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Tetanus Vaccination


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Approx. 4 months ago whilst in UK I checked regarding my vaccinations and for Tetanus I was told something like my last one (which I assume would have been a booster) was about 8 or 9 years ago, but as I had a total of I think 5 in my lifetime then it was now assumed I pretty much would have lifetime protection.

First question. Is this lifetime protection correct and current best practice?

Two days ago whilst here in Thailand I knocked over a glass water jug and it made rather a nasty cut in my big toe that I needed to go to get stitched. I went to a local Clinic. Whilst there they asked about Tetanus and I told them my last one was about 8 years ago. They told me to have one now and so I did - my arm is now rather sore.

I was given the first of 3 injections (Tetanus Toxoid 0.5cc IM), with 2nd one due in a month's time and then 3rd one 5 months after that.

What I would like to know is.......

Is it right/good idea to be having a full set of 3 injections when I assumed if I needed anything it would be a booster?

Do I infact need any if I may have lifetime cover or better to be safe than sorry?

Can I treat this first injection as equivalent to a booster and leave it at that?

What is the difference between the booster I would get in UK and the start of a 3 vaccination course, as I am now on?

I am not totally relaxed about having a full course of 3 and what else they may contain - mercury etc - and if I can SAFELY do so, with an eye on the best all round practice to now adopt for future cover, I would rather leave it at the one I have already had?

Finally, I am also on a 5 day course of 3 a day of Amoxicillin+Clavulanic acid 625mg which I assume I need? and must fully complete?

Edited by twix38
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every decade is standard and aware of that. That's for a booster though?

That's why I wanted to know the difference between the booster and the Tetanus Texoid 0.5cc first jab of three I have now had, if any - or is the booster just the name given to a single shot anyway?

btw, I was saying I was told 5 jabs or Tetanus courses/boosters given already over time gave lifetime cover, not one.

Thanks for replies and I will leave it at the one only I have already had, but there is still a small question as to why the clinic would look to give me the course of 3 jabs even after I have told them the same as stated here, but one is enough. Curious ;-)

Edited by twix38
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