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I'm sure that you had very good reasons for allowing it to stay. tongue.png


it i because we are all a good bunch of blokes ....

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every time I go shopping I put on my trousers with socks and black shoes and a shirt . I see alot of people wearing shorts and thongs ...do I judge them , no as I probably look stupid in their eyes for wearing what I wear .


for people who come from other countries blokes means men just thought i would tell all you this , harry is an exemption ...


It wasn't me. I wear frumpy indigo farmers pants, tie-died with bleach. If you see me, hail me, and I will hail thee back.

i think i seen you one day and i ran ..... just kidding mate . everyone to their own dress style. if everyone wore the same it would be a boring world.


every time I go shopping I put on my trousers with socks and black shoes and a shirt . I see alot of people wearing shorts and thongs ...do I judge them , no as I probably look stupid in their eyes for wearing what I wear .

When it's warm I tend to wear (nice) shorts wherever I am, unless I'm aware of some cultural taboo such as in many muslim countries. But I notice Thais do tend to wear trousers and shoes when out and about. How do Thais view short pants in public? My wife says it doesn't matter.


every time I go shopping I put on my trousers with socks and black shoes and a shirt . I see alot of people wearing shorts and thongs ...do I judge them , no as I probably look stupid in their eyes for wearing what I wear .

When it's warm I tend to wear (nice) shorts wherever I am, unless I'm aware of some cultural taboo such as in many muslim countries. But I notice Thais do tend to wear trousers and shoes when out and about. How do Thais view short pants in public? My wife says it doesn't matter.

Short pants are for boys ... according to the gf. Can't remember the last Thai Man I saw in Shorts.

Though ... the Thai understand how hot we get so neat shorts are OK for us.

Secertly, I reckon they just wish to amuse themselves looking at out white skin.


What seems to me an even greater mystery is why truck drivers put pictures of Rambo and George Michael dressed as a cowboy on the rear mud flaps of their trucks. I'm convinced there's a hidden message somewhere, but my simple mind just can't crack it. Help, please.

I think I've cracked it. Something to do with IMAGE.

This seems to be the perfect opportunity to show off a picture of my new 4WD pickup, resplendent in bright pink Hello Kitty mudflaps.


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I lurked in Big C with my camera this morning hoping for a sighting.

No luck, the publicity may have scared him off.

There was an announcement in English that taking photos in the shop was prohibited so perhaps he saw me and complained to the management. sad.png

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Just a hint from a visitor to CR. Next time you see a new face (of the farang variety) smile and say hello. You might get a smile back or even meet someone interesting. Of the farangs I met in my extensive walks around CR, not a one responded to my friendly hello. In fact, at the Post Office I said hello to a guy with what I assume were his two kids and he actually walked across the street to avoid responding. I guess everyone rather just keep others at a distance and use TV for company. Choke Dee all.


Just a hint from a visitor to CR. Next time you see a new face (of the farang variety) smile and say hello. You might get a smile back or even meet someone interesting. Of the farangs I met in my extensive walks around CR, not a one responded to my friendly hello. In fact, at the Post Office I said hello to a guy with what I assume were his two kids and he actually walked across the street to avoid responding. I guess everyone rather just keep others at a distance and use TV for company. Choke Dee all.

Small traditional communities tend to rely on introductions and are not always open to strangers. I wish I could say you are paranoid or mistaken but what you say does sound about right. Again, sorry things didn’t work out the way you had hoped.

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Just a hint from a visitor to CR. Next time you see a new face (of the farang variety) smile and say hello. You might get a smile back or even meet someone interesting. Of the farangs I met in my extensive walks around CR, not a one responded to my friendly hello. In fact, at the Post Office I said hello to a guy with what I assume were his two kids and he actually walked across the street to avoid responding. I guess everyone rather just keep others at a distance and use TV for company. Choke Dee all.

A lot of people are setting themselves up for failure and rejection and the fact that we all know that social media isn’t going anywhere, and in fact only growing, means that we have to learn what our personal balance is. Things we never would have known about, and nor probably even cared about ten years ago are throwing us into a pit of despair. A pit of loneliness. A pit of discontentment. Once again I am sorry you went through this.

I had a little time to kill yesterday, waiting for my wife. While sipping my coffee, I turned my attention to the interactions of others as they went about their business in the mall.

I witnessed several people light up when they saw someone they recognized but I didn’t see anyone walking around saying hello to every stranger they passed. It struck me that the bigger the crowd, the more withdrawn and smaller people make themselves.

I suspect that might be one reason why people join clubs, groups or organizations. They are setup and designed to facilitate meeting people with similar interests. Except for people trying to sell you something, one seldom sees strangers interacting on public streets.

It is possible to meet people in public places but it usually happens on the quiet fringes, perhaps standing in line or conveniently sitting at adjacent tables in a coffee shop. Even then one needs to read the openness of the other individual. A full on frontal attack is likely to be rebuffed even by outgoing individuals.

Asking people to put their busy lives on hold to cater to the needs of a lonely stranger pacing the streets looking for friends, might be asking a bit much. Perhaps all those people missed out on meeting a wonderful person, but looking at it in a different way, perhaps you lucked out by not meeting a nutcase you thought looked harmless.


You may have something there VF. When I look around when shopping I have much more interesting things to see than other farangs. Saying Hello to them however would be very hazardous to my health. Them saying hello would be terminal.

I do not think there is anything that unusual about people not saying hello. Sad maybe but unusual no. In my country if you are at a hotel or such like and speak to a girl (if you were younger than me) they would most likely respond to you. If you are at a bustop and try talking to them you are treated as a potential rapist. Location Location Location as the old saying goes.

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I suspect that some people are just anti-social, personally I avoid large gatherings where you are expected to mingle but do enjoy the company of a few friends. (Which is about all I have these days... laugh.png )

I also suspect that those who expect a response from strangers in Chiang Rai may see themselves as a modern day Henry Stanley coming across a long lost Doctor Livingstone hundreds of miles from civilisation.

The bad news is that they are more likely to come across the good doctor buying cheese and imported ribeye in Tops.

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I suspect that some people are just anti-social, personally I avoid large gatherings where you are expected to mingle but do enjoy the company of a few friends. (Which is about all I have these days... laugh.png )

I also suspect that those who expect a response from strangers in Chiang Rai may see themselves as a modern day Henry Stanley coming across a long lost Doctor Livingstone hundreds of miles from civilisation.

The bad news is that they are more likely to come across the good doctor buying cheese and imported ribeye in Tops.

Wonder when we will have a branch of Rimping here so self respecting missioniaries like Doctor Livingstone can shop there like they do in ChiangMai.


I was in Rimping/Airport/CM on Saturday Harry, they must be under new management or something as my traveling companion and I were both disappointed in the selection of imported foods available.

About the only thing they had that caught my eye as superior to our own Tops was the wine selection, the 3 for 1000B shelf, but being as it was post 2 pm there was no joy there either. sad.png


I was in Rimping/Airport/CM on Saturday Harry, they must be under new management or something as my traveling companion and I were both disappointed in the selection of imported foods available.

About the only thing they had that caught my eye as superior to our own Tops was the wine selection, the 3 for 1000B shelf, but being as it was post 2 pm there was no joy there either. sad.png

Yes Tops here do cater for many tastes.

I was at airport plaza on Saturday checking out the TOPs;..but did not go to Rimping.


We may have passed each other unnoticed, I went there first to get a new battery for my watch.

Chaotic on a weekend but the fair sex were out in all their finery so it was a consolation. wub.png

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