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Where not allowed


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I am starting to go out more on the bike now I know tollways are off limit and certain times the main roads but some highways seem not to be off limit and others are ? I hear you can be on the bang na trad highway to get to Pattaya.

I just try to figure things a bit out because I just don't want too much trouble. I know my bike will probably go faster as most cars so that is not the problem. I just want to know once i get out of BKK to the north can I go on everything and such.

I know often elevated highways are off limit but what about the ground level ones ?

Please guys that ride a lot in and around BKK help me out..

And if i get caught there what could the fine be ?

I had the feeling my gps send me on a highway today. I did not see any other bikes, it was just for a few km.

What are the signs for highway ? I mean if i see those not allowed signs I know i cant go on but otherwise its confusing and foolish for big bikes.

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Theres only a few roads that can be accessed without running through a toll booth when you get on. If you run into one without and accidently get on, just tell them you didnt know.

I got on the bangna elevated from the outer ring once (on purpose, many years ago) and they just told me to get off, didnt even have to pay a toll.

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Thanks for the answer I don't care that much about the fines and yes i stay away from all the blue stuff that is tollways. It was just that I am a total idiot when it comes to roads I already have the zumo gps switched on (making sure it does not take tollways). Today I was at Ramkangheng at kawasaki and when i went back the gps send me to what i think was part of a highway (no toll boots). I saw the amusement park but went off towards Laksi.

I don't mind paying the police if I am wrong just like to know where I can drive an not, and like you i see the flyovers where the bikes cant go most of the times bikes do go there but sometimes the police is there ticketing. If i get done there so be it I don't care I don't loose sleep over it.

Also yes the wipawadee road i been there too where no bikes allowed, now I do that more often because if i go from khoa sarn past the eastern bus terminal the normal road is now broken for construction and dangerous. But there at least i see signs im not allowed. Just would hate it to wonder onto a highway where I am not allowed and no way to get off. As long as things are clearly marked I am ok with it.

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Great info above,

Just to add that on roads like Wireless Road near Nana which is a multi-lane road split in each direction by various medians,

Bikes are supposed to only ever be on the far left (same for many/all multi-lane roads I believe??).

A mate of mine has been stopped 2 or 3 times by the police - just paid and rode off each time.

Always seems to be Sat around lunchtime fwiw.

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you can ride wherever you like except something with a toll collecting money and also some bridges and elevated sections are also forbidden to bikes.

Also all tunnels and most overpasses are forbidden to bikes too which i never care and pay occasional 100 thb

I always ride on Bang Na - Trat, Viphawadi Rangsit, Ratchapuek, Kancahaphisek and Rama 2 Roads - these are the major roads - on fast lanes and police have no chance to stop you as traffic is fast there but they can take the photo of your license plate at times. They can stop you if the traffic is slow. So, if you see police and busy traffic, just take the left lane

If somehow they catch you, you pay 100 - 200 thb and go. If you do not have riding license, it might be expensive and a visit to police station is possible.

If you make a mistake and accidentally go thorough a toll or a forbidden section for bikes like Rama 8 Bridge, they just warn you and escort you to the next exit - but they laugh a lot:) During the flood in Bangkok, it was OK for bikes to drive from highways and tollways for some time and it was fun:D

And, what a shame, they still do not allow motorbikes to tollways. At least, they can accept above 400 cc something.

it is not fair as we pay tax too for those roads!@

Edited by ll2
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I stayed on the frontage road all the way out of Bangkok a month or so ago until the frontage road became the highway as well on my way to Nakon Sanowher. coming from Pats to avoid the highway I detoured over to the 304 and entered at Minburi, a bit out of the way but a nice ride.

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I live on Ramkamhaeng and don't hesitate to take the overpass roads. I've seen checkpoints every once in awhile but it's not that common, and I haven't been stopped for it yet. I have been stopped at checkpoints down towards the Minburi end a couple times for the whole "bike in the right lane" thing. Only had to pay once, 200 baht. I agree that in most of BKK anywhere without a toll is fair game in practice, so long as you're prepared to cough up the 200 on the off chance you do get stopped.

If you're going to go across the river, bikes aren't allowed on Rama VIII bridge. The fine for that one is supposedly fairly steep. Any of the other bridges are fine.

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The elevated toll roads in Bkk are off limits, and they are marked in blue. There are some short sections that you can use where there are no toll booths and sometimes the locals use them for shortcuts, but you'd have to know the area well. Highways(that also have tolls eg highway 7 to Pattaya) are also marked in blue.(Though the sections nearer to Pattaya change to green) Highways marked in green are ok. Usually you will see a big sign beforehand with a big red X though the vehicles that are not allowed. I think the standard fine on toll roads is 1000B but you get might just get a ticking off. The toll both staff are unlikely to care but they are also manned by bike police in various places and they might not be so easy to brush off. They now mostly use CBR250s and some have Kawa ER6ns though they probably wouldn't chase you.

The Bang Na - Trat to Pattaya you mentioned. You can't use the elevated section and there are toll booths. The section underneath can't be used by bikes either, but once you clear Bang Na just use it, there will be no police. If you really want to stay legal just use the frontage road that runs along side for bikes and local traffic. Just be careful as eventually you'll see signs for Pattaya or Chonburi, don't take the Pattaya turn off as it will take to onto the(blue) motorway section. You'll just have to make your way through Sri Racha etc A word of warning, the roads under the elevated section are sometimes littered with potholes, it's mostly good but some sections are terrible.

In the city, some elevated bypasses over intersections are also off limits for bikes but some are not. You have to look for the sign. I mostly use these anyway as most of the time the police don't really care. Just look to see if the locals are using it. If caught pay 200B to the police and carry on or pay the ticket at the local police station to get your license back, probably about 500B. But like I said, I've never seen anyone done for that.

In Bkk, ground level 'motorways' like the Vipawadee - Rangsit expressway are also off limits for bikes, though I use it often for convenience. There are no toll booths here, but very occasionally police set up road blocks to catch bikes, especially at the weekend to catch all the big bikes going to, or coming from their weekend trips. It's not a good idea to use these in morning - afternoon rush hours as usually the on/off sections are manned by police and as they are usually congested the police will step out in front of you and stop you. The fine here is 200B on the spot or more down the station.

Apart from a couple of routes to Pattaya, once you are out of the city you can ride on any road you like. The fines here are my experience, maybe you can play dumb or argue and pay a bit less or even nothing, but in my experience just pull out 200B and you are good to go right then and there, I won't waste my time arguing over a couple of dollars.

Some good info macknife

The section underneath can't be used by bikes either, but once you clear Bang Na just use it, there will be no police. If you really want to stay legal just use the frontage road that runs along side for bikes and local traffic.

I have been riding on the part from Sukhumvit Road to Mega/IKEA and to Chonburi on a weekly basis for many years. I live in Bangna and didn't know you you were not allowed to ride underneath the highway. I noticed the sign this morning for the first time in six years. smile.png

Anyhow many bikes use that road and I have never seen anybody stopped. Also, riding underneath the highway protects you from sun and rain when riding to Chonburi. thumbsup.gif

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