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Spyware And Diskcleaner Problems


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Earlier this morning i was able to run my TuneUp Disk Cleaner...but then now when i click on it it says "This application has failed to start because IEControl.bpl was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem."...

I dont think i did anything to the computer for that to happen..so is there something i can do to fix the problem or the only way out is to reinstall? Moreover, the program came with the computer so how do i reinstall it? Do i have to format my computer and put in the recovery cd??

Also, i used Spyware Doctor to scan my computer and found some files i didnt know how to get rid of. Actually, I'm not even sure how to get rid of any files. Do i just just find the file and delete it? Does permanently delete the spyware??

The location of one infection called ZeroPopup Bar is "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\MenuExt......" Where can i find this file? (the HKCU??)

Another one is a HotBar infection but the location of the infection is in a folder on my desktop. I keep games shortcuts in this folder...why is there an infection?

Help needed..thanks!

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:D help please.. :o

Using your mouse, left click on the "Start" button, left click on "Run", type "regedit" and press "OK" (or hit "Enter"). Registry Editor will open. Open "My Computer" and look for HKEY_CURRENT_USER. Left click on the + sign here and then left click again on the + sign beside "Software". Scroll down the list and left click on the + sign beside "Microsoft". Scroll down the next list and left click on the + sign beside "Internet Explorer". Scroll down the next list and left click on the + sign beside "MenuExt" In this last list you should see the ZeroPopupBar culprit.

Never download toolbars and be careful when downloading free games as there can be all kinds of bundled software and conditions that will install tool bars automatically.

The IEControl.bpl is a strange one though. BPL stands for "Broadband via Power Line" which is a still-developing technology whereby broadband internet access can be brought to everyone who has an electricity power line to their location.

Uninstall your TuneUp Disk Cleaner application by opening "Control Panel" and select "Add/Remove Programs". Look for the application in the list and select "Remove". This is the best course of action as you don't have the original application disc. Then download the free auto-cleaner called CCleaner from this link:


When you've installed this better auto- cleaner, uncheck the Recycle Bin before you run it and configure it to run on shutdown. Enlarge the following picture to show you.


Don't even think about a reformat!!!! Good luck.

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Do a search on your computer to see if you can find the missing file. If not you could probably download a demo version and copy the missing file to the directory location.

Spyware Doctor should give you the option on what to do with any spyware found.

"HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\MenuExt......" is a registry key, not a file. Again, Spyware Doctor should allow you to delete the registry entry. If not then you could open up regedit and manually delete the registry key. Make a backup copy first to be caution though.

I think Hotbar is a BHO, browser help object and it's possible that it was placed there by one of your games.

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I think i successfully got rid of the Zero popup bar...

now im still downloading the trial version of Tuneup utilities...

so do i just copy and paste the IEControl.bpl..from the trial version to the old directory on my computer??

No.... I don't know whether you chose to 'save' or to 'run' the download. Either way, when the application starts to install it will create a folder in the ""Program Files" directory and it will install and overwrite the original files.

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in Thailand..why?

I have "Tuneup Utilities" ...the full unabridged version on a CD-ROM.

PM me you address and I'll send it to you by EMS......or, if you have broadband I'll send it to your e-mail address as an attachment for you to download and install. It's just over 8 MB in size.

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