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I'm USA passport holder, nearly 70 yrs, and may be offered a job teaching science research/publication at local university. Are there any age restrictions regarding working in T'land at public university?


Social Security cover only up to 60 years of age? I was told by the SocSec Office, that you are covered, as long as either your employer pays up or (if you quit) as long as you pay voluntarily the monthly (but reduced!) dues.

As for the maximum working age, there is no restriction, not for Thais, not for Foreigners... But of course you can quit any time, at any age.



Social Security cover only up to 60 years of age? I was told by the SocSec Office, that you are covered, as long as either your employer pays up or (if you quit) as long as you pay voluntarily the monthly (but reduced!) dues. As for the maximum working age, there is no restriction, not for Thais, not for Foreigners... But of course you can quit any time, at any age. SamM.

You can't join the SS system after you reach 60 years of age, however after that age your monthly payments will reduce to 420 baht per month and you will receive a refund of the money that you paid in previously.

Interesting to note that most public schools are getting very reluctant to take on new teachers over 60 years of age


Well, as a 63 year old with a work permit and paying into Thai social security, I can pesonally assure you from my own experience that you do get medical benefits. Had an operation last year courtesy of social security and have gone to the doctor several times this year.

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Maximum age? There is no mandatory 'cut-off' age. Civil servants normally retire at the age of 60, but in private business it's a different thing. I think (not sure) the 'private business ' retirement age is 65. That has repercussions on compensation payments, if they would want to fire you. If they don't want you at age 66, then it's tough luck, but they might as well ask you to join at 70, e.g. as an English teacher, if there are no others around and available.

The Social Security (SS) is taking the civil servants as standard, so they assume you retire (also) at 60. That's why you might not be able to join after that age, I don't know for sure. BUT they will not throw you out, as so many, if not all, private health insurances do, once you reach a certain age. You can continue paying on a voluntary basis and as long as you do you are covered. And let's not forget, the SS is covering more than only health. For example also unemployment until the maximum age of 55.

What they offer to pay back after the age of 60 is the part of the fund, that you paid in for your retirement. That lump sum is calculated based on what your figures are/were for the retirement (only a part of the SS). If you want to get retirement money, you must have contributed a minimum of 15 years and the amount is 20% of the last salary of maximum 15,000 Baht/month, so the max you can get are 3,000 Baht a month for retirement/month. Not much, but better than nothing and let's not forget the SS is geared towards Thais, not expats. And of course they try to convince you to accept a lump sum instead of a monthly amount, as a one-time payment is better for them, esp. if you expect to life a lot longer ...



Here's the real thing:

I was at the Social Security HQ today for another matter, but took the chance to ask about this topic here.

They told me: If you started working and/or contributing to the SocSec BEFORE you are 60, they will keep you in the system, so you just continue as before.

However if you are ABOVE 60 and apply for contributing, either because you work or voluntarily ("matra 39"), they will refuse you to join.

BTW as you might know, dental work is not included in the health insurance part of the SocSec. But you can get a maximum of 600 Baht re-embursed per year for dental work like fillings (not all kind of work qualifies, though, but the standard like fillings, etc.). You dentist has to fill out a special form and that, together with the bill, you give them at SocSec. In Din Daeng it's the second floor office.

You normally can wait for the money or have it transferred to your account, in which case they need your bank book.

And always remember, you're in Thailand and most people speak Thai, even at the SocSec office...

Good Luck,


  • 9 years later...
On 8/20/2013 at 10:33 PM, harrry said:

The social security scheme for health cover etc however only applies if under 60.

I was referred to a Chonburi school as a potential applicant to teach English. They said that I am too old to get a work permit. This post was from 10 years ago so I am wondering if 68 is too old. I would think that there are farong teachers older than 60. Thanks 

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