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Not Another Slow Torrent Download Topic


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I've been using torrents on BuddyBB for awhile now with no problems, but in the past week it's started to take ages to download the torrent files- not the actual files that the client (utorrent in this case) dl's- but the tiny little .tor metafiles with the tracker info that you open/download to get to the other files. I'm getting dl speeds of less than 0.1 KB/sec. A lot of the time it just hangs up completely. All other downloads work fine and if I manage to get the file to utorrent it downloads normally. What's going on? Is it possible the ISP is stopping bit torrent traffic by not allowing me to dl torrent files?

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there is a big talking about downloading "illegaly" musics through software like kazaa or emule edonkey and else ...

nobody talked bout torrent because it has a legitimate use!

most of Linux distro are on torrent, easier to get it all and share it as it's usual in the Linux world;)

what about movies?

when they go out on dvd, the producers must have made money enough ...

they never ask about a small fee for those who want to download!

regulate it and stop the illegal data traffic is a dream!


ps; I do not agree with music download unless you have your own legal original one, musicians don't get rich this easy as actors or directors, useless to talk about producers ....

so, to respect their work, no music on download, but for movies, it's a bit different, I do not feel guilty to get a movie with torrent after they launched the sale on dvd :o

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Er, yeah, thanks guys. So does anyone have any clue what could be happening? I thought I might have sussed it out when I found a trojan (exploit.wmf) hiding in the temp folder that the torrents are downloaded into, but after deleting it the problem remains. It does seem to be going a bit faster today- it's still taking about 5 minutes to download a 20 KB file but they're actually completing instead of just locking up. I've searched and posted in other forums and can't find any other similar complaints. :o

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Er, yeah, thanks guys. So does anyone have any clue what could be happening? I thought I might have sussed it out when I found a trojan (exploit.wmf) hiding in the temp folder that the torrents are downloaded into, but after deleting it the problem remains. It does seem to be going a bit faster today- it's still taking about 5 minutes to download a 20 KB file but they're actually completing instead of just locking up. I've searched and posted in other forums and can't find any other similar complaints. :o

I think we can safely say that the combined mega-intelligence of the Thaivisa crew 'aint got a f*****g clue as to why your .tor files are slow downloading :D

Have you tried from a different tracker?? It's possible that there's a problem at the other end. No better ideas :D:(

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read that, not sure it explain why, but if your .tor files were not related to legit (what mean that word I do not know) download, maybe that is the reason.

Even if Ludwig is a good guy, the fact utorrent is not opensource made that prog impossible to verify.

My advice would be to change of clients (Bitlord is easy to use, but there are several others better than this one).

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Hmm. Well, thanks for the attempts, although as of now it's all a moot point because my BuddyBB account was disabled last night due to me being out of credit. The thing is, I'm not entirely sure how I'm supposed to pay the bill (I've only had the service one month). I think I have to buy a 1-2 Call phone card and recharge using that. Or maybe something using a Kasikorn bank ATM. Gotta love the all-thai website and lack of documentation!

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i use torrents to download TV shows that i can't see in thailand ...if i use my direct TRUE connection, i get about 1-3kb/sec download speed, but if i connect my TRUE connection to a proxy server in the US and then through there to the torrent, i get 90-110kb/sec download speed...

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Wow, rainman, that's pretty amazing. How do you set up a proxy? I don't think uTorrent lets you go through a proxy- what client are you using?

Anyway, if anyone's curious, my slow .tor download problem continues, but it has though (no doing of my own) sped up to the point that it's tolerable, if still annoying. I've also tweaked my connection and I'm getting much faster downloads in uTorrent- though still not close to what rainman's getting. Thanks again for the help.

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i use azureus and the proxy server is just a "tinyproxy" (http://tinyproxy.sourceforge.net/) set-up on a dedicated linux machine in the US.

rainman thanks for the important information. i use azureus and with TT&T Hinet, i can get about as high as 180kb/s for torrents. until i really need a proxy, will use tinyproxy. seems like an excellent proxy server.

it still amazes me how i downloaded a 12 megs file somewhere last month and got 920kb/s. just that one time. hmmm..

kingkorn, get a new ISP. try maxnet. still dont understand what buddybb has to offer.

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i use torrents to download TV shows that i can't see in thailand ...if i use my direct TRUE connection, i get about 1-3kb/sec download speed, but if i connect my TRUE connection to a proxy server in the US and then through there to the torrent, i get 90-110kb/sec download speed...

Sorry , I smell bs. Bittorrent can't use a proxy for peer connections , it can only use a proxy for connection to the tracker. Using a proxy for connection to the tracker should have no effect on your download speeds. Check this link for details.

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i use torrents to download TV shows that i can't see in thailand ...if i use my direct TRUE connection, i get about 1-3kb/sec download speed, but if i connect my TRUE connection to a proxy server in the US and then through there to the torrent, i get 90-110kb/sec download speed...

Sorry , I smell bs. Bittorrent can't use a proxy for peer connections , it can only use a proxy for connection to the tracker. Using a proxy for connection to the tracker should have no effect on your download speeds. Check this link for details.

however bittorrent is a client. would it be the same for azureus? TRUE corrupts the trackers through its connections when it detects .tor files. proxies perhaps does something to prevent TRUE from intercepting? i am not a wizard in this but there must be a reason for rainman to achieve speeds with and without a proxy right?

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however bittorrent is a client. would it be the same for azureus? TRUE corrupts the trackers through its connections when it detects .tor files. proxies perhaps does something to prevent TRUE from intercepting? i am not a wizard in this but there must be a reason for rainman to achieve speeds with and without a proxy right?

Bittorrent is a name for the official client and the protocol. I was referring to it in the protocol sense, so it shouldn't matter what client you use. I just did a quick test with a few different torrents using BitComet & Azurues and it made no difference in speed using a HTTP proxy for the tracker connection. True is my ISP (small business plan). Others are welcome to post their results.

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however bittorrent is a client. would it be the same for azureus? TRUE corrupts the trackers through its connections when it detects .tor files. proxies perhaps does something to prevent TRUE from intercepting? i am not a wizard in this but there must be a reason for rainman to achieve speeds with and without a proxy right?

Bittorrent is a name for the official client and the protocol. I was referring to it in the protocol sense, so it shouldn't matter what client you use. I just did a quick test with a few different torrents using BitComet & Azurues and it made no difference in speed using a HTTP proxy for the tracker connection. True is my ISP (small business plan). Others are welcome to post their results.

i think i agree with u. HTTP proxy should have not effect whatsoever on torrents. Or on using other services such as P2P, MSN, Y Messanger etc etc.

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you may use any proxy you like, anyway torrent arrive through a tcp port that you define yourself, (don't forget to make a rule for this port if you use a firewall)

some torrent client are far too heavy of options to get something satisfying ...(like azureus, don't begin with it you'll get lost)

bitlord, and ABC seems to be efficient, I use abc 3.1, you can get in sourceforge seaching for abc, you'll get the right page :o

and don't forget to leave at least 10% of your bandwidth free ...

meaning, after a measure of your speed on upload, get between 85 to 90%

of it to set the maw upload, so your download will work full range, and you can be on the net at the same time.

also, het yourself a bandwidth molitir to check if everything goes on normaly.

you may want to use something to be a bit more anonymous, get peerguardian2, this will protect you from spys looking on torrent trackers ...


my downloads are nerver less than 50kb/s up to 750kb/s, depends on the tracker and the number of seeders :D

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