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Have You Ever Had Dealings With The Police?......

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I'm reading so many horror stories about people and their experiences with the Thai police. Have you ever had dealings with them? Good or bad?

Anything from the usual 100 baht fine avoidance or worse? What is your actual experience with the BiB?

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Nothing but good experiences.

Only had one fine, driving car with no seat belt, my cousin had the ticket cancelled for me.

Stopped a few times around CM on a m/c, after seeing my Thai licence, always waved on.

Once was driving round the moat on my m/c with a Thai lady on the back, neither of us were wearing helmets.

Round the corner, road block right across the road, it's OK, that's my brother, she shouts.

She waves and smiles to the police, they all wave and smile back as we drive by.

Never did find out which one was her "brother".

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I dated a lady police officer for over a year, it was an arresting experience.

While relaxing round her place one day, she came out of the bedroom with her uniform on.

I said, "I'll get off if you're going to work."

She said. "I'm not going to work."

Many happy memories, thank you for prompting me to remember some of them.

Transam was trying to set me up with a beautiful officer that he knows, you've got me thinking now. biggrin.png


I dated a lady police officer for over a year, it was an arresting experience.

While relaxing round her place one day, she came out of the bedroom with her uniform on.

I said, "I'll get off if you're going to work."

She said. "I'm not going to work."

Many happy memories, thank you for prompting me to remember some of them.

You hold my gun and I'll hold yours.
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Driving back the first time from Loie was speeding (along with others) until the road narrowed to one lane and traffic slowed to a crawl. Eventually came to BIB checkpoint and BIB with radio pulled me over. Apparently said they had a man on the sapan (gf translated as bridge but I think it was just one of those bits of road crossing a culvert/ditch as for the life of me I could not remember going under a bridge and had certainly not seen anybody )) and I was going very fast. Asked for my licence and to get out of the car. Walked over to where the senior man was lounging next to another guy (big umbrellas and camp chairs), lots of smiles and me saying only keeping up with the rest of the traffic. Senior man in limited English wanted me to shake hands with "the police boxing champion" and lots of almost joking around and plenty more smiling.

They then just gave my licence back and let me go. Almost surreal to me. All this time I had my wallet in my hand wondering how much it was going to cost me and fully prepared to pay something so was pleasantly surprised. When I got back in the car the gf said the original copper had wanted her to get out as well but she refused as we had 2 excitable German Shepherds in the back and he didn't get too close to the open window!

Another experience in Pattaya got stopped after turning left where sign in English states "Waiting Light Turn Left" - which means do not turn on red......

BIB was very professional, walked me back to show me sign and wrote ticket out for me to go and pay at station to get my licence back. No suggestion he wanted a backhander or anything.

A couple of other times stopped on the bike but after showing all the documentation waved on.

All in all, and perhaps I have been fortunate, but no real negative experiences.


Nothing but good experiences.

Only had one fine, driving car with no seat belt, my cousin had the ticket cancelled for me.

Stopped a few times around CM on a m/c, after seeing my Thai licence, always waved on.

Once was driving round the moat on my m/c with a Thai lady on the back, neither of us were wearing helmets.

Round the corner, road block right across the road, it's OK, that's my brother, she shouts.

She waves and smiles to the police, they all wave and smile back as we drive by.

Never did find out which one was her "brother".

Are you sure she didn't say 'lover'? smile.png

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Just remembered something I was told last week, haven't tried it myself yet but this bloke swears by it.

If stopped, and assuming you have a Thai licence, don't offer it and if asked for it say you left it at home. See if they want to do you for anything else (speeding, wrong lane, wrong coloured T-shirt, being ugly or whatever), and progress from there.

Most alleged infringements are bogus anyway, so if they were going to try you on for speeding, they may decide to forget that and just do you for no licence as it's a fait accompli if they think you haven't got one. And then hey presto - oh I DO have my licence on me.

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In 2007 my wife that time visiting family up north and i stayed in phuket. Drunk 6 beers in patong and drove with sort of flat tyre back to patong at 1 am. Stopped at policebox in kathu. Refused to give mbikekey to officer, he angry but.... Inside he told me i, as a foreigner, was irresponsible etc Responded to him calmly about full pickuptrucks loaded with people, kids on mbike with no helmets and etc. He got angry and threatened me with a sword. Woooow i thought. Did a breathelyzertest and waited. Needed to piss and tested him. Asked in thai; Nong, he was younger than me, where can i piss. To my surprise he not found it disrespectful and told me where to go. Waited for around an hour when he came back in the policebox. He wanted my wifes telnr, told him i have no phone with me and that she is up north. I had to go to prison that night he said. Ok i replied if i can 1st go home to get my medicines. Asked where i lived and if i could show my rentalcontract. I said why would i have a copy of that in my mbike. Mentioned as well that opposite of our house a policeman lived. He said embassy will be called tomorrowmorning and bye bye farang. I then opened my wallet and showed him photo of my wife and our son and told him she was due to deliver twins in 3 months time. Another policeman then asked me if i had a mia noi. Responded; 1 woman is already headache enough so why i would want double headache ! They all laughed. 5 minutes later i got my driverslicence back and i could go. Not paid anything.

I got away with it, i think, because i stayed calm and polite and because i could speak thai. This combined that i had a family helped IMO as well. Later on i found out that there is a waitingperiod of 90 minutes if 1 is tested for alcohol and the result is between 50 and 100.

I gotto say it was a worrysome 2 hours there but que sera sera !


I lent out 5000 baht to a police who was a family member to my landlady just when i came here 11 years ago.

Still havnt seen neither the money nor the police 11 years later.

The police based around ambassador hotel south pattaya charged me for overtaking in right lane.

a police in pattaya tried to charge me for speeding in pattaya, i didnt give him the license so he couldnt extort tho.


Stopped and searched whilst in a taxi one night in Bangkok by police check point. Sure police relieved me of 2000B but can't be 100% sure as that 2k was stashed in a different part of my wallet for emergencies and I hadn't checked it afterwards. Was out drinking all night till about 10am in the morning so it's possible it was lost / spent but had plenty of money on me so would be surprised if I had spent all that or even remembered in my drunken state I had 2k hidden away in there.


Passport destroyed in a car fire. Made the police report. They were very helpful.

Stopped and fined for riding an amber light - no real problem.

Stopped for speeding (I was too) fined 100 Baht - no real problem.

Been stopped many times at checkpoints on the road but never a problem when I showed my Thai driving licence.

Other checkpoints they wanted to examine licence and tax disc. No problem.

Often waved through when up North and they saw my white face :)

Stopped for g/f not wearing seat belt on toll road. Quick as a flash she dug out some pills she said were for a bad stomach problem (quick thinking lady). We were waved through.

Had dinner with Tourist Police up north. They called me over to sit with them. They paid for the food and the beers. They only wanted to practice their english and point out some 'bad' women to me. Gave me a phone number to call in case of trouble.

Really, so little hassle. Not worth arguing about small fines TBH, especially if you were speeding :)


Had dinner with Tourist Police up north. They called me over to sit with them. They paid for the food and the beers. They only wanted to practice their english and point out some 'bad' women to me.

Did you try any of their recommendations for 'bad women'?


I dated a lady police officer for over a year, it was an arresting experience.

While relaxing round her place one day, she came out of the bedroom with her uniform on.

I said, "I'll get off if you're going to work."

She said. "I'm not going to work."

Many happy memories, thank you for prompting me to remember some of them.

Transam was trying to set me up with a beautiful officer that he knows, you've got me thinking now. biggrin.png

WE must admit she is a nice wee thing eh. giggle.gif ............smile.png

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I dated a lady police officer for over a year, it was an arresting experience.

While relaxing round her place one day, she came out of the bedroom with her uniform on.

I said, "I'll get off if you're going to work."

She said. "I'm not going to work."

Many happy memories, thank you for prompting me to remember some of them.

Transam was trying to set me up with a beautiful officer that he knows, you've got me thinking now. biggrin.png

Did he succeed???


Just remembered something I was told last week, haven't tried it myself yet but this bloke swears by it.

If stopped, and assuming you have a Thai licence, don't offer it and if asked for it say you left it at home. See if they want to do you for anything else (speeding, wrong lane, wrong coloured T-shirt, being ugly or whatever), and progress from there.

Most alleged infringements are bogus anyway, so if they were going to try you on for speeding, they may decide to forget that and just do you for no licence as it's a fait accompli if they think you haven't got one. And then hey presto - oh I DO have my licence on me.

The police has no rights to keep your licence, only to check it, except if you are caught drunk driving (after confirmed by test).

You can politely remind them this fact. biggrin.png


I dated a lady police officer for over a year, it was an arresting experience.

While relaxing round her place one day, she came out of the bedroom with her uniform on.

I said, "I'll get off if you're going to work."

She said. "I'm not going to work."

Many happy memories, thank you for prompting me to remember some of them.

Transam was trying to set me up with a beautiful officer that he knows, you've got me thinking now. biggrin.png

Did he succeed???

Not yet, we are working on it......................whistling.gif

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Yes, I have had dealings with the police in Thailand on a few occasions. Let's just say that none of them were pleasant and that they were not of any help without the requirement of greasing their palms.

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Read my topic 'our new year present from somchai' to find out just how corrupt some police can be. Half of them are evil vermin the others ok, good or merely incompetant, not neccessarily in that order. I know only one that I trust.

Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Had dinner with Tourist Police up north. They called me over to sit with them. They paid for the food and the beers. They only wanted to practice their english and point out some 'bad' women to me.

Did you try any of their recommendations for 'bad women'?

I knew where they hung out ;)


I have had a cop pay my toll way fees, forgot my wallet at home.

Have had cop want me to gang bang his wife, I said no, his gf, said no, but we always go to upper class naughty Thai clubs to play with very young women that work in such places.

He introduced me to every one related to him, all quite accomplished. The uncle always kept an eye on me, he has two gorgeous daughters that love to practice their English.

One day after visiting 10 fun places and drinking about 20 large beers, he said, anyone stop you, call me, on thonglor I was breathalyzer, I call him, they ask me can you drive, I said I got here by myself would willingly continue, they waved me on.

My first vacation on ko Chang, about 20 cops on different occasion asked to take a picture with me, I was built like roblock's avatar and black in complexion.

On Wang noi I was stopped for speeding, 1000 fine, on the receipt they wrote 200 in words.

I went to lamphun on few occasion for a lunch meeting and have to be in ok before dark, I pay the first speeding ticket and flash it at the rest of the speed check points, which they understandably acknowledg my contribution o the police fund.

I once rented a cop's house on pattanakarn road, with a police helmet attached to the gate. Nice rich fellow, they must pay him well. My dog bit his daughter once.

They always insist on knowing my place of work before accepting the off the record traffic fines.


The police has no rights to keep your licence, only to check it, except if you are caught drunk driving (after confirmed by test).

You can politely remind them this fact. biggrin.png

(A bit early for pantomime season but...) Oh yes they do!


I have been stopped on Koh Samui for not wearing a helmet which is simply a 300 Baht on the spot fine (with receipt) and yesterday I was stopped in Bangkok for 'apparently' driving in the wrong lane, 200 Baht on the spot fine (no receipt). Overall, they seemed like nice blokes.

My wife's friend is dating a police officer and they often come over. I enjoy chatting to him and have no problems at all, other than him taking out his gun to pretend to shoot a Tookay in our kitchen the one day biggrin.png


In 1993 my wife, then baby daughter and I lived in a shophouse in Chalong, Phuket. I had bought a cheap old pool table and recovered it for our own private use.

The very first time I played on it, two BiB turned up on a bike and asked where my business licences were, telling me that I should have stayed in Patong and that they didn't want my 'kind' of business springing up in the neighborhood (at the time I was one of only 3 or 4 farang living between the wat and the circle). However, for 500 baht per month the situation could be overlooked.

I laughed at them and told them if they ever saw anyone playing on the table other than my wife or I, I'd pay it.

Off they went on their bike, never to be seen again. But nice try!


My girlfriend's dad is a policeman out in Nakhon Pathom. When I go out there I hang out with the police and drink with them in the evenings, they're all great people.

I once taught English to some police officers at the Minburi police station for a few weeks. That was fun, most of them could barely speak English so I was teaching mostly basic phrases. Their level of interest varied quite a bit... the older one star lieutenants two years from retirement didn't really seem to care much. Some of the younger officers were really into it, though, they were really friendly and enthusiastic. There was one really weird guy there (Senior Sergeant Major something or other) who could actually speak quite a bit of English. He told me he had previously been a cop in lower Sukhumvit and would take exorbitant bribes from all the farangs. He kept calling me "mother" and asking bizarre off topic questions.

As far as getting pulled over/asked for money I've been pulled over on my bike probably half a dozen times, mostly in Bangkok. Only had to pay money once, 200 baht for driving in the right lane. It's a rule that I tend to ignore completely (and to be fair I was speeding also), so I guess I can't complain about paying.

Whenever I hear stories about police extorting foreigners, it's always in a major tourist or expat area. Seems perhaps the police in those areas have come to view foreigners as ATMs, but outside of those areas most of them are pretty reasonable people.


There was one really weird guy there (Senior Sergeant Major something or other) who could actually speak quite a bit of English. He told me he had previously been a cop in lower Sukhumvit and would take exorbitant bribes from all the farangs. He kept calling me "mother" and asking bizarre off topic questions.

Clearly a Sharpe fan.


Bad and good all in one night.

1st trip to Thailand long time ago and first night on Thai beer. Pissed as but polite and not obnoxious and walking back to motel about 2 in the morn in quiet street, fell over a garden fence into a garden bed and joed out for an hour or so. Came to, extracted myself and continued the stagger back to motel when BIB ute pulled up, 4 of the little shits piled out surrounded me with hands on batons and gun butts. Went peaceful. A security guard had seen me go along street, missed the fall over fence and joe out bit but then seen me again leaving the property. He along with an absolute stuck up young a hole couple (the only ones who could speak English) had me then pegged as a leader of an international crime syndicate that was working the neighborhood. You could not have made this crap up and their ignorant inability to see at a very early stage that I was nothing more than a 1st time greenie tourist. Long shot was the head night cop had me in an interview room and at one part was waving a non cop regulation pistol under my nose trying to get me to confess. No go so was taken to an on site magistrate type guy in his pjs, a lot of hand pointing and thai yabber and then put in the cells till morning. Whole lot of them acted like the ignorant pheasants they were. What was not missed with the All Black t shirt I had on and them able to work out I was a Kiwi was the insults that then flowed. Would have loved to have the lot of them in my bush raised environment back here in NZ on my terms especially the a hole young couple and me with the guns and batons.

That was the bad.

The interesting part was the behavior in the morning. At about 6 in the morning the day shift cops and magistrate (butch female) came in and all the thai's in the cells were on their bellies bowing and scraping to the cops who were seemingly threatening them. When the cops had seemed to get their jollies there they turned to me now sober and were meet with a f... you defiant look back. The butch bitch then backed off.

These idiot pheasants thinking they had their criminal syndicate master mind then handed me over to the day shift detectives one of who could speak a little English and who quickly was able to put one and one together to get the right answer of two and that I was just that green tourist who did not realise the strength of Thai beer. We did brunch, Eagles music (both huge fans) and a few fags together while he waited for a girl friend who spoke fluent English. Once she arrived we did the scene enactment together in what was a scenario I could understand. We visited the motel to get my passport etc. in plain car and when the D understood that I was a child sponsor who came to visit the Buriram village that I was sponsoring we were the best of mates. The D even grinned when at one point the security guard during the scene enactment tried to grab me by the arm to which I raised my fist, and he backed off - a right reversal from the previous night. After that was over I was taken to late morning court where I was being charged but discharged without fine or conviction with being drunk. While I was waiting my turn (sitting right beside him in a squashed little box office) the older cop who was residing as basically the small claims magistrate over a young girl and young guy dispute over a motor bike accident. Could not understand much Thai but could get the drift by drawings and that they were doing. What was obvious watching this older cop doing his work was that he was a real good nice guy. I actually enjoyed the morning in the company of the BIB and experiencing their work..

It is obvious that the night beat is a pain in he ass for cops with drunks and all the other crap that goes down but sometimes a bit of logic and common sense should prevail. Something that was missing in spades.

Edited to add that while there are a hole Thai cops there are also very good every day nice guys among them too!

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