailand's has 1 Airbus 310-300 VIP configuration and 4 Bombardier Challenger 600 series for government use. The PM has a dedicated CL-601 for internal use.

Australia with an even smaller population of 22 million, has 2 B737 business jets and 3 Challenger 604s for government use.

Even tiny Denmark has 3 Challenger CL-604s for dedicated government use.

Now, if you want extravagance, have a look at the German government's vast dedicated air fleet.

Honestly, I have the impression that a great many people are clueless as to what governments maintain by way of dedicated air fleets.

GK the opposite can also be said of many wealthy countries - UK for example (equal population to Thailand), where planes are chartered, military planes are used or even first/business class seats for lower officials and less urgent trips.

I can not understand why any country needs to have dedicated planes for their head's of state - military planes or chartered planes are sufficient in most cases. Planes can be equipped for business use (such as offices/sleeping rooms/cabins/media rooms/etc) and lodged with the air force and used by all and any relevant civil servant or military as and when required (only long distant flights requiring entourages would require such equipment). For internal flights, helicopters are faster and more useable than planes and do not required runways, so often more convenient too.

This whole argument was bounded about when Thaksin was considering buying a plane - he was denied and in the end had to settle for a much smaller plane and had to pay for it with offsets (so no direct pull on the public purse) - there seems to be no attempt to do this now. It is also contemptible that this time has been chosen to do so - when there is so much else that needs paying for and people are struggling more than ever - the reason being, presumably, that with such parliamentary support she can get almost anything through he houses right now, sensible or not.

I find it hard to believe any Red Shirt supporter in this country can support this action - let alone her enemies - surely this must rile the rank and file of the poor she purported to support???

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It is not unreasonable for the PM of a country with 70million people and a relatively strong economy, and who as part of the job visits the regions on a regular basis, to have access to an airplane. For security reasons, the PM of Thailand should not be traveling on a general carrier. Think about it. Would you want to go through the extra security necessary to ensure the PM's security if she flew on a TG flight? There is a violent insurrection in Thailand and the PM is a target.

The PM doesn't fly on a general carrier now, so that reasoning is irrelevant.

There may be some argument for her needing her own plane as PM, but 4 of them?

Sent from my HTC Desire HD A9191 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

The PMO usually charters a plane. It isn't cost effective. Government ministers do need to go to places quickly. It doesn't matter whether it is a PTP or Democrat government. The former PM Abhisit's administration were frequent flyers too. It goes with the job. If you think ministers love jetting around, then you are mistaken. It is tiring and takes people away from their homes and families. It loses its allure quickly. Anyone who travels for business will tell you that. I used to make many long haul trips. Even though I would fly in business or first, it stopped being fun after a few months.Try flying to London from Bangkok, even in first and see how much energy you have after the first few meetings. Toss in some state functions, then some diplomatic negotiations and then see how effective you would be. Try having some meetings with staff in the cabin. It's not conducive to working, at least not for government work where one is prepping right until arrival.

In respect to 4 aircraft under consideration, why don't we compare? Canada, with a population 1/2 that of Thailand's has 1 Airbus 310-300 VIP configuration and 4 Bombardier Challenger 600 series for government use. The PM has a dedicated CL-601 for internal use.

Australia with an even smaller population of 22 million, has 2 B737 business jets and 3 Challenger 604s for government use.

Even tiny Denmark has 3 Challenger CL-604s for dedicated government use.

Now, if you want extravagance, have a look at the German government's vast dedicated air fleet.

Honestly, I have the impression that a great many people are clueless as to what governments maintain by way of dedicated air fleets.

Would it be better to compare like to like rather than by population. Loas, Cambodia, Myanmar, ?

No it should be compared by GDP surely - not population or geography. Austria, South Africa, Venezuela, Colombia, UAE (based on IMF 2012 rankings - GDP $350-$400Bn in order - Thailand sits between Columbia and UAE).

Though to be fair to GK, "tiny"[sic] Denmark comes in just below UAE at $313Bn

Edited by wolf5370
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What on earth has Canada's or Australia's population have to do with the need for aircraft?

It takes 9 hours by jet to fly coast to coast in Canada maybe 4-5 in Australia: Thailand cost to coast 30 minutes North to South 2.5 hours!

Now compare!

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It is not unreasonable for the PM of a country with 70million people and a relatively strong economy, and who as part of the job visits the regions on a regular basis, to have access to an airplane. For security reasons, the PM of Thailand should not be traveling on a general carrier. Think about it. Would you want to go through the extra security necessary to ensure the PM's security if she flew on a TG flight? There is a violent insurrection in Thailand and the PM is a target.

In respect to the former PM aircraft it was effectively seized by the military and used for its own general staff. The air force has been considered to be a private taxi service for senior officers and yet none of the vociferous critics on this page has acknowledged that fact. It is essential that the leader of a country of Thailand's stature have access to dedicated private transport.

PM Yingluck Shinawatra is a popular, respected and democratically elected Prime Minister of our beloved Thailand.

Please stop the pathetic whining you all sound like "whinging poms" making dumb, childish remarks.

If you have no valid comments on her policies please go away and get a real life.


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Yeah; buy 4 new planes, fill them up with all the crooks in this Government plus all their creamed off assets and fly as far away from Thailand as you can get.....and stay there.

Whilst awaiting the results of an election to install a new Government...which should be great fun with no criminal led party to vote for and nobody handing out notes for votes...Parliament House can be used as a rice storage shed.

Should the Thai people ever become smart enough, or even interested enough, to find a voting booth without being led by the hand filled with 100 Baht notes.....and then close their eyes and plonk a cross somewhere owing to complete ignorance of what they are actually looking at, we could end up with a bunch of Baboons in charge that could scarcely do a worse job then their predecessor's, whilst support costs would be lowered considerably as bananas and straw can be bought a lot more cheaply than the Caviar and French Wines so coveted by the outgoing mob.

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I love you, Mmme. Yingluck, and wish you long life and continued success, but this deal with the planes is just...excessive. Why give your enemies more ammunition to slam you?

How about staying home in Thailand for a few months, and attend to its many problems, endearing yourselves to the people, showing them you care? This jet-setting lifestyle will cause your fragile government to go down in flames.

Charter. Arrange transport with Thai Air. A friend of mine flew on one of Thai Air's new Airbus Jumbos from US East Coast to Thailand, and said there were maybe 50-60 people on board. There's plenty of room for your entourage.

These are tough times for the people. Start being the Peoples' PM.

A concerned fan.

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I guess this has happened because she's run out of options on new dresses, shoes, handbags,

jewelry, cars and the like. Plus there may be a tiny bit of sibling rivalry going on here too. I hope

Yingluck has considered all options concerning owning an aircraft...such as maintenance,

fuel cost, parking fees, crew salaries etc...while the great majority of the population here lives

a pubic hair's width away from complete & utter poverty...however I reckon she's only considered

herself & her image. In a way...this purchase doesn't surprise me one bit...I just wonder why

she's waited this long.

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Well it was a sad start to the day reading of this latest frivolous waste of my tax money, only to end on such an uplifting tone to read that Thaksin's pimped-out personal wide body jet sunk in Yingluck's great flood. You beaut!

Perhaps at least one will be based at a location unlikely to be at risk of floods

I can picture it: at the start of the flooding season, a farang suggests to a military boss charged with the plane's upkeep (ok, it's fiction. No farang has access to top military brass here): "There may be a problem with flooding. Wouldn't it be prudent to relocate the plane to higher ground, or at least put it up on blocks?"

Thai military brass responds: "I'm busy, I have a golf appointment in 30 minutes. Why do you farang think you always know better? This is a Thai plane, and we are in Thailand, so we will find a Thai solution - ....if there is a problem, which I don't think there is."

It is not unreasonable for the PM of a country with 70million people and a relatively strong economy, and who as part of the job visits the regions on a regular basis, to have access to an airplane. For security reasons, the PM of Thailand should not be traveling on a general carrier. Think about it. Would you want to go through the extra security necessary to ensure the PM's security if she flew on a TG flight? There is a violent insurrection in Thailand and the PM is a target.

In respect to the former PM aircraft it was effectively seized by the military and used for its own general staff. The air force has been considered to be a private taxi service for senior officers and yet none of the vociferous critics on this page has acknowledged that fact. It is essential that the leader of a country of Thailand's stature have access to dedicated private transport.

The PM could arrange to have a jet for her transport. Surely there are lease options. We don't expect the lady and her entourage to fly on a plane with regular people.

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Hold on, there are 4 TG Airbus A340-500 that are no more than 8 years old rotting away at Don Mueang; these aircraft can go anywhere in the world non stop from Thailand. Why can't these be refitted for her VIP use?

TG cannot sell them, bargain, and these planes I like, Ideal for all and will take more than cabinet members. The aircraft are not economical-NORMALLY but with under70 on board they would be, as fuel would be considerably less.

Suppose it's WE WANT NEW as the kids say.

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Sure, Nation, sure.

I can think of a couple burning issues.

You must have missed the news that any online negative discussion of Yingluck, Thaksin or PTP in a political context is strictly forbidden, even "liking" such discussion on social media sites results in imprisonment.

This leaves topics that can be safely discussed such as fashion, cooking and aviation hence today's burning issue.

Hooray for PTP, hooray for dictatorship regimes, both our very own domestic one, and fellow dictatorships worldwide.

I'm not sure commenting on fashion may be done in complete safety!

And even Samak got nailed for cooking. Think horticulture might be okay?

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Perhaps PM-Yingluck might set an example and save money, by travelling in First-Class on regular TG-flights, or would that be too elitist ?

But TG don't fly where she needs to go, or are too expensive ? Welcome to the Real World, ma'am !

I read a couple of years ago that the Commonwealth head, HM Queen Elizabeth makes do with BA for long-hall & a BAe 146 (that is normally for military use) (& which she shares with Cameron); for stooging around Europe!

HM often goes around her palace turning the light off & had to give up the Royal yacht some time ago!!

Well done Ma'am for your austerity, can you have a word with PM Yingluck?

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Wasn't the reason Tony Fernandez got his AIR Asia fasttrack approval here that he did a deal with the Shins to take a minority holding in the local version of the company. Are they still a large minority shareholder?

If so, all Yingluck has to do is charter one of Thai Air Asia jets and the money stays in the family, so to speak.

This plan for 4 planes tops everything for personal extravagance.

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Four Legs good, Two Legs Better... wai.gif Napoleon said

Yeah - all Beasts are equal, but some are more equal than others - ask those without running water, decent sewerage, full term schools and affordable medical - and can't afford the baht bus let alone an airbus.

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Yeah; buy 4 new planes, fill them up with all the crooks in this Government plus all their creamed off assets and fly as far away from Thailand as you can get.....and stay there.

Whilst awaiting the results of an election to install a new Government...which should be great fun with no criminal led party to vote for and nobody handing out notes for votes...Parliament House can be used as a rice storage shed.

Should the Thai people ever become smart enough, or even interested enough, to find a voting booth without being led by the hand filled with 100 Baht notes.....and then close their eyes and plonk a cross somewhere owing to complete ignorance of what they are actually looking at, we could end up with a bunch of Baboons in charge that could scarcely do a worse job then their predecessor's, whilst support costs would be lowered considerably as bananas and straw can be bought a lot more cheaply than the Caviar and French Wines so coveted by the outgoing mob.

Jeez need more than 4 planes then!

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