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I'm already buy TRUE 3G modem last saturday at The Central, Chiang Mai.. The modem can support any simcard that come with 3G 2100 MHZ (seller said).. So i'm buying new simcard that is AIS.. Since the place i'm staying got 3G line.. I'm trying to connect but it say "Sorry you cannot connect to the network Please try to reconnect again".. So i reconnect again and it say "You can't connect before register an available network".. When i'm using mobile thetering, i can surf.. but using 3G modem, i can't.. what should I do now?

I'm using TRUE MOVE Hl3G+ modem and cost about 790 bath with free TRUE sims and I don't use it cause my place don't get 3G line so i choose AIS..

AIS staff already activated the sims and subscribe for the internet plan including 7% charges.. around 870 bath..

Thanks in advance smile.png

* HUAWEI Mobile Broadband E303F

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You need to enter the AIS Profile and then make it the Default. Have you done so? Is there AIS 2100 3G in your region or does your mobile telephone use their 900MHz frequency?

These are the three frequency variations for the modem model; HSUPA/HSDPA/UMTS 2100 MHz or 2100/900MHz or 2100/1900/850MHz .

All of them use the 2100MHz frequency, one does 2100 MHz and the AIS 3G exclusive 900MHz and the last uses 2100MHz and the TrueMove and DTAC frequency 850MHz frequency. Think someone uses the 1900MHz frequency, though can't remember who.

But it seems as if you have been subscribed to the 4GB AIS 3G 2100 package for 799 baht + VAT, so it may just be a matter on entering the Profile within the Mobile Connect software, as I've written before.



You need to enter the AIS Profile and then make it the Default. Have you done so? Is there AIS 2100 3G in your region or does your mobile telephone us their 900MHz frequency?

How to do it? im try so many setting and end up like that.. I don't know.. I'm using my second handphone.. bit old.. nokia express music 5800 and my friend used xperia z with the sims and got good connection when using internet.. currently im staying around Mae Rim.. Around Queen Sirikit Botanic Garden..

Thanks smile.png

*Im using 3G 2100 MHZ sim card.. 50 bath if im not mistaken


i already do the setting..manual right?then alk the problem from my 1st post appear like usual..any other solution?

thanks :-)


Have you made it the Default?

In addition, go to Network and Register the network. You'll see if you have coverage where you are.

already.. here is the picture of my problem..

once i started the program, it will show error like this:


then when i connect the modem, it show this error:


when i redial, it show this error:


and here is setting that i used since morning:


how to solve it?

Thanks :)


network show auto mode while other manual mode.. i think it not register on the network..im try with true simcard and can register..but with ais simcard i cant register..how to overcome the problem?and now after i closed the 1st error, it will closed broadband interface..look like it become more complicated..

thanks :-)


i'm trying searching network manually.. AIS can't be use here?



You need to choose TH03 and then Register.

Instructions are here Click through, then click on วิธีการตั้งค่าใช้งาน Internet บนเครือข่าย 3G 2100 to proceed to the relevant instructions. But all you need to do is Register.


i'm trying searching network manually.. AIS can't be use here?



You need to choose TH03 and then Register.

Instructions are here Click through, then click on วิธีการตั้งค่าใช้งาน Internet บนเครือข่าย 3G 2100 to proceed to the relevant instructions. But all you need to do is Register.

Thanks.. i can't read the instruction.. now i have a problem.. when i open the broadband interface, with AIS sim card inserted in the modem, it will show the 1st error (picture).. then when i click ok, it will close the interface.. how can i register the network?

i choose manual network when inserted the TRUE sim card to list all the available network..


The procedure is that you first plug the modem in, to the point where there is no signal, then remove it and plug it in again. Then see if it works through to Registration.

Did you change to a different USB port? If no, try a different one. if yes, go back to the one that you used before.

Seems odd that you are not getting all of the same messages that you received earlier.


here is what i do..

1- insert TRUE sim card in the modem.. plug in to the usb port.. auto connected to the internet.. using AIS profile.. can't surf cause i don't reload any credit.. then it will open TRUE website..


2- i opened network tab.. register the network.. TH03 (with TRUE sim card inside), then it forbidden.. can't register..

3- i closed all the interface..


1- open modem interface, with TRUE sim card inside..

2- make the computer hibernate, to make sure no signal (referring to the instruction given - try my luck)

3- forbidden


1- open modem interface, with AIS sim card inside..

2- show error "Sorry you cannot connect to the network Please try to reconnect again", click ok.. then in few second, it closed the interface


1- open modem interface, with AIS sim card inside.. (allow me to click ok for the error this time)..

2- show error like before, redial and so on..

3- open network tab.. can't choose manual..


4- auto also not working.. network type also can't be changed


already try with *99# and *99***1# but nothing..

what should i do now?



If all else fails, remove the modem, install this Huawei Mobile Connect Dashboard and add the AIS Profile and shut it down. Pop the AIS SIM into the modem and plug it in and use the new Mobile Connect software to connect, rather than that built into the modem.

should i uninstall the modem software? or just install the new software?


Thanks! it worked.. i google how to find the code and now i can use the modem.. thank you so much! so i just use the new software every time i want to connect to the internet? if like that, maybe i should uninstall the old free software?

thanks again :)


Thanks! it worked.. i google how to find the code and now i can use the modem.. thank you so much! so i just use the new software every time i want to connect to the internet? if like that, maybe i should uninstall the old free software?

thanks again smile.png

Was it locked?? If it was and you have unlocked it, you can probably go back to using the old Dashboard. So you can remove the modem and uninstall the new Dashboard via the Control Panel. Then you can plug it back in. It may work in Auto Mode if the AIS details are still stored within.

Anyway, as indicated in the post above, you can now add the connection details to the Windows 7(?) Wireless Manager, following the instructions from; (Creating the (3G) Dial Up connection:) if you are using Vista or Windows 7.. You can ignore the first part as there is likely no 4 digit SIM Lock PIN on the AIS SIM card.

At least we know that TRUE are locking those models. Luckily they are easy to unlock, as we have found.


thank you so much..both of you really help me..im using windows 7 ultimate x64..i will try all the suggestion from both of u..thank you again..maybe the seller forget to tell me that the modem is lock or maybe she also dont know..they only told me it can be use with any sim that come with 2100 MHz

thank :-)


It's quite possible that she didn't know it was locked. As the networks used differing frequencies for 3G reception before, there was little incentive to lock the equipment. Now that has changed.

So if you received an unlock code by submitting your IMEI to a suitable calculator and have unlocked the modem, you can simply go back to using the modem's dashboard. But remove the modem before uninstalling the new connection software. Probably no need to enter the connection within the Windows 7 connection manager in this case.


im using emei calculator..it permanently unlock the modem?if like that,i should try again this night and see how it work..

in my country, they lock the modem..need to unlock if want to use with difference provider..i already ask the seller..she only say no need to unlock..

thanks :-)


Some are as easy to unlock as that, so hopefully it should be permanently unlocked. It is very unlikely that she knew that it was locked. Previous model were not, so she just went by the specification in that all modems and major networks are now using the 2100MHz 'band'.


i see..let say it not permanently unlock, is there any solution to overcome the problem?using emei calculator is for simple unlock method?or there still lot of method to unlock the modem?if not permanent,need to enter the 8 code everytime i want to connect to the internet?

im sorry..im still learning about it..it my 5th week staying in Thailand..

thanks :-)


I'm sure it is unlocked. Let me know if it isn't.

unlocked.. when i plug in the usb modem, it automatically connected to the internet using AIS with the old software.. now it solved.. locked modem by TRUE.. unlocked first, then everything will be easier..

thank for the software :) thank for the help and guide.. it really helpful :)

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