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Conflicting Stories In The Case Of The English Man, The Ladyboy And A Gold Necklace.

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Conflicting stories in the case of the English man, the Ladyboy and a gold necklace.

An interesting case now from Pattaya Police Station involving a transsexual and an English Tourist. Mr. William Downess aged 46 from England claims he was having a late-night stroll along Pattaya Beach when he was set-upon by a ladyboy who stole a gold necklace from him and ran off.

Police managed to locate the suspect, Khun Worashai aged 20 who was arrested in a South Pattaya Hotel in possession of the Englishman’s necklace. He had a different story and claimed that Mr. Downess had taken the ladyboy to a nearby hotel for sex but refused to pay the agreed 1,000 Baht fee.

A fight ensued and during the altercation, he attempted to restrain the English man and placed his hands around his neck. The necklace became broken and ended up in Khun Worashai’s hands and because he was scared that the English man would retaliate, he fled, with the necklace in his hands.

Police decided not to believe his story and sided with Mr. Downess. The broken necklace and Buddha emulates were returned to him and the ladyboy was charged with assault and theft and is now behind bars awaiting his time in court.

-Pattaya City News

Friday 14th April 2006

That's what happens when you stick your neck out around lady boys. :D

Sounds a little fishy to me though. How many times do we hear of a ladyboy robbing a farang on Pattaya Beach ? If it happens, it is usually later on at the hotel they go to.

"...claims he was having a late-night stroll along Pattaya Beach"

"Police managed to locate the suspect, Khun Worashai aged 20 who was arrested in a South Pattaya Hotel in possession of the Englishman’s necklace."

So, the guy was out for a "late night" (read: DARK) stroll along the beach, gets mugged by a ladyboy, and the police are able to very quickly identify and arrest the ladyboy at a hotel ?

How did they know who to look for ? Did the englishman describe his "attacker" in that great of detail, after being "set upon" during his stroll along the dark beach ?

How did they know where to look for him ? How many hotels are there in South Pattaya ? Did the englishman point them towards the hotel ?

Like I said, sounds a little fishy to me :o


That's what happens when you stick your neck out around lady boys. :D

Sounds a little fishy to me though. How many times do we hear of a ladyboy robbing a farang on Pattaya Beach ? If it happens, it is usually later on at the hotel they go to.

"...claims he was having a late-night stroll along Pattaya Beach"

"Police managed to locate the suspect, Khun Worashai aged 20 who was arrested in a South Pattaya Hotel in possession of the Englishman’s necklace."

So, the guy was out for a "late night" (read: DARK) stroll along the beach, gets mugged by a ladyboy, and the police are able to very quickly identify and arrest the ladyboy at a hotel ?

How did they know who to look for ? Did the englishman describe his "attacker" in that great of detail, after being "set upon" during his stroll along the dark beach ?

How did they know where to look for him ? How many hotels are there in South Pattaya ? Did the englishman point them towards the hotel ?

Like I said, sounds a little fishy to me :o

As far as I know the police already has a list of suspects in their databases, they probably know their habits, the places they usually operate in, etc...It doesn't look that fishy to me, afterall, from all the sexworkers, the ladyboys seem to be the nastyest :D

As far as I know the police already has a list of suspects in their databases, they probably know their habits, the places they usually operate in, etc...It doesn't look that fishy to me, afterall, from all the sexworkers, the ladyboys seem to be the nastyest :o

I agree with that, from the stories I've heard (ladyboys being, or used to be boys after all).

Still, even if the police had a database, there must be quite a few names in it. To find this person, that quickly ? From what I read in the story, the englishman was strolling along the beach late at night, when the ladyboy allegedly set upon him, stole his necklace and took off.

If he was walking along the beach, it would have been fairly dark. The encounter would have been pretty brief (he didn't mention having a conversation with this person, it sounds like the ladyboy walked up, grabbed the necklace and took off). He wouldn't have been able to give that good of description of the person.

Did the police raid all the ladyboys in their database ? Not all stay in hotels (the ones in my neighbourhood all live in apartments). That would have required a massive amount of manpower I imagine, to track down all those ladyboys where ever they live. Hardly likely for the mere theft of a necklace.

The other thing that strikes me odd is, usually when a Thai is arrested, and that person knows they are guilty, they confess to the crime. Under the Thai system, confessing to the crime will (usually) result in only receiving half the normal sentence for the crime. If you plead not guilty, and the court finds you guilty, you get the max sentence (that is my understanding of the system).

Unfortunately, we will probably never hear a follow up story about this.


Ok, so this is what happened to me now, while I was back home, I went out and took a friend of mine shopping in one of the biggest fruit and vegetables markets in the city, the place being crowded, my friend just observed he doesn't have it's wallet anymore...we went to the police station, gave them pretty much anything except the fact that his wallet was probably stolen, he wrote a report and while finishing it one of the police officers came into the officers room with a little boy AND the wallet with all the papers, minus the money...trust me, in time, they get to know eachother more than a married couples...sorry for going off topic guys

Ok, so this is what happened to me now, while I was back home, I went out and took a friend of mine shopping in one of the biggest fruit and vegetables markets in the city, the place being crowded, my friend just observed he doesn't have it's wallet anymore...we went to the police station, gave them pretty much anything except the fact that his wallet was probably stolen, he wrote a report and while finishing it one of the police officers came into the officers room with a little boy AND the wallet with all the papers, minus the money...trust me, in time, they get to know eachother more than a married couples...sorry for going off topic guys

Sounds like a lucky coincidence to me. After all, you hadn't even finished reporting the wallet being stolen and they caught the kid ? The kid was probably caught trying to sell an obviously stolen wallet, and they just happened to arrive at the police station while you were still there.

Still, good fortune for your friend, I'd rather get my wallet back missing the money, that get it back missing all my ID, credit cards and other tidbits.


That was not luck, the officer said they know them by now and do know wich one are violent, wich talented and etc...it's like when having a garden, you know when your problem is a rodent or a crow...:o


been there enough times :D , flashed baht around like water, :D was never mugged or even given a chance to get mugged, was prtoected by a bunch of good ppl (thais) ofcourse, maybe for my pocket more than myself, but it was all in all an experience of Money :o makes :D Happiness


Well whatever led to the theft doesn`t really matter does it?

The point is....the guy has got his chain back and the thief has been caught and is in the slammer :o


Me personally - think he was partaking in ladyboy love and smth went wrong, lost his chain. Embarrassed so concocts the theft scenario, ladyboy wont get the benefit of the doubt in a situation like this.

Me personally - think he was partaking in ladyboy love and smth went wrong, lost his chain. Embarrassed so concocts the theft scenario, ladyboy wont get the benefit of the doubt in a situation like this.

The chain looked to be in pretty good shape when I saw it on the news tonight. The ladyboy must have been very good to rip it off his neck and flee the scene, without losing any of the pendants :o

Seeing the two of them sitting next to each other in the police station, I was surprised they weren't at each others throats. Neither seemed overly upset with the other.


I was surprised they weren't at each others throats.

It seems as though the ladyboy had already been at his throat and carried the spoils of a short held victory away with him :o


Forensics are suggesting a head job of sorts! ??

Yes it must have been quite a Blow to the Farang as the necklace came off!!

Initial forum postings suggest

A "Job"

One way or another!


Forensics are suggesting a head job of sorts! ??

Yes it must have been quite a Blow to the Farang as the necklace came off!!

Initial forum postings suggest

A "Job"

One way or another!

Yes it seems that they were suggesting that it was either Heads or Tails or even both.


Not quite the same thing happened to me and my wife 2 years ago (my wife got mugged, ) and it werent a moonlight walk :D

We were near the money exchange near Tiffany's, just changed some money up and was going for a wander, we saw this bloke (?) who turned out to be a ladyboy halfway through his change, he veered towards us and grabbed my wife's chain from her neck, and he was off, I went after him, but made a short cut through a hotel pool area, over sunbeds and people, :D

I still had him in sight, then I came to a fence, I can clear that I thought, as I went over, the bloke (?) went past, I just grabbed for his hair and that pulled me from the fence/gate, his legs kept going but the top half stopped, I gave him the 'good news' twice, then a tourist cop turned up on a moped, he gave him the 'good news' as well, with a baton,

we ALL got on the moped (after I told him what had happened) off we went to where it happened, my wife had been taken into the hotel, the guard grabbed the bloke (?) from the bike and threw him on the ground and the 'good news' started again, but with boots and a baton, this time :o

The BIB turned up in the usual fashion AND they gave him the 'good news' but they all gave it to him (4 of them), eventually they stopped and asked me for a statement, which I did, then they wanted photo's of the incident, so lady boy, my wife and I all got in the police truck+the 4 BIB and off we went to where it happened, they went through all the pictures, then they asked him to retrace his footsteps and for me to retrace mine, I went through the hotel area and he went through the wooded area, then I went over the fence and then has to demonstrate how I gave him the 'good news' (again)

I felt quite sorry for the bloke (?), his nose was all over his face, both eyes swollen, cut lips and a few lumps the size of eggs on his head, claret all over his tee shirt,grazed knees and legs, missing 1 sandal, he looked a real mess, everywhere he had been after swiping the chain, he got beat up

Anyway we eventually ended up at the police station, they wanted us to come back for a court hearing, but this was our last day, so some detective had a hearing there and then, he said he would serve 25 years as it was bad for ladyboys to mug tourists :D

I dont know if he did end up in prison, or if they let him go when we left, but he certainly got a few lumps that day :D

It was a intresting end to our holiday in Pattaya (if I had known about the Pattaya forum then I could have to you all then, instead of now)

Now after looking at the 2 pictures in the last posting, WHO is taking the pi**, the size of the bloke and the size of the ladyboy, somehow I cant see it, chr*st the lady boy is a runt, and the guy is a gorrilla, dont really seem fair

Not quite the same thing happened to me and my wife 2 years ago (my wife got mugged, ) and it werent a moonlight walk :D

We were near the money exchange near Tiffany's, just changed some money up and was going for a wander, we saw this bloke (?) who turned out to be a ladyboy halfway through his change, he veered towards us and grabbed my wife's chain from her neck, and he was off, I went after him, but made a short cut through a hotel pool area, over sunbeds and people, :D

I still had him in sight, then I came to a fence, I can clear that I thought, as I went over, the bloke (?) went past, I just grabbed for his hair and that pulled me from the fence/gate, his legs kept going but the top half stopped, I gave him the 'good news' twice, then a tourist cop turned up on a moped, he gave him the 'good news' as well, with a baton,

we ALL got on the moped (after I told him what had happened) off we went to where it happened, my wife had been taken into the hotel, the guard grabbed the bloke (?) from the bike and threw him on the ground and the 'good news' started again, but with boots and a baton, this time :o

The BIB turned up in the usual fashion AND they gave him the 'good news' but they all gave it to him (4 of them), eventually they stopped and asked me for a statement, which I did, then they wanted photo's of the incident, so lady boy, my wife and I all got in the police truck+the 4 BIB and off we went to where it happened, they went through all the pictures, then they asked him to retrace his footsteps and for me to retrace mine, I went through the hotel area and he went through the wooded area, then I went over the fence and then has to demonstrate how I gave him the 'good news' (again)

I felt quite sorry for the bloke (?), his nose was all over his face, both eyes swollen, cut lips and a few lumps the size of eggs on his head, claret all over his tee shirt,grazed knees and legs, missing 1 sandal, he looked a real mess, everywhere he had been after swiping the chain, he got beat up

Anyway we eventually ended up at the police station, they wanted us to come back for a court hearing, but this was our last day, so some detective had a hearing there and then, he said he would serve 25 years as it was bad for ladyboys to mug tourists :D

I dont know if he did end up in prison, or if they let him go when we left, but he certainly got a few lumps that day :D

It was a intresting end to our holiday in Pattaya (if I had known about the Pattaya forum then I could have to you all then, instead of now)

Now after looking at the 2 pictures in the last posting, WHO is taking the pi**, the size of the bloke and the size of the ladyboy, somehow I cant see it, chr*st the lady boy is a runt, and the guy is a gorrilla, dont really seem fair

Strange know one commented on the good news.

Must have jut been bad news, for some.

But well done for standing up for things.

Jolly good show down.

Have a nice day.


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