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Affirmation to Marry Certificate for UK Embassy

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Could someone advise regarding this please? I have seen various versions of this Affirmation on different websites etc. Can you type this form on blank A4 yourself, or is there an actual specific form required from the Embassy? If there is........does anyone know where,because I can't find it on the UKBA website!?

If you can do it yourself, what exactly needs to be on it? I've seen some that ask about dependants.......are dependants classed as children under 16? Do you have to detail if you have children even if they're in their 20s or is this question just meaning 'children' ie under 16s?

Thanks for any advice!

Edited by Rob180
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Thanks for the link, I meant Embassy. I think I wrote UKBA because it's imprinted in my brain after trying to decipher it over the last few weeks! As a result I was looking on the wrong website.......................couldn't see the wood for the trees!!biggrin.png

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This is the sort of thing you are looking for, if you have dependants i would just add them and state a figure you pay them, The Thai authorities payed virtually no attention to mine when i married 3 years ago, just another form. they never contacted my referees or checked any of the info. When i took it to the embassy they changed a few words but it was all done in an hour https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/188293/Affirmation_of_freedom_to_marry_in_Thaliand.pdf

There is no Form, just type the info onto A4 paperget the embassy to sign, they charge a small fee

Edited by howerde
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The Consular Section of the British Embassy in Bangkok has a very detailed leaflet titled 'Guidance for British Nationals wishing to marry in Thailand'. It has attached an 'example' of the Affirmation that you type yourself onto A4 sheet and take to the Consular Section on the day you swear your affirmation.

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